Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6512: Lin Yuting and Qianqiu

 Chapter 6512 Lin Yuting and Qianqiu

"Chen Xuan, you are really a lucky man, you actually got that magic weapon!" Gu Yun said indifferently.

 Chen Xuan frowned. He was confused by Gu Yun's attitude: "Are you from the Qunyun Sword Sect? How did you know we are here!"

Gu Yun smiled and shook his head: "I am not the leader of Qunyun Sword Sect, but just one of his disciples. We got the news and learned that a magic weapon appeared here, so we came to explore. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be You got it!"

Lin Yuting looked at Gu Yun and said warily: "Now that you know it, there is no need for us to hide it anymore. But this magic weapon is not what we want to fight for, we are just here to look for clues!"

Qianqiu nodded in agreement: "Yes, we just hope to find some clues about the magic weapon. As for who it belongs to in the end, we don't care!"

Gu Yun was slightly surprised after hearing their explanation. He originally thought that Chen Xuan and his party would fight tooth and nail to protect the magic weapon. However, he does not intend to let down his guard, because in the world of cultivation, it is difficult to ensure that everyone is honest.

Chen Xuan looked at Gu Yun calmly. He knew that the other person did not completely believe his explanation. After all, in the world of cultivation, the opportunity to compete for a magic weapon is rare, and anyone may do whatever it takes to get it.

"Gu Yun, I understand your doubts, but we are indeed not hiding any information!" Chen Xuan said firmly: We just want to find clues to the magic weapon. As for the final ownership, we will not stop you. We can collaborate and look for clues together, but don’t get us wrong! "

Gu Yun pondered for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay, since you are willing to cooperate, let's look for clues together. But I want to remind you that if I find that you have concealed any information, I will not be lenient!"

 The conflict between Chen Xuan and Gu Yun seemed to be resolved, and the two sides began to explore the surrounding environment together to look for clues about the magic weapon. Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu also actively participated. They hope to find clues as soon as possible and leave this dangerous place.

Soon after, they came to a valley where the flat terrain was in stark contrast to the surrounding mountains.

In the valley, there is an old big tree. The trunk is full of ancient lines, which seems to hide some kind of secret.

Gu Yun walked to the big tree and carefully observed the lines on the trunk. He suddenly pointed to a special location and said: "Look here, this pattern seems to be related to the magic weapon. We can try to investigate it!"

 Chen Xuan and others immediately joined the investigation. They scanned these lines with their spiritual consciousness, trying to find clues. After some hard work, they finally discovered a weak spiritual energy fluctuation at the intersection of lines.

 Lin Yuting's eyes flashed with excitement, and she said: "There is a space node here. It seems that the magic weapon is here!"

Gu Yun was also excited and nodded in agreement.

 So, the four of them began to concentrate and jointly control the aura on the lines, trying to open this space node.

 However, just when they were about to succeed, a powerful wave of spiritual energy suddenly hit them.

 A huge ball of light appeared in front of them and enveloped the four of them.

 Chen Xuan frowned. He felt the huge pressure contained in the light ball. This was obviously a trap!

 But it was too late, they were trapped in the ball of light and could not break free.

 “What kind of trap is this?” Lin Yuting asked anxiously.

Gu Yun's face also became solemn, and he said: "It seems that we have fallen into an ancient seal trap. This seal is very powerful, and we must work together to break it!"

 The four of them began to use their cultivation with all their strength, trying to break the seal trap, but the pressure in the light ball became stronger and stronger, as if it was going to squeeze them into pulp. There was a determined expression on their faces, determined not to fall into this trap.

A sly light flashed in Gu Yun's eyes. He looked at Chen Xuan and his group who were trapped in the ball of light and sneered. He knew now was the time to pull off his stratagem.

“It seems that this cooperation is not going well, Chen Xuan, you are trapped in this trap and can never leave!” Gu Yun’s voice was full of ridicule.

Chen Xuan looked at Gu Yun warily and asked, "What on earth do you want to do!"

Gu Yun smiled even more slyly: "I originally wanted to cooperate with you, but now it seems that I don't need to share this magic weapon with you. Don't you feel it is a pity that you can't get it even though it is right in front of you!"

 Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu also felt Gu Yun's unusual behavior. They stood closely beside Chen Xuan and stared at Gu Yun alertly.

Gu Yun suddenly stretched out his hand, and a sword energy condensed in his palm, preparing to deal with Chen Xuan and his party who were trapped in the ball of light.

His expression became sinister, as if he had a well-thought-out plan.

 Chen Xuan's heart sank, and he understood that Gu Yun did not intend to let them escape smoothly.

 Seeing that the opponent was about to take action, he couldn't help but grit his teeth vigilantly, preparing to deal with the sudden attack.

 However, at this critical moment, a powerful voice suddenly sounded: "Stop!"

Following the sound, a powerful aura swept over, firmly suppressing Gu Yun's sword energy.

 Shortly afterwards, an old man wearing a green robe appeared at the edge of the trap.

Gu Yun's eyes widened. He didn't expect that someone would suddenly appear and disrupt his plan.

 The appearance of the old man made him feel a strong sense of oppression, making him dare not act rashly.

The old man looked at Gu Yun and said calmly: "I set this seal trap, and you are all invited by me. Now that you are here, don't mess with my plan!"

Gu Yun knew that the old man's strength was extraordinary, and he did not dare to disobey the old man's orders. He secretly gritted his teeth, slowed down the release of sword energy, and took a few steps back.

 Chen Xuan and his party were relieved. They did not expect such a change.

 The arrival of the old man made them feel a little lucky, at least they could temporarily avoid the threat of Gu Yun.

The old man turned his attention to Chen Xuan and his party, and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, I won't harm you. However, there is a magic weapon in this seal trap, and I need your help to find it!"

 Chen Xuan and others were slightly surprised, but they did not agree immediately. The old man continued to explain: "This magic weapon is very important to me and has nothing to do with you. If you are willing to help me, I can ensure that you get out of trouble safely and will repay generously!"

 Chen Xuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed: "Okay, since you need this magic weapon, we are willing to help you find it. However, please ensure our safety and not harm us!"

  The old man nodded slightly to express his agreement. Then, he began to instruct Chen Xuan and his party on how to cooperate and jointly control the seal trap to find the specific location of the magic weapon.

 But Gu Yun was very unhappy in his heart. He had always regarded this magic weapon as his opportunity, but now he had to give it up.

 His heart was filled with anger and dissatisfaction, but the old man's strength prevented him from having the slightest objection.

 Despite this, Gu Yun still remained calm. He knew that there was no point in confronting the old man. The best option at this moment was to cooperate and wait for the opportunity. He secretly vowed to win the ownership of this magic weapon and never let it slip away easily.

 Chen Xuan and his party followed the old man’s guidance and began to control the seal trap. Their consciousness gradually penetrated into the light ball, looking for traces of the magic weapon.

 The process was full of tension and expectation. They hoped to successfully find the magic weapon and complete the task.

 As time passes slowly, the spiritual energy fluctuations in the seal trap gradually weaken. Finally, after some hard work, Chen Xuan and others found the specific location of the magic weapon. An ancient box, embedded in the core of the sealed trap.

 The old man walked to the box with a smile and opened it carefully. A mysterious light emitted from the box, and a magic weapon appeared in front of them.

 This magic weapon is a snow-white long sword with a bright gem inlaid on the sword.

 Chen Xuan and others looked at this magic weapon and couldn't help but be fascinated by it.

 The old man took out the magic weapon and stared at it with deep eyes, as if he had endless memories.

Gu Yun remained calm, but his heart became increasingly fiery. This magic weapon was the opportunity he had dreamed of, and now that it was right in front of him, he was determined to get it.

The old man put the magic weapon into his arms, then turned to face Chen Xuan and others, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your help. I will fulfill my promise and ensure your safety. In addition, I will give you some cultivation resources to express my gratitude. !”

However, Gu Yun felt a sense of unwillingness in his heart.

 He decided to be patient for the time being, waiting for the opportunity, and must take back this magic weapon and make it the pinnacle of his cultivation path.

 Under the leadership of the old man, Chen Xuan and his party successfully escaped and returned to the outside of the sealed trap.

 The old man put the magic weapon in his arms and said goodbye to Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qianqiu with a smile. His figure quickly disappeared in the valley, leaving behind a group of practitioners who were filled with emotion.

Gu Yun looked silently at the direction the old man was leaving, his heart full of contradictions and dissatisfaction.

 He understood that he had lost a precious opportunity. The magic weapon was almost in his hands, but it slipped away in the end. This made him feel extremely regretful and unwilling.

When the old man completely disappeared from sight, Gu Yun turned to Chen Xuan and others, his expression calm, but there was a hint of cruelty in his eyes. He couldn't help but grit his teeth and suddenly said: "Chen Xuan, don't be too proud, this magic weapon will eventually fall into my hands!"

 Chen Xuan and others couldn't help but look at him warily after hearing what Gu Yun said.

 Gu Yun's attitude suddenly became strange, which made them feel a little uneasy.

Lin Yuting held her magic sword tightly and said warily: "Gu Yun, what do you mean?"

Qianqiu was also ready to respond. He said: "When we cooperated before, didn't you express your willingness to give up? What happened now!"

Gu Yun smiled, but there was a hint of coldness in his smile: "Cooperation is one thing, but after all there is only one chance. This magic weapon is what I dream of, and I will not give up easily!"

Before he finished speaking, Gu Yun flashed, and a sword energy instantly cut through the air, heading straight for Chen Xuan. His movements were swift and unexpected.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Chen Xuan drew out the sword in his hand and blocked Gu Yun's attack. The sword energy of the two merged, and strong spiritual energy fluctuations erupted, causing the surrounding air to become chaotic.

Lin Yuting and Qianqiu also reacted immediately and joined the battle.

 The battle broke out in an instant, and the atmosphere in the valley was tense and dangerous.

Gu Yun's attack was extremely ruthless. He attacked Chen Xuan mercilessly, obviously intending to kill Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan had to deal with it with all his strength and faced strong pressure.

 Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu worked together to block Gu Yun's attack. The tacit understanding between the three of them made the battle extremely fierce, and the scene was stalemate for a time.

Gu Yun's attack speed is extremely fast, and each sword carries destructive power. Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu had to do their best and concentrate on dealing with it.

 Time seemed to become very long in the battle, and every moment was full of danger. Chen Xuan and others knew in their hearts that Gu Yun would not give up easily and they must go all out.

However, just as the battle was heating up, a loud noise suddenly came from the valley.

 A strong surge of air knocked all four of them back instantly.

 A figure appeared on the battlefield like lightning and stood in front of Gu Yun.

This is a mysterious figure wearing a black robe. His appearance cannot be seen clearly, but he can only feel the powerful aura exuding from his body.

Gu Yun was stunned. He didn't expect that someone would suddenly appear and interrupt his attack. The deep voice of a mysterious figure sounded: "Gu Yun, why are you so impulsive? The ownership of this magic weapon has not been finalized yet!"

Gu Yun gritted his teeth, but did not dare to act rashly.

 He knew that the strength of this mysterious figure should not be underestimated, and now was not the time to be his enemy.

 Chen Xuan and others also breathed a sigh of relief. Although they did not know who this mysterious figure was, they would not be threatened by Gu Yun for the time being.

The mysterious figure continued: "Gu Yun, if you are really strong, then wait for the opportunity and don't rush to take action!"

Gu Yun gritted his teeth and finally nodded, indicating that he would temporarily retreat.

 The dissatisfaction and anger in his heart still existed, but he knew that now was not the best time to fight for the magic weapon.

The mysterious figure then said to Chen Xuan and others: "You are also here for this magic weapon. I suggest you leave this place and not get involved in the fight again. It may be more advantageous to wait for the last chance!"

 Chen Xuan and others hesitated for a while, and finally decided to follow the mysterious figure's advice. They knew that their strength was not enough to compete with Gu Yun, and the arrival of this mysterious figure made them feel an invisible pressure.

 So, Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qianqiu chose to evacuate temporarily and left the valley. Their hearts are full of desire for the magic weapon, but they also understand that now is not the time to fight for it, and they must wait for the opportunity to come.

 (End of this chapter)

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