Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6519: Find the exit of the cave as soon as possible

Chapter 6519 Find the exit of the cave as soon as possible

Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting walked to Qianqiu and carefully observed the marks on the wall. They discovered that there were some symbols and patterns carved on the walls, which seemed to be some kind of ancient writing.

Chen Xuan frowned and said: "These symbols and patterns look very ancient. I don't recognize them. But maybe they are some kind of clues to guide us to find the exit!"

 Lin Yuting also agrees with this view: "Yes, maybe this is the secret of this ice crystal cave, and we should continue to follow these traces!"

 The three decided to follow the traces on the wall. As they gradually went deeper into the cave, the cold became stronger, but their confidence did not waver. These ancient traces seemed to guide them and lead them forward.

 After walking for a while, they suddenly came to a spacious cave. In this cave, a huge ice crystal is suspended in mid-air, emitting a blue light. The surface of the ice crystal is engraved with strange symbols and lines, and it seems to be the core of the cave.

Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu all stared at this ice crystal and felt the mysterious power contained in it. This ice crystal seems unusual and makes people feel an indescribable shock.

Chen Xuan moved closer to the ice crystal, trying to understand the symbols and patterns within it. Suddenly, he felt a powerful spiritual energy pouring out of the ice crystals, which was almost too much for him to bear. His eyes widened and he felt a huge flow of information, as if the ice crystals contained huge wisdom.

 Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu also felt the existence of this spiritual energy. They approached the ice crystal together and tried to understand the mystery. At this moment, they seemed to have entered a new realm and felt the inheritance of ancient wisdom.

 Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu successfully obtained the martial arts of Frost Immortality in the Ice Crystal Cave, which is an extremely precious harvest. They knew that this powerful martial skill would play an important role in future battles.

 With this precious treasure, the three of them continued to move forward, trying to find the exit of the cave. As they went deeper into the cave, they gradually felt the temperature rise, and the cold air gradually dissipated, marking that they had left the scope of the ice crystal cave.

 Finally, they walked out of the ice crystal cave and returned to the ground of the mountains.

 The sun was shining brightly, and the warm sunshine shone on them.

Lin Yuting smiled happily and said: "Finally we are out. This ice crystal cave is really a huge treasure house. We have obtained the frost magic!"

Qianqiu nodded in agreement: "Yes, the harvest this time is really rich. However, we have to be careful!"

 Chen Xuan frowned. If they were not careful, they might be in danger at any time.

He said: "We can't stay here for a long time. We have to find a safe place to study the martial arts of this frost fairy!"

The three of them discussed it and decided to go to a hidden valley where there were few people and they could study their newly acquired martial arts in peace.

When he came to the valley, Chen Xuan took out the martial arts skills of the Frost Immortal Technique obtained from the ice crystal cave and began to study them carefully.

 This martial art covers a wide range of applications and is extremely powerful.

 Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu also participated with all their concentration. The three of them communicated and learned from each other.

 They believe that only through continuous training and understanding can one truly master this martial skill and exert its greatest power.

Time passed quietly in the valley. The three of them were immersed in learning and gradually became familiar with this powerful frost magic.

 Their strength is constantly improving, and the power of their martial arts is also increasing.

 A few days later, Chen Xuan suddenly said: "I think we are ready to leave!"

Subsequently, they parted ways with each other, and Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting quickly returned to the sect.

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting returned to the Dragon God Sect together. After they returned to the sect, they immediately reported to the sect master what they had seen and heard during the adventure, including the fairy beasts, magic weapons they encountered, as well as the mysterious woman in white and Gu Yun.

Chen Xuan slowly returned to his courtyard, which was located in a picturesque place within the Dragon God Sect. The sun shines through the blue sky in the yard, the breeze blows, and the leaves make a rustling sound

 The courtyard is filled with various kinds of fairy grass and spiritual flowers. They bloom with colorful petals in the sun and release a faint fragrance.

 Chen Xuan was overjoyed. These spiritual grasses and flowers were precious materials for him to refine the elixirs, and at this moment they were welcoming his return.

There is an ancient well in the middle of the courtyard. Next to the well is a stone table and bench. Chen Xuan often made alchemy, practiced, and thought about the way to become immortal here.

He walked to the well, took out a piece of jade, and tapped the wall of the well gently. There was a melodious echo in the well and ripples appeared on the water surface.

Sitting on the stone bench, Chen Xuan closed his eyes and began to reflect on every bit of this adventure.

 His heart was full of emotion. Although the adventure was full of dangers, it also brought him a lot of rewards.

He obtained a new Immortal Beast Inner Alchemy, learned more about the methods of alchemy, and also obtained a mysterious bead, whose efficacy and use are still a mystery.

Chen Xuan decided to rest for a while, savoring the quiet courtyard and fresh air.

 He took out a jar of fine wine from the Najie, filled the glass, and took a sip. The aroma of the wine reverberated in his mouth, making people intoxicated.

 Gradually, he began to think about his next training plan.

 He knew that although this adventure had enriched his experience, many challenges still awaited him.

 He needs stronger strength to face future tests.

In the imperial palace of the Yunxia Fairy Kingdom, the king sat on a large jade throne, looking solemn and majestic in the Yunxia Fairy robe. There was a cold smile on his face, and he was stroking a crystal clear gem in his hand, which was a legendary fairy crystal.

 “Chen Xuan, how dare you kill my son!” The leader of the Yunxia Fairy Kingdom whispered to himself, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes. Chen Xuan was once his confidant and had served him for many years, but now he betrayed the Yunxia Immortal Kingdom. He not only killed his son, but also joined the Dragon God Sect. This was a betrayal of him and a challenge to his authority. The king shook his head, and the coldness in his eyes became more intense: "No, I can't tolerate it, it must be eradicated!" He decided to take action personally, hunt down Chen Xuan, and make him pay a heavy price.

 Not long after, the king sent an order to the most elite assassins of the Yunxia Fairy Kingdom.

 On a quiet night, the courtyard where Chen Xuan was located was illuminated by the soft moonlight.

He is practicing at the moment, with a high concentration of energy and spirit, and is meticulously deducing his own skills.

Suddenly, a black shadow quietly appeared outside the courtyard. It was an assassin in black, with a cold light in his eyes.

He was agile and approached Chen Xuan's residence without making any sound.

Chen Xuan was still concentrating on practicing and did not notice the approaching danger.

 However, just when the assassin was about to take action, a breeze blew by, carrying a faint fairy air, and Chen Xuan's perception instantly became alert.

 He opened his eyes suddenly and saw the assassin outside the courtyard, and cold sweat instantly fell from his forehead.

 Chen Xuan quickly made a hand gesture, his body turned into a shadow and disappeared instantly.

A disdainful smile appeared on the assassin's lips. He thought Chen Xuan had been discovered by him and just wanted to escape.

However, the next moment, his expression suddenly froze.

A cold light flashed, and Chen Xuan appeared behind the assassin, already holding a sword in his hand. His movements were like lightning, swift and precise.

 “It’s too late!” Chen Xuan said coldly.

 The assassin's body trembled, but it was too late to escape.

 Chen Xuan's sword blade cut through the night sky, and the black clothes on the assassin's body were instantly stained with blood.

 A silent wail came from his throat, and his body fell limply to the ground.

At this moment, the king of the country was sitting on the dragon chair in the palace, his face was as gloomy as a cloud, and his eyes were scanning sharply at the close ministers kneeling in front of him.

 This news came as a bolt from the blue to him. He actually killed his only son, which was a direct challenge to his authority.

"Damn Chen Xuan! You are so bold, you dare to kill my son!" The king's voice was full of anger, and his hands slammed on the armrests of the dragon chair, making a dull and loud noise.

 The trusted ministers lowered their heads when they heard this and did not dare to say a word. They all knew that the king was in an extremely bad mood at the moment, and it would be fatal to offend him.

The king’s brows furrowed, and he couldn’t help but recall Chen Xuan’s face.

“Immediately assemble my bodyguards and go to the Dragon God Sect in person to bring Chen Xuan to justice!” the king ordered. He could no longer tolerate Chen Xuan’s behavior.

 The trusted ministers hurriedly left after hearing the order and began emergency mobilization.

The king of the country remained in the palace, looking gloomy and filled with anger and hatred. He was determined to take matters into his own hands and eradicate Chen Xuan completely to warn others not to touch his authority.

The king knew that this would be a life-and-death battle, but he had made up his mind to put Chen Xuan to death no matter what.

He will never forgive the man who killed his only son.

Wang Lung stood in the middle of the room, his expression solemn and gloomy, surrounded by many personal guards and counselors. This master of the Divine Dragon Realm was the one personally sent by the king to deal with Chen Xuan. His strength was also one of the best in the Yunxia Immortal Kingdom.

"Chen Xuan killed the son of the king. This is an unforgivable crime. Our task is to bring him to justice and give Yunxia Fairy Kingdom an explanation!" Wang Long's voice was cold and resolute.

The guards were all the most elite warriors in the Yunxia Fairy Kingdom. They obeyed Wang Long's orders and stood quietly in the room with solemn expressions. This is a dangerous operation, but they know that the mission of the forces trumps everything else.

“Chen Xuan has a high reputation and strength in the Dragon God Sect. We must act carefully and not act rashly. First, we need to obtain accurate intelligence and understand his whereabouts and power distribution!” One of the counselors suggested.

Wang Long nodded. He knew that this task should not be underestimated and must be planned carefully.

Wang Long's eyes are profound. He is a close confidant of the king of Yunxia Fairy Kingdom. His cultivation has reached the early stage of the fifth level of Shenlong Breaking God, and he has strong strength.

 He sat at the head of the room, thinking about his next move.

"We must proceed with caution!" he began: "Chen Xuan's strength cannot be underestimated. We cannot let him notice our actions, otherwise once he becomes alert, our plan will be threatened!"

 The confidants nodded in agreement. They all understand Chen Xuan's strength and know that a successful operation requires careful planning and covert operations.

"Now, we must collect more intelligence!" Wang Long continued: "We need to know everything about Chen Xuan in the Dragon God Sect, his friends, his plans, and his level of strength. Only in this way can we find the best answer. Great time!”

 A woman among the confidants echoed in a low voice: "Moreover, we need to look for his weaknesses. Everyone has weaknesses. As long as we find them, we can attack him in a targeted manner!"

 (End of this chapter)

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