Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6526: Distribution of Bandits

Chapter 6526 Distribution of bandits

Chen Xuan followed the clues provided by Lin Ya and quietly approached the bandit's hiding place.

 He hid in a bush and carefully observed the enemy's activities.

The bandits’ camp was built at the entrance of a cave, surrounded by a wooden fence. Patrolling bandits shuttled around the fence.

 They built a bonfire on the ground, sending out smoke.

Chen Xuan observed silently for a while and determined the distribution and number of bandits.

 He calmly planned his next actions in his mind.

 Suddenly, he heard a low voice calling, and then, a shadow rushed towards him. It was Lin Ya's father.

The injuries on his body did not look serious, but he still looked very embarrassed.

“Who are you?” Lin Ya’s father gasped, with gratitude beyond words.

Chen Xuan nodded and motioned for him to stay quiet.

 Then he began to sneak towards the bandits' hiding place, determined to solve the problem.

  When he got close enough, Chen Xuan stopped. He quietly stared at the situation in the camp, and then took action instantly.

A cold sword energy instantly cut through the night sky and went straight to the throat of a patrolling bandit.

The bandit didn't even have a chance to scream, before he fell to the ground.

Other bandits were startled by this sudden attack. They drew their weapons and looked around for traces of the enemy.

But Chen Xuan had turned into a black shadow and quickly shuttled through the woods, avoiding their sight.

Amidst the chaos of the bandits, Chen Xuan launched several attacks in quick succession, turning several bandits into nothingness.

 His swordsmanship is as fast as lightning and accurate.

 The bandits fell into panic. They did not see the shadow of the enemy at all, but they always felt the threat of death.

At this moment, Lin Ya's father also joined the battle, and he faced off against the bandits without fear.

 Chen Xuan's figure appeared next to a bandit again, and he looked at him coldly. "You robbed innocent people, and today I seek justice for them."

 His words were full of intimidation, making the bandit feel fearful.

 However, Chen Xuan showed no mercy and hit the bandit's weapon with a sword move, knocking him away.

 The fighting in the valley continued for some time.

 Chen Xuan's sword skills became more and more brave as he fought, not only to protect Lin Ya and her father, but also to seek justice for the innocent villagers who were harmed by the bandits.

The bandits began to realize that they were not facing ordinary people. However, even if they tried to organize themselves, Chen Xuan always had the upper hand.

His swordsmanship is exquisite and sharp, and every sword hits the target accurately.

Lin Ya's father also performed well and kept beating the bandits.

 They began to gradually understand that they could not defeat these two powerful opponents no matter what.

The bandits fell into confusion and panic, and tried to escape from the battle.

However, Chen Xuan and Lin Ya's father did not give them the slightest chance to breathe, and constantly pursued them to ensure that they could not cause harm again.

 Finally, the battle was over.

The valley was filled with dead silence, and many bandits had fallen to the ground, losing their lives.

The remaining bandits were so frightened that they broke into pieces and fled in all directions.

Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, put away his sword, and walked to Lin Ya and her father.

 “Are you okay?” he asked with concern.

Lin Ya's father nodded and looked at Chen Xuan gratefully.

 “Thanks to you, we were able to survive. These bandits finally got the punishment they deserved.”

Lin Ya also looked at Chen Xuan gratefully, her eyes full of emotion. "Thank you, Chen Xuan. Without you, we might be gone."

 Chen Xuan smiled and shook his head.

"You're welcome, this is just what I should do. Now, you can go back, and I will stay to deal with the bodies of these bandits to ensure that they no longer harm you."

 Lin Ya’s father nodded in agreement, and then left the battlefield with his daughter.

Chen Xuan began to sort out the corpses of the bandits.

 Chen Xuan obtained some magic weapons from the battle. Although he does not like looking for treasures, these magic weapons may be helpful to his future practice. He carefully put these magic weapons into the ring, and then decided to go deep into the valley to see if there were anything else of value.

 He crossed the valley and followed a stream. The scenery here is pleasant, with towering mountains, dense trees, and clear streams, as if you have entered a fairy tale world.

Gradually, he came to the depths of the valley, where there was an ancient stone bridge spanning a wide river.

 The bridge was covered with moss, and it was obvious that no one had walked on it for a long time.

Chen Xuan walked onto the stone bridge, his footsteps echoing in the quiet valley.

He looked towards the river and noticed that there seemed to be some glimmering lights under the water.

 Curiosity drove him, and he decided to get off the bridge and take a closer look at the river.

 When he squatted down and reached out to touch the river water, a weak and ancient power was transmitted into his body.

It is an extraordinary feeling, seeming to be one with the world and deeply connected to this valley. He closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling the power.

Gradually, his soul seemed to be integrated with the valley. He seemed to be able to hear the heartbeat of the valley and feel its vitality and power.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a voice, a young female voice, clear and beautiful.

 “Do you feel the power of the valley?”

 Chen Xuan opened his eyes and saw a young woman standing not far away. Her eyes were shining and she was wearing a light blue dress.

Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

“Yes, I feel a very special force, and it seems to be related to this valley.”

 The woman approached with a smile, her steps as light as the wind. "This is the power of the Valley Spirit, which only a few people can perceive. You are a destined person who can come here. My name is Eileen, and I am the guardian of the Valley Spirit. Welcome here, Chen Xuan."

 Chen Xuan was a little surprised, how could anyone know his name. "How do you know my name."

Erin smiled and explained: "The spirit of the valley is the guardian of this land. It has the power to see everything. When you set foot in this valley, it sensed your existence and conveyed your name to me. ”

Chen Xuan was satisfied with this explanation. He felt that it was full of mystery.

Chen Xuan was very surprised by Irene's arrival, but at the same time he felt a sense of kindness and calmness. He sat on the big rock by the river and invited Irene to sit down with him.

“Eileen, you said this is the home of the spirit of the valley, what kind of existence is it?” Chen Xuan asked curiously.

Eileen smiled and answered: "The spirit of the valley is the soul of this land. It contains the power and strength of the world. It is not a tangible creature, but the guardian of this valley. It gives life and vitality to this place and also protects it." This land is untouched.”

Chen Xuan couldn't help but marvel at the magic and mystery.

“It’s really beautiful here and I feel connected.”

 Irene nodded, her eyes flashing thoughtfully. "Chen Xuan, you are a destined person. The spirit of the valley chooses to communicate with you because it sees you. This is a very rare thing."

Chen Xuan smiled sheepishly.

“Perhaps I am just an ordinary practitioner, pursuing a higher realm.”

 Irene's eyes became deep, as if she was looking into Chen Xuan's heart. "No, you are by no means ordinary. You have a unique mission, although you are not fully aware of it yet. But I believe that in the future journey, you will discover your true mission."

 Chen Xuan felt confused, but at the same time he was also full of expectations. He knows that his road to spiritual practice is still long and full of unknown challenges and opportunities.

“I have a mission, I want to find the Dragon Bone Beast.” Chen Xuan suddenly remembered the conversation just now.

  Irene nodded.

"Yes, there is a Dragon Bone Beast in this valley. It is the incarnation of the spirit of the valley and is also part of this land. But recently, it has fallen into madness and lost control. We need a practitioner to hunt Kill it to restore peace to the valley. I believe you are capable of completing this mission."

 Chen Xuan thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I will try my best to complete this task. However, I need some information about the Dragon Bone Beast and its weaknesses."

 Irene smiled and handed him a pamphlet. "This booklet contains detailed information about the Dragonbone, as well as its habits and weaknesses. I hope this will be helpful to you. Remember, do not harm the essence of the Valley Spirit, just defeat the Dragonbone. "

 Chen Xuan took the pamphlet and solemnly stated that he would abide by this principle.

 Subsequently, he said goodbye to Irene and prepared to leave the valley and start searching.

Chen Xuan left the valley, took the pamphlet that Aileen gave him, and began the task of finding the Dragon Bone Beast. According to the description in the pamphlet, he knew that the Dragon Bone Beast usually moved in caves deep in the valley, and that its existence was deeply connected to the spirit of the valley.

 He followed the stream deep in the valley and entered a dark and deep cave.

The atmosphere of this cave is extremely solemn, and it seems to hide endless secrets.

Chen Xuan moved forward cautiously, not knowing when he would encounter the Dragon Bone Beast.

 Suddenly, he noticed something unusual.

There were some large pieces of feces scattered on the ground, which exuded a fishy smell.

 Chen Xuan knew that this was exactly the clue he was looking for.

 He followed the trail of excrement deeper and deeper into the cave. The space of the cave gradually became wider, and the walls were covered with bell stones in different shapes, like an underground palace.

After walking for a while, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a powerful aura, an extremely ancient and powerful aura.

 He knew that the Dragon Bone Beast must be not far away.

As he moved forward, he saw a huge cave, with a faint fluorescent light emitting from the depths of the cave.

 He gradually got closer and finally saw the figure of the Dragon Bone Beast.

This dragon-bone beast is huge, its body is covered with hard dragon bones, and it seems to combine the characteristics of a dragon and a beast. Its eyes shine with wild light, like a crazy beast.

Chen Xuan approached cautiously, trying not to make any noise.

 He knew that once the Dragon Bone Beast sensed his presence, it would attack.

  He quietly raised his weapon, preparing for a possible battle.

 But he did not want to conflict with the Dragon Bone Beast, but hoped to subdue it and restore it to its normal state.

The Dragon Bone Beast seemed to be aware of Chen Xuan's presence. It let out a deafening roar and then pounced on Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan quickly dodged and avoided the attack of the Dragon Bone Beast.

 He tried to communicate with the Dragon Bone Beast.

 He closed his eyes and concentrated on thinking about the connection with the Dragon Bone Beast.

 (End of this chapter)

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