Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6532: Not an idle person

 Chapter 6532: Not just anyone

Chen Xuan slowly walked up to the man and leaned over to check on him.

There was a trace of panic and helplessness on the man's face. He came to Zijin City confidently, but was easily subdued by his opponent in an instant.

“Tell me why you wanted to rob that shop.” Chen Xuan asked coldly.

The corner of the man's mouth twitched, but in the end he gritted his teeth and persisted.

 Chen Xuan was not in a hurry. He knew that under his investigation, this man would not stand a chance.

Chen Xuan took the man's magic weapon away, and then began to haunt him.

  This is a technique that can detect the inner secrets of the other party, and is usually used to interrogate suspects.

Gradually, the man's expression became painful, and he began to tell everything without any hesitation.

It turns out that he is a person from the Yunxia Fairy Kingdom, and he was ordered to come to Zijin City to search for clues, hoping to find clues about the death of the son of the leader of the Yunxia Fairy Kingdom.

 As for his previous transaction, he only wanted to obtain some information.

 Chen Xuan felt something in his heart after hearing this. He knew that the grudge between him and Yunxia Immortal Kingdom was not over yet. Although he has defeated Long Yi, the leader of the Yunxia Fairy Kingdom, the people of the Yunxia Fairy Kingdom are still tracking his whereabouts.

"You can leave, but you must tell your superiors that I, Chen Xuan, am not afraid of any threats." Chen Xuan said indifferently.

 The man nodded and left in a hurry. Chen Xuan looked at his back and knew that his affairs in Yunxia Fairy Kingdom were not over yet. He must be more vigilant and continue to improve his strength to meet future challenges.

 Chen Xuan and the middle-aged man walked out of the alley and came to a spacious teahouse. The teahouse is quiet and pleasant, with elegant decoration and a light fragrance of tea.

They found a secluded corner to sit down and ordered a pot of good tea.

The middle-aged man smiled and said to Chen Xuan: "Young man, you performed very well just now. My name is Song Yunfeng, from the Song family in the city. I am very interested in your identity and strength. I wonder if I can ask you some questions. "

Chen Xuan nodded, gently picked up the tea cup, and tasted the fragrance of the tea soup. He knows that in this world of immortality, many things can be solved through communication and mutual understanding.

“Excuse me, what is your purpose in coming to Zijin City?” Song Yunfeng asked.

Chen Xuan smiled and replied: "I am a sword cultivator, looking for opportunities and challenges to improve my cultivation. As a gathering place for immortal cultivators, Zijin City is naturally one of the purposes of my coming. In addition, I also have some old debts You have to pay it back, so you need to be careful.”

Song Yunfeng nodded to express his understanding, and then continued to ask: "The agent of the Yunxia Fairy Kingdom you met just now seems to be tracking your whereabouts. What grudges do you have with the Yunxia Fairy Kingdom?"

Chen Xuan pondered for a moment, and then briefly told about his conflict with Long Yi, the leader of the Yunxia Fairy Kingdom, and the recent battle.

 He did not hide his strength and spiritual practice, and shared his experiences honestly.

After listening to this, Song Yunfeng showed a hint of appreciation.

He said: "It seems that you can defeat the dragon spirit at the fifth level of Shenlong Po Shen. Your strength is extraordinary. However, people from Yunxia Fairy Kingdom will continue to track you down, which may be a potential threat to you."

Chen Xuan nodded in agreement. He also knew that Yunxia Immortal Kingdom would not give up easily.

“So, Brother Song, why are you so interested in me?” Chen Xuan asked.

Song Yunfeng smiled and said: "I come from the Song family. Our family has been practicing swordsmanship for generations, pursuing the profundity and perfection of swordsmanship. I heard that you have mastered the prairie fire sword technique, and I am very interested in it. Can you please communicate with me? Learn about swordsmanship."

Chen Xuan readily agreed, and the two began to talk about the art of swordsmanship in the teahouse. Song Yunfeng had profound knowledge of swordsmanship, and Chen Xuan also had his own unique understanding. The two benefited a lot from each other's exchanges.

 The atmosphere in the teahouse became more peaceful, as if the mysteries of kendo were being explored more deeply here.

 In the teahouse, the communication between the two was not limited to kendo, but also talked about various aspects of spiritual practice, including the mastery of spiritual energy, the use of magic weapons, and the relationship between immortal cultivators.

 Chen Xuan felt that this encounter was an unexpected gain. He knew that in this middle world, learning from each other was very valuable.

 Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng spent a lot of time chatting in the teahouse, talking about swordsmanship, cultivation of immortals, the rise and fall of immortal sects, and various places of cultivation in various places. This exchange not only gave them new inspiration for their practice, but also narrowed the distance between them.

“Brother Song, I heard that there is a spiritual resort called Zijin Mountain in Zijin City. It is said that there is a strong immortal energy and precious spiritual resources there. Do you also have any plans to go there?” Chen Xuan asked curiously.

Song Yunfeng nodded and said with a slight expectancy: "Yes, Purple Mountain is indeed a resort for cultivation, and I have always planned to go there. There are rich elixirs and fairy materials there, which is an improvement for sword cultivators. A great place of strength. I wonder if you would like to go there together, so we can support each other and explore together.”

When Chen Xuan heard this, his heart moved. The name of Purple Mountain had already spread to his ears. This cultivation resort had always been a goal in his mind.

 He readily agreed, and the two decided to go to Purple Mountain to jointly search for cultivation resources and improve their respective cultivation levels.

In the teahouse, they discussed in detail their plan to go to Purple Mountain. Song Yunfeng had a rich understanding of Purple Mountain. He shared a lot of useful information, which made Chen Xuan confident about this time.

“Brother Chen, we will set off tomorrow, and we need to be fully prepared to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Although Zijin Mountain has many opportunities, it is also full of dangers. We need to remain vigilant at all times.” Song Yunfeng reminded.

 Chen Xuan nodded in agreement. He also understood that this adventure was not an easy one, but it was precisely because it contained challenges and unknowns that motivated him even more to move forward.

As night fell, the two left the teahouse and returned to their respective residences.

The next day, the early morning sunshine shone on the Purple City. Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng packed their bags and prepared to embark on the journey to the Purple Mountain. Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng set foot on the road to Purple Mountain. Gradually, they left the prosperity of Purple City and entered the lush mountain forest.

 As the altitude continues to rise, the fairy atmosphere gradually fills the air, making people feel as if they are in a fairyland.

The mountains of Purple Mountain are undulating, dotted with green trees and colorful flowers, and are full of fairy spirit.

Practitioners practice in this mountain range, absorbing the spiritual energy in the mountains and constantly strengthening their own cultivation.

They were either sitting on the bluestone and meditating, or meditating in the mountains. Everyone was working silently, pursuing a higher realm.

Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng walked through an ancient forest with towering trees and thick trunks. Legend has it that an immortal had practiced here for thousands of years.

Sunlight shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled spots of light, like the glory of the fairy world.

 Suddenly, they heard a melodious sound of the piano. Following the sound, I saw a woman sitting under a huge purple and gold tree, lightly playing a purple gold harp with her fingers.

The music is as clear as water and full of spirituality, attracting many practitioners to listen.

There are not only sword cultivators in the Purple Gold Mountain, but also various practitioners such as Qin Dao and alchemy practitioners. Everyone is pursuing their own path of cultivation. The woman under the purple-gold tree is obviously a practitioner of the harp path, and her harp music conveys an otherworldly artistic conception that is intoxicating.

 Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng stopped and listened quietly to the sound of the piano.

At this moment, they felt the uniqueness of Purple Mountain. This is a paradise for practitioners, and the immortal energy is in harmony with human beings.

Continuing to move forward, they came to a valley and saw a small lake in the valley. The water was crystal clear and surrounded by mountains.

There are all kinds of colorful aquatic plants floating in the lake, and the lake shore is full of all kinds of flowers.

By the lake, a young female monk is sitting cross-legged on the shore of the lake, stroking the water with her hands. Her movements are slow and elegant. Following her gesture, a powerful fairy energy began to emerge from the lake, forming a gorgeous fairy lotus.

When the fairy lotus blooms, it emits an intoxicating fragrance, attracting many practitioners to come and watch it.

The fairy lotus in the lake is known as one of the spiritual herbs of Purple Mountain. It has extremely high medicinal value and can be used to make elixirs and treat injuries.

Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng marveled at the magic of this mountain range. Not only was it rich in fairy spirit, it also contained precious resources.

They know very well that Purple Mountain is not only a place of spiritual practice, but also a fairyland full of immortality.

Even though Purple Mountain is full of fairy spirit and inspiration, this beautiful fairyland is not without its dangers.

 Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng soon realized that practicing here requires constant vigilance.

One day, when they were looking for spiritual herbs in the valley, they suddenly heard a huge roar. They immediately drew their weapons alertly, preparing to deal with potential threats.

  A huge spiritual beast walked out from the depths of the mountain forest. It had a body like a mountain, long silver-white mane, and was majestic. This spiritual beast is a white lion with advanced cultivation and terrifying power.

The white lion's eyes were full of hostility. It seemed to think that Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng were intruders, and it roared and rushed towards them. Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng quickly stood together, condensing powerful immortal energy, ready to face this unexpected challenge.

The white lion's speed was astonishing. He arrived in front of them in the blink of an eye and slapped it with a palm. The powerful force made the surrounding air tremble. Chen Xuan waved the prairie fire sword in his hand, turning into a ray of sky fire sword light, which collided with the white lion's palm.

Huge spiritual energy fluctuations erupted, destroying the surrounding trees and rocks into pieces. Chen Xuan felt the powerful power of the white lion. This was a fierce battle with no room for retreat.

Song Yunfeng also took action with all his strength. He controlled the sword energy and fought against the white lion. The white lion's body was extremely strong, and every attack carried astonishing power, but the two of them stood firm and refused to give in.

The battle went on for a while, and the white lion gradually felt the tenacity of the two men, and became a little impatient. It roared, releasing more powerful fairy energy, preparing for the final battle.

 Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng were calm. They understood that this was a life and death battle and they could not be careless in the slightest. Chen Xuan used the prairie fire sword technique, and his body turned into a streak of sky fire. He was so fast that he bullied him and started the fiercest duel with the white lion.

The white lion roared, opened its huge mouth, and wanted to bite Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan nimbly dodged its attack.

 A sword thrust into its throat.

The white lion roared in pain, its immortal energy surged, but in the end it was pierced through the throat by Chen Xuan's sword.

The white lion fell to the ground, let out a deep wail, and then turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

 Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng each gasped, they defeated this powerful opponent.

This battle made Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng better understand the dangers of Purple Mountain. Although there are rich cultivation resources here, there are also powerful spiritual beasts and threats.

 Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng defeated the white lion, but the danger was still not completely eliminated. This Purple Mountain is filled with all kinds of powerful spiritual beasts and threats, and they must always be vigilant.

 After the battle, Chen Xuan and Song Yunfeng decided to move on. They knew that only by constantly challenging themselves on the road of spiritual practice could they continue to grow.

 They headed deeper into the mountains, looking for more resources for cultivation.

 (End of this chapter)

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