Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6707: pull to another dimension

 Chapter 6707 Pulling to another dimension

In the middle of the room, there was a seemingly ancient pedestal, with a jade stone that exuded a faint blue light placed on it. The fluctuations of spiritual energy emitted by this jade stone made Chen Xuan feel weird and mysterious, as if it carried some kind of secret.

 Chen Xuan approached the jade, his palm was close to the surface of the jade, and a weak tremor came. The fluctuation of spiritual energy seemed to change under his touch, and the surrounding air seemed to tremble slightly.

Suddenly, the blue light on the jade stone suddenly fluctuated violently, spreading like ripples and filling the entire room. A strange feeling enveloped Chen Xuan, as if he was involved in a strange fluctuation.

The blue light seemed to become more intense, forming a vortex around Chen Xuan, and the air in the room began to twist and change, as if an invisible force was activated at this moment.

 Chen Xuan felt as if he was being pulled to another dimension, his vision began to blur, and everything around him became blurry. There was a deep uneasiness in my heart, but at the same time there was a strong desire to explore.

Suddenly, the blue light disappeared and everything returned to calm. Chen Xuan found that he seemed to be in a strange space, surrounded by a blur, as if it was an unknown realm, full of mysterious and unknown aura.

He stood quietly, staring around, trying to find any clues and the source of this mysterious aura.

In this mysterious space, a series of information and pictures suddenly emerged in Chen Xuan's mind, as if it was a transmission of ideas, making him feel unprecedented knowledge and power.

His thinking seemed to transcend the limitations of the body and merge into this mysterious space. In his mind, an ancient and profound text and symbol appeared, shining with mysterious light and seeming to contain the secrets of the universe.

These messages contain knowledge about the Star Gate Cloud, Youfeng, and the balance of the universe. They are not words that can be described by language, but a subconscious communication that conveys the mysterious power of the laws of the universe and the mysteries of the universe.

 Chen Xuan's mind seemed to be touched at this moment to a state beyond understanding. He could feel the profound meaning behind this information, and this information seemed to be closely related to the changes in Youfeng, the laws of the universe, and the balance of the universe.

He saw that the existence of the Star Gate Cloud was not just a realm in the universe, but an important hub that carried the rules of the universe, and Youfeng was one of the keys to the mysteries of the universe.

 The picture flashed quickly in his mind, like an ancient heavenly book, recording the secrets about the many laws and powers of the universe. This information was deeply rooted in the depths of his soul.

However, this information is not a complete answer, but the beginning of a clue, hinting at the direction forward and important secrets that require deeper exploration and understanding.

With the information pouring in, Chen Xuan gradually felt a power surge in his body, and a mysterious aura began to gather around him, as if to connect him to this mysterious space.

The emergence of this information gave Chen Xuan a deeper understanding of his mission, and he realized that he was responsible for solving the mystery of the changes in Youfeng.

 In this mysterious space, the flow of information did not end. Chen Xuan felt that his soul was more closely connected by this force, as if it was conveying to him more deep mysteries about the universe and Youfeng.

 Chen Xuan felt a familiar and mysterious aura surging around him, and he gradually realized that the information did not come from an unknown force.

 He didn’t know that this was the eminent monk’s idea being conveyed quietly.

The information did not seem to come from this mysterious space, but a profound reminder left by the eminent monk to guide him to solve the mystery. The emergence of this information was like a dialogue, a quiet guidance from the eminent monk to help him understand. The significance of this vision and the cosmic mystery behind it.

 This kind of information is not transmitted through words or words, but a kind of spiritual communication. The thoughts and talents of the eminent monk are integrated into the depths of Chen Xuan's soul in some mysterious way.

 Chen Xuan felt clear in his heart, as if he had gained insight into some major truth. He experienced that the emergence of information in this mysterious space was not accidental.

This information is not a simple guide.

On the other side of Youfeng Town, three warriors were walking on a rugged mountain path. Their clothes were shabby, their bodies were covered with dust, and their faces were stained with sweat and exhaustion. The three warriors were of different ages, but they all revealed a certain A resolute and determined temperament.

The eldest man is named Yun Chuan. Although he has gray hair, his eyes are still bright, his body is tall and tall, and he exudes a majestic air. He is the most experienced and talented leader among the three.

The younger one is called Qingyang. He is lean and strong, carrying an ancient long sword on his shoulder. He is obviously a swordsman. His eyes are shining with determination, and he is obviously full of expectations for the goal ahead.

Another young man named Yun Xiao looks a little immature, but his eyes reveal maturity and determination that are inconsistent with his age. He is holding a spear, looking calm and decisive.

They walked through the mountain path, dusty and winding, stretching into the depths of the mountain peaks. The three of them were silent, but the expressions on their faces revealed a silent understanding and determination.

Yunchuan took the lead, with firm and powerful steps. Qingyang and Yunxiao followed him silently, with firm eyes, seeming to be ready to face the challenges ahead.

Their clothes have been worn out by the wind and sun, and in front of them is the depths of the mountain peaks.

 Outside Youfeng, Chen Xuan felt an extremely harsh environment shrouding the area.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the thick clouds seemed to be oppressing the earth, blocking the sky and the sun, making the entire area look dark and chaotic. The wind was fierce and violent, carrying fine gravel and dust as it roared past, making it almost impossible to walk. Chen Xuan stood on the outskirts of Youfeng. The surrounding area was desolate, as if it was a corner forgotten by time. The land was dry and cracked, and the exposed rocks were smooth and glaringly eroded by the wind. They seemed to have witnessed endless wind and rain erosion.

Not an inch of grass grows.

This area is not simply desolate, but contains a kind of danger and desolation. The land is full of cracks, deep and dangerous, as if they are cracks in the earth, hiding endless dangers.

The mountains in the distance appear steep and rugged, with scattered vegetation growing on the cliffs. The breath of life seems to be suppressed to the extreme here. The rocks and ruins on the top of the mountain seem to be a strange symbol, indicating the danger and mystery of this area.

From time to time, rumbles of thunder, lightning, and howling winds were heard in the sky, creating an extremely harsh natural landscape. It seemed that the entire earth was trembling under this huge aura.

 Chen Xuan braved the strong wind and walked step by step towards the direction of Youfeng. He felt the evil atmosphere contained in this harsh environment. It seemed that they carried some unknown and ancient power, hiding endless dangers and mysteries.

 The wind and sand are blowing in your face, making walking extremely difficult. The dust was billowing in the wind, obscuring his vision, forcing Chen Xuan to concentrate on dealing with the wind-swept environment and the land eroded by time, wind and rain.

The breath of life seems to be missing between heaven and earth, and an empty and desolate silence envelopes this area. Even plants with strong vitality cannot survive in this environment. Everything seems to be imprisoned in this harsh place.

Despite the harsh environment, Chen Xuan felt a strong determination in his heart. He understood that the danger of this area was not a reason to stop moving forward.

 deep in the Youfeng, Chen Xuan felt a strong sense of danger. This was not an ordinary danger, but a kind of magic gate and threat from the depths of the universe.

 The environment around Youfeng is extremely strange, and the air seems to be condensed with some kind of dark aura, making people feel suffocated. The strangely shaped rocks and trees seemed to twist and mutate, exuding a twisted demonic aura.

There were bursts of ghost cries and howls from the depths of the valley, echoing between the canyons. It was creepy. An invisible sense of oppression shrouded the area, and it seemed that there was an unspeakable terrifying power lurking here.

The aura exuded by Youfeng seemed to distort time and space, forming a strange scene. In this strange atmosphere, everything seemed upside down and chaotic, as if it was a twisted mirror image of another world.

 Chen Xuan stepped into the depths of the mountain peak, his body and mind seemed to be pulled by some mysterious force, making every step he took full of danger and uncertainty. The surrounding scenery seemed to be changing shape, everything had lost its normalcy and became distorted and weird.

The landscape deep in the Youfeng is extremely dangerous. There are countless abyss and cracks hidden among the rocks, like the openings of hell. They exude endless darkness and weirdness. If you accidentally step into them, you will be swallowed forever.

As he went deeper, Chen Xuan felt strange fluctuations in the space, which seemed to hide unknown dangers and terrors. This aura seemed to have the power to destroy everything, lurking deep in the deep peak, waiting to be triggered.

 There is a suffocating darkness deep in the peak. This is not ordinary darkness, but an endless emptiness and despair. Endless darkness permeates it, making people feel an inexplicable fear and despair.

 In this dangerous environment, time seems to become distorted and flow erratically. Sometimes it seems to pass quickly, and sometimes it seems to be stagnant, giving people a sense of confusion that cannot be grasped.

The spiritual energy emanating from the depths of the Youfeng seems to affect everything, making the surrounding things full of unknowns and crises. This is not only a physical danger, but also a spiritual fear brought by the power of the universe. and threats.

 Deep in Youfeng, Chen Xuan encountered a legendary Void Dragon Beast. It is a rare ancient creature in Youfeng area. It is said to be a terrifying existence that can distort reality and master the rules of time and space.

The Void Dragon Beast's dragon body is entrenched on an abandoned cliff. Its body is huge and ancient, and its skin shines with a strange light like bronze. The huge dragon wings flapped, stirring up a storm-like wind, and its eyes flashed with a blurry and fierce light.

Facing this Void Dragon Beast, Chen Xuan's heart was full of tension and vigilance. He knew the horror of the Void Dragon Beast. It not only possessed powerful physical power, but more importantly, it controlled the rules of time and space, which could distort reality and make it difficult to fathom.

The Void Dragon Beast let out a huge roar that shook the sky. The sound was like thunder, shaking the entire Youfeng area. The surrounding air seemed to tremble in the roar. Its dragon wings vibrated, sending out fierce airflows, and rushed towards Chen. mysterious.

 Chen Xuan dodged and skillfully avoided the attack of the Void Dragon Beast. His heart was full of determination to fight against this powerful creature, and at the same time he was also well aware of the dangers and challenges he faced.

The body of the Void Dragon Beast has a strange dragon shape, which is both solid and illusory. Every attack it makes carries a strange fluctuation of time and space. Chen Xuan has to stay vigilant at all times to find the flaw in the Void Dragon Beast's attack.

Chen Xuan released the powerful attack of the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique and the Wanqian Shiyun Sword. The sword light and sky fire danced around the Void Dragon Beast, but the body of the Void Dragon Beast seemed to have some kind of special protection. The sword energy and sky fire were blocked by it. Can't cause substantial harm.

The Void Dragon Beast continues to release the mysterious power of time and space, and the surrounding space seems to be distorted, making it difficult for Chen Xuan to understand the actions of the Void Dragon Beast. Its attacks suddenly become unpredictable, sometimes appearing next to Chen Xuan, and sometimes going away.

Although Chen Xuan was in a difficult situation, he did not give up the fight. He used the exquisite moves of Suzaku Swordsmanship to quickly dodge the attack of the Void Dragon Beast, while trying to find the weakness of the Void Dragon Beast.

As the battle progressed, Chen Xuan gradually understood the nature of the Void Dragon Beast's power. He discovered that the Void Dragon Beast was not a purely physical creature, but possessed some special aura that allowed it to distort reality and use the rules of time and space to carry out actions. fighting.

Chen Xuan constantly adjusted his strategy during the battle, using the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique and the Wanqian Shiyun Sword to defend and counterattack the Void Dragon Beast's attacks. He deeply realized that every attack by the Void Dragon Beast was a challenge to the rules of reality. , and one must fully understand the changes in the rules of time and space in order to compete with them.

 (End of this chapter)

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