Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6709: Yunxiao

 Chapter 6709 Yunxiao

The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves and casts down the mottled wide boards, reflecting on the ground as if they are paths paved with countless pieces of gold.

The scene beside the mountain road is very different. Sometimes it is a green grassland, sometimes it is towering rocks, rolling hills, mountains and rivers rolling in the distance, and clear springs gurgling in the mountains, with splashing water, bringing a fresh breath.

At a bend, the four of them found a place to rest.

A small pavilion stood there quietly, surrounded by lush trees, and the pillars of the pavilion were covered with vines.

At this moment, three strange monks suddenly appeared on the mountain road. They were wearing dark robes and looked arrogant. They seemed to have evil intentions. One of the leaders stared at Yunxiao with a somewhat grim expression.

 “Oh, isn’t this Yunxiao?” the leader sneered.

“I didn’t expect to see you on this mountain peak, and how dare you appear in front of everyone again.”

Yun Xiao's face changed slightly, he knew that these people were not good people.

 “What’s the matter? I don’t know you.”

“Heh, you think we will forget what happened in that town last time?” the leader taunted.

“You stole our things and now you dare to show up here shamelessly?”

Yunxiao said calmly: "That was a misunderstanding. I didn't steal anything."

 Chen Xuan frowned slightly, and Qingyang and Yunchuan also looked around warily. They knew very well that if this dispute was not resolved in time, unnecessary disputes might arise.

 “Huh, you still want to quibble!” The leader sneered.

“Don’t think that you can have a good time in this remote peak. Today we are going to teach you a lesson.”

After saying this, the leader raised his hand and was about to take action. The two people behind him also looked vicious, as if they planned to surround Yunxiao.

Chen Xuan's face was solemn, and he hurriedly stood in front of Yun Xiao.

“There may be some misunderstanding about this matter, we can communicate well.”

 Qingyang and Yunchuan also stood aside, ready to support at any time.

The leader and three of his men looked arrogantly preparing to attack Yun Xiao and the other four. Chen Xuan was wary, but still hoped to resolve the dispute through words.

“We can have a good talk.” Chen Xuan tried to calm the situation, but the leader was obviously unwilling to let it go.

 “Let’s talk about it, this guy obviously stole our things!” The leader roared, and his two men also approached step by step.

Yunxiao calmly denied the accusation, but the enemy no longer listened to the explanation, and only saw anger and the willingness to attack.

“Brother Chen Xuan, these people seem unwilling to listen to our explanation.” Yun Chuan whispered to Chen Xuan.

"We try to avoid conflicts, but if they attack us forcefully, we can only protect ourselves." Chen Xuan said firmly.

 Chen Xuan stood in front. He realized that the situation was about to get out of control and needed to resolve the hostility, but the enemy had attacked them without hesitation.

The leader waved his finger, and the two people behind him immediately rushed forward. For a moment, the sword energy filled the air and their moves were fierce.

 Chen Xuan was able to respond to the enemy's offensive with ease. He turned his sword into a shadow, and the sword's light was like lightning, blocking the opponent's attack. He used softness to overcome hardness, avoiding reality and using weakness to try to ease the situation.

Yunchuan, Qingyang and Yunxiao faced another enemy and each showed their strengths in an attempt to defuse the opponent's offensive.

At this moment, their weapons are intertwined, and their sword moves complement each other. Although they are slightly weaker, they are not to be outdone.

However, the enemy deliberately besieged one of them. In the fierce collision of moves, they seemed to be creating opportunities in an attempt to concentrate firepower on a weak link.

 As the situation gradually became unfavorable, Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He knew that he could no longer delay and must end this unnecessary dispute as soon as possible.

 “There is no need to continue this battle!” Chen Xuan whispered.

With a thought in his mind, the spiritual energy in his body instantly condensed. The power of Suzaku swordsmanship gathered in his hands, and the sword energy around him burned like heavenly fire, and a powerful aura gradually rose.

With one move, Chen Xuan's sword was extremely sharp and the sword's light was like fire. It enveloped the three opponents in an instant. He showed the supreme power of the Suzaku sword technique and took control of the situation.

"Stop!" Chen Xuan's voice was low and powerful, with dignity and determination: "It will not be good for both parties to continue."

The enemies were suppressed by Chen Xuan's momentum. They felt the powerful pressure from Chen Xuan and stopped immediately.

"We didn't mean to make things difficult for you." The leader looked slightly moved, as if he regretted his loss.

"Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, we don't want to continue to be entangled." Chen Xuan's tone was calm, but firm.

 “I hope we can avoid such misunderstandings in the future.”

It seemed that strength was working, and the enemy gradually curbed their offensive. Under the pressure of Chen Xuan's momentum, they could only choose to retreat temporarily. "Let's go." The leader said softly to his men, then turned and left.

Chen Xuan and the other four watched the enemy go away and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After calming down the fight with the enemies, the four of them stopped and came to a hidden corner at the foot of Youfeng Mountain. It was cold and quiet, as if they had been forgotten by time.

 Shrouded in clouds and mist, this mountainous area exudes a mysterious atmosphere.

“What is hidden in this place?” Yun Chuan frowned and looked around: “It feels like this place is a little different from the Youfeng we have seen before.”

"Indeed, this place is full of mystery." Qingyang stared at the surroundings, and a strange aura came to him: "Maybe this is part of Youfeng, a mysterious area hidden in the eyes of outsiders."

Chen Xuan is also looking for something: "There seems to be special spiritual energy fluctuations here, which is very unusual."

"Is it some kind of ancient forbidden land?" Yunxiao frowned and thought, staring at the surrounding environment: "Maybe it is one of the secrets hidden in Youfeng."

 The four of them looked around silently, with doubts and curiosity in their eyes. This place seemed to be part of Youfeng Mountain, but it was completely different from other areas and was filled with an unknown and mysterious atmosphere.

"The atmosphere here seems to be getting stronger and stronger." Yun Chuan frowned and said, "There is an indescribable weird feeling."

"Perhaps we can try to find some clues." Chen Xuan took a deep breath and glanced around: "The secret hidden in Youfeng may be here."

Qingyang and others followed Chen Xuan to explore. They gradually moved towards the depths of the valley. The atmosphere around them became more and more strange. Time and space seemed to have undergone subtle changes. Unknown spiritual energy fluctuations were exuding among the trees and rocks.

"Is this a special kind of aura field?" Yunxiao frowned. He could feel the aura surrounding him: "Maybe this is one of the secrets hidden by Youfeng."

“But what is the source of this aura?” Yun Chuan frowned slightly and stared at the surroundings: “This feeling is extraordinary.”

Chen Xuan thought silently. He felt a familiar aura, as if he had been exposed to similar spiritual energy before. "This kind of breath is somewhat similar to the secret method of time and space that I have come into contact with before, but it is also a little different."

 The four of them fell into deep thought, and their hearts were full of questions and explorations. This place seemed to be part of the secrets hidden by Youfeng, but this mystery was also the direction of their unknown and exploration.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt a subtle change in his breath. He pointed to the depths of the valley, where there seemed to be a strong fluctuation of spiritual energy, similar to the breath of time and space he had felt before.

“There is something unusual there.” Chen Xuan said solemnly: “Maybe we can find some clues there.”

 The four of them followed Chen Xuan and headed deeper into the valley. The atmosphere around them was getting weirder and weirder, as if there was a potential spiritual energy hidden in them, and this sense of mystery filled their surroundings.

Their footsteps are getting farther and farther in this quiet valley.

The four of them followed Chen Xuan towards the depths of the valley. The aura became even weirder, and the surrounding environment seemed to be undergoing some subtle changes. They gradually found themselves in an exquisitely arranged formation, which hid a great secret. Big danger.

At first, they just felt a subtle fluctuation of breath, but as they went deeper, the power of the formation was gradually revealed. A strange aura filled the air, as if an invisible barrier enveloped the surroundings, making it suffocating.

"Is this a formation?" Yunxiao frowned. He could sense the danger of this strange aura: "This formation seems to have restrictions on us."

“This formation is very strange.” Chen Xuan frowned and looked around: “It seems to be a kind of restriction that intersects time and space, making it impossible for people to escape easily.”

 The four of them realized that they had fallen into a carefully arranged restriction. The surrounding environment gradually becomes distorted, and the space becomes distorted and unstable. It seems that it is in the distortion of time, and everything becomes unstable and dangerous.

"This formation will make us lose our way." Yun Chuan looked around alertly: "We need to be cautious and not be trapped here."

Qingyang also felt the strangeness of the formation: "This formation not only distorts space, but also seems to change time. Our actions are becoming more and more restricted."

The four of them tried to get rid of the constraints of the formation, but the power of the formation became more and more powerful. Their actions became more and more restricted, the space was chaotic, the passage of time seemed to be controlled, and the positions and directions of the four people became blurred. .

"This formation is a bit complicated." Chen Xuan looked solemn and tried to stay calm: "We must find a way to break it as soon as possible, otherwise we will get deeper and deeper."

The four people exchanged solemn glances with each other. They were deeply trapped in the formation. Facing the dilemma of time and space distortion and disorientation, they felt the power of the formation and knew that this was a challenge.

 In the formation, time seems to be boundless, space is distorted and uncertain, and the four people's perceptions are also limited. The surrounding scenery became distorted and blurred, and the mountains and rivers seemed to change their positions, making it impossible for them to distinguish their direction.

"This formation is getting stronger and stronger!" Yun Xiao's face became solemn, and their situation became more and more dangerous: "We must find a way to break through this limitation."

"If this continues, I'm afraid we will really fall into a situation that we cannot extricate ourselves from." Qingyang frowned slightly, and they were already being restrained more and more deeply in the formation.

The four people are all anxious. They know that they must find a way to break it quickly, otherwise they will be troubled by this formation and even be unable to escape. In this time and space chaos and disorientation restriction, their life and death may depend on whether they can Can you find the way to relief?

The four people tried to find a way to break the formation, but neither spiritual exploration nor actual actions could break the shackles of the formation. Every attempt they made ended in failure. The formation became stronger and stronger, locking them in. Trapped in it.

 Chen Xuan was worried and tried to use some of the secrets of the Suzaku sword technique to tear the formation apart. However, even the powerful sword technique he mastered could not have a substantial impact on the formation.

"This formation is so difficult!" Chen Xuan's brows furrowed even deeper. He felt that this formation was so powerful and had no flaws at all: "I can't crack it with any of my attempts."

 Qingyang tried to explore the structure of the formation through mental perception, but facing this mysterious formation, his perception was also greatly limited. "This formation seems to be wrapped in layers of barriers, completely blocking my perception."

 (End of this chapter)

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