Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6726: Extremely weird sight

 Chapter 6726 An unusual and strange sight

The formations performed by the men in black became clearer and clearer, and the aura around them gradually condensed, forming a dark barrier that enveloped them.

Suddenly, the barrier emitted bursts of black light, bursting with powerful power. The surrounding air seemed to become heavy, and an oppressive aura enveloped the entire Youfeng.

 Chen Xuan felt a huge pressure, as if a mountain peak was pressing on him. He struggled to stand still, and the spiritual energy in his body circulated rapidly, trying to resist this huge pressure.

Under the combined attack formation used by the man in black, cracks seemed to appear in the space of Youfeng, and the surrounding scene began to become distorted and strange.

 The dark barrier contains powerful power, exuding an irresistible sense of oppression.

 Chen Xuan felt the terror of this power. His whole body was enveloped by this oppressive force, making it almost difficult for him to move.

 Three men in black are in the formation, their breaths blend with each other, and the surrounding air seems to be filled with the power of darkness, making it suffocating.

The men in black in the center of the formation sang in a low voice, and their voices were full of mysterious power. They seemed to be reciting an ancient spell. They quickly formed seals in their hands, and the demonic power on their bodies merged with the formation to form a formation. An irresistible force.

The space in Youfeng began to become distorted, as if being swallowed by darkness. Chen Xuan felt an indescribable crisis. He knew deeply that the attack formation was extremely powerful. If it could not be broken in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

His spiritual energy surged all over his body, trying to resist the oppressive feeling brought by the formation, and at the same time looking for a way to break the formation. He knew that he had to calm down and find a way to break it.

The formation around the man in black gradually strengthened, and the power of darkness became more powerful, shrouding the inside and outside of Youfeng in a state of depression and distortion. The scene inside Youfeng became blurred, as if it was in a different world shrouded in darkness. .

 Chen Xuan thought calmly, looking for clues to crack the formation. He understood that he must find a way to crack it quickly, otherwise he would face great danger.

In the combined attack formation performed by the man in black, the scene inside and outside the peak became increasingly distorted, the space seemed to be torn apart, and the power of darkness enveloped the entire valley, making it difficult to breathe.

 Chen Xuan was anxious and anxious, but he still tried to stay calm and looked for a way to break the formation. His eyes stared at every detail of the formation, trying to find flaws and breakthroughs.

 Under the combined attack formation used by the man in black, the space in Youfeng became distorted and strange, and the surrounding scenes began to disappear into the darkness. Chen Xuan was anxious, but he still tried to stay calm and tried to find a way to rescue him.

The combined attack formation performed by the man in black brought increasing pressure, and the space was filled with the powerful aura of the magic gate.

At the top of the mountain shrouded in the aura of the Demon Gate, Chen Xuan was concentrating on thinking about the identity of the man in black and the secret of the combined attack formation. He was well aware of the danger of the situation at hand, and he was anxious but tried to stay calm.

He vigilantly observed the actions and formation changes of the men in black, trying to find clues. He carefully examined the attire and behavior of the men in black, trying to find clues from the subtleties.

"Who are these men in black? Why are they using such a powerful formation here?" Chen Xuan was filled with doubts. He knew that these people were not ordinary people and must have a special identity and purpose.

He recalled the legend of Youfeng in his mind. The thousand-year secrets hidden in this mysterious place may be inextricably linked to the identities of these men in black. However, this is just a guess. He needs more clues and evidence.

 Chen Xuan began to recall what he saw and heard while searching for the magic weapon in Youfeng, trying to connect the details related to the man in black. He recalled the conversation with the elder, looking for possible clues, trying to clarify this mystery.

“Maybe these people in black are not from Youfeng, they may be outsiders.” Chen Xuan thought to himself, trying to connect the people in black with the world outside Youfeng, looking for possible answers.

 His thoughts were racing.

He clearly knew that the formation in front of him involved the secrets of Youfeng. If he could understand this, he might be able to find a way to crack it.

 Chen Xuan kept thinking about the various scenes he encountered in Youfeng, trying to find clues that might be related to the attack formation. He gradually connected some scattered details and tried to clarify the clues.

"Perhaps the key to this formation is not the formation itself, but its core." Chen Xuan tried to analyze the weaknesses and hinges of the combined attack formation, trying to find out the key to cracking it.

His thoughts were retracing everything that happened in Youfeng, trying to find clues that could unlock the formation. He kept searching in his memories, trying to figure out the secrets hidden behind the formation.

 Chen Xuan realized that the key to unlocking this formation might lie in breaking its core. He began to carefully observe the actions and formations of the three men in black, trying to find out the flaws.

He began to think deeply, trying to analyze the structure and possible weaknesses of the formation. He observed the movements of the man in black and the changes in the formation, trying to find clues that could crack the formation.

“Perhaps the core of the formation does not lie in the combination of the three men in black, but in a specific position.” Chen Xuan thought, trying to find a way to break the formation.

 He began to carefully observe the surrounding environment, trying to find possible key points. He thought secretly, looking for possible loopholes in the formation.

 Chen Xuan's thoughts were like a breeze blowing by. He tried to sort out the chaotic thoughts and find the key to unlocking the formation. His eyes were fixed on the movements of the man in black, trying to observe some details that might have been overlooked. On the top of the dark peak, Chen Xuan kept looking for clues.

 Chen Xuan stood on the top of the Youfeng Peak, concentrating on observing the combined attack formation performed by the man in black, trying to find clues that could be cracked. His eyes were fixed on the dark barrier, looking for the possible core of the formation.

He began to observe the surrounding environment carefully, focusing on the movements of the man in black and the changes in the formation. He tried to find possible weaknesses in the breath of the formation and the changes in the dark barrier.

“The core of this formation must exist in a specific location.” Chen Xuan thought to himself, trying to find the key to cracking the formation.

He began to search carefully around the top of the mountain, trying to find the key point that might be able to unlock the formation. Wherever he looked, every corner became the focus of his search for clues.

 Chen Xuan gradually focused his attention on a special place in Youfeng. It was a stone wall that exuded a faint light. He felt that the stone wall was a little strange and seemed to contain some special power.

“Perhaps this stone wall is the core of the formation.” Chen Xuan guessed in his mind. He tried to get closer to the stone wall to look for clues that could decipher the formation.

He approached the stone wall and observed it carefully, and found that there were some runes and light and shadow faintly emerging on it. These runes seemed to be related to the surrounding formations, but they were also slightly different.

 Chen Xuan tried to touch the stone wall, but immediately felt a strong resistance. He knew that this stone wall was not an ordinary thing and contained extremely powerful power.

 He began to use his spiritual energy to try to trigger the runes on the stone wall. He observed intently, trying to find a way to unlock the formation.

 Chen Xuan's heart moved. He tried to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body and threw a subtle spiritual power towards the stone wall. He carefully detected the reaction of the stone wall, trying to find clues to unlock the formation.

With the injection of his spiritual energy, the runes on the stone wall began to glow faintly, exuding a mysterious aura. This made Chen Xuan's heart move, and he knew that he had touched part of the formation.

He was thinking secretly, trying to find clues on the stone wall that could decipher the formation. He concentrated on observing the changes in runes on the stone wall, trying to find a way to decipher the formation.

"These runes seem to hide some kind of pattern." Chen Xuan carefully observed the changes in the runes, trying to understand the mysteries. He felt that he was close to the core of the formation.

 He began to try to use his spiritual energy on the runes, trying to mobilize the spiritual energy on the stone wall.

With the injection of his spiritual energy, the runes on the stone wall gradually changed, emitting a faint and mysterious light. Chen Xuan's heart moved, and he knew that he had touched part of the formation.

“Perhaps the key to unlocking the formation lies in these runes.” Chen Xuan thought to himself, trying to find clues to decipher the formation from the runes.

He began to observe the changes in the runes, trying to understand the mysteries. He thought deeply about the meaning of each rune, trying to find a way to unlock the formation.

Chen Xuan began to observe the runes on the stone wall, and he concentrated on observing the changes in the runes.

When Chen Xuan felt the subtle changes in the runes, his heart moved, as if he had found a way to crack the formation. He concentrated all his mind and began to use his spiritual energy and spiritual power to try to unlock the rune formation on the stone wall.

His brows furrowed slightly, and his hands gently passed over the runes. As he moved, the runes emitted a faint and strange light, and gradually showed a change.

 Chen Xuan took a deep breath, without any fear in his heart. Although he faced the powerful force exerted by the man in black, he was still determined. He felt a spiritual energy flowing in the runes, and a glimmer of hope surged in his heart.

As he manipulated the runes, the spiritual energy fluctuations on the stone wall began to stabilize gradually, and the light of the runes became brighter. Chen Xuan realized that he was gradually unlocking the secret of this formation.

“Hold on a little longer.” Chen Xuan murmured softly to himself. Although the pressure from the men in black around him was increasing, he still persisted in solving the puzzle.

Suddenly, a bright light burst out from the center of the rune, blooming like a blooming flower, filling the entire Youfeng. The atmosphere in Youfeng changed instantly, the dark barrier began to dissipate, and the formation gradually unraveled.

 Chen Xuan felt an indescribable force burst out from himself, and his whole body exuded a dazzling light, as if he had been integrated into the aura of the formation.

The people in black felt that the formation was beginning to unravel, their expressions became more solemn, and the hidden weapons and runes in their hands gradually lost their light. They understood that now was the last moment. Once the formation was unraveled, the situation would happen. Big changes.

As the last rune dissipated, the formation collapsed completely, the atmosphere in the entire Youfeng returned to tranquility, the dark barrier disappeared, and the surrounding air became clear and bright again.

 Chen Xuan felt the strength in his body return. He straightened his body, preparing to face the attack of the man in black. He stared at the man in black, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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