Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6749: fierce breath

 Chapter 6749 Fierce Breath

Gradually, he no longer moved forward blindly, but looked for possible paths to the outside world based on the subtle changes in the fluctuations of the surrounding spiritual energy. He began to slowly integrate into the rules of this forest.

 In the process of his dedicated exploration, he gradually discovered some patterns as the fluctuations of spiritual energy changed. The forest does not seem to be endless, but there is a certain cycle.

"Perhaps, there is not really no exit here." A glimmer of hope flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He began to explore slowly in the direction indicated by the spiritual energy fluctuations, expecting to find a breakthrough out of the forest.

 He did not give up because he was convinced that this mysterious forest must have secrets and exits that he did not know.

 In the forest, a ferocious aura suddenly erupted.

 From among the dense trees, a huge and mighty monster suddenly appeared.

Its body shape is similar to that of a tiger, but its body is thicker and its hair is black and faintly glowing with gold. His eyes were like flames, flashing with a fierce light that made people feel cold in their hearts.

Its claws are extremely sharp and gleaming with cold light, strong enough to tear through steel.

The monster roared, and the sound was like thunder, shaking the entire forest. It raised its huge claws, and instantly turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

 Chen Xuan frowned slightly, dodged, and quickly avoided the fierce attack of the monster. He clenched the long sword in his hand, facing the ferocious monster, calm and calm in his heart.

The beast's violent aura filled the air, and the surrounding trees were destroyed by its power. Its ferocious face showed a ferocious look, and its eyes were full of aggressive light, as if to stop Chen Xuan from moving forward.

 Chen Xuan did not flinch. He looked at the monster calmly, his heart as calm as water. He took a deep breath, adjusted his breath, and tried to communicate with the monster to find a possible way to ease it.

However, this monster seemed to ignore Chen Xuan's sincerity. It roared angrily and pounced on Chen Xuan again like lightning. The huge claws brought up strong winds, trying to crush him.

 Chen Xuan's expression turned cold. He took a deep breath and instantly used the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique. The long sword stroked lightly, and the sword intention rose like heavenly fire, turning into a stream of sword energy, facing the claws of the monster beast.

The giant claws collided with the sword energy, and the violent forces collided fiercely in mid-air, making a deafening roar. Wherever the sword energy passed, the air seemed to tremble, mixed with a hint of burning breath.

The monster's body trembled and paused for a moment, but it soon resumed its attack. Its body was extremely agile and transformed into a black shadow. It rushed towards Chen Xuan again, its roar deafening.

Chen Xuan faced the attack of the monster beast, calmly and calmly, his long sword danced, the sword energy was like a rainbow, condensed into a piece of Suzaku sky fire, like a barrier of flames, trying to resist the ferocious offensive of the monster beast.

The beast's ferocious face was full of ferocity, but under Chen Xuan's sword skills, it seemed to be blocked to a certain extent, and its attack slowed down slightly.

However, the demonic beast did not stop, but launched an even more violent attack. It became more and more violent, and its body swept towards him like a storm, seeming to completely defeat Chen Xuan.

 Chen Xuan's heart sank, and he realized that this monster beast was no ordinary opponent.

The demonic beast roared, and its body attacked Chen Xuan like a gust of wind. The speed was astonishing. Chen Xuan responded calmly, with the long sword dancing in his hand. The Suzaku sword technique condensed the sword energy that filled the sky to form a barrier, trying to resist the demonic beast's attack. Fierce impact.

 The huge claws collided with the flames, sparks filled the sky, and a sharp cracking sound filled the air. The demonic beast was powerful, and every collision brought strong vibrations, which made Chen Xuan feel the pressure double.

 Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He knew that the Suzaku sword technique alone could not easily subdue the monster beast. He began to flexibly use his Qinggong and sword skills to sometimes avoid the monster beast's ferocious attacks and sometimes to quickly counterattack.

The monster seemed to be born to be the incarnation of battle. It was extremely ferocious and kept rushing towards Chen Xuan. Every attack was full of destructive power, making Chen Xuan feel a great threat.

Chen Xuan's figure was extremely agile, like dancing fire, creating a thrilling fight between the monster and him. He used all means to try to find the monster's weakness, but the monster seemed to have no obvious flaws. .

The monster's claws were extremely sharp, and the repeated attacks put Chen Xuan in a dangerous situation. He kept retreating, dodging the monster's ferocious attacks, and looking for a way to break it.

During the battle, Chen Xuan began to feel a certain pattern in the monster. Its attacks had a certain rhythm and regularity. He gradually discerned the gaps in the monster's attacks, and began to cleverly avoid those fatal claws.

"It seems to have some kind of weakness!" Chen Xuan's heart moved, and he began to concentrate on trying to find the monster's flaws. After a fierce confrontation, he gradually discerned the patterns and vulnerabilities of monster attacks.

Chen Xuan raised his sword to attack fiercely. He flexibly used the Suzaku sword technique to find the gap between the monster's attacks, and stabbed sharply at a specific position on the monster's body. The monster began to feel the pain, but it still fought back ferociously.

In the fierce confrontations, the monster gradually showed its fatigue, its body began to become unstable, and its roar gradually weakened, as if it was suppressed by Chen Xuan's fierce attacks.

 Chen Xuan constantly used the ingenuity of his sword skills to stab the weak points of the monster's body sharply, causing the monster to roar in pain again and again. His attacks were as hot as heavenly fire, as if he was going to completely defeat the monster.

After a long and fierce struggle, the monster finally reached its limit. Its figure began to shake and could no longer support it. Finally, it fell heavily to the ground, let out a shocking roar, and then became motionless.

 Chen Xuan stood there panting, without putting down his sword, and his body was trembling slightly. He stared at the monster on the ground, his heart full of exhaustion and uneasiness.

This battle was a thrilling life-and-death struggle. Chen Xuan finally defeated the monster, but he also deeply felt the danger hidden in this mysterious forest.

Chen Xuan got rid of the threat of monsters and continued to move forward in the dense forest.

Deep in the forest, sunlight shines on the ground through the gaps between dense leaves, and mottled light and shadow are projected between the trees and grass. The breeze blows, and the leaves make a soft rustling sound, accompanied by the breath.

Chen Xuan walked slowly along a narrow path, and the surrounding scenery was sometimes green and deep and mysterious. The trees were dense, and he kept walking through the lush woods, gradually getting away from the land of monsters.

As he stepped, he looked around, looking for possible ways out. However, this forest seemed to hide endless secrets. The paths were winding and winding, and the surrounding trees seemed to be unchanged, but in fact they were ever-changing. Chen Xuan slowed down and began to observe the surrounding environment carefully. He found that the breath and spiritual energy fluctuations in the forest were constantly changing, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and there seemed to be a certain pattern.

He tried to find a way out by sensing the fluctuations of spiritual energy around him, but the changes in this forest seemed to be beyond his expectation. Every step seemed to be like entering the depths of the forest, and he seemed to have lost his way.

As time went by, Chen Xuan felt an inexplicable anxiety in his heart. He longed to leave this seemingly endless forest, but the repeated changes in the surrounding scenery made him feel a little at a loss.

He began to carefully observe the texture of the trees, trying to find a possible path to the outside world through subtle changes. However, the environmental changes in this forest were complex, making it difficult for him to easily judge.

 Chen Xuan stopped, closed his eyes, and calmly sensed the surrounding atmosphere. The forest is filled with strange fluctuations, and the breeze blows, seeming to carry an invisible guidance, but it is elusive.

 Slowly opening his eyes, Chen Xuan began to try to follow the intuition in his heart. He could only rely on his ability to sense, trying to find the direction out of the forest.

Stepping onto an unknown path, he walked along the jagged gaps in the trees. The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves and onto the ground, forming mottled light and shadow, as if guiding him forward.

Unconsciously, Chen Xuan found himself walking into an open area. There is a wide open space in front of us, but the view is still blocked by thick trees. In the distance, there are rolling hills and lush green mountains.

"This open land seems to be the edge of the forest." Chen Xuan's heart moved slightly, and he felt a glimmer of hope. He quickened his pace and tried to move forward in the direction of the open land.

However, when he approached the edge of the open land, he found that there was another dense forest in front of him. This sudden change made him feel a little frustrated, and he seemed to be back to the original point.

 Chen Xuan was not discouraged. He decided to stop and calm down again to feel the atmosphere around him. Perhaps, this strange environmental change contains some kind of pattern, and he needs to feel the mystery of the forest more deeply.

 He sat quietly under the tree, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to feel the breath and fluctuations around him.

The sounds of the forest gradually became clearer, and it seemed that some kind of faint message was conveyed.

 Gradually, he began to perceive subtle changes hidden in the forest. Perhaps, this forest is not just a simple tree, but contains a mysterious spiritual energy fluctuation.

“Perhaps the answer lies in this seemingly peaceful forest.” Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He decided to continue to calmly perceive and try to unravel the mysteries hidden in this forest.

Chen Xuan began to notice a subtle change.

 The fluctuations of spiritual energy around him no longer seemed as chaotic as before, but gradually showed a certain regularity.

He listened quietly, looking for the weak but continuous pulse. In this quiet forest, he gradually realized a subtle spiritual energy fluctuation, which seemed to be conveying a message to him.

 Chen Xuan followed this pulsing sensation and began to walk deep into the forest. He walked slowly along this weak spiritual energy wave, as if he was following a shimmering road leading him through the woods.

As you walk, the trees and grass gradually become sparse, and the sun shines through the gaps in the leaves, showing a bright and warm light. The breeze blew with a hint of freshness, which relieved Chen Xuan's anxiety.

As the footsteps move, the scene in front of us gradually becomes wider, and a vast wilderness can be seen through the sparse trees.

 In the distance are continuous mountains.

 Chen Xuan's heart moved slightly, as if he had found hope of leaving the forest. He quickened his pace and walked towards the open land, expecting to find an exit to the outside world.

 When he came to the edge of the wilderness, a stunning sight unfolded in front of him.

 The vast wilderness shines with emerald green under the sunlight, and the endless grassland contrasts with the green mountains in the distance.

This wilderness stretches endlessly, the gentle breeze blows the grass, and the grass blades sway with the wind, creating waves. Under the clear sky, the clouds are as light as feathers, like a picture scroll.

Chen Xuan stood on the wilderness and felt the tranquility and vitality of nature. The undulating mountains in the distance were like towering barriers. He looked at the sky, his heart filled with yearning for the unknown world.

“This wilderness should be the end of the forest.” Chen Xuan felt happy. He stared at the vast scene in front of him and realized that he was about to step out of this mysterious forest and embark on an unknown journey.

 Slowly walking forward, he stepped into the vast wilderness.

 The grass underfoot is soft.

 The mountains in the distance shine with a charming brilliance under the sunlight.

As he got further and further away, Chen Xuan began to feel the changes in the atmosphere around him.

There is a peaceful atmosphere permeating the wilderness, and the gentle breeze brings bursts of refreshing smell.

The moment he set foot on the wilderness, Chen Xuan seemed to have taken a step towards a new world. He took a deep breath of fresh air, stared at the distant mountains, and his heart was filled with expectations and explorations for the future.

As Chen Xuan was walking toward the mountains, he suddenly noticed an unusually cold aura. The scenery of the wilderness suddenly became frozen, as if time had stopped.

He looked up and saw a figure appearing in the distance. A man in black clothes stood in front of him. This man seemed to be hidden in the darkness of the valley, but his extremely strong aura was impossible to ignore.

 (End of this chapter)

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