Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6766: The feeling of oppression caused by

  The sense of oppression brought about by Chapter 6766

 The black liquid on the monster beast’s body kept splashing. Covering the entire battlefield, every drop of black liquid fell, bringing a deep sense of oppression, making people feel as if they were trapped in a dark realm.

“This black liquid seems to contain some ancient power.” A monk tried to explore the nature of the black liquid, but still could not draw a definite conclusion.

 Chen Xuan frowned. He knew the danger of this black liquid. This strange aura made him feel uneasy. He began to think about how to deal with it.

“We have to be careful when dealing with this black liquid, it seems unusual.” Chen Xuan said to the monks around him, trying to remind everyone to be wary of the black liquid.

The monster continuously releases black liquid, and along with its attacks, this ink-like liquid exudes an eerie aura that cannot be fathomed. Its appearance not only makes the battle more complicated, but also adds uncertain risk factors.

Facing this strange black liquid, Chen Xuan and the monks constantly adjusted their tactics and tried to avoid its contact. They were vigilantly aware of the dangers brought by the black liquid and tried their best to avoid direct contact with it.

The black liquid of the monster seems to exude a curse-like atmosphere, giving people an inescapable sense of uneasiness. This ink-like liquid splashes everywhere on the battlefield, making the monks feel a sense of fear and restraint from the unknown power. .

Chen Xuan tried to stay alert, he knew the danger of this black liquid.

 Under the cover of black liquid, the battle becomes more difficult. The monster's attacks became more violent, and every splash of black liquid brought a deep shadow, making the monks feel extremely heavy.

 Chen Xuan and the monks tried their best to avoid the contact of the black liquid. They constantly adjusted to avoid close contact with the monsters.

“We must find its weakness!” Chen Xuan called. He realized the danger of the black liquid and needed to find a breakthrough as soon as possible.

The monks also worked together. They used various spells and techniques to try to find the monster's weaknesses. They tried to be precise with every attack, hoping to expose the monster's weakness.

The demon beast is still violent under the cover of black liquid. It seems not to be affected by the black liquid, and still displays extremely ferocious attack power. Every roar makes the air tremble, and with the splash of black liquid, a strange and strange picture is formed. Horrible picture.

"It may have some kind of protective spell!" A monk observed the monster's actions, trying to find a breakthrough.

 Chen Xuan was also thinking about countermeasures. He realized that the black liquid on the monster's body might be a kind of defense. This liquid not only made the battle more difficult, but also gave the monster a stronger resistance.

"We must attack with stronger force!" Chen Xuan signaled to the monks, trying to penetrate the monster's protective aura by concentrating firepower.

The monks responded one after another. They gathered more powerful magic power and released more violent attacks.

 The fluctuations of mana converged into bright rays of light on the battlefield, trying to break through the barrier of black liquid.

 The monster felt the more powerful attack from the monks, and it let out an angry roar. There seemed to be an indescribable violent aura in the black liquid surging.

The monks continued to release powerful mana, trying to penetrate the monster's defense.

  The black liquid on the monster's body becomes denser and denser, and its attacks become more violent.

Suddenly, a young monk was enveloped in black liquid, and his body stagnated for an instant, as if he was tightly entangled by the hands of darkness. The black liquid spread quickly, covering his entire body.

 “Be careful!” Chen Xuan warned, but it was already too late.

The monk struggled violently, but the black liquid was like an irresistible force, swallowing him completely. His body was gradually eroded by the black liquid, and he groaned in despair.

 “Save him!” someone shouted in panic, but everyone was helpless and watched helplessly as the monk was enveloped in black liquid and finally disappeared completely into the darkness.

 A sense of powerlessness enveloped the battlefield. The monks could not bear the tragic loss of one of them. This battle was already a great challenge for them, and the loss of their companions made them feel extremely heavy.

"We must find a breakthrough!" Chen Xuan's voice was full of determination. He knew that it was time to persevere and there was no room for failure.

Other monks gradually calmed down. They knew they could not give up at this moment and must find a way to fight against the monster.

 The monster seemed to be aware of its own intimidation, its attacks became more violent, and the black liquid spread more wantonly. Every drop of black liquid was death.

  gives people an insurmountable fear.

"We can't let anyone get hurt again!" Chen Xuan took a deep breath. He tried to boost morale and encouraged everyone to continue fighting.

The monks tacitly readjusted their formation. They responded to the attacks of the monsters in a more stable and orderly manner. They cooperated with each other to try to reduce the erosion range of the black liquid and at the same time look for the monsters' vulnerabilities.

“We must concentrate our firepower!” Chen Xuan reminded again. He knew that only by concentrating his attack power could he have a chance to defeat this monster.

The monks followed Chen Xuan's instructions tacitly and concentrated their firepower on the monsters. Mana intertwined and light shone, trying to find a glimmer of life in the darkness.

However, the monster seemed to be extremely resistant, and its black liquid continued to spread, confusing the monks' attacks and making it difficult for them to concentrate their firepower.

 The battle became more difficult, and the pain of losing a companion made the monks pay more attention to every detail, but the power of the monster still made them feel powerless.

 Chen Xuan realized that this battle must end as soon as possible, otherwise more innocent people would fall into the black liquid's fate. He calmly thought about how to deal with it and must find a more effective way to fight against the monster.

“We must look for its weaknesses!” Chen Xuan said decisively. He knew that time was not conducive to them and they must find the monster’s weaknesses as soon as possible. The monks did not dare to slack off at all. They began to adjust their tactics, trying to discover the weaknesses of the monsters. They strived to be precise with every attack, hoping to break through the monsters' defense.

  The monster became more cunning and ferocious under the cover of black liquid. It seemed to be aware of the monks' intentions and kept avoiding their attacks, making it difficult for them to seize any opportunity.

Chen Xuan calmly observed the monster's actions, trying to find its weaknesses. He focused his energy, hoping to find a glimmer of hope in this battle.

“Perhaps we should attack its eyes!” A monk suddenly thought and tried to make a suggestion.

 “Eyes?!” Chen Xuan was slightly startled, but soon he realized that this might be a breakthrough.

 “Okay, let’s try.”

The monks worked together to focus on the monster's eyes. They released more precise attacks, trying to break through the monster's defense and hit its eyes directly.

  The monster seemed to be aware of the monks' attack targets and began to become more vigilant. It tried its best to avoid the monks' attacks and tried to protect its own weaknesses.

The monks' attacks became more and more fierce. They released powerful mana one after another, trying to break through the monster's defense line.

As the light flickered, the monster began to show some signs of uneasiness, but it still seemed to be firmly protecting its eyes.

 Chen Xuan felt anxious. He knew that time waits for no one. He fully mobilized his inner strength and concentrated a more powerful attack. He was determined to find the weakness of the monster and end this tragic battle.

“The eyes are its weak point!” Chen Xuan’s voice echoed across the battlefield, trying to remind the monks of the focus of their attack.

The monks followed Chen Xuan's instructions and attacked the monster's eyes with all their strength.

A ray of bright light, trying to hit the monster's weak spot.

  The monster began to show a painful expression, and its eyes suffered severe attacks.

Black liquid splashed everywhere, its attack became unstable, and violent roars filled the entire battlefield.

 Chen Xuan and the monks' attacks became more and more fierce. They continued to release powerful magic power, trying to hit the eyes of the monster. This was their only chance.

 The monster roared in pain, its eyes had been severely damaged, and black liquid kept pouring out. It struggled, trying to avoid the monks' attacks, but it was no longer possible to avoid it.

 Chen Xuan realized where the opportunity was. He concentrated all his strength and condensed a dazzling light, which burst out towards the monster's eyes. This blow was extremely fierce, as if it was going to destroy all obstacles in front of him.

 The monster roared deafeningly, and black liquid splashed everywhere, but it could no longer bear it. Finally, Chen Xuan's powerful attack hit the monster's eyes, and the monster let out a heart-rending scream, and its whole body began to tremble violently.

Black liquid gushes out, and the monster's body becomes unstable. Finally, it roars and collapses to the ground. The entire scene instantly became quiet, the darkness gradually dissipated, and the monster's body gradually dissipated into nothingness.

The battle was finally over. Chen Xuan and the monks looked at each other. They finally defeated this powerful monster. However, the entire battle scene had been shrouded in black liquid, leaving a deep shadow.

“We succeeded.” Chen Xuan said slowly, his tone revealing exhaustion and joy.

The monks also breathed a sigh of relief, with expressions of exhaustion and relief on their faces. They had won, but this battle also cost them a heavy price.

 “We have lost a companion.” Someone said softly, with deep regret and regret.

 Chen Xuan nodded silently, he could also feel the sadness and grief. The loss of a companion was the most painful pain in this victory.

 “Let’s move on.” Chen Xuan said decisively, trying to boost morale.

  Although the monks were exhausted, their hearts were still full of expectations and determination for the future. They wiped away their tears, regrouped, and prepared to embark on a new journey.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath.

In a secret maze, dim light passed through the thin stone wall and fell on an old stone table. A white-haired, thin old man was sitting on it, holding a writing brush in his hand.

His eyes are deep, as if he is traveling through the vicissitudes of time.

 The brush in his hand is stained with traces of time, and the brush strokes reveal an indescribable calmness and remoteness.

 The old man slowly put down the brush in his hand, with a hint of emotion in his eyes, and his voice was steady and long.

“Time flies, time goes by, and after many storms, I still stay here.” The old man’s voice was full of vicissitudes and emotion, as if he was recounting his long journey.

His eyes wandered around the surrounding walls, as if he was recalling the past. This maze is full of historical deposits, and every stone carries memories of the past.

 (End of this chapter)

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