Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6777: unquestionable authority

 Chapter 6777 Unquestionable Authority

Late at night, the residence of the Star Dragon Sect fell into silence. In Chen Xuan's room, the elder's words echoed in his mind, but his confusion about the safety of the sect and the fragment did not dissipate, but became more intense.

 After taking a deep breath, Chen Xuan decided to continue the investigation secretly.

pacing back and forth inside and outside the sect, he tried to find some clues that might lead him to find the truth of the incident.

An inadvertent piece of information aroused his interest. The seemingly insignificant exchange seemed to imply something strange.

 In the mountain forest near the sect, he discovered a hidden trace, which was filled with some strange spiritual energy fluctuations. He sensed that these fluctuations might be related to the fragment.

Chen Xuan followed these traces to explore deeply, and gradually discovered a hidden space. There seemed to be some kind of secret meeting place, and Chen Xuan realized that this might be the clue he was looking for.

He cautiously continued deeper, avoiding the surrounding patrols, trying to find more clues about this space. Gradually, he discovered some traces and information left behind, which gave him a better understanding of the truth of the incident.

This space seemed to be controlled by some kind of force or organization, and those spiritual energy fluctuations also hinted at the existence of some kind of power. Chen Xuan was secretly vigilant, realizing that this organization might be related to the confrontation within and outside the sect.

As the night grew darker, Chen Xuan collected some evidence and clues in this hidden space, trying to figure out the motives behind this organization and its relationship with the sect.

He carefully exited that space, filled with a desire for the truth. These discoveries made him more certain that the meaning of the fragment may be inextricably linked to the opposition within and outside the sect.

 Back at his residence, Chen Xuan organized the information he had collected. He knew that this information might cause huge waves.

“Perhaps I can seek some credible help.” Chen Xuan said to himself. He decided not to inform the sect of this information for the time being because he knew that there might be unknown forces within the sect.

Under the cover of night, the wind inside and outside the Star Dragon Sect brought a chill. In a hidden corner, the elder exchanged plans with a warrior dressed in black.

 The elder's tone was calm but firm: "This person is a threat to our plan."

The warrior in black nodded expressionlessly, a cold look flashed in his eyes: "Don't worry, elder, I will take action myself."

The elder nodded slightly: "Tonight, you will go to his residence and trap him with a formation without leaving any traces."

The warrior in black responded solemnly: "I understand."

 It was dark at night, and in Chen Xuan's residence, he continued to sort out his investigation data. A sudden wave of spiritual energy alerted him, but before he could react, a violent wave of spiritual energy quickly enveloped the entire room.

 He ​​sensed something was wrong, stood up hurriedly, and tried to leave the room. However, an invisible force field enveloped him around the room.

 “What’s going on?” Chen Xuan’s heart tightened and he realized that he had been attacked.

The black-clothed warrior controlled the formation from the outside, with a cold and fierce light in his eyes. A black light condensed from his hand and turned into a powerful flow of spiritual energy, quickly limiting Chen Xuan's retreat.

 Chen Xuan felt the oppression of the surrounding spiritual energy and knew something was wrong. He immediately used the skills he had learned to try to untie the shackles of this formation. However, this force field seemed to be extremely strong, making his efforts ineffective.

“What kind of formation is this?” Chen Xuan frowned and was secretly shocked. He felt something unusual about this formation. This was not an ordinary binding technique, but an unpredictable formation.

The warrior in black sneered outside. He witnessed Chen Xuan's restraint and was very proud of his plan.

“Chen Xuan, do you think you can escape?” The black-clothed warrior’s voice was as cold as ice, “You will die here today.”

 Chen Xuan was alert and kept trying to untie the shackles of this formation, but was blocked every time.

 The most important thing now is to find a way to break through.

In the force field, Chen Xuan forcibly mobilized the spiritual energy in his body in an attempt to resist this oppressive force. He tried his best to activate his cultivation in an attempt to break the shackles of this formation, but to no avail.

"This formation..." Chen Xuan was shocked. He felt that this formation was extremely complex and beyond his control. He realized that he might not be able to crack this formation on his own.

Challenge inside and outside the force field, Chen Xuan and the black-clothed warrior each used their abilities. The black-clothed warrior looked at Chen Xuan in the force field indifferently, with a cold light shining in his eyes.

 Chen Xuan worked hard internally to mobilize his own strength and seek a way to break through. He knew that he had to find a way out, otherwise he would not be able to escape this crisis.

Time seemed to become blurred in this confrontation, and Chen Xuan was anxious but calm.

 Chen Xuan was trapped in a strange force field. This unusual formation wrapped around his body, forming an invisible but solid cage.

This force field is not a simple binding technique. It condenses rich spiritual energy and exudes mysterious and powerful spiritual energy fluctuations. Chen Xuan feels that the surrounding space is distorted, and it seems that even time has become distorted.

This is a formation that is different from what he has seen before. It is full of strange power and contains a profound and mysterious structure. In this formation, it becomes extremely difficult for any external force to interfere, even his spiritual energy. Penetrate this prison.

Chen Xuan tried hard to mobilize his spiritual energy to fight against this force field, but every attempt was blocked by the powerful formation. His spiritual energy dissipated without a trace after meeting with this force field, as if he was blocked by this force field. The formation was swallowed up.

"This formation is so powerful that it can't penetrate even a single gap." Chen Xuan was secretly shocked and extremely confused by this unusually mysterious formation. He tried to use different methods to deal with this force field, but to no avail. Chen Xuan felt that his spirit and aura were being greatly oppressed by the confrontation inside and outside the force field. This force field seemed to be more than just a formation, but contained a deeper mystery that was difficult to break through with conventional means.

He carefully observed the force field around him, trying to find a way to crack it. However, the structure of the force field was extremely complex, and seemed to contain thousands of mysterious runes, and each place exuded powerful spiritual energy fluctuations.

“The power of this formation is so powerful, it’s hard to imagine.” Chen Xuan secretly sighed in his heart, feeling extremely shocked by this formation that was beyond his understanding.

 He constantly searched for possible weaknesses and weak links internally, trying to find a way to break through, but every part seemed indestructible, with no signs of loosening.

 The force field seemed to be constantly changing, and the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from the formation seemed to increase with every attempt he made, making him feel increasingly helpless.

 Chen Xuan realized that this was not something he could solve alone. He kept trying in the force field, but the deeper he went, the more mysterious and difficult it became to break through the formation.

"What formation is this? What's the secret?" Chen Xuan was anxious and curious. Although he could not solve the formation, he was deeply curious about this extraordinary spiritual energy fluctuation and formation.

In this formation, Chen Xuan felt an unprecedented restraint. Even with his advanced cultivation, he could not easily get rid of it. The power of this formation made him feel helpless and he did not know how to break through this predicament. .

Time seemed to be stretched out in the force field. Chen Xuan kept trying to untie the shackles, but hit the wall again and again.

 This is one of the most difficult formations he has ever encountered.

 Chen Xuan was firmly trapped by this strange force field. The mystery and power of the formation exceeded his imagination. Even though he tried hard to break free, every attempt ended in failure, and his aura was trapped by the formation.

The structure of this formation is extremely precise. Chen Xuan tried to find flaws, but every part was indestructible.

 In this strange force field, he felt not only physical troubles, time seemed to become distorted, and every moment seemed to be stretched, making him feel extremely anxious.

The man in black wore a jet-black robe, his face hidden under a black mask, his eyes were deep and cold, and he was holding a dim sharp blade, exuding a heart-stopping murderous aura.

 Chen Xuan was trapped in the force field, staring at the man in black, a sharp light flashed in his eyes. Despite facing powerful formations, he remained calm and alert.

"You asked for it." The man in black spoke calmly, but with unquestionable confidence. His voice was cold and firm, as cold as steel.

 Chen Xuan frowned slightly and did not respond to the man in black. He gathered the spiritual energy in his body and tried to fight against this force field, but every attempt ended in failure. This strange formation made him feel unprecedentedly restrained and powerless.

The man in black looked at Chen Xuan's efforts, with a sarcastic smile on his lips. The sharp blade in his hand shook slightly, and the aura around him became sharper, as if an invisible pressure enveloped Chen Xuan.

"Your efforts are meaningless, this force field cannot be broken through." The man in black said indifferently, with a hint of disdain in his voice.

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with determination. He was not affected by the words of the man in black. He began to carefully observe the structure of the force field, trying to find an opportunity to break through, but the mystery of the formation made him feel extremely confused. Every part was indestructible. , making him feel more restrained than ever before.

The man in black looked at Chen Xuan's struggle with a trace of sarcasm on his lips. He seemed to enjoy Chen Xuan's trapped situation, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Give up, you are in a desperate situation and there is no way to escape." The man in black said coldly, with a ruthless indifference in his voice.

Faced with the ridicule of the man in black, Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with determination.

When the shadow of the man in black gradually enveloped him, Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with vigilance. Suddenly, the man in black attacked quickly, as fast as a phantom. Chen Xuan could barely avoid it, but he was still scratched by the opponent's attack.

Instantly, Chen Xuan felt a sharp pain coming from his body, and he knew it was an attack from the man in black. With a calm heart, he stabilized his body and quickly adjusted his state. The man in black sneered and attacked again. Chen Xuan looked solemn, and his spiritual energy circulated in his body, trying to neutralize the offensive of the man in black.

The man in black was as fast as lightning. Chen Xuan could not completely dodge and was cut. He tried his best to respond and dodge with superb body skills, but the attack of the man in black still followed him closely, giving him no chance to breathe.

 In the fierce battle, Chen Xuan gradually felt that he was being suppressed, but he did not give up. Although he was seriously injured, his courage remained firm and refused to succumb to the fierce offensive of the men in black. He tried his best to avoid the opponent's attacks and tried to find a way to break it. However, as the battle continued, the oppression of the men in black More and more intense.

 The wounds on Chen Xuan's body became more and more serious, and every time he dodged, he suffered additional severe pain. Despite his best efforts, the man in black's fierce attacks made it difficult for him to fight back.

The men in black's offensive became more and more fierce. Although Chen Xuan was seriously injured, the persistence in his eyes remained unchanged.

 He struggled to stay awake.

 The cold wind blew slowly, and the man in black stood in it like a night spirit.

Chen Xuan sat in the middle of the battlefield, staring at his opponent, with a flash of vigilance in his eyes.

Under the shadow, the man in black suddenly accelerated, his figure was as fast as a phantom, and he attacked Chen Xuan. He was holding a black long sword. The sword light was deep and exuded an unpredictable cold aura. Chen Xuan's face changed slightly. , spiritual energy suddenly surged, trying to avoid the opponent's attack.

However, the man in black was as fast as lightning. Chen Xuan tried his best to dodge, but was still scratched by the opponent's attack. Instantly, a sharp pain came from his body, and Chen Xuan knew it was an attack from his opponent.

 (End of this chapter)

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