Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6780: Elder Song

Chapter 6780 Elder Song

The injury on his body was not minor. He sat quietly in the courtyard, stimulating the spiritual energy in his body, trying to speed up the healing of the wound. He closed his eyes, felt the weak spiritual energy flowing in his body with his heart, and tried to restore his body.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside the courtyard, followed by an angry growl.

"How could this happen!" Elder Song's voice was full of anger and dissatisfaction, shaking the entire courtyard.

 Chen Xuan's heart moved. He knew it was Elder Song's voice. He was secretly vigilant, but he had to sit quietly, not wanting to cause trouble.

  Song elder walked into the courtyard, his face was gloomy, his brows were furrowed, and his face was full of displeasure. His eyes swept across the courtyard, and finally stopped at Chen Xuan who was sitting beside him.

"Chen Xuan, how are you? Are you okay?" Elder Song's voice was full of anger and disappointment.

 Chen Xuan stood up, with a calm expression on his face, but he felt a strong pressure in his heart.

“Elder, I didn’t mean to violate the sect’s rules.”

A flash of disdain flashed in Elder Song's eyes, and his voice was filled with cold mockery: "Zong rules? You don't even care about the rules. You ignored my words and investigated Lin Feng's death. You almost lost the Xinglong Sect's face!"

"I'm here to find out the truth." Chen Xuan's voice was calm but firm: "I firmly believe that this matter is not a simple accident."

"Are you doing this to cause trouble?" Elder Song's voice became more severe: "Do you know that your behavior has endangered the interests and safety of the Star Dragon Sect?"

 Chen Xuan remained silent. He understood that his actions had deeply disturbed the powerful people of Xinglong Sect, but he could not let go of the obsession in his heart easily.

"You are so stubborn!" Elder Song was furious: "Your behavior has violated the sect's rules, and you should accept the punishment according to the sect's rules!"

Chen Xuan took a deep breath. He did not ignore the sect's rules, but he firmly believed in his own judgment: "I did not betray the original intention of the Xinglong Sect, I just wanted to find out the truth."

Elder Song became even more angry when he heard Chen Xuan's insistence. "How dare you defend yourself!" His voice was filled with anger: "You have betrayed the Star Dragon Sect, and what you have done has exceeded the bottom line!"

"I have no intention of betraying the sect, but..." Chen Xuan wanted to explain, but Elder Song showed no mercy.

"That's enough!" Elder Song's voice was like thunder: "You have violated the sect's rules, and your punishment is confinement!"

 When Chen Xuan heard this, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, but he also knew that this was an inevitable result.

Elder Song glanced at Chen Xuan coldly, turned and left, his heart filled with anger.

The atmosphere in Xinglong Sect became extremely solemn. Chen Xuan was punished by Elder Song. At this moment, an elder in gorgeous robes quietly appeared. His eyes were deep, showing a trace of disdain and ridicule.

This elder's name is Luo Yi. He has a high status, but he has no good relationship with Elder Song. When he saw Chen Xuan being punished, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he said nothing and just watched the scene quietly.

"Elder Song, what a righteous act of exterminating relatives." Luo Yi's voice suddenly sounded, full of sarcasm and disdain.

 Elder Song's face darkened when he heard this, and he turned to face Luo Yi.

“Elder Luo Yi, this matter is related to the safety of Xinglong Sect. How can we condone a rebellious person!”

"Rebellion? Is finding out the truth considered rebellion?" Luo Yi sneered: "You would rather cover up the truth than let others find out the truth?"

Elder Song said angrily: "You are not allowed to interfere in this matter!"

"You are hiding your ears and stealing the bell, do you think this problem can be solved?" Luo Yi sneered: "Do you think confining Chen Xuan can erase him?"

 Chen Xuan remained silent, quite surprised. Elder Luo Yi seemed to have a certain attitude towards him, but did not show it. He was secretly grateful, but still remained vigilant.

"Elder Luo Yi, this matter is of great importance. We cannot let personal feelings influence the overall situation!" Elder Song said in a stern tone: "You are tearing me down by doing this!"

"The overall situation? Do you think covering up the truth is the overall situation?" Luo Yi sneered: "You are just a stubborn fool."

 “Nonsense!” Elder Song was furious: “I did this for the benefit of the Star Dragon Sect.”

"Profits? You don't even dare to face the truth, so why talk about interests?" Luo Yi said coldly: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that the truth will be revealed and your position in the Star Dragon Sect will be shaken?"

Elder Song was gradually angered by Luo Yi's words, but he also understood that Luo Yi's status could not be ignored and did not dare to offend easily.

 “What’s your intention? Do you want to support this rebellion?”

"I'm just expressing a fair voice." Luo Yi said calmly: "Do you think confining Chen Xuan can calm everything down? This is just deceiving others."

 Chen Xuan was moved when he heard Elder Luo Yi's words, but he knew it was not appropriate to say anything at this moment, so he bowed his head silently.

“Elder Luo Yi, you are so loud!” Elder Song was furious: “Are you going to side with this naughty boy?”

"I just stand on the side of the truth." Luo Yi responded calmly: "I don't want to see the Star Dragon Sect stifled by unfair means in its search for the truth."

The atmosphere in the venue was extremely tense. The confrontation between Elder Song and Elder Luo Yi made people feel an atmosphere of unresolved tension.

Luo Yi's statement gave Chen Xuan a glimmer of hope, but he knew that the battle was not over yet.

"Chen Xuan, you go back first, I will discuss this matter again." Luo Yi finally decided: "I will not let you be treated unfairly."

 Chen Xuan felt happy when he heard this, but he didn't say much. He just bowed deeply to Luo Yi and left the venue silently. He knew that the turmoil was far from over, and Luo Yi's statement was just the beginning.

Although Elder Luo Yi's statement gave Chen Xuan some comfort, the debate was still far from over. Chen Xuan returned to his courtyard and pondered the entire situation. He knew that this incident would affect the power of the Star Dragon Sect. and balance may also cause greater waves.

In the courtyard, Chen Xuan quietly meditated with his eyes closed, trying to calm down his mind and restore his stability. He deeply felt that he was in danger, but he was still determined to find the truth in his heart. This was not a simple personal wish, but because of his Believe in the importance of this matter.

“Chen Xuan, are you the rebel who was imprisoned?” A voice suddenly broke his thoughts. Chen Xuan opened his eyes and saw a strange young monk walking into the courtyard.

“I am a disciple of Xinglong Sect. I heard about the dispute between you and Elder Song.”

 Chen Xuan was slightly startled, and then he understood that this was a disciple from the outer courtyard. He did not avoid it, but nodded with a smile: "Yes, I am Chen Xuan."

"I'm Yachen, and I'm sorry for what happened to you." Yachen expressed his concern, but at the same time he also revealed a sense of expectation: "I'm not here out of boredom. I have some clues that may be able to help you."

Chen Xuan was stunned when he heard this, and then showed a hint of surprise: "Clue? You mean..."

Yachen nodded: "Yes, I got some news. Lin Feng appeared near an ancient ruins before his death, and something seems wrong there."

 Chen Xuan was moved when he heard this. The ancient ruins may be the key to finding the truth.

 “Do you know the specific location?”

Yachen thought for a moment, and then said softly: "I only know the general direction, but I am willing to go with you."

 Chen Xuan was grateful, but still remained vigilant.

 “This is too dangerous and you shouldn’t get involved.”

"I understand, but I also want to find out the truth." Yachen said firmly: "I don't want to be bound."

 Chen Xuan looked at Ya Chen. After some thought, Chen Xuan finally nodded: "Okay, let's go together."

As dusk fell, Chen Xuan and Ya Chen left the courtyard silently and headed towards the ancient ruins. This ruins was hidden in a deep forest near Xinglong Sect and shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere.

 They walked through the forest paths, moving forward cautiously.

 The ancient ruins are not easy to explore because they are surrounded by the forbidden areas of the Star Dragon Sect and are full of unknowns and dangers.

As they approached the ruins, a mysterious aura hit their faces. Chen Xuan and Ya Chen stopped at the same time and looked around warily.

There were intermittent buzzing sounds coming from the ruins, and Chen Xuan felt quite uneasy.

 The two of them stepped into the ruins and immediately felt a depressing atmosphere. The ancient buildings seem to tell the long history, and a mysterious and dark atmosphere envelopes the entire place.

As they went deeper, the ancient walls were covered with ancient words and patterns, but they could not see the content clearly. An ancient spiritual energy flows in the air, making people feel inexplicably uneasy.

Suddenly, a hidden light flashed from a corner, and Chen Xuan and Yachen immediately walked towards the source of the sound with vigilance.

In a hidden corner, a mysterious stone tablet emits a faint light, with ancient words engraved on it, which seems to be telling some kind of secret.

"This is it." Yachen said softly: "This stone tablet seems to hide some clues."

Chen Xuan stared at the stone tablet, trying to understand the ancient words on it. He read it carefully and tried to decipher the content, but the information was profound and difficult to decipher.

 “This is…” he whispered to himself, trying to understand the meaning of the words.

While Chen Xuan and Yachen were immersed in the interpretation of the stone tablet, a sudden movement occurred, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became chaotic.

 A powerful spiritual energy surged out from the stone tablet and enveloped the entire ancient ruins.

Chen Xuan and Yachen immediately held their breaths vigilantly, as a dangerous aura enveloped the surroundings.

 The ancient ruins seem to be releasing some kind of sealed power, making people feel an uneasy atmosphere filling the air.

This force became increasingly powerful and unbearable. Chen Xuan and Yachen immediately realized that this was an unusual situation and they had to deal with it quickly if they wanted to leave safely.

 “We have to go!” Chen Xuan shouted to Yachen while trying to find a way to escape.

The two of them hurriedly ran towards the nearest exit, but the atmosphere around them became increasingly chaotic, making them feel suffocated and restrained. They struggled with all their strength, trying to escape from this abnormal place.

Amid the chaos, Chen Xuan suddenly felt his body being drawn into a powerful aura, as if being attracted by an invisible force. His body was pushed forward uncontrollably, unable to resist the pull of this force.

 "Chen Xuan! Let's go!" Yachen was also trapped in the same anomaly and shouted desperately.

However, they were trapped in an abnormal force field and could not escape no matter how hard they struggled.

 Chen Xuan felt his body being gradually pulled into some kind of dark void, his vision gradually blurred, and his consciousness gradually disappeared. He knew that they were being involved in some unknown force.

When Chen Xuan and Ya Chen were bound by the abnormal power, a powerful spiritual energy rolled towards them, as if to devour them. Suddenly, a golden light pierced the void, and a figure appeared in front of them, it was Elder Luo Yi.

Elder Luo Yi's eyes flashed with firmness and determination. He faced the abnormal force field, and his palms exuded surging spiritual energy, trying to resist the abnormal movements around him.

“Chen Xuan, Yachen, come with me quickly!” Elder Luo Yi’s voice echoed through the ancient ruins, and a powerful force emanated from him, opening a passage for them.

 Chen Xuan and Ya Chen realized that the opportunity had come, and they rushed in the direction of Elder Luo Yi without hesitation, trying their best to resist the pull of the abnormal force field.

The figure of Elder Luo Yi gave them hope in the chaotic scene, and they rushed towards the light with all their strength.

 The strong power fluctuations gradually subsided, and Chen Xuan and Ya Chen finally escaped from the abnormal force field and fell into the safe area created by Elder Luo Yi.

“Elder Luo Yi, thank you for saving us!” Chen Xuan thanked him sincerely.

 (End of this chapter)

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