Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6784: The number has not decreased

 Chapter 6784 The number has not decreased

The light curtain transformed by the Void Talisman also began to stabilize, and Chen Xuan finally survived this life-and-death crisis.

There was disbelief in the eyes of the men in black. They watched in shock as Chen Xuan escaped from the constraints of the formation. They originally thought that this formation could easily trap Chen Xuan, but they did not expect that Chen Xuan could escape with his own strength. .

In Qingyun Tower, the number of men in black has not decreased, and they surround Chen Xuan layer by layer.

 Chen Xuan's heart sank. There were many opponents, and if he continued to fight, he would only fall into a more difficult predicament. He decided not to face these people head-on, but to seek an opportunity to escape.

“The secret method of time and space!” Chen Xuan murmured in a low voice. He activated the secret method of time and space again. The surrounding space suddenly became chaotic, and time seemed to begin to distort.

Upon seeing this, the man in black was horrified and tried to increase his attack on Chen Xuan. However, Chen Xuan's time and space fluctuations became more powerful and gradually began to encompass the surrounding space. The distortion and chaos in the space seemed to open up a glimmer of hope for him.

 Chen Xuan seized this opportunity. He manipulated the power of the secret method of time and space. A subtle fluctuation began to surround his body. The space around the man in black gradually distorted, and the fluctuation of time and space was like a ripple, wrapping Chen Xuan in it.

“Get out!” Chen Xuan roared. Suddenly, his figure flashed like lightning, and space-time fluctuations erupted. Chen Xuan seemed to turn into a ray of light and shadow, quickly disappearing from the place, leaving behind a twisted space.

The men in black were extremely shocked. Their attacks hit the air, but they were unable to pursue them. Chen Xuan had already escaped. They looked at each other, anger and unwillingness flashed in their eyes.

 Chen Xuan quickly shuttled through the Qingyun Tower, with time and space fluctuations still surging around him. His heart was heavy. The strength of the man in black he encountered this time was beyond his expectation. The opponent was not an ordinary opponent.

"I am afraid that if my identity is exposed this time, more forces will be against me." Chen Xuan was alert. He had to find a way to escape from pursuit, and at the same time, he had to be careful of the enemies around him.

He thought quickly and decided to avoid the main area of ​​the tower and find a secluded place to hide. The interior of Qingyun Tower is intricate and there are many hidden places. He can use these places to temporarily avoid pursuit.

"Why did these men in black attack me?" Chen Xuan couldn't help but think to himself. This sudden pursuit made him feel confused.

Speedly traveling through the Qingyun Tower, Chen Xuan tried his best to avoid other monks. He knew that it would be more dangerous if he was exposed now. He looked for a secluded corner in an attempt to avoid this pursuit.

Finally, he came to a quiet corner. It was a dilapidated secret room that looked very desolate. Chen Xuan entered without hesitation and immediately held his breath, not daring to make any sound.

The man in black did not pursue him. Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still worried and uneasy. He decided to wait here quietly and stabilize himself first.

He sat quietly in the corner, surrounded by darkness and only a weak spiritual energy flowing. As time passed, he began to immerse himself in practice, suppressing his aura to avoid being discovered by the enemy.

 Chen Xuan was in a dark secret room, surrounded by silence, with only weak spiritual energy flowing slowly. He sat in a corner, closed his eyes and meditated, concentrating on suppressing his own aura, hiding as much as possible in this dilapidated corner.

Time passed quietly in silence, and Chen Xuan's mood gradually calmed down. The spiritual energy in his body gradually stabilized, and his thoughts began to clarify. However, he was still at a loss as to the origin and purpose of the group of men in black.

 In this secluded place, he decided to bide his time and pay careful attention to the movements around him. The secluded corner made him feel slightly safer, but he knew it was only a momentary peace.

As time passed by, Chen Xuan remained alert and his body and mind were in a highly tense state. He was always paying attention to changes in the outside world and was careful to avoid exposing his own existence.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound outside the secret room. Chen Xuan's expression suddenly changed. He immediately restrained his breath alertly and hid in the corner like a ray of light.

There were subtle footsteps outside the door, and Chen Xuan looked solemn. He was secretly vigilant, not knowing who the visitor was. He thought to himself that he must deal with it carefully, just in case.

 Chen Xuan's heart moved, but he did not respond and remained silent.

"Are you in there? We are here to help you!" A voice came from outside the door. It sounded a little anxious. Chen Xuan's heart moved slightly. These words surprised him.

"Who is it? Who sent you?" Chen Xuan was confused. The sudden appearance of the other party was somewhat beyond his expectation, but he still remained alert and did not dare to believe it easily.

The answer came from outside the door: "We were sent by Elder Luo Yi. The elder told us that you were in danger, so we came to help."

 Chen Xuan was slightly shocked. He knew that Elder Luo Yi was a person with a certain status in Qingyun Tower. However, he was still cautious and did not dare to believe it because he could not determine the true identity of the other party.

"I need to be sure of your identity, otherwise I won't be able to open the door." Chen Xuan's voice was calm, but his heart was extremely alert. He had to be careful and not take it lightly because he was eager to get out of the current predicament.

There was a moment of silence outside the door, and then the voice came again: "We can show you identification, just ask you to believe it."

 Chen Xuan hesitated in his heart. He knew that he had to make a decision now, but this decision was related to his safety. He weighed the pros and cons and finally made a decision. He quietly stood up and walked to the door cautiously, but did not open the door immediately. He quietly observed the situation in the crack of the door, carefully looking for possible clues.

There was a slight movement outside the door, and then a note was quietly slipped through the crack of the door.

Chen Xuan stared at the runes on the note. He could identify it based on his own cultivation. This string of runes seemed to have a certain degree of authenticity. However, he still had doubts.

After thinking carefully for a moment, he opened the door gently, but still remained vigilant and observed the situation outside the door. Outside the door were two monks, holding runes and looking anxious and expectant.

“Please show your true identity.” Chen Xuan’s voice was calm, but there was a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

The two monks exchanged a glance, and then took out their identification documents to prove that they were indeed the people sent by Elder Luo Yi. Chen Xuan relaxed slightly, but still remained vigilant. He knew that he could not take it lightly now.

"Thank you for your help." Chen Xuan's expression was indifferent, but he felt a little relieved in his heart. He realized that he was temporarily out of trouble, but he was still alert in his heart.

Upon seeing this, the two monks immediately asked Chen Xuan about the situation. Chen Xuan briefly explained the previous pursuit, but did not reveal too many details.

"We must leave here as soon as possible now." Chen Xuan's voice was calm but firm. He knew that the danger in Qingyun Tower has not been eliminated, and he must leave as soon as possible to ensure safety.

The two monks nodded when they heard the words, and they immediately took action with Chen Xuan, carefully walking through the secret passages in Qingyun Tower.

 In this maze-like Qingyun Tower, they carefully avoided possible enemies and chose as secret a route as possible in an attempt to leave this dangerous place.

After some dodging, they finally came to the exit of Qingyun Tower. Chen Xuan was also starving and felt relieved at this moment. He knew that he was temporarily out of danger.

“Thank you for your help.” Chen Xuan bowed deeply and expressed his gratitude to the two monks. Then, he turned and left, deciding to stay away from Qingyun Tower for the time being to avoid more trouble.

The two monks looked at Chen Xuan's leaving figure with solemn expressions. They knew that the predicament Chen Xuan was facing was serious, but they could not interfere in it. They could only hope that he could get out of this crisis safely.

 Chen Xuan's figure disappeared into the distance.

Elder Song sat deeply in a secret room in Qingyun Tower. There was only weak candlelight in the room, reflecting his heavy expression. He was holding a broken jade slip in his hand, with the runes originally embedded on it. It was broken, and pieces were scattered messily on the table.

The jade slip was originally his only contact method for sending the man in black to pursue Chen Xuan. Once it was destroyed, it would mean the failure of the mission and the death of the man in black. Elder Song closed his eyes tightly, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and endless anxiety and anger surged in his heart.

“How is that possible!” He cursed in a low voice, and the jade slip in his hand fell into pieces. It was his most precious communication tool and the only mission certificate of the men in black sent out.

Elder Song is an important figure in Qingyun Tower. He has extraordinary status and power, but at this moment, he feels unprecedented frustration and pain. He never thought that the men in black he sent would be defeated by Chen Xuan.

 He was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and suppressed the anger and anxiety in his heart. He knew that now was not the time to be depressed, but that he needed to think calmly and find a solution to the problem.

"Chen Xuan, you are so cunning!" Elder Song gritted his teeth, resentful of Chen Xuan's methods and cunning, and the hatred for Chen Xuan deep in his heart burned like a fire.

He immediately ordered someone to inform Elder Luo Yi and requested that the detection mechanism in Qingyun Tower be turned on, hoping to track Chen Xuan's whereabouts. He knew very well that in order to deal with Chen Xuan at this moment, he must use stronger power and means.

After losing the only clue to track Chen Xuan, Elder Song felt very heavy. He felt powerless and anxious. This sudden failure was difficult for him to accept, and the anger and helplessness surging in his heart were difficult to suppress.

 He closed his eyes deeply and tried to suppress his emotions.

 He knows that he cannot be swayed by emotions and must deal with the situation at hand rationally.

"Chen Xuan, your cunning is far beyond my expectation." Elder Song sighed secretly, deeply shocked by Chen Xuan's strength and resourcefulness. He realized that to deal with this person, he would need to be more cautious and thoughtful.

 He calmed down and began to arrange new measures, trying to track and lock Chen Xuan's whereabouts in a more rigorous way. He knew that this was a protracted battle, and he must not make another mistake in this competition.

Elder Song continued to meditate in the room. The broken jade slip in his hand was his last hope, but at this moment it had turned into endless regret and frustration. He secretly vowed to find Chen Xuan and make him pay the price!

 The anger in his heart burned, and his eyes shone with determination.

Despite the setback, he was determined not to give up. He must find Chen Xuan and teach him a lesson!

 (End of this chapter)

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