Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6786: Lin Feng's death

 Chapter 6786 The Death of Lin Feng

"This may be a new clue." Chen Xuan made up his mind. He knew that he must treat this matter with caution and not act hastily.

Chen Xuan took the jade pendant into his arms and embarked on the road to pursue the truth. He was determined to find more evidence, figure out the relationship between the jade pendant on Elder Song and Lin Feng, and seek justice for Lin Feng.

 He began to search for clues about Lin Feng's death and information related to the jade pendant. He checked historical records one by one, looking for any information that might be related to the jade pendant.

Within the Star Dragon Sect, he tried to search for people who had interacted with Lin Feng, hoping to get more information from them. He did not forget how Lin Feng was discovered, and he hoped to find more witnesses. Or people who know Lin Feng's past, maybe they can provide more clues.

However, he found that there was not much information about Lin Feng within the Xinglong Sect, and most people seemed to avoid talking about this topic. This confused him and made him more determined to continue to explore the truth.

As time gradually passed, Chen Xuan kept looking for clues and trying to understand the situation of Lin Feng during his lifetime. He found that his guess may not be groundless, but the evidence was not sufficient, and he needed more clues to confirm everything.

The stars were shining, and the night shrouded the courtyard of the Xinglong Sect. Chen Xuan was practicing quietly in his residence, immersed in the realm of swordsmanship. Suddenly, a gust of wind pierced the night, and faint footsteps could be heard outside the courtyard.

 Chen Xuan frowned slightly, aware of the unusual atmosphere. He was alert, but not impatient. Instead, he quietly waited for the arrival of the visitor.

Outside the courtyard, a group of figures dressed in black quietly approached the residence of the Star Dragon Sect in the darkness. They moved quietly and quickly, seeming to be full of familiarity and confidence in their mission.

 “Here it is.” A man in black whispered.

The leading figure nodded, waved his hand lightly, and then, they quickly approached Chen Xuan's residence at an extremely fast speed.

 In the courtyard, Chen Xuan was alert and aware of the movement around him. He stood up quietly, holding the Suzaku Sword in his hand. His body was like lightning, and he calmly faced the man in black who was attacking.

In the darkness, Chen Xuan's figure whizzed past, his sword light flashed, turning into a stream of light, shuttling between the men in black. His sword moves were like thunder, and the sky was filled with sword shadows. Every move and every move was full of shocking power. and lethality.

The men in black were panicked by Chen Xuan's sudden appearance, but they were also trained elites. They reacted quickly and used their own skills to try to surround and attack Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's figure whizzed past, cleverly avoiding the attack of the man in black like a dragon. His sword moves were extremely sharp. The Suzaku sword technique showed infinite power in his hands. The sword light was like fire, and the red light was blazing. Every time Every swing contains huge lethality.

Amid the interplay of sword lights and figures, a fierce battle quickly unfolded. The man in black in the courtyard started a fierce battle with Chen Xuan. The sword energy soared into the sky with great momentum.

"Don't let him get close!" A man in black shouted in a low voice. They tried to besiege Chen Xuan together, but Chen Xuan's swordsmanship whizzed past and almost easily escaped their siege.

 Chen Xuan knew in his heart that the strength of these men in black was not weak, and there might be masters arranged by Elder Song among them, but he was not afraid at all, and the fire in his heart became even hotter. He was determined to protect himself and would show no mercy.

The battle was fierce in the courtyard of the Star Dragon Sect, with swords intersecting and sword aura flowing horizontally. Although the men in black were outnumbered, Chen Xuan was still able to withstand their offensive with ease thanks to his excellent swordsmanship and agility.

Chen Xuan's swordsmanship has become more and more exquisite. Every move contains profound sword intent. His swordsmanship has reached its peak. Every sword and every move emits huge power, which makes the man in black feel frightened. .

But in the middle of the fierce battle, suddenly a black shadow flashed across, and an extremely cold aura filled the air. A man in black performed a special technique, and his aura condensed and attacked Chen Xuan.

 Chen Xuan felt the sudden chill, and he dodged vigilantly, but the attack of the man in black was extremely cunning, and the cold air filled the air. Chen Xuan felt the coldness all over his body, and it was difficult to use his sword skill freely for a while.

"What kind of skill is this?" Chen Xuan was secretly surprised, but he did not give up resistance. Although he was affected, he still tried his best to compete with the man in black.

The situation changed in an instant. Facing the joint offensive of the men in black, Chen Xuan felt the pressure increasing. He knew that he had to find a way to break through quickly, otherwise the situation would become very unfavorable for him.

 Chen Xuan constantly adjusted his rhythm and tactics, looking for ways to break through the opponent's defense. He tried his best and used all means to resist these men in black.

In the courtyard of the Xinglong Sect, Chen Xuan and the man in black started a fierce battle. The sword energy was arrogant, the wind was raging, and the sound of gold and iron coming from the battle group was deafening.

 Chen Xuan was entangled with the men in black. His sword skills were whizzing past, and the shadows of the swords intertwined. The sword moves were so exquisite that the opponents were overwhelmed.

 However, as the number of people in black increased, Chen Xuan gradually felt the pressure increase. The people in black cooperated with each other, as if undercurrents were gathering, trying to trap him in a heavy siege.

“Leave this kind of thing to me!” A voice suddenly sounded in the night. Following the voice, an old man in robes floated over. He was holding a long sword, his figure was flashing, and he was majestic.

 Elder Luo Yi! He is one of the respected elders in the Star Dragon Sect, with profound cultivation and superb swordsmanship.

“Elder Luo Yi is here!” someone screamed. The expressions of the other men in black changed slightly, but they still showed no weakness at all and surrounded Chen Xuan.

The arrival of Elder Luo Yi made Chen Xuan feel a little relieved. He knew that the strength of this elder should not be underestimated, and he might be able to reverse the current situation.

"Chen Xuan, please step back first!" Elder Luo Yi said calmly, waving the sword lightly in his hand, and a powerful sword energy burst out from the tip of the sword, like a bright star.

 Chen Xuan's heart moved. He expressed his gratitude to Elder Luo Yi, but did not hesitate. He knew that the most important thing now was to work together with the elder to deal with this unexpected battle.

 The two swordsmen were crossing the courtyard, the sword light was flowing, and for a moment, the sword energy surged, sweeping across the entire courtyard like a violent storm.

Elder Luo Yi has superb swordsmanship and extremely sharp sword moves. When he strikes out with his sword, his sword energy sweeps across. Facing his offensive, all the men in black retreat.

 Chen Xuan was secretly glad when he saw this. The addition of Elder Luo Yi caused the situation to change instantly, and the people in black were retreating steadily under the elder's sword.

 “Elder Luo Yi is really powerful!” A Xinglong Sect disciple exclaimed. Chen Xuan also secretly admired him. He saw Elder Luo Yi's superb swordsmanship and extraordinary strength, and he became more confident in cooperating with him.

However, just when the battle group was in a stalemate, a man in black suddenly launched a powerful attack, and a sharp sword energy struck at Chen Xuan and Elder Luo Yi.

“Be careful!” Elder Luo Yi warned loudly. He moved and waved his sword, trying to block the sharp sword energy.

But the attack of the man in black should not be underestimated, and the momentum of the sword was unstoppable. Elder Luo Yi and Chen Xuan both felt a powerful force of oppression and were secretly vigilant in their hearts.

Just when the sword energy was about to touch the two of them, a bright light suddenly flashed, and a huge barrier appeared in front of Chen Xuan and Elder Luo Yi, blocking the fierce sword energy.

 It’s Chen Xuan’s secret method of time and space! At the critical moment, he performed this unique skill to protect himself and Elder Luo Yi.

When the two saw this, they were both surprised and thankful that Chen Xuan's secret method of time and space had saved them at this critical moment. They admired Chen Xuan's ability even more.

 “Let’s go!” Chen Xuan shouted loudly. He realized that the current situation was critical and he had to get out of this dangerous situation as soon as possible.

Elder Luo Yi nodded, and the two quickly left the battlefield, turned into light, and flew away quickly. The people in black did not dare to pursue them. They were both frightened and unwilling. After all, the strength of their opponents was far beyond their expectations.

The temperature of the battle group in the courtyard dropped in an instant. Chen Xuan and Elder Luo Yi quickly escaped from the danger, but they all knew in their hearts that this sudden attack meant that something that could not be ignored was happening.

The departing figures of the two people gradually disappeared into the night, while the man in black in the courtyard stood there silently, with hatred for Chen Xuan and Elder Luo Yi burning in his heart.

 In the inner hall of the Star Dragon Sect, the sect leader’s residence was shrouded in silence. The sect leader sitting on the main seat has a majestic posture and a solemn expression, as if he can control everything in the Star Dragon Sect.

Suddenly, an ominous wind sound came from outside the door, and then the atmosphere in the room seemed to become solemn. There were hurried footsteps outside the door, and the guards' voices revealed a hint of nervousness.

The door was pushed open, and Elder Song and a group of men in black hurriedly walked into the room. Elder Song's face was livid, and his eyes were full of anger. The men in black all had gloomy expressions. They had obviously experienced something unpleasant.

"Sect Master, something big happened!" Elder Song's voice was low, full of anger and dissatisfaction.

The sect master raised his eyes and gradually fell on Elder Song. His expression remained calm: "What happened, Elder Song?"

Elder Song was furious. He pointed at Elder Luo Yi and stood up, his voice full of anger: "It's him! Elder Luo Yi and a guy named Chen Xuan, the two of them, they ruined our plan!"

The sect leader frowned slightly, but he maintained a calm attitude: "Chen Xuan? He is a new disciple of Xinglong Sect, how can he cause you such trouble?"

Elder Song stared at Elder Luo Yi and was furious: "Elder Luo Yi joined forces with Chen Xuan to obstruct our action against the Star Dragon Sect! They ruined our plan and cost us many people!"

The sect leader slowly closed his eyes, his face still calm: "Is Chen Xuan your target? Why is he related to Elder Luo Yi?"

"This Chen Xuan has extraordinary strength, and his existence has brought us huge trouble!" Elder Song said bitterly: "But Elder Luo Yi stands with him and obstructs our actions! Lord Sect Master, this It’s an insult to us!”

Elder Luo Yi looked calm and stood aside without speaking. There was a hint of disdain and indifference in his eyes.

The sect leader listened quietly, with deep thought in his brows. He attached great importance to every elder of the Star Dragon Sect, but at this time, the conflict between Elder Song and Elder Luo Yi was obviously not something that could be easily resolved.

"You all have your own version of what happened." The sect leader said, "I will investigate the matter carefully and find out the truth."

“Sir, Master, we cannot let Elder Luo Yi go!” Elder Song said sternly: “He is a traitor to the Star Dragon Sect!”

"Elder Luo Yi?" The sect leader narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at Elder Luo Yi sharply: "What is your explanation for this matter?"

Elder Luo Yi still remained calm, and he spoke slowly: "Sir, Sect Master, this matter is indeed not simple, but Chen Xuan is not as simple as we imagined. He may be worthy of our re-examination."

"Elder Luo Yi, have you forgotten your identity?" Elder Song asked sternly: "We are members of the Star Dragon Sect, but you stand with the enemy!"

"I just put the interests of the Star Dragon Sect first." Elder Luo Yi said indifferently: "I have no intention of getting entangled with you in these matters."

"The interests of the Star Dragon Sect?" Elder Song said angrily: "Are you betraying us in the name of the Star Dragon Sect?"

The sect leader's eyes kept turning between the two elders. He knew that this was a rare confrontation within the Star Dragon Sect, but he did not intervene and just quietly observed the words and actions of the two.

"That's enough." The sect leader spoke slowly and in a calm voice: "This matter is of great concern. I will personally investigate and understand the truth. Our Star Dragon Sect cannot be thrown into disarray because of temporary disputes."

"But the behavior of Elder Luo Yi and Chen Xuan really needs to be explained." The sect leader's eyes fell on Elder Luo Yi again: "You all can leave, and I will find out the truth as soon as possible."

 The two elders looked at each other and then left the room. Elder Luo Yi still had a calm expression on his face, while Elder Song left with a face full of anger.

 (End of this chapter)

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