Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6788: sleepy day

Chapter 6788 Trapped in the Sky

The Lord stared at Kuntian, with no expression on his face, but there was a sense of worry in his eyes. He understood what a powerful force and threat this ancient existence represented. This was an unprecedented challenge.

At this moment, there was a light knock on the door, and then Elder Song stepped into the inner hall. He looked solemn, with a touch of confidence and determination on his face.

“Sect Master, the work has been completed.” Elder Song reported without any hesitation.

The sect leader nodded slightly. He looked at Elder Song, with a hint of expectation and vigilance in his eyes. "How do you feel about Kuntian's resurrection?"

Elder Song's face was calm: "Kuntian is a sharp weapon of the Star Dragon Sect. It will bring infinite power and deterrence to the sect. We will fully control it and safeguard the sect's safety and interests."

 The sect leader was silent, he understood the meaning of Elder Song's words. "You have to make sure that Kuntian doesn't get out of control. This is our last trump card and it's also our responsibility."

"Yes, Sect Master." Elder Song bowed and saluted, his eyes revealing his loyalty and trust to the Sect Master.

The sect leader nodded slightly, indicating that Elder Song could leave. However, his heart was full of doubts and worries. The existence of Kuntian is a powerful weapon for Xinglong Sect, but it may also be a double-edged sword. Its power cannot be completely controlled and the risks it brings are unpredictable.

Outside the door, Elder Song exited the inner hall, frowning slightly. He understood the sect leader's worries, but the power of Quetian was of great significance to the Star Dragon Sect.

The resurrection of Kuntian means that the prestige and intimidation of Xinglong Sect in the world of cultivation will rise to a higher level, but this is also a huge challenge, and the power of Kuntian cannot be underestimated.

 The conversation between the sect leader and Elder Song hinted at the variables and challenges in the future.

 In the inner hall of Xinglong Sect, an urgent meeting was taking place. Elder Luo Yi and several other elders were facing the sect master with solemn expressions.

"Sect Master, we strongly request that Kuntian be sealed again!" Elder Luo Yi's voice revealed worry: "The existence of Kuntian will bring a lot of dangers, and we cannot take the risk of leaving him outside!"

 The sect leader was silent for a moment, his brows showing deep thought. "Although Kuntian is powerful, he is also the trump card of Xinglong Sect, which represents our deterrence. Furthermore, it is not impossible to control Kuntian."

“Sect Master, the power of Kuntian is unpredictable. Once out of control, it will bring devastating consequences to the Star Dragon Sect!” Another elder echoed nervously.

“We can’t risk leaving behind this potential threat!” A female elder also expressed her strong stance: “Sealing the trapped genius again is the safest choice.”

 The sect master thought for a moment, but his expression remained serious. "We must consider it carefully. The power of Kuntian is a huge challenge to Xinglong Sect, but it is also an opportunity."

"Sect Master, we cannot leave the future of the entire Star Dragon Sect in uncertainty!" Elder Luo Yi emphasized again: "Kui Tian's existence is too dangerous, we cannot leave him behind!"

"Yes, we must make a wise decision." The sect leader took a deep breath: "I will consider your suggestions."

The elders were quite surprised. The sect leader's attitude seemed a little hesitant. They were well aware of the potential danger brought by Kuntian's power and would not tolerate any hesitation.

“Sect Master, we cannot hesitate for a moment!” An elder emphasized again: “Sealing the trapped genius is the safest choice.”

"We cannot bet on the future of the entire Star Dragon Sect!" Elder Luo Yi's voice was full of determination: "Kui Tian's existence must be sealed as soon as possible. This is the safest way."

The sect leader took a deep breath and pondered for a moment. He understood that this was an extremely difficult decision. The power of Kuntian was undoubtedly the trump card of the Star Dragon Sect, but it also represented huge risks and uncertainties.

"We need time to consider this issue." The suzerain finally made a tentative decision: "I will discuss it with other elders."

All the elders looked at each other. They knew that although the sect leader's decision was a polite rejection, it also meant that they still had a chance to convince the sect leader.

 After the meeting, Elder Luo Yi and others eagerly discussed the response strategy. "We must act as soon as possible!" Elder Luo Yi frowned: "Kui Tian's existence is too dangerous, we must seal it as soon as possible."

“But the sect master’s attitude seems to be hesitant.” An elder said worriedly: “We must find a way to convince him.”

"The existence of Kuntian is an unstable factor for Xinglong Sect." Another elder said solemnly: "We must act as soon as possible to solve this problem as soon as possible."

 In the inner hall of Xinglong Sect, the sect leader is sitting on a high seat with a solemn and determined expression. The elders looked around the room, anxiously waiting for the sect master's final decision.

 “We cannot give up the power of Zhentian easily.” The sect master’s voice was solemn and firm: “I will not seal it easily.”

For a moment, the room was quiet, and all the elders showed disappointment. They originally waited with hope for the sect master to make a decision, but they did not expect that the sect leader would make such a choice.

"But the power of Kuntian is so huge, we can't ensure that it won't get out of control!" Elder Luo Yi said in a deep voice: "It is extremely dangerous to do so."

“Sect Master, please think twice!” Another elder called anxiously: “Kuitian’s existence is a potential threat to Xinglong Sect.”

The sect leader slowly shook his head: "Sealing Kuntian will bring a lot of losses to Xinglong Sect. Kuntian's power is also a trump card for the sect."

“But if Kuntian loses control, it will be a disaster!” Elder Luo Yi emphasized again.

"I will not give up the Star Dragon Sect's trump card easily." The sect leader's voice was calm, but full of determination: "But Kuntian cannot be released for the time being." The sect leader's words were like the final word, and the elders had no choice but to accept them. They knew well that the sect leader's The decision involves the future of the entire sect. Perhaps this is the wisest choice, but my heart is still full of worry and uneasiness.

 The sect leader stood up with a heavy look on his face. "Let the chains of trapped beasts temporarily trap trapped days, but don't continue to seal them." There was an unquestionable determination in his tone.

The elders were silent. They may not understand the sect master's decision, but this is the sect master's order and they can only obey it.

The trapped beast chain is one of the artifacts inherited by the Star Dragon Sect. It has the powerful power to trap ancient ferocious beasts. Everyone sent the trapped beast chains to the altar, worshiped the divine spell, and the powerful chain spiritual energy began to condense.

In the inner hall of the Star Dragon Sect, a curtain of light appeared above the altar, gradually forming the pattern of a trapped beast's chain, and a powerful aura surged out, covering the entire altar.

Trapped in chains, the raging power was temporarily suppressed, but the body was still filled with a suppressed and violent aura. The elders all had lingering fears. They understood that this was only a temporary measure, and the power of Kuntian was still ready to move.

The sect leader’s decision weighed the interests of the sect, but it also took risks. The future of the Star Dragon Sect will face unknown challenges. The existence of Kuntian is both an opportunity and a huge risk for the Star Dragon Sect.

 Under the sect leader’s firm decision, Kuntian was temporarily trapped.

Chen Xuan stood alone in the Xinglong Sect, looking into the distance. Han Feng's death, although the relationship between the two was not harmonious, still made him feel a little emotional.

“Han Feng, your death is still a kind of sadness.” Chen Xuan murmured softly, with a hint of helplessness in his voice.

 He sighed a few words, turned and left.

The sect didn't care about the death of the little person at all, and the punishment given to her was only symbolic. He was just involved in this matter inadvertently.

Deep in a ruins, among the mottled light and shadow, a white-haired old man sits quietly on the ground, holding a pen in his hand to create exquisite patterns on the canvas. The traces of time are revealed between his brows, but he looks hale and hearty, as if hidden. A profound talent.

This old man seems to be permanently sealed in this ruins. The lines on the canvas are like jumping notes, transforming into mysterious and gorgeous patterns. His brushstrokes are light and free, as if telling an ancient legend.

 While the old man was focusing on the canvas, his eyes would occasionally cast to distant places. His gaze rested on the sealed Kuntian, and there was an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

"Sleepy God, your power is so shocking, and it also contains infinite mystery." The old man whispered to himself, his voice low and distant: "The aura on your body is so ancient and pure, I actually feel a little lost. "

  His gaze turned to Kuntian, which was a kind of memory of the past, a reminiscence of a long time ago. The old man was deeply immersed in his memory, as if he had some indescribable connection with Kuntian.

"Is your seal to protect this land, or to hide deeper secrets?" A trace of confusion flashed in the old man's eyes: "Perhaps, you carry more unknown stories."

His words were full of doubts and thoughts, as if he was trying to solve the mystery hidden in Kuntian. The old man's eyes revealed a desire and pursuit for the unknown, and curiosity about Kuntian's powerful and mysterious power.

In this ruins, the old man and the sealed trapped sky seem to be two ancient legends intertwined, and his brushstrokes flow on the canvas.

 In a quiet corner of Xinglong Sect, Chen Xuan and Elder Song met unexpectedly. The sunlight shines through the shadows of the ancient trees and shines on the two of them, reflecting their different atmospheres.

 Elder Song had a disdainful smile on his face, and a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. He stared at Chen Xuan, as if he felt ironic and disdainful of his existence.

"Chen Xuan, it seems you are still wandering around here." Elder Song's voice was a little cold: "It's a waste in the sect, it's rare that you still have the face to show up."

 Chen Xuan looked at Elder Song indifferently, with a calm expression, not moved by his words. He had already understood in his heart that Elder Song's ridicule was just a bluff, and he was already prepared for it.

"Elder Song, why are you so sarcastic?" Chen Xuan said calmly: "Your attitude may cause misunderstanding."

Elder Song sneered: "Misunderstanding? What kind of misunderstanding do you know about, you loser? Don't forget your status in the sect."

“My status?” A trace of darkness flashed in Chen Xuan’s eyes: “Maybe I’m just trash in your eyes, but I know my position.”

"Chen Xuan, your arrogant and arrogant attitude has destined you to be an insignificant existence." Elder Song sneered: "Your contribution to the sect is probably not as good as a piece of dust."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly, with a touch of confidence in his eyes...

 Elder Song, you are right. Maybe in your eyes, I am just a piece of dust, but I will not be swayed by your ridicule. "

“Chen Xuan, you are just a mortal who does not overestimate your abilities, and your contribution to the sect is negligible.” Elder Song said in a cold tone: “What do you think you can leave behind in this sect?”

“Maybe I won’t leave anything behind, but I won’t leave easily either.” Chen Xuan’s eyes were firm: “I will follow my own path, and I don’t have to care about your opinions.”

 (End of this chapter)

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