Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6796: Cher

Chapter 6796 Xueer

"This is not the way we should discuss it." Chen Xuan's voice was calm and firm. He tried to keep the situation under control. He knew the mystery of Xueer's words and was unwilling to let the situation expand further.

Xueer smiled softly, her eyes wandering between the three of them. "I just came to observe, and I didn't do anything against the rules." There was an indescribable ambiguity in her words, which seemed to deliberately tease Chen Xuan's patience.

Yachen pursed her lips. She tried hard to conceal her inner uneasiness and dissatisfaction. She stared at Chen Xuan, expecting him to solve this embarrassing situation.

“Xueer, you did not violate the rules, but this kind of communication is not appropriate.” Chen Xuan tried to find a proper solution.

Xueer lightly shrugged, seemingly not paying attention to Chen Xuan's warning. She still had a smile on her lips, and there was a provocation in her eyes. She seemed to intend to push the atmosphere into a more subtle situation.

 Chen Xuan took a deep breath. He felt that the situation was getting more and more difficult, but he didn't know how to deal with it. He tried to stabilize his emotions and stay calm, but he became increasingly anxious inside.

A trace of worry flashed in Yachen's eyes. She tried to calm down her emotions. She looked at Chen Xuan, hoping that he could handle this embarrassing situation properly and restore calm to the scene.

Xueer smiled slightly after Chen Xuan stopped her, said a few vague words of farewell, and then left the practice ground, leaving only Chen Xuan and Yachen.

Chen Xuan looked at Yachen and felt her inner doubts and uneasiness. He took a deep breath and after looking for a suitable silence for a period of time, he decided to tell Yachen that he suspected Xueer was sent by Elder Song.

"Ya Chen, I have something to tell you. I began to suspect that Xue'er might have been sent by Elder Song to observe me." Chen Xuan's tone was calm, but full of worry. He hoped that Ya Chen could understand his worries, and Let’s face this challenge together.

Yachen frowned slightly. She was shocked by Chen Xuan's words. She wanted to say something, but her lips moved slightly, but no sound came out. The doubts and uneasiness rolling in her heart made it difficult for her to calm down.

Chen Xuan continued: "Xueer's words and deeds made me feel that her intentions were not simple. I feel that this matter is not simple and we need to deal with it carefully." He tried to make Yachen understand his concerns and hoped to be able to communicate with her. She faces each other.

Yachen was silent for a while. She smiled bitterly, her heart full of uneasiness and doubts. A trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes, but she finally nodded, indicating that she understood what Chen Xuan said.

This unexpected information made their feelings even more complicated.

A few days later, in the courtyard, Chen Xuan had a strong and vigorous figure, holding a Vermilion Bird Sword in his hand. The sword energy was sharp, and the aura danced like fire from the sky. His practice was not static, but waving smoothly and freely, and the shadow of the sword flew like a prairie fire.

Just at this time, a breeze blew by, and there was a faint sound from the corner of the courtyard. Chen Xuan frowned slightly, sensing the changes around him. A figure quietly approached, it was Xue'er who was sent by Elder Song to observe him.

Xueer walked lightly into the courtyard. Her eyes were deep and elegant. Chen Xuan noticed her arrival, but he did not stop practicing. Instead, he focused more on his swordsmanship. Xue'er stood quietly aside, carefully observing Chen Xuan's every move.

The courtyard was filled with the roar of sword energy, as if there were thousands of troops galloping, but Chen Xuan's sword skills were steady and calm, without any tension or worry. His state of mind was like a calm lake, unmoved by external objects.

Chen Xuan's swordsmanship is like a burning fire in the courtyard. Every move and every move is as natural and smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water. The sword energy seems to break the space. As his figure dances, the surrounding air seems to be stirred by the aura. Fluctuate slightly.

There was a hint of surprise in Xue'er's slender eyes. She had never seen such a fiery training scene before. Chen Xuan's swordsmanship carried the soul of the Suzaku, and there seemed to be heavenly fire burning in the sword light, giving people a mysterious and hot feeling.

Suddenly, the power of Chen Xuan's sword changed, and there was a special aura in the sword move, as if it was cutting through the void. His cultivation seemed to have a breakthrough, and the powerful aura made Xue'er feel slightly shocked.

"Xue'er." Chen Xuan suddenly spoke, his voice calm but full of confidence: "Aren't you here to observe me? You might as well feel it for yourself."

Xue'er was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook her head: "I just came according to the elder's arrangement, not to challenge."

 “Challenge?” A hint of joking flashed in Chen Xuan’s eyes: “I just want to communicate with you.”

After finishing speaking, Chen Xuan's sword moves changed, and the sword light flickered brightly and dimly, as if a scene of a red bird flying in the air appeared in the void, and the power of the sky fire was like a turbulent wave, instantly covering the entire courtyard.

Xueer's heart moved slightly, but she didn't show any signs of weakness. She picked up a fallen leaf and waved it gently. Suddenly, there seemed to be a faint celestial fire flickering among the fallen leaves, which contrasted with the light of Chen Xuan's sword.

The two did not really fight, but communicated through cultivation methods, trying to understand each other's cultivation, and the sky fire and wind reflected each other in the courtyard.

During the practice of Chen Xuan and Xue'er, sword energy and heavenly fire intertwined to form a powerful scene. Chen Xuan's sword skills burned like heavenly fire, and the tip of each sword shone with the light of the Suzaku soul, while Xue'er The sky fire in his hand responded and turned into a blazing storm.

Xue'er's sky fire leaves turned into colorful lights and shadows in the air, intertwined with Chen Xuan's sword light. Chen Xuan's swords were powerful in succession. Each sword contained amazing power, as if it could break the barrier between heaven and earth.

Xue'er danced lightly with the sky fire, drifting in the wind. Her figure whizzed past like smoke, turning into an elf of sky fire. She clashed with Chen Xuan's sword skills. There seemed to be no real hostility between the two, but rather a mutual cultivation. ways to communicate with each other.

The spiritual energy fluctuations in the courtyard gradually attracted the attention of other disciples. Some people gathered quietly in the distance, marveling at the cultivation skills displayed by Chen Xuan and Xue'er. What they saw was not a ferocious fight, but a powerful one. The dialogue expresses the understanding between the monks with aura and sword skills.

Chen Xuan and Xue'er's cultivations are compatible with each other. When they collide with each other, they seem to explore the secret of their cultivation. Their communication is not just words.

Gradually, the movements of the two slowed down, the sword light and sky fire gradually weakened, and finally turned into weak light spots and fire filaments, floating in the air with the wind, while Xueer smiled. “Brother Xuan, you are really awesome, I’ll leave first~”

 After exchanging a few words with Chen Xuan, Xueer didn’t say anything else and left...

Xue'er's departure made the atmosphere in the courtyard return to calm, but Chen Xuan's heart was in turmoil.

He was not anxious because of Elder Song's scolding, but because of the strength shown by Xue'er. Chen Xuan knew that Xue'er was not an ordinary person. Her control of the sky fire was extremely exquisite, and it cooperated with his own swordsmanship. He was cornered.

"Xue'er's strength...can't be underestimated." Chen Xuan was secretly vigilant. During the communication with her, he felt a strong sense of oppression. It was not a simple control of the sky fire, but a deep insight into and control of spiritual energy. control.

He silently recalled every move and move of Xue'er in his mind, trying to find the flaws and shortcomings in her practice, but he soon discovered that Xue'er's cultivation was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

“Her heavenly fire seems to be alive and contains special spirituality.” Chen Xuan realized deeply. Xueer's control of sky fire is not only a skill, but also contains a mystery that resonates with the fire aura, which makes him feel a little powerless.

During this brief exchange, he realized that Xueer's potential strength was far beyond his imagination, and he had almost no room to gain the upper hand in the confrontation with her.

"Perhaps, I need to understand the mystery of fire aura more deeply." Chen Xuan secretly made up his mind. He realized that to surpass Xue'er, he not only needed more profound swordsmanship, but also a deeper understanding of heavenly fire.

 In the aftermath left by Xue'er, Chen Xuan's inner tension and uneasiness suddenly surged.

 He decided to go to Jinlong Mountain.

Jinlong Mountain, whose name has been passed down since ancient times, is known as the place where spiritual energy gathers in the Cangshen Realm. When Chen Xuan set foot on Jinlong Mountain, he felt the powerful spiritual energy fluctuations, as if the entire mountain was filled with mysterious power. the breath.

The environment of Jinlong Mountain is changeable, with undulating mountains and overlapping peaks, filled with dense green trees and scattered waterfalls. The mist shrouded the entire mountain range in mystery. Between the cliffs, huge stone pillars and peaks stood upright, forming a magnificent and mysterious scene.

Stepping into the mountain gate, Chen Xuan felt a strong impact of spiritual energy. The surrounding air seemed to condense, and an invisible force surged gently. He suddenly realized that this was not only a mountain range, but also a land of monks. A holy place to pursue cultivation.

Walking on the mountain trails, Chen Xuan witnessed the spectacular scene of Jinlong Mountain.

You can see green pine and cypress trees along the way, the lush leaves are shining with eye-catching green, and rare spiritual grass blooms in the mountains from time to time. The path near the body is winding, suddenly steep and gentle, as if it is testing the monk's will and skills.

Walking through the mountains, Chen Xuan discovered a hidden cave. A strange aura came out of the cave, and there seemed to be an infinite spirituality flowing in it. He stepped into the cave without hesitation, full of curiosity and expectation. .

The cave is deep, and the faint light casts from the top of the cave, illuminating the stone walls inside the cave, which are covered with ancient and mysterious words and symbols, which seem to be an ancient inheritance.

In this mysterious cave, Chen Xuan began his training. He was immersed in practice and gradually realized the mystery of the spiritual energy contained in Jinlong Mountain. The air in the cave was filled with rich spiritual energy, which made his cultivation level improved. Tremendous growth.

After several days of practice, Chen Xuan gradually mastered the unique spiritual energy rules of Jinlong Mountain. He learned how to integrate his own spiritual energy with the spiritual energy of the mountain to make his practice smoother and more efficient. His swordsmanship has also been improved here, with every move Every move is more condensed and profound.

Deep in Jinlong Mountain, a long-hidden monster aura quietly awakened. Chen Xuan was practicing beside a quiet mountain stream and sensed something strange. The scenery was quiet, but there was a faint ominous aura quietly filling the air.

A roar suddenly sounded, gravel splashed everywhere, and the trees in the mountain swayed. A huge monster rushed out from the depths of the mountain stream. It was tall and majestic, and its sharp eyes flashed with fierce light, as if it wanted to tear everything apart. What stands in its way.

"Monster beast!" Chen Xuan's heart trembled. He didn't dare to be careless at all. This was a rare golden-scaled lion and phoenix beast. It was rumored to have fast speed and powerful attack power. It was a species on Jinlong Mountain. A rare monster, it is also a challenge for cultivators.

The golden-scaled lion and phoenix beast was rampaging in the mountains, and the atmosphere around him seemed to be frightened by its rage. It roared and attacked Chen Xuan ferociously.

 Chen Xuan raised the Vermillion Bird Sword in his hand and held the hilt tightly. His eyes were focused. He did not flinch. Instead, he stood firmly near his body, ready to fight this monster to the death.

The golden-scaled lion and phoenix beast roared angrily, its body like electricity, and rushed towards Chen Xuan. When the monster's claws waved, it brought up strong winds, which was about to break Chen Xuan and the trees beside him into pieces.

Chen Xuan's face was solemn and his sword light flickered. He faced the monster's attack without any hesitation. The sword moves of the Suzaku Sword Technique were like fairy fire. The sword edge cut through the air and turned into streaks of red light, heading straight towards the monster. The beast goes away.

The monster's speed was so agile that it was almost impossible to catch it. It flashed, dodged Chen Xuan's sword moves, and then quickly counterattacked. The huge claws suddenly swung out, across the space, and grabbed Chen Xuan with destructive force.

 Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with cold light. He controlled the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique and quickly defused the monster's attack. His body was flexible and agile, and he avoided the monster's ferocious attack with extraordinary reaction speed.

 (End of this chapter)

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