Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6798: Jinlong Mountain

Chapter 6798 Jinlong Mountain

"Jinlong Mountain has always been regarded as a place of trial for cultivators. The dangers there not only come from monsters or other cultivators, but may also involve deeper things." Elder Luo Yi said in a deep voice: "There are dangers hidden there. There are many mysteries, maybe there are ancient forbidden seals or special spiritual energy fluctuations.”

Chen Xuan frowned and thought. These words made him realize that the mystery of Jinlong Mountain was far beyond his imagination. "Li Lingfeng and I encountered a golden-scaled lion and phoenix beast in the mountains. It is extremely powerful. I don't know if it is related to Elder Song's warning."

"The golden-scaled lion and phoenix beast? That is a rare monster, but it usually does not enter Jinlong Mountain." Elder Luo Yi frowned slightly: "Did the spiritual energy fluctuations in Jinlong Mountain attract its attention? Or is there some other gravitational force? , let it venture in there.”

Chen Xuan thought, maybe the spiritual energy fluctuations of Jinlong Mountain have some attraction to monsters, and this may also be related to Elder Song's warning. He thought silently, looking for possible clues, hoping to clarify all this. The whole story.

"We must proceed with caution. Elder Song's warning must not be ignored." Elder Luo Yi said in a serious tone: "We need more information to understand the situation in Jinlong Mountain as soon as possible so that we can respond."

Chen Xuan nodded. He knew that now was not the time to act rashly. The mystery and danger of Jinlong Mountain required a deeper understanding, and Elder Song's warning was also a necessary reminder. He decided to avoid it temporarily before learning more about the situation. Jinlongshan, seeking more support and information.

One day, in a quiet place in the Star Dragon Sect, Chen Xuan was practicing, focusing on his own heart and the flow of spiritual energy. Suddenly, a familiar aura enveloped him, making him raise his head alertly.

"Chen Xuan, I found you." Elder Song's voice came slowly, and his figure appeared beside Chen Xuan, with a faint smile on his face, but there was an elusive meaning in his eyes.

 Chen Xuan's heart trembled. He knew that Elder Song's appearance was definitely not well-intentioned, but he did not show any unnecessary emotions. He just looked at the elder calmly and asked, "What are the instructions from the elder?"

"I heard that you have recently explored Jinlong Mountain, and this is not a place you should set foot in." Elder Song's tone gradually became stern: "Your cultivation will take some time, and it is not appropriate to set foot in such a dangerous place prematurely. "

Chen Xuan was silent, he did not explain or argue, he just listened silently to Elder Song's reprimand. He knew that Elder Song's appearance must have some purpose, and the warning at this moment may involve more important things.

“Xinglong Sect has its own rules and arrangements, and you, as a disciple, should abide by them.” Elder Song glanced at Chen Xuan: “You do have potential, but you may not get more by taking risks.”

"What the elder said is true. I will abide by the rules of the Star Dragon Sect." Chen Xuan responded lightly, but he was full of doubts about Elder Song's intentions. Elder Song's warning seemed to have a deeper meaning.

"You are a smart man." Elder Song smiled, but there was a hint of coldness in his smile: "As long as you follow the advice, you can make a difference in the Star Dragon Sect."

Chen Xuan nodded lightly, indicating that he understood. Although he was confused in his heart, he also knew that now was not the time to ask questions. Elder Song's intention may be more than that, but he did not reveal too many questions and just waited silently. With.

"This time is just a reminder, I hope you can remember it." As soon as Elder Song finished speaking, his figure gradually disappeared from Chen Xuan's sight, leaving a trace of doubt.

Chen Xuan silently watched the disappeared Elder Song, full of doubts in his heart. Elder Song's reminder seemed to mean some deeper danger or test, but he did not give a clear warning.

"His appearance this time is not a simple reminder." Chen Xuan secretly speculated in his heart, trying to clarify the true intention of this appearance. He knew that he had not violated the rules of the Star Dragon Sect, but Elder Song's warning seemed to have a far-reaching point. .

"Perhaps this is a precursor to a major test that the Star Dragon Sect is about to face." This speculation lingered in Chen Xuan's mind, but he could not be sure. He knew that there were many secrets within the Star Dragon Sect. Elder Song's warning might have is part of it.

In the depths of Jinlong Mountain, Chen Xuan felt a powerful spiritual energy surrounding him. The mountains were surrounded by clouds and mist, and the atmosphere was unpredictable. It was as if the entire mountain was breathing mysterious power. He stood on the top of the mountain with a broad view. Staring at the scene down the mountain, my heart was filled with awe and curiosity.

In this mysterious mountain forest, Chen Xuan felt a completely different atmosphere. Every inch of the air was filled with spiritual energy. This spiritual energy had a completely different feeling from the training place of Xinglong Sect, as if it was a more spiritual place. Ancient, more primitive power flows here.

He took a deep breath and felt the spiritual energy flowing in the mountains. The spiritual energy here seemed to be purer and full of surging vitality. It made people feel as if they had returned to the origin of practice. Chen Xuan's eyes shone with desire and hope for the unknown. Determination to explore.

As time went by, Chen Xuan began to practice in the mountains. He closed his eyes and sat quietly, and his whole body emitted a faint golden light. The spiritual energy gathered around him, forming rays of transformed light. He slowly realized the flow of spiritual energy in the mountains. , gradually blending into it.

As his cultivation continued to deepen, Chen Xuan began to feel that the breath in his body was integrated with the surrounding environment. His mood gradually calmed down, and his understanding of this special spiritual energy became deeper. This mountain seemed to exude some kind of spiritual energy. The ancient talent subtly guided the direction of his cultivation.

In the process of practicing, he began to feel some special changes. His body seemed to be integrated with the surrounding nature, and he could sense the subtle changes in the spiritual energy in the mountains. His heart became more peaceful, and his understanding of his own cultivation gradually gradually deepen.

The time in the mountains seemed to become blurry. Day by day, his practice made him feel more and more profound about Jinlong Mountain. His heart became firmer and his pursuit of practice became more persistent. This mysterious mountain range became the focus of his practice. An important experience.

Slowly, Chen Xuan's cultivation seemed to have changed slightly. He could feel that his spiritual energy was more condensed, and his inner strength was gradually increasing. These subtle changes seemed to originate from the mysterious power in Jinlong Mountain, making him He gained a deeper understanding of spiritual practice.

During the days of cultivation, Chen Xuan continued to understand the mysteries of his own cultivation, and at the same time he was also exploring the mystery of Jinlong Mountain. There are too many unknowns hidden in this mountain range. Every step is an exploration of the unknown world and the exploration of the inner world. challenge. Jinlong Mountain is a place of cultivation, but also a place of danger.

In the depths of Jinlong Mountain, a huge figure quietly appeared, an ancient sky-winged phoenix, with feathers as red as fire, spreading its wings in the sky, its eyes shining with ancient talent, but also with a hint of unconcealable majesty.

Chen Xuan felt the aura of this ancient and powerful monster, and frowned slightly, knowing that the monster he encountered this time was by no means an ordinary creature. The sky-winged phoenix spread its wings and flew high, with fire burning around it, as if it was about to swallow up the entire valley. .

 Chen Xuan did not retreat. He stood calmly and stared at the phoenix warily. He knew that such a monster was no simple opponent. Its power came from the ancient power of heaven and earth, and it was the true leader of the mountains and forests.

The sky-winged phoenix spread its wings and flew high, looking down at Chen Xuan, with the light of sky fire flashing in his eyes. Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and persisted in his heart. He was determined to face this menacing challenge.

The phoenix suddenly flapped its fairy fire wings, and a powerful sky fire surged towards Chen Xuan, instantly burning the surrounding area into a red light. Chen Xuan hurriedly circulated the spiritual energy in his body and gathered a layer of Suzaku sky fire shield to block the menacing sky fire attack.

He did not dare to neglect, and the Suzaku Sword Technique in his hand erupted with a harsh sword whistling sound. The Sky Fire Sword Qi descended like the sky and slashed towards the Sky Wing Phoenix. However, the Sky Wing Phoenix did not show weakness and spread its wings to control the sky. The Sky Fire condensed around it and turned into Barriers of sky fire resisted Chen Xuan's attacks.

The battle intensified. The sky-winged phoenix hovered in the sky, waving its wings of fire, stirring up the sea of ​​fire and spiritual energy. Chen Xuan suddenly dodged and counterattacked, with spiritual energy all over his body surging, trying his best to deal with this powerful monster.

The sky fire and sword energy intertwined, and the air in the valley boiled. The collision between the two released strong light and aura. The battle continued in the mountains. Chen Xuan tried his best to exert his own strength, trying to find a flaw to deal with the Tianyi Phoenix.

The Sky Winged Phoenix is ​​not easy to deal with. Its sky fire attack and air control method make it difficult for Chen Xuan to seize the opportunity to attack. However, Chen Xuan is not discouraged. His whole body is filled with spiritual energy, trying to find the weakness of this ancient phoenix and seek to crack it. method.

The battle between Chen Xuan and Tianyi Phoenix was full of changes in sword moves and flying sky fires. As the sky fires burned, the entire valley was filled with a scorching aura. The sky fires billowed in the air, projecting blazing sparks.

Chen Xuan dodges the phoenix's sky fire attack like a dragon, moving flexibly in the mountains, suddenly dodging, suddenly counterattacking, his eyes are deep and focused, and there is a look of determination between his eyebrows, even though he is facing the monster The powerful oppression, he did not dare to slack off at all.

The phoenix spread its wings and flew high, swooping down from the sky. Its body was as hot as fairy fire. The waving wings brought strong winds, which hit Chen Xuan like a rain of heavenly fire. Chen Xuan's sword struck one after another, and the sword light was brilliant like a meteor passing by, colliding with the heavenly fire. , dazzling.

The phoenix's wings emitted dazzling firelight, protecting its body and blocking Chen Xuan's attack. However, Chen Xuan was not discouraged. His sword skills changed continuously, and his spiritual energy condensed, forming one after another heavenly fire sword energy, all aimed at the phoenix. Weaknesses.

His movement is extremely agile, like a mysterious wind, suddenly suspended high in the air and suddenly low on the ground, constantly looking for flaws in the attack. The figure of the phoenix was flying in the air, seemingly looking for the next opportunity to attack while dealing with Chen Xuan.

The sky fire and the sword energy were intertwined in the air, and every collision released scorching light and strong aura. Every sword move by Chen Xuan seemed to be carefully planned and aimed at the Phoenix's vital points quickly and accurately.

Not to be outdone, the phoenix waved its wings of sky fire, trying its best to avoid Chen Xuan's attack, and at the same time condensed more blazing sky fire. The fire was so hot that it seemed to burn everything around it.

The confrontation between the two became increasingly fierce, and the surrounding valley was filled with a strong aura of intertwined sky fire and spiritual energy. Chen Xuan kept looking for opportunities, trying to find the key to breaking through Phoenix's defense, and Phoenix was also constantly looking for Chen Xuan's flaws. .

The sky-winged phoenix spreads its wings and flies high, its wings are burning with blazing fairy fire, and the burning sea of ​​​​fire envelopes the surroundings. Chen Xuan's eyes are deep, the sword in his hand trembles, and the power of time is released from his fingertips. Time seems to have frozen, and the world has fallen into silence. .

In this still world, Chen Xuan's figure was like electricity, traveling through stagnant time. The Suzaku soul transformed into the shadow of red sky fire behind him, and his sword moves suddenly accelerated.

"Time and space cease to exist!" Chen Xuan shouted in a low voice, and the long sword turned into a red light. The tip of the sword pierced the shackles of time, and instantly got close to the Phoenix.

The phoenix's pupils shrank, and the look of horror could not be concealed. However, no matter how hard it struggled, the power of time still trapped it, making it impossible to break free.

 Chen Xuan's sword glowed fiercely, and the Suzaku sword technique merged with the secret method of time and space. A fatal blow was ready. The tip of the sword flashed with the terrifying power of heavenly fire, like a fairy fire meteor, heading straight for the heart of the phoenix.

As time flows again, the sword edge cuts through the space, and a hot aura of heavenly fire bursts out instantly, directly attacking the Phoenix's vitals.

The sky-winged phoenix let out a deafening scream, and its entire body began to shatter. Sky fire was splashed everywhere, and ashes were scattered. Chen Xuan watched all of this indifferently. The embers on the sword gradually extinguished, and the aura of sky fire on his body gradually calmed down.

 However, in the next second, the remnant soul of the Sky-winged Phoenix did not completely dissipate. Pieces of ashes gathered in the air, and the burning embers regrouped into a ball of blazing sky fire.

 (End of this chapter)

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