Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6802: secret deal

 Chapter 6802 Secret deal

In a deep cave, the white-haired old man and Elder Song were plotting a deal. The white-haired old man's eyes flashed with a revived light. He stared at Elder Song and said in a calm tone: "I can help you control Chen Xuan." action, but this requires some conditions.”

 Elder Song frowned slightly: "What conditions do you need?"

  The white-haired old man waved his hand: "I need you to bring three elders. Only with them here can I regain the strength I once had."

 Elder Song thought for a moment: "Those three elders are very important to Xinglong Sect. I can't take them out easily."

The white-haired old man smiled calmly and said: "Don't worry, I only need their presence and don't need them to leave for too long. This is our common interest."

 Elder Song thought for a long time and finally nodded: "Okay, I will arrange it."

They reached a secret deal. Although Elder Song was a little hesitant, the current situation seemed to require the help of the white-haired old man. The two left the cave in tacit agreement and began to prepare the terms of the deal.

Under the silent night, the **** storm in Xinglong Sect was silently brewing. Elder Song was like a shadow, quietly breaking the normality and trust of the sect. He deceived three trusted elders and lured them to a cave together. .

This cave is said to contain tens of millions of years of spiritual energy, which is enough to boost the monk's skills. However, the white-haired old man, an extremely mysterious being who hides his strength, has been waiting there for a long time.

The moonlight was like water, shining on the steep mountains. Under the leadership of Elder Song, the elders walked through the dense forest, wandering in the darkness, looking for the legendary cave. Finally, they arrived at the land that Elder Song called a godsend. The location of the land.

 When the three elders stepped into the cave with trust, all the mysteries were instantly solved.

Elder Song’s trick was clearly revealed. He was actually a traitor who colluded with the white-haired old man. A deadly aura filled the cave, and the trap was instantly deployed.

The elders fought hard, but the terrifying power displayed by the white-haired old man left them helpless. In the fierce confrontation, the three elders tried their best, but in the end they were unable to resist the sudden and terrifying offensive of the white-haired old man, and their lives gradually disappeared. , the essence was ruthlessly absorbed by the white-haired old man and turned into part of his power.

The white-haired old man, after that earth-shattering betrayal, was no longer a member of the sect. He was inspired by the spirit of Elder Song's sacrifice, and his cultivation level was restored and improved like never before. This mysterious man who had been hidden from view The old man once again showed his terrifying and terrifying strength.

 He was in retreat deep in the cave, his breath surging and his spiritual energy contained, like a volcano about to erupt.

The body of the white-haired old man seemed to gradually become blurred, as if he had merged with the cave. His cultivation was no longer limited by the mortal world, but exceeded the limits that ordinary people could reach. Time seemed to be distorted around him, and space Trembling, he was no longer practicing spiritual energy and techniques, but also exploring and understanding the laws of time and space.

Deep in the cave, mysterious runes shone with strange light. The white-haired old man's consciousness seemed to shuttle through a large amount of void. He realized a power beyond the ordinary. This power transcended the shackles of the mundane and allowed him to Able to control the passage of time and manipulate the distortion of space.

His cultivation is beyond ordinary people's imagination, and this old man has become a legend in the Star Dragon Sect thousands of years ago. The improvement of the white-haired old man's cultivation has made him almost unmatched. Every step he takes seems to break reality, and every gesture interprets the mystery of time and space.

In the Star Dragon Sect, the recovery of the white-haired old man caused an uproar. His true identity was an ancestor-level existence of the sect and one of the founders of the sect. However, his former glory and dignity were destroyed within the sect. Several elders joined forces to seal it, which made him dissatisfied.

When the situation within the sect suddenly changed, the white-haired old man rose again. Taking on his identity as a venerable man, he launched a challenge within the sect. This challenge meant the subversion of the order of the sect and was also the venting of the grievances he had accumulated for many years. .

 The square inside the Zongmen looked like dark clouds. The heartbeats of the disciples seemed to accelerate a lot at this moment, nervousness and anticipation intertwined. The white-haired old man was wearing a white robe, with sharp eyes, standing in the middle of the square, with an indifferent expression, but exuding a chilling aura. .

"Senior..." The sect leader stood aside. He hesitated and started to speak, ready to dissuade him, but before he could finish his words, the white-haired old man raised his hand to stop him.

"No need to say more." The white-haired old man's voice was like the whistling of the cold wind: "Whoever seals me, I will let you see my true power."

As he finished speaking, the whole square suddenly became turbulent, as if there was an invisible force gathering, and the aura between heaven and earth was surging, as if inspired by the anger in his heart. When the white-haired old man raised his hand, the space trembled, and time seemed to be distorted.

The leader of the sect trembled in his heart, feeling the terrifying power of the white-haired old man. The other elders also looked solemn, and they did not dare to underestimate the anger of this former venerable.

The white-haired old man suddenly waved his sleeves, and an invisible spiritual energy surged to the side, shattering a huge rock instantly. His eyes were like cold blades, sweeping across the sect, as if saying: "Who dares to fight with me?" An enemy?"

A lot of pressure surged in the heart of the sect leader. He realized that this confrontation was unavoidable and could only resist it with all his strength. He raised the magic weapon in his hand, and the elders behind him also used their own magic to prepare to face the enemy.

"Senior, please calm down, this matter does not need to continue." The sect leader's voice trembled, trying to calm the situation.

The white-haired old man sneered: "Whoever seals me will definitely pay the price."

He raised his hand and pointed, and a ray of sky fire rose out of the sky and quickly condensed into a long sword of sky fire. This sword was like the condensed form of blazing sky fire, exuding a blazing aura that destroyed everything.

 “Suzaku Sword Technique!” The sect leader exclaimed, recognizing the origin of this Sky Fire Sword Technique.

The white-haired old man waved the sky-fire sword in his hand, and the sword energy swept across it, instantly turning into countless sky-fire sword lights. The sect masters and elders did not dare to neglect, and used their unique skills one after another, turning into rays of light to match the white-haired old man's offensive. anti. The battle was like a prairie fire, extremely fierce. Heavenly fire and light collided in the air. The space was constantly trembling. The fire was splashing and the sword energy was everywhere. Every wave of the white-haired old man made the entire square in danger, as if he wanted to turn the sect into a square. For scorched earth.

The sect leaders and elders tried their best, but still could not resist the white-haired old man's crazy offensive. They were always facing life and death threats and the situation was critical.

In the Star Dragon Sect, the battle was like a burning bonfire, hot and fierce. The angry power of the white-haired old man almost ravaged the entire square. The sect master and the elders tried their best to resist, but in the face of the white-haired old man's crazy offensive, they Seems a little powerless.

At this critical moment, Elder Song took advantage of the chaos of the war and suddenly rushed into the square. His eyes flashed with a cold light, eagerly searching for the target he was looking for, Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan was on the battlefield, shrouded in the flames of war. He waved the Suzaku sword in his hand and tried his best to resist the white-haired old man's offensive. However, Chen Xuan was not in good condition. The previous battle had consumed a lot of his strength, and his My physical strength is gradually declining.

Suddenly, Elder Song rushed out of the chaotic battlefield, his eyes as ferocious as those of ferocious beasts. He had a clear goal and headed straight for Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan sensed the danger, but before he had time to avoid it, Elder Song was already approaching quickly.

 “Chen Xuan, you don’t know the heights of the world!” Elder Song roared, gathering a powerful force in his hands.

 Chen Xuan endured his weakness and waved the sword in his hand, trying to resist Elder Song's attack. However, Elder Song's power far exceeded his imagination. A powerful spiritual energy hit Chen Xuan and knocked him away.

 Chen Xuan fell heavily to the ground, and blood spurted out. He endured the pain and struggled to stand up, but his body was already extremely weak and he could hardly support it.

“Who do you think you are?” Elder Song’s voice was full of ridicule: “A mere outer disciple, how dare you act arrogantly in front of me?”

 Chen Xuan was shaking all over, but he still raised his head firmly, with a tenacious light in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and persisted. Although his body was in severe pain, his heart was not shaken at all.

 “ can’t even think of succeeding!” Although Chen Xuan’s voice was weak, it was full of determination.

“Huh, you want to stop me with this little resistance?” Elder Song sneered disdainfully, and once again gathered a terrifying force.

Chen Xuan was aware of the danger, but was unable to resist at this moment. Elder Song's attack made him almost unable to breathe, and pain and despair surged into his heart.

Just as Elder Song was preparing to attack again, a figure suddenly appeared next to Chen Xuan. It was Yachen. She picked up Chen Xuan and quickly retreated, trying to avoid Elder Song's attack.

 “Let him go!” Elder Song roared and chased after him.

Ya Chen hugged Chen Xuan tightly, her eyes flashed with determination, and she faced Elder Song resolutely.

"I will never let him go!" Yachen's voice was soft, but full of firmness and determination: "If you want to hurt him, get over me first!"

When Elder Song heard these words, there was a cunning look in his eyes. He suddenly stopped and looked at Yachen with a sneer.

 “Hmph, do you think you are qualified to stand in front of me?”

 Elder Song raised his hand, a powerful force gathered in his hand, ready to attack again.

“Elder Song, why do you attack the weak?”

Elder Luo Yi's voice was calm but fierce. He stepped closer and stood in front of Ya Chen and Chen Xuan, like an immortal.

“Luo Yi, are you also involved in this matter?” Elder Song sneered: “Do you really think you can stop me?”

Before he finished speaking, Elder Song's powerful aura was suddenly released, turning into a torrential spiritual energy and rushing towards Elder Luo Yi. Luo Yi smiled, and with a flick of his palm, a powerful force surged out and collided with Elder Song's offensive.

 “Chaos, destroy!” Elder Song shouted, destructive power gathering in his hands, forming an offensive of massive darkness.

Elder Luo Yi's expression remained indifferent. When he raised his hand, blue light surged out like a tide, colliding fiercely with Elder Song's dark power. These two powerful and opposing spiritual energies stirred in the square, causing the distortion of space. and collapse.

Elder Song's offensive was like a dark frenzy, while Luo Yi was like a dignified and steady blue light. The confrontation between the two plunged the entire square into a violent storm, and the fluctuations in spiritual energy were unbearable.

Elder Luo Yi frowned slightly. He knew that Elder Song was extremely powerful, but he still relied on his firm will and loyalty to the sect to condense his power to the extreme.

 (End of this chapter)

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