Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6804: Body crumbling

Chapter 6804 The body is crumbling

When the sect leader struggled to stand in front of the white-haired old man, his body was shaky and the pain almost made him unable to support it. However, the firmness and loyalty in his heart allowed him to stand up straight and face the old man who had betrayed the sect.

"Do you think you can destroy our faith?" Although the sect master's voice was weak, it was full of determination and unyielding: "The sect's will will not be destroyed by a traitor like you."

The white-haired old man's eyes were cold and ruthless, and he smiled contemptuously: "Faith? That's just the wild imagination of a group of ants."

 The patriarch's face was pale, but his eyes were as solid as stone: "Your selfish desires will destroy everything, but we will rebuild."

The white-haired old man looked at the sect leader mockingly and said coldly: "This sect has reached its end, and you are still immersed in ignorance."

The sect leader gritted his teeth and waved his arms feebly: "I won't let you succeed." Although he was scarred, the belief in his heart was indestructible.

  The white-haired old man sneered: "You can't even struggle now." His voice was full of ridicule and disdain.

The sect leader knelt down weakly, but his eyes still flashed with determination: "The future of the sect will not be yours."

Although the sect leader was seriously injured, he did not flinch at all and still stood firm in front of the white-haired old man. Although he was covered in wounds and his expression was painful, his eyes were burning with unyielding heavenly fire.

"You can never destroy the faith of the sect." Although the sect leader's voice was weak, it was full of determination: "The spirit of the sect will always live in our hearts."

  The white-haired old man glanced at the sect master with his indifferent eyes, as if looking at an insignificant existence: "Your stupid belief will only make you weaker."

The sect leader struggled to stand up, his body swaying unsteadily, but he still insisted on his belief: "We will survive all this and rebuild the sect. It will not be destroyed by you."

  The white-haired old man sneered: "The dying struggle can only be in vain. You can no longer reverse this fate."

The sect leader gritted his teeth with difficulty. Although his body was exhausted, his inner belief was indestructible: "The sect's will will not collapse because of your selfishness."

The white-haired old man looked at the sect leader indifferently: "You are the root of this sect's fragility, and I will completely destroy you."

 The sect leader sat down on the ground helplessly, but his eyes flashed with infinite loyalty to the sect: "No matter what you do, the sect's future will not belong to you."

At the moment when the fierce battle was about to reach its limit, a mysterious figure shrouded in immortal energy appeared in the sky of Xinglong Sect. This old man was dressed in white and had an aloof temperament. There was an awe-inspiring mysterious aura between his brows. .

The white-haired old man Wang Xuewen's eyes narrowed slightly. He looked at the immortal old man in the sky, a person he had been close to for many years and the target of his betrayal.

“Jiuxiao Changkong, is it you?” Wang Xuewen’s voice was full of surprise and doubt: “How could you be here?”

Jiuxiao Changkong looked calm, and his voice was full of helplessness and strength: "Xue Wen, your betrayal has caused chaos in this world. You have forgotten your beliefs and vows."

Wang Xuewen's face changed slightly, and he tried his best to hide his inner uneasiness: "I did not betray, I just pursued greater power."

“You were once the most steadfast among us, but when your selfish desires spread, you chose to rebel.” Jiuxiao Changkong’s tone was calm: “Your selfishness destroyed you and the sect.”

A trace of regret flashed in Wang Xuewen's eyes, and he took a deep breath: "Yes, I was wrong, but everything is irreversible."

"No, it's never too late." Jiuxiao Changkong's voice was full of helplessness: "I'm not here to punish you, but I hope you can repent."

Wang Xuewen fell into silence, his heart was in turmoil, and he could not face the mistakes he had made.

“You were once our friend, and we have been waiting for your return.” Jiuxiao Changkong’s voice was powerful: “You can choose again and save your sect.”

Wang Xuewen's expression instantly became distorted and ferocious, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were filled with anger and fear, as if he had been touched by a long-hidden pain.

"You, Jiuxiao Changkong, don't bother me again!" Wang Xuewen's voice was full of majesty and unquestionable: "You are like those stupid people, you only know the power to restrain me."

Jiuxiao Changkong's expression was still calm, but there was regret in his eyes: "Xue Wen, you were blinded by power. You were once the best among us."

A sneer appeared on Wang Xuewen's face: "Excellent? That's just your self-righteousness! I'm just pursuing more powerful power."

"Strength is not everything." Jiuxiao Changkong's voice was filled with sadness: "Your selfish desires have destroyed the sect and our friendship."

Wang Xuewen's eyes became gloomy and vicious: "The sect has long been corrupted, but you are still persistent in it."

"We just hope you can look back." Jiuxiao Changkong said calmly: "The sect still needs you."

“I don’t need a sect!” Wang Xuewen’s voice was full of roar: “What I want is greater power, and I want to destroy all constraints!”

Jiuxiao Changkong frowned slightly: "You are wrong, power is not to destroy, but to protect." Wang Xuewen exuded strong spiritual energy fluctuations: "No matter what you say, I will never give up my pursuit."

 The dialogue between the two top players is full of confrontation between belief and ambition. They represent two different positions.

When the white-haired old man Wang Xuewen and Jiuxiao Changkong's eyes collided again, the surrounding space seemed to be shaken. Dark and violent aura surged from Wang Xuewen's body, and his breath was like angry anger.

"You have been clinging to that narrow belief, but you have been unable to see the true boundaries of power!" Wang Xuewen's voice almost roared: "My power will destroy all your constraints."

Jiuxiao Changkong still remains calm and helpless: "You mistakenly believe that the essence of power is destruction, but you forget its responsibility."

Wang Xuewen's eyes flashed with enthusiasm: "I want to destroy this limitation, I want to transcend all constraints."

"Your pursuit is not transcendence, but brutal trampling." Jiuxiao Changkong's voice was still calm: "Power can only truly sublimate under responsibility."

 Wang Xuewen's whole body was filled with dark power, like a bound beast, restless and restless. "Your restraint will only make me stronger, I will destroy it all!"

Jiuxiao Changkong still said quietly: "You thought you had destroyed the bondage, but you became an even bigger prisoner. You were lost in the pursuit of power."

 Wang Xuewen became more and more fanatical: "I will prove you are all wrong, and my power will become the master of heaven and earth!"

Jiuxiao Changkong's eyes revealed sadness: "You are drowning in the sea of ​​desire and cannot see the true power."

The confrontation between the two top masters caused turmoil in the world. It was like two powerful forces colliding fiercely in the sky above the Star Dragon Sect. The spiritual energy of Wang Xuewen and Jiuxiao Changkong fluctuated like a violent storm, creating a turbulent scene.

Wang Xuewen's body was surging with black energy. He waved the black sword in his hand, releasing the spiritual energy fluctuations of the broken stars. It was his most powerful dark power, full of will to destroy, and his offensive was surging. Violent, like a dark tide, trying to swallow everything.

Jiuxiao Changkong, on the other hand, condenses power with a mysterious and majestic aura, and there seems to be invisible power wrapped around his hands. The immortal energy and mysterious light exuding from his body seem to be the protection between heaven and earth, which is in sharp contrast to Wang Xuewen.

The confrontation between the two was like a fierce battle between heaven and earth. The black energy and the mysterious immortal energy continued to collide in the sky above Xinglong Sect. Wang Xuewen's dark spiritual energy spread like a frenzy, while Jiuxiao Changkong resisted layer by layer with a leisurely and calm attitude. With this dark impact.

The intertwining of black energy fluctuations and fairy energy formed a spectacular celestial phenomenon, and the sky above Xinglong Sect was filled with an intense and mysterious atmosphere. Jiuxiao Changkong cleverly avoids the impact of dark power, and every step seems to contain a mysterious power.

Wang Xuewen's eyes flashed with crazy light, and his offensive became more fierce, constantly releasing dark spiritual energy that destroyed everything, while Jiuxiao Changkong relied on fairy energy and mysterious power to resist the impact of darkness with a transcendent attitude. , seems to be silently guarding the peace of Xinglong Sect.

 Two powerful forces intertwined and entangled in the sky above Xinglong Sect, forming a magnificent scene. The black energy and the mysterious fairy energy were entangled with each other, suddenly colliding fiercely, and suddenly gradually merging.

In this fierce battle, Jiuxiao Changkong and Wang Xuewen seemed to have launched a duel that transcended time. The two forces intertwined over the Star Dragon Sect, forming a gorgeous and mysterious battle. Suddenly there was thunder and lightning. , suddenly brilliant like stars, suddenly calm.

Whether it is black energy or mysterious fairy energy, in this confrontation, they all showed ultimate power and majesty. The confrontation between the two top masters, regardless of the outcome, seemed to speak of a state of balance and normality.

Their attacks and defenses were intertwined, and suddenly they were like fairy fire burning, and suddenly they were like flowing clouds. Darkness and mystery intertwined into a powerful aura over the Star Dragon Sect, shrouding the entire sect.

 Finally, when the two powerful forces reached a wonderful balance, the surrounding turmoil gradually subsided, and tranquility returned to heaven and earth. The spiritual energy fluctuations emitted by Jiuxiao Changkong and Wang Xuewen also gradually converged.

 They looked at each other, with the respect of their opponents and the determination of their opponents in their eyes.

In this fierce confrontation, the two of them could not decide the outcome, as if they were showing a balance and normality that transcended time.

The sky above the Star Dragon Sect gradually calmed down, and the confrontation between the two top masters gradually ended. They each retreated, as if they had reached a tacit understanding of the balance of power.

This duel did not have a winner or loser, but it showed a realm beyond power itself.

Over the Star Dragon Sect, the duel between Jiuxiao Changkong and Wang Xuewen entered a deeper level. Strong spiritual energy fluctuations emitted from the two men, and the surrounding space was distorted and distorted by their battle.

When Wang Xuewen raised his hand, a black long sword appeared out of thin air. There was a dark undercurrent swirling around the long sword, exuding a shuddering dark aura. His eyes flashed with enthusiasm and desire, as if he wanted to use this long sword. Come and break all constraints.

Jiuxiao Changkong, on the other hand, is holding a simple jade fairy sword. The mysterious fairy light is faintly flowing on the sword, as if it can span space. His eyes are filled with helplessness and determination. This sword seems to be a symbol of his persistence in faith.

The confrontation between the two became more and more intense. Wang Xuewen waved the dark sword in his hand, releasing destructive dark auras. These auras fluctuated like black nine-turn thunder, instantly distorting the surrounding space.

Jiuxiao Changkong dances with the Jade Pure Immortal Sword. The sword glow suddenly appears, exuding a heart-stopping mysterious aura. Every time the sword is swung, it seems to be able to open up a new universe and cut through the dark space with the fairy light.

 (End of this chapter)

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