Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6823: The situation becomes more complicated

 Chapter 6823 The situation becomes more complicated

"You guys who don't care about life and death, the situation in the Blue God Realm can no longer be messed up by you mortals. If you don't want to die, leave quickly!" The man in black robes said in a cold and firm voice. His eyes scanned both sides, revealing a The shares are decisive.

 The atmosphere between the two teams became more tense. The appearance of this mysterious man made the situation more complicated and the confrontation between them became more intense.

"Ignorant guy, how can I, the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect, be afraid of mortals like you!" the middle-aged man shouted sharply, and their momentum did not shrink due to the appearance of the mysterious man.

“Hmph, do you think you can resist us alone?” The young man smiled contemptuously, and the momentum of the ten of them became more and more powerful.

"You, that's enough!" Chen Xuan frowned, with a solemn look on his face. He felt that the aura exuding from this mysterious man was different, and seemed to contain infinite power.

“To deal with them, there is still an enemy to deal with.” Chen Xuan whispered to his companions. They were prepared to deal with sudden changes in the situation and go all out to deal with this unexpected challenge.

In this tense confrontation, each party is watching the changes and waiting for the next development. The appearance of this mysterious and powerful man in black robes adds an unpredictable variable to the original confrontation. .

The members of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect were not intimidated by the mysterious man's intimidation, but instead became more and more arrogant. They believed that this mysterious man was just a mortal and could not be anything extraordinary in the Blue God Realm.

“Hmph, a mortal who doesn’t know how to live or die dares to be arrogant in the territory of my Blood Pattern Immortal Sect! Do you think you can compete with ten of us on your own?” The young man at the head sneered disdainfully.

"This guy is too arrogant, let me teach him a lesson!" A strong man took a step forward menacingly, and the momentum in his hand suddenly exploded, preparing to attack the mysterious man.

The mysterious man had an indifferent expression, exuding an arrogant aura. His figure seemed to be wandering in the space, and a mysterious power filled his surroundings.

“Duh!” The mysterious man swayed and appeared in front of the strong man in the blink of an eye, punching him directly.

The strong man showed a disdainful smile, thinking he could easily dodge the punch, but at this moment, he found that he was completely unable to dodge the mysterious man's attack, as if the entire space was restricted.

"What!" The strong man was shocked, but before he could think about it, the punch had already hit his body hard.

Boom! There was a loud noise, and the strong man seemed to be hit by a huge force. He flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, leaving a long trace behind him.

 Other members of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect looked at this scene in astonishment, their expressions frozen in shock.

"This, what kind of power is this!" The strong man who was knocked away had a messy breath and cold sweat on his forehead, looking at the mysterious man in disbelief.

 “Impossible! How is this possible!” The young man at the head’s eyes widened, unprecedented fear and terror welling up in their hearts. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

The power of the mysterious man was simply beyond their imagination. Even the ten of them could not withstand the mysterious man's blow together.

 “Leave.” The mysterious man spoke calmly, with indifference and majesty in his voice.

This voice seemed to come from a long time ago, full of irresistible pressure.

The members of the Blood Pattern Immortal Sect looked pale and no longer had the strength to continue provoking. They knew that they were no match for this mysterious man.

The strong man who was knocked away struggled to get up, trembling and hurried away from the mysterious man, followed closely by the others. They were completely defeated and did not dare to stay for another moment.

 The scene of the confrontation between the two sides instantly became calm, and only the mysterious man and Chen Xuan and his party were left present.

There was a hint of indifference in the eyes of the mysterious man. His figure gradually disappeared, like a wisp of breeze disappearing into the distance, leaving only the empty venue and the shocked Chen Xuan and his party. This mysterious man has completely changed the situation. .

The mysterious man stands proudly in the sky, with a cold and arrogant expression. His brows exude a transcendent aura, as if he is standing on the top of all things, unreachable.

"You mortals, you are lucky to be able to see me." His voice was cold and dignified, and his words revealed his disdain for Chen Xuan and his party.

 Chen Xuan and others showed awe in their eyes, but there was a hint of dissatisfaction in their hearts. In front of the mysterious man's arrogance, they discussed quietly.

 “This guy is too arrogant.”

  "Really powerful, but too conceited."

“We can’t just back down, we still have our own trump card.”

The mysterious man looked down at Chen Xuan and his group indifferently, as if he were looking down at a group of insignificant ants.

"Get out of here now, or you'll have to bear the consequences." His voice was cold and showed no mercy.

 Chen Xuan and others felt the pressure from the mysterious man, but their hearts were not shaken.

"They dare to resist?" The mysterious man glanced at Chen Xuan and his group coldly, with a trace of disdain in his eyes. Chen Xuan and others gritted their teeth. They knew the disparity in power in this situation, but they were unwilling to give up easily.

"We have our beliefs and will not be surrendered by you." Zixia's eyes were firm, and her voice was full of determination and strength.

 “Huh, arrogant people, don’t know whether to live or die.” The mysterious man’s eyes turned cold, and his attitude towards Chen Xuan and his party became even more arrogant.

  Chen Xuan and others were filled with struggle and persistence. They knew that they were facing a powerful and arrogant being.

Jinlong was tall and had an awe-inspiring aura. He took firm steps and came to the front of Chen Xuan and his party.

"Sir, we didn't break into this place on purpose, we were just looking for something." Jin Long's voice was calm and firm. He tried to remain polite and wanted to resolve the conflict.

The mysterious man's brows frowned slightly. He was not used to someone maintaining such an attitude towards him.

“We came here in a hurry and did not mean to offend.” Jin Long continued, trying to show sincerity and humility.

"If I have offended anything, please forgive me. We will leave here immediately and will not disturb you again." Jin Long's voice was full of sincerity and respect, and he tried to resolve this conflict in the gentlest way.

The mysterious man stared at Jin Long, his eyes were still cold and arrogant, and he did not want to believe Jin Long's words easily.

"You..." The mysterious man seemed to be thinking about Jin Long's words, but in his heart, his own pride and sense of inviolability were still primary.

Jinlong didn't dare to disturb the mysterious man's thoughts, but waited quietly, hoping that the mysterious man would accept his sincerity.

“Well, since you understand the rules, get out of here!” The mysterious man finally said. Although his attitude was tough, he also hinted that he could let them go.

 Jin Long and others were relieved when they heard the mysterious man's concession. Jin Long immediately led everyone to bow deeply to the mysterious man to express his gratitude and apology.

"Thank you for your understanding, we will leave now." Jin Long turned around and said to everyone.

Everyone followed the golden dragon silently, and after signaling to the mysterious man, they hurriedly left the place. They all knew in their hearts that the conflict had subsided for the time being, but they were also aware of the mysterious man's unpredictable power.

 Chen Xuan and his party left the dangerous area and came to a safe place. They sat around in a wilderness, immersed in unprecedented fear and shock.

"This person... is too scary." Zixia said softly, with a hint of trembling in her voice.

"His aura is simply unimaginable." Green Narcissus couldn't help but sigh.

 Chen Xuan meditated silently, and his heart was full of shock. They had a strong interest and fear in the mysterious man's cultivation.

"His cultivation...may have exceeded all of our imaginations." Chen Xuan spoke in a deep tone, with a hint of uneasiness in his eyes that was difficult to conceal.

"The seven great perfections of the Dragon Breaking God?" Bai Yunfei speculated in a low voice, but he also knew how terrifying this guess was.

"Perhaps, even higher..." Jin Long was also thinking, and he was extremely shocked by the strength of the mysterious man.

"No matter what, we can't underestimate him." Zixia's tone was serious, and she knew the threat this mysterious man posed to them.

 Chen Xuan and his party were immersed in fear and speculation about this mysterious man. This man's strength has exceeded the understanding of all of them.

However, in addition to the fear that lingered in their hearts, there was also a determination to challenge. As disciples of the Star Dragon Sect, they did not want to be manipulated, let alone suppressed. This unwillingness and self-esteem drove them to let They are determined not to give in easily to the strong.

 Chen Xuan suppressed the shock in his heart. He scanned the crowd, and a firm light gradually flashed in his eyes.

"We can't be intimidated by this mysterious man. We have to find a way to find out his details." Chen Xuan's voice revealed a hint of determination.

“Brother Chen Xuan is right, we have to find a way to understand his origins and cultivation.” Jin Long expressed support. He knew how much challenge this mysterious man’s strength would pose to them.

“Perhaps, we can investigate through some channels within the sect.” Bai Yunfei made a suggestion, trying to obtain more information through the resources within the Star Dragon Sect.

“But be careful, the other party is strong, we have to act cautiously.” Zixia reminded everyone that she knew that this mission was by no means easy.

Everyone nodded silently. They were determined, but also full of fear of the unknown. This mysterious man seemed to come from a completely different world, making it impossible to detect his origins and details.

 (End of this chapter)

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