Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6838: The power of nine revolutions of thunder

Chapter 6838 The power of nine-turn thunder

 Chen Xuan concentrated on trying to use his own power to control the power of the nine-turn thunder in the eyes of the Beast King. He needed to convert the Beast King's attack power into his own power to fight against this powerful Beast King.

 Chen Xuan began to use his own power to control the power of the nine-turn thunder in the eyes of the Beast King. He took a deep breath and tried to convert this powerful aura into his own power. This was their only chance to deal with the Beast King.

 Chen Xuan took a deep breath, and he began to use his own power to control the power of the nine-turn thunder in the eyes of the Beast King. This was their only chance to deal with the Beast King.

Chen Xuan tried to use his own power to control the power of the nine-turn thunder in the eyes of the Beast King. He concentrated on trying to convert this powerful spiritual energy into his own power. This was their only chance. Only by converting the attack power of the Beast King into Only with your own strength can you fight against this powerful beast king.

At this critical moment, Chen Xuan began to try to use his own power to control the power of the nine-turn thunder in the eyes of the Beast King. He needed to convert the Beast King's attack power into his own power to fight against this powerful Beast King.

 Chen Xuan took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with determination and determination. As a sword cultivator, he firmly believed that he must control the power of the nine-turn thunder in front of him and turn it into his own use.

The Suzaku Sword Technique danced in his hand, and the heavenly fire on the sword became even hotter, as if it was about to ignite the entire world. His eyes showed determination, and he began to try to control the Nine-Turn Heavenly Thunder in the Beast King's eyes with the secret method of time and space he had mastered. Power.

His body was trembling slightly, Chen Xuan began to focus his mind, trying to establish some kind of resonance with the power of the Nine-Revolution Heavenly Thunder. At this moment, he felt the surge of the Nine-Revolution Heavenly Thunder on the Thunder Blood Beast, as if he had established a relationship with it. A subtle connection.

He tried to use the secret method of time and space to control the power of the nine-turn thunder of the thunder blood beast with his own will. This was a battle of strength and will, which required him to integrate his spiritual energy into the attack of this monster beast. Trying to use the power of Nine Revolutions Heavenly Thunder for his own use.

Chen Xuan's spiritual energy surged all over his body, trying to completely blend with the thunder-blooded beast's spiritual energy in an unprecedented way. In the process, he felt a substantial increase in the power of the Nine-turn Heavenly Thunder, as if there was a huge And the violent spiritual energy is surging in the undercurrent.

However, the power of the nine-turn sky thunder in the eyes of the Thunder Blood Beast is not so easy to control. Chen Xuan was deeply trapped in it, constantly mobilizing his spiritual energy, trying to form a harmonious trend with the attack of the Beast King.

 He felt the changes in the power of the Nine Revolutions Heavenly Thunder, as if a huge and uncontrollable force was being guided. The power of the nine-turn sky thunder on the Thunder Blood Beast gradually began to come under his control. It no longer acted as wantonly as before, but began to calm down under Chen Xuan's will.

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with unyielding determination. He tried to control the attacking aura of the Beast King in his own hands with his own will. However, this was not an easy task. The power of the nine-turn sky thunder on the Thunder Blood Beast was extremely powerful. Almost unmanageable.

The secret law of time and space fluctuated in his hands, and his aura began to merge with the power of the Beast King's Nine-Turn Heavenly Thunder. He tried to use his will to control this powerful aura, trying to use it for his own use.

With his efforts, the sharp increase in the Nine-turn Heavenly Thunder on the Thunder Blood Beast gradually subsided, as if suppressed by Chen Xuan's control. The power of the Nine-turn Heavenly Thunder in the eyes of this powerful beast king began to gradually come under his control. , gradually easing from the violent state.

Chen Xuan concentrated on using his spiritual energy to try to stabilize the power of the Nine-Turn Thunder so that it would no longer pose a threat to them. However, his efforts required more time and energy, and he needed to interact more deeply with the Thunder Blood Beast's spiritual energy. resonance and control.

The Beast King roared angrily and tried to break away from Chen Xuan's control. It felt that the power of its nine-turn thunder was gradually restricted, and began to increase its resistance. The confrontation between Chen Xuan and the Beast King became more intense. He needed more The talent and strength to control this nine-turn thunder power.

At this time, many warriors worked together to create a huge restriction formation, trying to trap the thunder-blooded beast, but the violent aura of the beast king became more powerful.

The formation shone with light, showing a brilliant splendor. However, under the powerful offensive of the Thunder Blood Beast, the formation began to look shaky. The violent power of the Beast King seemed to ignore the existence of this formation, and the nine-turn sky thunder crisscrossed it, just like a violent giant beast, trying to directly break through this restriction.

 The warriors constantly adjusted the formation in an attempt to strengthen its stability. However, the thunder-blooded beast's offensive became more and more fierce, and cracks began to appear in the formation. The beast king's violent attack hit like a frenzy, and the roar was endless.

"Hold on! We can't let it break through the formation!" A warrior shouted loudly, trying to stabilize everyone's confidence.

 However, the power of the thunder-blooded beasts is almost beyond their control. The surge of the Nine-Revolution Heavenly Thunder on the Beast King was extremely violent, almost breaking the shackles of the formation. The light swayed in the formation, as if there was a danger of being unable to hold on at any time.

 “It’s going to break through the formation!” An anxious voice came out from the crowd.

 Many warriors desperately adjusted their formations in an attempt to stabilize the structure of the formations. However, faced with such a violent offensive from the thunder-blooded beasts, the formations seemed to have reached their limits. The beast king's power continued to impact, and the signs of the formation's collapse became increasingly obvious.

The force of the nine-turn sky thunder became more and more violent, as if there was an infinite amount of spiritual energy that was about to destroy the formation. The light of the formation began to become unstable, with obvious gaps appearing, and it seemed that it could not withstand the violent offensive of the thunder-blooded beast.

Under the desperate gaze of everyone, the power of the thunder-blooded beast became more and more fierce. It released a dazzling nine-turn sky thunder impact at the edge of the restricted formation. This blow directly broke the boundaries of the formation and shook the entire battlefield. .

 “No! The formation can no longer hold up!” Someone shouted in horror.

Everyone watched as the gap in the formation widened, and the thunder-blooded beast became more and more violent, as if it wanted to break out of this restriction and escape in one fell swoop.

 The warriors constantly adjusted the formation, trying to make up for the broken gap, and trying to re-fix the formation. However, the power of the Beast King had reached its peak, and its crazy attacks were almost impossible to stop.

The figure of the thunder-blooded beast began to break through the constraints of the formation. Its nine-turn sky thunder became more and more fierce, and it seemed that it was no longer restrained by anything. The cracks on the edge of the formation were getting bigger and bigger, and the signs of the beast king breaking through the restrictions became more and more obvious. .

 “Quick! Strengthen the formation!” Everyone shouted anxiously.

The warriors constantly adjusted their formations, trying to gather more spiritual energy to make up for the gap. However, under the crazy offensive of the thunder-blooded beasts, the formations became increasingly shaky. The Beast King's power has reached its limit and is about to completely break through this barrier. Under the extremely anxious gaze of everyone, the gaps in the formation begin to spread, as if there is a danger of collapse at any time. The thunder-blooded beast's roar shook the entire battlefield, seeming to announce its determination to break through the formation. The edges of the formation were crumbling, and the cracks were constantly expanding. The warriors were panicked, and they felt unable to face the violent offensive of the thunder-blooded beast. .

“We must stop it!” Chen Xuan’s voice sounded in the chaos. His eyes were firm, trying to stabilize everyone’s confidence.

The warriors eagerly adjusted their formations, trying to concentrate all their efforts to stop the thunder-blooded beast's impact. They continued to inject spiritual energy and worked hard to strengthen their formations, trying to withstand the beast king's increasingly fierce offensive.

However, the thunder-blooded beast became more and more furious, and the surge of nine-turn thunder on its body seemed to have reached its limit. Its violent offensive almost completely broke through the formation, threatening everyone's safety.

 Inside the formation, some warriors gathered together, trying to use their spiritual energy to gather more power to support the formation. They concentrated on adjusting the structure of the formation, trying to gather more powerful power.

 Chen Xuan was not to be outdone. His whole body was filled with spiritual energy, and he tried his best to mobilize his spiritual power and try to help stabilize the formation. His eyes were deep and firm. Although the formation was shaky, he still did not give up any hope.

The warriors were hopeful and tried to concentrate their strength to maintain this final restriction. Their spiritual energy surged in the formation, constantly strengthening the barrier, trying to withstand the violent impact of the Beast King.

 “Come on! We will definitely be able to stop it!” A warrior loudly encouraged everyone.

The power of the Nine-turn Heavenly Thunder on the Beast King became more and more intense, as if it was going to knock down the entire formation. The cracks on the edge of the formation became more and more obvious. The Beast King's impact became more violent, and everyone was facing unprecedented pressure.

However, in this desperate situation, some warriors began to join forces quietly, trying to use their spiritual power to contain the Beast King's offensive. They cooperated tacitly, trying to use the special skills in the formation at the critical moment to stop the Beast King's attack.

The roar of the thunder-blooded beast continued to echo on the battlefield, and it seemed to be full of the flavor of destruction. However, the warriors did not lose confidence. They tenaciously supported the formation and tried to resist the attack of the beast king.

At the most critical moment, a material person suddenly appeared, holding a spar that shone with blue light. He held the spar high and began to chant a spell, trying to use the power of the spar to support the formation.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the spar, and a mysterious and powerful spiritual energy began to flow out of the spar and slowly penetrated into the formation. The beast king's violent nine-turn thunder power was slightly stabilized under the influence of the spar, and the cracks on the edge of the formation began to slowly converge.

The warriors did not dare to be careless at all, and all stared at the light emitted by the crystal. The mysterious aura contained in this crystal seemed to be their last hope, blocking the violent impact of the thunder-blooded beast.

However, the Beast King's rage became more and more violent, as if it was aware of the threat posed by the spar, and its attacks became more fierce. The power of the nine-turn thunder continued to increase significantly, trying to completely destroy the power of the spar.

Facing the increasingly fierce attacks from the Beast King, the warriors tried their best to maintain the formation. They constantly adjusted their strength, trying to fully integrate the power brought by the crystal stones into the formation to withstand the Beast King's attack.

The light of the spar shone brightly on the battlefield, and the warriors guarded it closely, trying to stabilize the mysterious aura it contained in the formation. The Beastmaster's attacks became more furious, trying to destroy this new threat.

All the warriors cooperated fully, trying to integrate the spiritual energy brought by the crystal stones into the formation to resist the attack of the Beast King. Their spiritual energy continued to be injected into the formation, trying to stabilize it, and compete with the power of the Nine-turn Heavenly Thunder of the Beast King. Fierce fighting.

However, the power of the Beast King has reached its limit, and its violent nine-turn thunder attack almost completely destroyed the entire formation.

 Chen Xuan frowned and felt the violent shaking of the formation. He suddenly decided to take action. While stabilizing the formation, he gathered the power of his soul and began to mobilize the secrets of time and space in his own cultivation.

“Stop!” Chen Xuan shouted softly, and a strange light bloomed from his body and quickly spread throughout the battlefield. The Thunder Blood Beast's offensive stopped instantly, and the figures of the warriors were frozen in the air like sculptures.

 Chen Xuan's eyes flickered, and he used the power of time to stop and quickly went to the most dangerous part of the formation. With the help of his space distortion ability, he began to repair the cracks in the formation and tried to stabilize the barrier.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, but Chen Xuan's movements were extremely fast, and every ounce of spiritual power mobilized seemed extremely precise. With a thought in his mind, the Suzaku soul behind him transformed into the shadow of Suzaku, and the sky fire blazing all over him provided for his repair. More power.

The formation gradually stabilized, and the cracks began to slowly close, but the power of time-stopping was also rapidly dissipating. Chen Xuan understood that time was pressing, so he tried his best to repair the formation, trying to completely repair it.

Suddenly, a powerful force of nine-turn thunder struck, and the power of stopping time instantly collapsed, and time began to flow again. Chen Xuan felt as if his body was hit by a huge force, and his whole body was knocked away far away.

 “Chen Xuan!” The warriors exclaimed. They also took action again in the restored time flow, trying their best to support the formation.

 Chen Xuan stood up with difficulty, his body felt a little painful, but he did not stop. He took a deep breath, cheered up, and devoted himself to repairing the formation again.

This time, he chose a more ingenious way, combining the roar of the Suzaku sword technique to inject the power of repair into the formation. His sword technique and spiritual energy blended together, dancing like rays of heavenly fire, stabilizing the formation. Enchantment.

 (End of this chapter)

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