Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6864: blue spar

Chapter 6864 Blue Crystal

 Chen Xuan raised his brows slightly. He could feel that these three people were extremely powerful and their cultivation levels were unfathomable. However, he did not intend to give up the blue crystal in his hand easily.

"Why do you want to **** this crystal?" Chen Xuan asked indifferently, his eyes shining with determination.

"What does this have to do with you? As long as you hand it over, we won't harm you." Another warrior said with a sneer, quietly holding the weapon in his hand.

Chen Xuan stood up silently, holding the hilt of the sword in his hand. The breath of Suzaku swordsmanship rippled in his body. His eyes were firm and showed no weakness at all.

"It's not you who have the final say." Chen Xuan's voice was cold and firm. He was not afraid of facing this sudden challenge at all.

The eyes of the three mysterious warriors became even colder. They took action at the same time, pressing towards Chen Xuan with a powerful aura. The air in the room seemed to have condensed, forming an oppressive field.

 Chen Xuan did not hesitate at all. He used the Suzaku sword skill skillfully. The shadows of the sword flew and turned into a sea of ​​fire. The power of his sword technique was amazing. The shadow of the Suzaku was tumbling and dancing on the battlefield, like burning heavenly fire.

At the same time, the blue crystal in his hand also emitted a faint light, as if calling for some kind of power. This battle was not only a battle for cultivation, but also a battle for power.

 Chen Xuan's fight with the three mysterious warriors was like lightning. Each sword contained powerful power. During the collision of sword techniques, the space roared, as if a large amount of power was surging in the room.

“This guy’s swordsmanship is really amazing!” One of the three warriors’ expression changed slightly, sensing Chen Xuan’s powerful strength.

"What is this?" The leading warrior frowned. They tried to attack the protective shield, but found that they could not break it no matter what.

Chen Xuan's heart was calm. He knew that the opponent in front of him should not be underestimated. He no longer held back. He used the secret method of time and space. His figure flashed instantly and appeared in front of the three people. With one move of the Suzaku Sword Technique, thousands of sword shadows swarmed towards the opponent like an overwhelming force. .

 The three warriors burst out with powerful force. They seemed to contain mysterious power. The battle became more and more intense, and every collision made the whole room tremble.

"This blue crystal is not simple, it seems to have some kind of connection with me." Chen Xuan was shocked, and he began to try to mobilize his own cultivation to integrate with the crystal.

This blue protective shield exudes a deep light, like an indestructible barrier. The three mysterious warriors were blocked from the protective shield and could no longer get close to Chen Xuan and the blue crystal.

“Chen Xuan, do you think you can resist the three of us alone?” Another warrior said mockingly, and they launched a more powerful offensive at the same time.

The blue protective shield became stronger and stronger under Chen Xuan's gaze, like an indestructible fortress. The mysterious warriors kept trying, but to no avail.

"This crystal is a protective object. It carries power and has a contract with the cultivator." A piece of information suddenly appeared in Chen Xuan's mind, and he understood the mission of the crystal.

 Chen Xuan stood inside the protective shield, staring at the blue crystal, doubts surging in his heart. The blue crystal seemed to have the ability to protect itself, which surprised him a little.

Chen Xuan felt that the information conveyed by the blue spar seemed to be telling a inheritance. He fell into deep thought, trying to understand the language of the spar.

"Damn it, this protective shield can't be broken!" the leader of the warriors shouted angrily. They did not expect that the blue crystal stone had such an ability.

The mysterious aura emitted by the blue crystal gradually condensed in the fierce atmosphere of the battle. Suddenly, a strange force burst out from the crystal, forming a light blue protective shield that enveloped the entire training room. in.

 However, they did not intend to let Chen Xuan go easily. The leading warrior snorted coldly, and a strong aura surged from his body, as if it was going to break the entire training room.

Under Chen Xuan's control, the protective shield of the blue crystal changed subtly and gradually integrated with his cultivation. This scene stunned the mysterious warriors. They did not dare to act rashly for fear of offending this crystal-clear person. The monk who is in harmony with the stone.

 Chen Xuan's eyes were deep, and he tried to establish contact with the blue crystal. As he tried, he felt that the crystal seemed to have some kind of resonance, as if it contained an ancient and mysterious power.

“It seems that this blue crystal is not simple.” Chen Xuan thought in his heart, and he tried to sense the changes in the crystal.

 In this tense and fierce battle, the light emitted by the blue spar became brighter and brighter.

The blue protective shield became more and more stable with Chen Xuan's understanding, forming a barrier that could not be broken through. When the mysterious warriors saw this, a trace of frustration flashed in their eyes. They were unable to break this seemingly fragile light curtain.

 “Let’s stand down!” The leading warrior snorted coldly. They knew that if they continued to entangle, they would only fall into passivity. The three people quickly evacuated the training room, leaving the room in silence.

The light of the blue crystal gradually weakened, and the protective shield gradually faded away, finally disappearing from Chen Xuan's body. He stood there, taking a deep breath, and his heart was filled with shock. "This blue crystal stone seems to be a kind of protective object and has a contract with me." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart, and he had a deeper understanding of this crystal stone.

 He decided to keep this blue crystal stone properly, maybe it could bring him more miracles in his future practice.

Chen Xuan used the secret method of time and space. In an instant, their figures flashed through the void and returned to the Star Dragon Sect.

 Climbing to the top of the Star Dragon Sect, Chen Xuan and Yachen overlooked the vastness of the Cangshen Realm, and their hearts were calm. The Star Dragon Sect stood tall and towering, like a huge barrier, guarding this mysterious land.

 “Chen Xuan, your experience this time seems to be quite extraordinary.” The head of the Star Dragon Sect looked at Chen Xuan with a deep look, with a hint of concern in his eyebrows.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said: "The sect master is overly complimentary. This time in the Cangshen Realm, we encountered many strange things and gained a lot."

“This blue crystal stone you brought back appeared in the Blue God Realm?” Yunfeng’s eyes were fixed on the blue crystal stone in Chen Xuan’s hand, and he seemed to sense the special power contained in it.

 Chen Xuan nodded and said: "Yes, this blue crystal is in a secret cave, and it also has a strange protective ability. I feel that it seems to have some kind of contract with the cultivator."

His expression moved slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "The Cangshen Realm is indeed extraordinary. Your experience may bring new possibilities to the Star Dragon Sect. As for this blue crystal stone, we can ask the elders to study it, and maybe we can go deeper. Understand its origin and function."

Chen Xuan nodded in agreement. He was full of curiosity about this blue crystal stone and was looking forward to the answers from the elders.

In the training room of the Star Dragon Sect, Chen Xuan placed the blue crystal stone in the special spirit condensing array. The elders of the Star Dragon Sect gathered aside and observed the faint light emitted by the crystal stone intently.

“This crystal is indeed unusual, and the power it contains is elusive.” An elder frowned slightly, and they began to mobilize their own cultivation to try to sense the mystery of the crystal.

Time passed slowly in the training room, and Chen Xuan and the elders of the Star Dragon Sect were looking forward to more discoveries about blue crystals.

“This spar seems to have the potential to interact with cultivators, and its contract with cultivators may not be simple.” An elder said, and they gradually sensed the mysterious power contained in the spar.

Chen Xuan's heart moved. He stood up and watched the changes in the blue spar with the elders. As their research deepened, the light emitted by the spar became brighter and brighter.

“Perhaps this is a kind of divine object that has the power to interact with cultivators.” Another elder said softly, and they felt their curiosity about this crystal stone getting stronger.

In the Star Dragon Sect, the discussion about the blue crystal stone gradually attracted widespread attention. The monks came to observe it one after another, full of curiosity about this mysterious thing from the Blue God Realm.

Chen Xuan felt the eager discussion of the Star Dragon Sect, and he knew that the appearance of this blue crystal stone might have a profound impact on the entire sect.

 Chen Xuan returned to his courtyard. Outside the courtyard was the quiet scenery of the Xinglong Sect mountain top. He felt the growth of his cultivation in this peaceful environment, and his heart was full of expectations for the future.

 In the courtyard, Chen Xuan was sitting on a futon, his whole body filled with a faint aura. He was holding a Suzaku sword, his eyes were deep, and he was immersed in cultivation. At this time, his cultivation had reached the middle stage of the sixth level of Shenlong Breaking God, and his aura was calm and strong.

Chen Xuan took out a carefully refined elixir. This was a precious elixir he had obtained in the Cangshen Realm. It was of great help. He picked up the jade bottle and swallowed the elixir gently, feeling a warm and moist feeling. Power spreads throughout the body.

The power of the elixir turned into a trickle of spiritual energy in Chen Xuan's body, nourishing the meridians and muscles. The growth of his cultivation was like a tide, constantly pushing him to a higher realm.

“Suzaku sword technique, thousands of sword shadows.” The Suzaku sword in Chen Xuan’s hand danced, and the shadows of the sword flew one after another. Each sword contained his deep understanding of the sword technique, roaring and powerful.

After improving his cultivation, Chen Xuan's sword skills became more proficient and his sword intention became more profound. When the sword light flickered, he seemed to be integrated with the sword, and his sword skills were smooth and free.

 The secret method of time and space was activated by Chen Xuan, and a layer of light filled his body. The power of space was under his control, as if time stood still around him.

"Time Stop." Chen Xuan sang softly, and the time around him seemed to be frozen. He used the Time Stop skill to temporarily pause time, which gave him more flexibility in battle.

 (End of this chapter)

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