Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6882: Blood Tiger

Chapter 6882 Blood Tiger

The battle intensified, and Xuehu cleverly turned his defense into attack, but Chen Xuan persisted and concentrated. He understood the breath of battle, knew how to avoid Xuehu's attack, and in turn attacked with minimal force and precise angles.

 Finally, under Chen Xuanji's lightning-like offensive, he cut a wound on Xue Hu's forehead. Xue Hu let out a shrill howl and retreated. Its majestic aura began to disintegrate at this moment.

At midnight, under the moonlight, the forest was silent. However, Chen Xuan was like a dancer dancing on the battlefield. His eyes were always fixed on the **** tiger, ready to attack at any time.

The hair on the blood tiger's body is rough and tough, as thick as cast iron. Fairy fire burns in its red eyes, revealing the wildness and ferocity of nature. Its fangs are sharp, as if it can bite through hard rocks at any time. The burly body, with the aura of the Demon Sect overflowing, is like a giant moving mountain.

The blood tiger roared like a wave covering the forest, rolling and bouncing in the depression, being eroded by the heat wave of the morning sun. However, Chen Xuan was not intimidated by this, but waved fearlessly opposite the blood tiger. His sword.

The blade of the sword flickered like a falling star, dazzling and dazzling. Every time he swung the sword, the air flow would be cut, the air would be compressed, causing a roar, and at the same time, it would attract a more intense attack from the blood tiger.

Under the huge pressure brought by the collapse of the mountain, Chen Xuan was not afraid at all. He used stronger speed, faster rhythm and more clever angles to skillfully dodge the Xuehu's attack. He sought silence while moving. , learn to borrow strength from the blood tiger's attack and use your own power skillfully.

He was like a drop of water piercing a stone, always maintaining his own rhythm, avoiding the blood tiger's attacks, and then counterattacking. Each of his attacks was extremely accurate, sharp and deadly, like an eagle striking the sky, as fast as a meteor.

The sword in his hand was like a bolt of lightning. In the flickering moonlight at night, and in the fierce exchange of battle with the blood tiger, it slid across a unique scratch. There was a flash of green light, the cold air was overwhelming, and the sword light surged.

The battle was fierce and cruel. The duel between Chen Xuan and Xue Hu was like a meteor streaking across the sky. It burned instantly, but it seemed to have touched the anger of the forest, making the vegetation tremble.

In this life-and-death duel, Chen Xuan stood at the cusp of the storm, challenging the God of Death's patience again and again. He clenched the hilt of his sword, gritted his teeth, and waited for the Blood Tiger's attack. Whenever the Blood Tiger seemed to relax, he would It will hit the blood tiger with the power of a celestial thunderbolt.

After many confrontations, Chen Xuan finally found the flaw in the blood tiger. He concentrated all his strength, shouted loudly, and then swung his sword towards the blood tiger. The sword light flashed, blood splashed, and the body of the blood tiger collapsed. Chen Xuan stood next to its body, panting and dripping with sweat, but there was an incomparable peace on his face.

 He looked at the blood tiger quietly, and then obtained the blood tiger crystal from its body.

Chen Xuan walked straight into the depths of the forest. Everything returned to tranquility. Only the occasional chirping of insects and howls of monsters broke the silence and brought a sense of life. He walked in the jungle late at night, even though the front was full of It was unknown, but he was confident and exciting.

He carefully collected the Blood Tiger Crystal, sat down cross-legged, and began to practice. Only by constantly improving himself could he be able to better cope with the challenges ahead. The power in his body flowed under Chen Xuan's control, and his blood seemed to become hot.

Chen Xuan sat under the moonlight, gently stroking the four crystals in his hand. They were the four sacred beast crystals. Each crystal sparkled and exuded powerful power. It was the result of his numerous difficult challenges and experiences. It is gained through painful training.

  Various emotions surged in his heart, and he remembered what the guardian had said to him.

Although he was full of expectations, he also understood that what he needed to do now was to wait patiently. Waiting for the guardian to appear, the night was getting darker. Chen Xuan carefully recalled those years and the battles with the four sacred beasts. Those experiences were like a melting pot, which gave him a new understanding of himself and repeatedly surpassed himself. His heart was calm. Like water, only the faint moonlight cast mottled shadows on his body.

He closed his eyes and began to adjust his breathing, trying to draw out the power in his body and connect with the power in the crystals. He could feel that each crystal was like a large treasure house of spiritual energy, ready to go. They were waiting. The final start command is waiting for the chaos to start.

The silence that filled the air was broken by sudden fluctuations. Chen Xuan was keenly aware of the difference. He knew that the arrival of the space storm was about to begin. He felt that the air around him was filled with the power of crystal stones. They were completely normal The blending is like a harbinger in communication, a prediction of the future.

 Chen Xuan sat there and waited quietly. He knew that everything he did was to prepare for the coming storm, and he was already prepared to deal with the arrival of the space storm.

Just as Chen Xuan was gradually immersed in his practice, he felt a strong tremor, and the four divine beast crystals began to release a strong aura, like four small suns burning in his palms.

  The surface of the crystal began to tremble slightly, and the light became hotter, like lava. In an instant, Chen Xuan felt a strong vibration coming from the inside of the crystal. The feeling was like a surge of power like a tide.

 Then, he saw an unbelievable sight. The four crystal stones began to slowly move closer to the center, and the light converged in the same direction from all directions. Without warning, the four crystals instantly merged and turned into a large crystal that shone with a brilliant aura.

Star-like light shot out from the spar, illuminating everything around Chen Xuan. He felt a large amount of power pouring out of the spar, and there was a tremor deep in his soul, as if a huge storm was surging inside his body. , which is the power released from the four sacred beast crystals. He felt that his soul was like a boat in the storm, bumping in the torrent of power. He could feel the sensitivity of the white fox, the majesty of the green dragon, the power of the golden Lin and the ferocity of the blood tiger pouring into his body at the same time.

He tried to keep himself awake and used his own will to resist the turbulence in the depths of his soul. However, the power surged in like a tide and he was unable to resist. After several increasingly violent shocks, he lost consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes. He felt weak all over his body, as if he had experienced a serious illness. However, he could clearly feel that there was a brand-new power flowing in his body, which came from the four great beasts. The power gained from the crystal.

He looked at the crystal in his hand and saw that it had turned into a huge crystal ball, with several colors of light shining on it, white, green, gold, and red. It was the result of the fusion of four crystals. color.

A strong vibration came from the crystal ball. Chen Xuan could feel that the crystal ball was pregnant with new life. However, he understood that it was not real life, but the power that he was about to come into contact with.

 At this brief omen, Chen Xuan sat up straight, concentrated his energy, and began to try to mobilize his new strength. While maintaining steady breathing, he stared deeply into the crystal ball, trying to find a way to enter it.

It was like opening another door. Chen Xuan suddenly felt as if he had entered a whole new world. That world was full of all kinds of powers, like four rivers converging in his body.

For a moment like lightning, Chen Xuan felt that his body was bound by invisible shackles, unable to move at all. It was as if a powerful invisible force field locked him tightly in place, and all his efforts could not break it. This kind of restraint filled his heart with fear, but more importantly, confusion and incomprehension.

At this time, a figure slowly walked out of the space door formed by the fusion of four mythical beast crystals. It was a long-haired man in black clothes. He was tall, with a handsome face, and his long hair was scattered on the wide forehead. On his shoulders, his eyes were like deep stars, pouring out powerful light. His eyes were calm and profound.

The next moment, Chen Xuan fell to the ground feebly. The world around him seemed to be spinning at an incredible speed. A blurry image appeared in front of his eyes. He felt like a leaf, swaying feebly in the wind. He He wanted to shout out, but found that he couldn't even do such a simple thing. All the power faded away, leaving only chaos and panic.

The man in black clothes with long hair didn't seem to care about it at all. He slowly raised his head, his deep eyes flashed with a breath like cold stars, and the corners of his mouth curved, like a demon in a nightmare, He gave a cruel smile.

Suddenly, he bounced violently and jumped directly into the sky. His body gradually disappeared into the air, leaving only a black afterimage passing through the night sky. However, his voice seemed particularly clear, as if coming from nine days away. , hitting Chen Xuan's heart like a violent storm.

"I'm back!"

These four words, like immortal thunder, exploded in Chen Xuan's heart. His body seemed to be hit hard, and a strong shock spread from his heart to his whole body. It was a kind of breaking through himself and announcing to the outside world. the power of. Shock, shock, shock...all kinds of emotions surged in his heart, but he couldn't find any answers.

In Chen Xuan's world, the unknown man's announcement was filled with violent fear and tension, making him trapped in it and unable to extricate himself. His brain seemed to have stagnated, and his world seemed to have fallen into a long silence. And that cruel smile and harsh declaration seemed to be the guide for all this, leading him into a more chaotic and terrifying world.

He didn't know the man's identity or his purpose. He could only watch the man fly higher and higher in the night sky until he disappeared into the distant sky. And he could only sit there and watch this All developments are like a helpless bystander, unable to intervene or resist.

Under the dim sky, I don't know how much time has passed. Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes, only feeling tired. His consciousness was still struggling in the fog, barely agile, and his vision was blurry and weak. There was silence all around, as if everything Things stopped breathing at this moment.

His eyes followed the familiar outline, but he only saw an unfamiliar world.

His heartbeat accelerated at this moment, and a heavy feeling radiated from his weak body, as if a mountain was pressing on his body, making him a little breathless, and then, the sky was filled with thunderclouds. , the sky darkened, and a thunderous atmosphere emitted from the thick clouds.

Every sound of thunder was like a giant hammer hitting his body, dull and shocking, accompanied by the rapid flash of thunder, making people feel that the whole world was falling into chaos in an instant, and it seemed like they were seeing the end of the world.

 Chen Xuan wanted to struggle, to escape from this strange and terrifying place, but found that his body could not help himself and could only watch all this. His whole body trembled with the thunder, and his heartbeat seemed to be frightened and slowed down.

His limbs were cold, and every inch of his skin felt tightening, while doubts echoed in his heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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