Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6885: Liu Jianhong and Zhao Xinghai

 Chapter 6885 Liu Jianhong and Zhao Xinghai

Chen Xuan nodded in agreement. As the leader of a faction, he had numerous conflicts over the years and his ability to judge the situation was extraordinary. "Go east, where our faction's hiding place is. You can avoid the limelight for the time being."

The two struggled to hold themselves up and moved quietly along the mountain road towards the darkness. Although it was extremely hidden, Chen Xuan's figure still unconsciously left some blood stains in the dark night. He endured the severe pain, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was almost exhausted. , but still maintains a vigilant heart.

Now they are like kings in trouble, attracting the covetousness and calculations of the world. Shinra Tianzun has a prominent position in the middle domain. With his works in the name, it is enough to make countless warriors rush to their lives. If it weren't for this time Chen Xuan and Liao Zheng's superior skills may have caused a murderous incident in the Central Region.

They walked slowly along the edge of the steep mountain wall, and there seemed to be a lot of dangers lurking in the shadows in front of them. Walking against the wind, the smell of blood and sweat made them feel even more lonely.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the two finally arrived at a secret door on a cliff. This was an escape route carefully arranged by Chen Xuan over the years. As long as they entered it, they would be temporarily safe. Liao Zheng quickly searched for a mechanism on the cliff. After a while, a cleverly hidden stone door slowly opened.

“Go in.” Chen Xuan whispered to Liao Zheng. He stood at the entrance and looked around to ensure safety.

Liao Zheng walked in carefully. Inside was a deep cave with simple equipment but enough medicine and food storage. This showed that Chen Xuan was fully prepared.

The stone door closed, and after a burst of rapid footsteps, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. In this closed space, the crisis of death was temporarily lifted, and only mutual trust and friendship remained.

Liao Zheng quickly and lightly lit a few candles, and the cave instantly became bright, but it still couldn't dispel the sadness in Chen Xuan's brows. The medicine box was quickly opened, and the two of them healed each other's wounds. Liao Zheng's technique was careful and professional. Chen Xuan, while gritting his teeth and enduring the pain, did not forget to care about Liao Zheng: "How is your injury?"

“It’s okay.” Liao Zheng smiled bitterly and shook his head, his tone stubborn. "Don't forget, we still have to go out alive to face more challenges."

Although Chen Xuan's sword wound was treated in time, every deep breath caused pain in his body. He knew that he could not stay here for long, but at least tonight,

After taking the medicine, the two leaned against the rock wall, silently fixing each other's bandages. As time passed, fatigue slowly took over their consciousness, causing them to constantly fight against the edge of sleep.

In this secret room unknown to the outside world, no matter how turbulent the Middle Territory was, they had at least one night of tranquility and healing.

"We can no longer face Shinra Tianzun alone." His voice echoed in the cave, with unquestionable determination in his tone.

Liao Zheng seemed to have anticipated this proposal and nodded in response: "It's time to contact other colleagues. We already know the ambitions of Shinra Tianzun. If we don't join forces, we may be weak."

 Chen Xuan slowly said the names of the four major sects. Behind each name represents a force in the Central Territory, which has strength and influence that cannot be underestimated.

“First of all, it’s the Linshui Sword Sect.” Chen Xuan’s words caught Liao Zheng’s attention. He knew that this sect was famous for its rigorous swordsmanship and Taoism that respected nature. Linshui Sword Sect is located next to Qianxi Lake. The water sword is integrated into one, and it is good at using the softness of water to defeat the enemy's strength.

"Secondly, the Giant Wood Hall." Chen Xuan continued. The disciples in the Giant Wood Hall moved like mountains. Every move contained the power of nature and was powerful. This sect believed in the power of nature and was based in the depths of the forest. In the middle domain Also famous.

"There is also Guiyun Nunnery." Chen Xuan's voice began to reveal a hint of awe. Guiyun Nunnery practices internal Qi Condensation Kungfu and is good at controlling opponents with a gentle and unfathomable aura of heaven and earth. There are many masters in the nunnery. , is especially famous for the ingenious plan of the nunnery master Yun Qingguan.

 Finally, he mentioned the Huolin Sect. The Huolin Sect is famous for its fire-based cultivation. The founder of the sect once attained enlightenment in a volcano, and his disciples are all extremely energetic, hot-blooded and fearless.

"We need to form an alliance, otherwise even if we survive this crisis, follow-up pursuits will definitely follow." Liao Zheng pondered and analyzed: "But these three factions all have their own rules, and it may not be easy for them to sincerely help each other. ”

Chen Xuan nodded to acknowledge this concern, but the wrinkles on his forehead showed his determination: "We have to share the truth and let them know how the actions of Shinra Tianzun will destroy the balance of the Central Territory and how it will plunge the Central Territory into a greater crisis. Amid chaos and suffering.”

Liao Zheng stood up with a scary look: "I will go to the Linshui Sword Sect. The old sorcerers and masters of the Sword Sect there have been rescued several times. Maybe I can impress them."

"And I..." Chen Xuan was silent for a long time, and finally made his decision: "I will take the risk to give the Fire Lin Sect a try. They are passionate and bold. Once they understand the atrocities committed by Shinra Tianzun, they will definitely be willing to take action."

 “What about Jumu Tang and Guiyun Temple?” Liao Zheng asked.

"We have to look at the attitudes of other sects before deciding on the next step." Chen Xuan closed his eyes and took a shallow breath, as if he was anticipating the complex situation in the future. "This is a long battle and we need to be patient."

After the two secretly assigned the task, they began to prepare for the trip. They knew that once they left this temporary safe harbor, many crises would follow. However, for the sake of the honorable family in the Central Region and the future of the Central Region, this Everything is inevitable.

As the sky gradually breaks, this secret cave is surrounded by undercurrents and mist, making it appear more misty and quiet. Finally, the two prepare everything and use the secret passage in the dark room to set off in different directions to find those or... Comrades from the Central Region who will become allies. Along the way, their hearts were filled with complicated emotions...

 Chen Xuan stood at the entrance of the hidden secret passage, his face full of fear that he was about to start his journey. Liao Zheng has quietly moved towards the Linshui Sword Sect, and he himself has to overcome many obstacles to reach the location of the Fire Lin Sect. He knows that it is indeed difficult for them to unite the four sects, because each sect has its own interests and considerations. , not to mention that the power of Shinra Tianzun is not so easy to contend with.

The Huolin Sect is located in the mountains. It has a solid fortress made of volcanic ash stone, which is called the "Volcano City". After Chen Xuan used the secret passage in the dark room to leave quietly, he disguised himself as a wandering pharmacist and went down to earth. He mingled among the people in the Central Region to cover his whereabouts.

At this moment, the hardships along the way were clearly visible in his mind. His body that revealed the aura of a warrior from the inside out reminded him all the time that he must be cautious. After several days of detours, Chen Xuan finally arrived at the mountain body of the Huolin Sect. Nearby, but then comes the real test.

The Fire Lin Cult claims to be hot-blooded and bold, but they are also known to be warlike and suspicious. To gain their trust, you must show real strength and sincerity, and this is what Chen Xuan is good at.

He planned to sneak into the Volcano City at night and use his superb fire martial arts skills to show off in front of the disciples of the Fire Lin Sect, to impress their hostility towards Shinra Tianzun, and at the same time reveal the possible threat that Shinra Tianzun could pose to them and the entire Central Region.

During this period, Liao Zheng kept silent all the way, using his extremely agile light skills and abundant spiritual energy of heaven and earth to hide his whereabouts among the lakes and mountains. The old sorcerer of the Sword Sect of the Linshui Sword Sect was an old friend of Liao Zheng. When he was still a little-known young man, it was the other party who gave him the opportunity to show off his talents.

But for Liao Zheng, it is undoubtedly unwise to use emotions to kidnap a sect's choice, so he also brought all the evidence he had about the dangers of Shenluo Tianzun, hoping to convince the old warlock of Jianzong and Linshui Other senior officials of the Sword Sect.

As for the Jumu Hall located in the lofty mountains and the Guiyun Temple located in the Jiangnan water town, Chen Xuan planned to contact the Huolin Sect and the Linshui Sword Sect, and then rely on their influence to make a big move to gather the heroes. He had a premonition that Until, when this long-planned alliance is actually launched, it will be their first step in challenging the power of Shinra Tianzun.

A few days later, on a moonlit night, at the training ground of the Fire Lin Sect, Chen Xuan was wearing a fiery red martial robe. He stood like a pine tree. In front of him were a group of disciples of the Fire Lin Sect and several guardians. He activated his spiritual energy of heaven and earth and transformed the heaven and earth. The spiritual energy turned into sky fire, jumping and swirling around him, forming scorching fire dragons, which amazed everyone present.

The leader of the Huolin Sect observed Chen Xuan's unique skills, and the look of approval in his eyes could not help but reveal. On the other side, Liao Zheng's figure also quietly appeared in front of the master of the Linshui Sword Sect, and their conversation was solemn. thing.

After a glimmer of appreciation flashed in the leader's eyes, it suddenly turned into scrutiny: "I have learned about Brother Chen's fire-based swordsmanship. It is indeed superb and extraordinary, but the Fire Lin Sect is not someone who can form alliances casually. You must give a sufficient reason. ." Leader Huolin spoke firmly, which was a test of Chen Xuan's true intentions.

Chen Xuan raised his head, his eyes were as bright as a torch, and his voice was sonorous and powerful: "Shenluo Tianzun's ambition is no longer a secret. He longs to unify the Central Region and bring all sects under his influence. Today I come, not for personal grudges, but for A distinguished family." He handed over the secret in his hand, and Huolin took it and looked at it carefully.

At the same time, Liao Zheng stated in front of the Linshui Sword Sect and the old sorcerers of the Sword Sect all the domineering behavior of Shenluo Tianzun and the evidence they had collected about how he suppressed other sects and controlled the Central Region.

The old warlock frowned in thought, and finally said: "Zheng'er, are you here to save Zhongyu, or are you here to take revenge on your master?" Liao Zheng's eyes were clear and resolute: "If it weren't for Zhongyu's great righteousness, Liao would never have stepped in. Enter this snake ant cave."

Hearing Liao Zheng's answer, the old warlock was silent for a while, and then nodded. "I will discuss with other senior leaders within the sect. If it is true as you said, our Linshui Sword Sect will take action of our own accord."

 Chen Xuan and Liao Zheng had an exciting negotiation at two completely different locations that night. They both understood that if they could convince these two sects, it would mean half the battle to unite the four sects.

The sky gradually turned white, murderous intent was still lurking behind the morning glow. Leader Huolin finally put down the secret and stared at Chen Xuan with his deep eyes, as if to see through his heart: "Very good, your strength is worthy of my admiration, we Huolin The church will consider your proposal, but I want to meet your allies first."

 Chen Xuan smiled slightly, this was exactly what he wanted.

"Then please ask the leader to read this letter." He took out a prepared letter from his arms and invited leader Huolin to attend the Central Territory Alliance meeting they held one night a few days later.

At the same time, the attitudes of Jumutang and Guiyun'an became a key piece in Chen Xuan and Liao Zheng's plans. They planned to use the attitudes of the Huolin Sect and Linshui Sword Sect as a basis to cleverly use various channels to Pass the news to these two factions quietly, letting them quietly realize that the overall situation in the Central Territory is quietly changing.

This night, there was an inexplicable tense atmosphere in the Central Territory. All the people in the Central Territory felt unusual fluctuations, but no one could explain the specific situation clearly.

A few days later, on a high cliff overlooking the vast river, with torches swaying and weapons flashing, representatives of the four major sects gathered together under the careful planning of Chen Xuan and Liao Zheng. In the venue, everyone's eyes showed complicated emotions. If this alliance succeeds, Shinra Tianzun's road to hegemony will surely suffer a heavy blow.

At the beginning of the meeting, Chen Xuan and Liao Zheng alternately spoke. They knew that this was a critical moment that affected the entire Central Territory. Their words were full of passion and sincerity, aiming to ignite the hearts of every warrior and awaken their conscience and strength. .

 After intense discussions, along with the intertwined trust and doubts in the fire, we finally faced the challenge of Shinra Tianzun together and defended the security and freedom of the Central Region.

 In this way, before the sun rose the next day, the covenant of the four factions was formally formed.

 (End of this chapter)

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