Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6897: Star Flame

Chapter 6897 Flame of the Stars

The beast of divine thunder quickly approached, and the thunder of stars formed a thunder cloud, covering the entire battlefield. Chen Xuan stepped into the thunder cloud, and the power of the stars surged around him. He gritted his teeth, and the sword in his heart turned into a bolt of lightning, and The armor of divine thunder collided fiercely.

The beast of the divine thunder showed a ferocious expression, and the star thunder burst out with dazzling light during the collision. Chen Xuan felt the sting of the divine thunder, but he was not afraid at all. The sword of the stars cut through the thunder clouds and pointed directly at the god. The key to Thunder Armor.

The three giant beasts each displayed different forms of the power of the stars. The battle between the stars became fierce and exciting under the reflection of the stars. Chen Xuan danced the sword in his heart, and each swing was accompanied by the brilliance of the power of the stars, forming a The power of the stars.

The battle was staged on the second floor of the Tower of Stars. The secret of the power of the stars gradually emerged during the battle. Chen Xuan realized that the power of the stars was not only a means of attack, but also a spiritual awakening and a control over the power of the universe. .

The battle among the stars continued. Chen Xuan felt the sword in his heart whistling more and more. The power of the stars flowed through his body like a tide. The battle between him and the three giant beasts was no longer a simple confrontation, but a battle between the stars. Inspiration from the land.

The first giant beast, the serpentine giant beast's star aura danced endlessly. Chen Xuan concentrated on responding. Suddenly, there was a strange resonance deep in his heart, as if he was integrated with the power of the stars. Chen Xuan's heart moved. , he tried to perfectly combine his heart with the power of the stars, and the breath of the stars turned into stars all over the sky between his fingertips.

The stars are like dazzling diamonds, piercing the night sky and heading straight for the snake-shaped beast. The snake-like beast felt the changes in the power of the stars. The aura of the stars no longer followed the rules. It was defeated by Chen Xuan's starlight. It let out a thundering roar, and the aura of the stars collapsed into pieces. Chen Xuan took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack.

The second giant beast, the sky fire dragon energy roared in the flames of stars. Chen Xuan felt the heat of the star flames. His heart resonated again. The power of the stars turned into a shield to resist the fierce attack of the sky fire dragon energy. Chen Xuan Trying to use the inner shield to integrate with the flame of the stars to resolve the invasion of the sky fire.

As the resonance deepened, the power of the stars in Chen Xuan's heart rotated like a planet. He felt the sound of the power of the universe. The flames of the stars gradually became soft around his body. Chen Xuan was no longer affected by the sky fire dragon energy. However, his star power condensed into a more powerful star sword.

The Star Sword cut through the Sky Fire and pointed directly at the heart of the Sky Fire Dragon Qi. The Sky Fire Dragon Qi made a deafening roar, and the star flames burned into dazzling sparks within its body. Chen Xuan felt the surge of star power, and his heart skipped a beat. Shocked, it seemed that he had realized some kind of secret of the universe.

The resonance became stronger and stronger, and Chen Xuan felt as if he had merged into the universe. The thunder of stars danced around his body, forming a picture. Chen Xuan concentrated and calmed down, and the power of the stars in his heart was like a commander commanding the power of the universe. , to neutralize the offensive of the Divine Thunder Armor.

 The power of the stars of the three-headed giant beast was gradually surpassed by the power of the universe that Chen Xuan understood. Chen Xuan felt a powerful force boiling in his heart. His heart was shaken, as if he had touched a mysterious realm.

The battle among the stars reached a new peak. The giant beasts felt Chen Xuan's changes and showed a slightly awed expression. Chen Xuan's star power gradually merged into the power of the universe. His cultivation level broke through to a new level. He stood In the land of stars, it is like a shining star in the universe.

The battle of the stars finally came to an end. The three giant beasts were no longer hostile. They lowered their heads and signaled to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan felt a lot of gratitude in his heart. He understood that this battle was not only a confrontation, but also a once-in-a-lifetime experience for them. comminicate.

The land of stars returned to tranquility, and Chen Xuan felt that the power in his body became deeper and more mysterious.

Chen Xuan looked at the three giant beasts with gratitude. Although they were once rivals, under the resonance of the land of stars, they established a wonderful connection with each other. The giant beasts lowered their heads and gestured, as if to convey a kind of agreement and agreement. Respect.

However, Chen Xuan knew that this was not the end, but another starting point. He looked at the giant beasts, determined to draw deeper strength from this battle. Therefore, the battle of the stars was not over, and the three giant beasts prepared again Fight.

The first giant beast, a snake-shaped giant beast, the breath of stars began to dance again. Chen Xuan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His heart was completely blended with the breath of stars. He felt the more exciting cosmic spiritual energy, as if in the universe. Wandering in the sea.

Chen Xuan's heart was perfectly integrated with the aura of the stars. He realized the mystery of the aura of the stars. The aura of the stars was no longer a simple means of attack, but a link to the power of the stars, a guide to the spiritual energy of the universe. Chen Xuan waved The inner aura and the power of the stars surged like flowing water, pointing directly at the snake-shaped beast.

The second giant beast, the Sky Fire Dragon Qi, and the Star Flame burned again. Chen Xuan felt the Sky Fire in his heart being ignited. The cosmic spiritual energy and the power of Sky Fire blended with each other. He stared at the Sky Fire Dragon Qi, and his heart was completely blended with the Star Flame. , the power of stars rose around him.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's inner shield turned into a piece of star light, resisting the attack of the Sky Fire Dragon Qi. At the same time, his heart conveyed the power of the universe, and the star flames radiated even hotter in the body of the Sky Fire Dragon Qi. of light.

The third giant beast, the Armor of Divine Thunder, and the Thunder of Stars emerged again. Chen Xuan felt the sting of the Thunder. He concentrated and gritted his teeth, and his heart blended with the Thunder of Stars. The offensive of the Armor of Divine Thunder was resolved by the Thunder of Stars. , Chen Xuan's inner aura flashed in the electric light.

The spiritual energy of the universe stirred in Chen Xuan's heart, and the power of the stars sublimated in his body. He deeply realized that the power of the stars was not a single form of attack, but a continuously surging cosmic spiritual energy that could guide, integrate, and transcend. .

 Chen Xuan's inner sword is extremely sharp, with the power of the stars penetrating the aura of the stars, the flames of heavenly fire, and the thunder of divine thunder. During the battle in the land of stars, he understood the deeper mysteries like the inheritor of the universe.

Finally, the three giant beasts lowered their heads. They felt the more powerful cosmic aura emanating from Chen Xuan's body, and were in awe. Chen Xuan's inner power was perfectly combined with the power of the universe, and the land of stars was filled with vastness. And the mysterious atmosphere.

The battle between the stars finally reached its peak. Chen Xuan's cultivation level improved rapidly. He felt the more powerful star power surge in his body. The door to the universe slowly opened deep in his heart. The land of stars The scene gradually dissipated, replaced by a peaceful void.

Chen Xuan stood in the middle of the land of stars, his eyes shining with the deep light of stars. Chen Xuan was shocked. He did not expect that this battle among the stars was not only a battle, but also a test, and he successfully passed the test. The three giant beasts lowered their heads and signaled, their eyes full of awe.

"Chen Xuan, you have passed the test of the second level. Now you are qualified to go to the third level of the Tower of Stars. However, you must understand that the challenge of the third level will be more difficult, and the dangers involved cannot be underestimated. "The voice of the serpentine beast echoed in the land of stars.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly. He knew that the path of spiritual practice was full of hardships and dangers, but it was this challenge that made him more determined to move forward.

"The third level is the abyss of the Star Way. It contains more mysterious power, but it is also accompanied by greater risks. You must act cautiously and not act rashly." Sky Fire Dragon Qi warned, its eyes revealed A hint of worry.

 Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said that he was mentally prepared to a certain extent. He knew that the road ahead would be more dangerous, but this was also an opportunity for him to continue to grow.

"The road ahead is long, but you have spread your wings and soared high. Each floor of the Tower of Stars is an experience. I hope you can break through yourself and understand the more profound way of the stars." The voice of Divine Thunder Armor echoed in the stars. land, its eyes revealed its expectations for Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan bowed to the three giant beasts and expressed his gratitude. He knew that these three giant beasts were not only his opponents, but also guided his growth.

The three giant beasts nodded. The scene in the Land of Stars gradually blurred, and a light door appeared in the void. This light door led to the third floor of the Tower of Stars, and was also a new journey for Chen Xuan's future cultivation.

 Chen Xuan stepped into the light door and gradually disappeared into the land of stars. The moment he left, the voices of the three giant beasts sounded again.

“The path of the stars is with you, Chen Xuan.” The voices of the giant beasts were like the power of the stars. With the disappearance of Chen Xuan, the land of stars returned to tranquility.

 On the third floor of the Tower of Stars, Chen Xuan will face greater challenges and a more profound way of the stars.

On the third floor of the Tower of Stars, Chen Xuan found himself in a strange and mysterious space, surrounded by a faint power of stars, as if he was roaming in the night sky. Under the reflection of the stars, he saw three Strange monster.

These three monsters were huge, but they looked like mice. They stood up with a faint wisp of heavenly fire floating on their arms. They looked very special. Chen Xuan couldn't help but become curious about them and wanted to know more about them. The mystery of these three mice.

"Chen Xuan, welcome to the third floor of the Tower of Stars. I am the head of the three-tailed fire rat. These are my two brothers, Yanwei and Huowei." The head of the three-tailed fire rat spoke, and its voice Like the power of ancient stars, people feel a mysterious power.

 Chen Xuan saluted to show respect for the three-tailed fire rat. He asked: "Fire Rat Head, is this the third floor of the Tower of Stars? How should I face the challenges here?"

The leader of the three-tailed fire rats nodded, "Yes, this is indeed the third floor of the Tower of Stars. Here, you will face a further understanding of the power of the stars, and our three-tailed fire rats will be your test."

The two fire rats, Yanwei and Huowei, also nodded to Chen Xuan at the same time, their eyes full of challenge.

“Every monk will face different tests in the Tower of Stars, and our three-tailed fire rats represent three different aspects of the power of the stars.” The head of the three-tailed fire rats explained.

 Chen Xuan's heart moved, and he began to concentrate on feeling the special star power emanating from these three mice.

 The power of the sky fire of the flame tail, the hot power of the fire tail, and the unique star power of the three-tailed fire rat head, they are intertwined to form a strange and powerful scene.

"Chen Xuan, your mission is to understand the power of the stars represented by our three-tailed fire rat, so as to challenge us. Every battle is a dialogue between the heart and the power of the stars." The head of the three-tailed fire rat said earnestly. .

 Chen Xuan nodded, his heart full of determination. He knew that in this land of stars, every battle was a test of his own cultivation, and it was also a profound challenge to his understanding of the power of the stars.

 The first battle begins. The flame-tailed mouse was eager to try. Its power of heavenly fire was as hot as fire and quickly attacked Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan concentrated on facing the enemy. His heart and the power of the stars merged with each other, forming a solid inner shield to resist the flame-tail's attack. offensive.

The flame-tailed mouse changed its attack methods. The power of sky fire suddenly spurted out and condensed into a fireball. Chen Xuan suddenly dodged and suddenly used the power of stars to counterattack. The battle was extremely fierce, and the light of sky fire shone in the land of stars.

 (End of this chapter)

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