Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 804: Copy medicine

  Chapter 804 Copying the pill

  An'er and others saw that the Virgin of the Peacock had fallen into defeat, and they suddenly became nervous.

  And An'er was also nervous at this time, and jumped directly from the city wall again.

   rushed towards their Virgin.

  But Chen Xuan has never let go of this Virgin of Peacock. Since this person is so arrogant and he still says three tricks and four tricks in front of him, then let you see how good I am.

  The long sword blasted down instantly.

   "Five-colored lights, listen to my orders, kill!"

  In the distance, An'er saw Chen Xuan hit her mother with a killer move. At this time, no matter what the condition of her body was, she displayed the five-color divine light again and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  It was only this time when it was used, but it was a little different from usual, which made this An'er feel confused in her heart, and even the feeling in her body was very different. It seemed that there was a force of strength that was condensing from her body.

   Along with the five-color light gushing out of the body.


  This time, what An'er released was not a five-color light, but just a pill!

  All the power is integrated into this one pill.

   moved towards that Chen Xuanfei.

Originally, Chen Xuan was planning to kill this person with a single sword, but unexpectedly, that pill suddenly rushed to Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan saw this, but he didn't even care to kill the Madonna of the Peacock, and the **** stretched out his hand. With one move, this pill was caught in his hands.

   "It's done!?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes.

  When the distant An'er saw this, his eyes widened. The trick I showed, why it turned into a pill and sprayed out, is simply strange!

   There is nothing stranger than this.

This five-color divine light can only be used once a day, and now I don’t know what it is after displaying this time, which makes this An'er very surprised, but this ultimate move has been given by Chen Xuan, and I don’t know what method to use. It was consumed, which also made An'er anxious, how to deal with Chen Xuan, there is almost no other way.

  Chen Xuan caught this pill in one hand, and he was happy in his heart.

  The pill that was given to An'er at that time was not a poison, but a very magical pill, called a copying pill.

Once this pill is taken, it will be integrated into your meridian flesh and blood. Once you use this trick, the power of these pill will be secretly lurking in the power you are using, and it will be instantly integrated into your meridian. Together.

Finally, a complete move released will also be absorbed by this pill, and finally turned into a pill again, but this pill has never been ordinary, and it will be in this pill. There is this powerful trick.

  Chen Xuan used this method to record the five-color light.

   "That one pill has such a magical effect."

A ray of light flashed in the eyes of Madonna of the Peacock. When Chen Xuan stopped, he had already adjusted his body shape and retracted his aura. Even the wound was temporarily controlled, looking at it. Chen Xuan in the distance, and the pill, finally knew.

  It seems that Chen Xuan is very interested in this An'er's tricks, but this is the natural strength of their Peacock clan, even among the Peacock clan, few people can be born with such power.

  So this An'er is the princess of the Peacock family, because the blood flowing in this An'er's body is the blood of the ancient Peacock family.

  This is a very rare phenomenon of returning to ancestors. If this An'er can continue this bloodline in the future, then it will be the time when the Peacock clan truly multiplies to the peak, so this An'er is very important to this Peacock clan.

  But An'er suffered a sneak attack from the enemy and suffered from the black water and cold poison. Now that she has been working so hard for so long, she has recovered.

  If it weren’t for Chen Xuan’s action, this An'er wouldn’t have been able to hold on for long, so the Peacocks were also very grateful to Chen Xuan. It was only when there were some changes in the situation that this situation would appear.

   "It's useless for you to get this trick. This is the talent of my peacock clan. Only people with the blood of ancient peacocks can use it."

  The Virgin of Peacock swayed to the front, and said slowly to Chen Xuan.

Through the fight just now, Madame Peacock also knew that Chen Xuan's strength was not below her. The sword in her hand was full of power. If she continues to fight, Madonna Peacock may not be able to win. After all, she is now. He has been injured, but this Chen Xuan still has tricks that he has never used before.

   still left a lot of hole cards in his hand.

  So this Virgin of Peacock is quite jealous of Chen Xuan.

  Of course, Madame Peacock naturally has powerful tricks to kill Chen Xuan, but Madame Peacock also said before, as long as Chen Xuan can block her three moves.

Then she took someone to retreat. Now Chen Xuan has blocked it, and there are more than three moves. Of course, the Mother Peacock must keep her promise. What's more, if she wants to forcibly kill Chen Xuan, even she is. The Virgin of Peacocks, it is estimated that a great price has to be paid for loving-kindness.

Chen Xuan had a violent temper. If he decided to kill someone, he would definitely kill someone. The Madonna of the Peacock would not want to be able to go back today, but when Chen Xuan caught the copy of the pill, he was in the mood. It's already getting better.

   heard the words of the Virgin of the Peacock.

  "Oh? Fortunately, I have secretly taken a few drops of blood before, but I can study it carefully. It is actually the blood of the ancient peacock family. I said why the power of this blood is so strong."

  Chen Xuan also guessed that it might have something to do with blood.

  Otherwise, relying on this little guy's ability, even in this short period of twenty years, it is impossible to achieve this kind of cultivation level. The only explanation for this kind of power is that it comes from blood.

  So Chen Xuan had already secretly taken out the blood from this An'er body.

   "You, how can you be so mean!"

   Hearing what Chen Xuan said, the Madonna of the Peacock was almost going to be **** to death by Chen Xuan. This Chen Xuan was so shameless, helping others to cure their illness and stealing their blood.

   "I said how I feel imaginary, it turns out that you secretly took my blood, you are stinky and shameless!"

   Upon seeing this, Na An'er also screamed directly. For Chen Xuan, he looked quite upset, and he wished to trample Chen Xuan to death.

  "Two people, please stop first. My Heavenly Dragon Sacred Island is now in danger. This Fengyun Continent will not be calm for a long time. It is better to stay calm and sit down and have a good chat."

  Mingtian also rushed out of his figure at this time, blocking the middle of the two, avoiding the two from starting a war again. If the two sides are really fighting, then Mingtian must also be on Chen Xuan's side.

   Seeing that Mingtian also appeared, he was the patriarch of the Bailong clan on the Heavenly Dragon Saint Island anyway.

  'S own cultivation has reached the peak of this Nascent Soul Stage.

  Adding to the Bailong clan, there may be some treasures in the hands. If these things are displayed, they can be said to be powerful and difficult for ordinary people to resist.

   There was originally a powerful Chen Xuan, but now there is a White Dragon clan leader, so the pressure on the Peacock clan will naturally increase a lot.

  Furthermore, Madame Peacock is also quite curious about what happened to the patriarch of the Bailong clan.

The Tianzhu just now had been taught by Mingtian, and then let it go directly. Since this Tianzhu has become a slave, then this Mingtian also has a hundred ways to let this Tianzhu understand, who Is your master.

After solving the Tianzhu, Mingtian also discovered that Chen Xuan had fought with the Madonna of the Peacock in a blink of an eye. What happened? Mingtian was also quite surprised. Could it be that Chen Xuan was a fighting body in the legend, once If you stop, people will fail.

  After killing more than a dozen black dragons, he ran to fight the Madonna of the Peacock without stopping.

  Anyway, when Mingtian saw Chen Xuan, most of them were fighting, so this was quite strange.

  Don’t you need to rest.

   Chen Xuan also turned his head when he heard Mingtian's words.

   "What is there to worry about, if you come and kill, I am in a good mood today, you women are here, it is best not to mess with me, otherwise, I will not give you face."

   After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he turned around and entered the city, ignoring the Madonna of Peacock and Ming Tian.

  Somehow this is the patriarch of the Bailong clan of Tianlong Holy Island, and the other is the Mother Peacock, the owner of the Peacock Mountain.

   was directly ignored by Chen Xuan.

  This is simply going to shock people.

  Only this Chen Xuan can have such a level, can directly ignore these two pinnacle masters of the world. ’

   Not far away, the IT got the old man to see this scene, he was going to give Chen Xuan this thumbs up, decisively arrogant and domineering.

  Chen Xuan turned and left, leaving behind a few people who looked at each other, you look at me, I look at you, don’t even know what’s going on.

   And the anger of the Madonna of the Peacock, when Chen Xuan took out the pill, it had already disappeared by more than half.

  As for the matter of being injured by Chen Xuan, it doesn't matter. After all, if Chen Xuan didn't have the ability to injure her, then Chen Xuan would have been killed by her a long time ago.

  Since this Chen Xuan didn't intend to harm this An'er, then for the Mother Peacock, Chen Xuan was the benefactor of her Peacock family.

If this Mingtian knew what the Madonna of the Peacock was thinking in his heart, he would definitely be surprised and amazed at the same time. Even if the Peacock clan is relatively friendly to the major races, it would be too friendly in this situation. Got it.

  After all, even the patriarch of the clan and the Virgin of the clan were injured.

  How can we not report such an enmity!

  This kind of injury can be tolerated. It is too powerful and I admire it.

  The name of the peace clan is not called for nothing.

Chen Xuan is gone, these people don’t know what to do, but they can’t stare at them here. At the moment, the Madonna of the Peacock also tells the people of the tribe that since An’er’s matter has been resolved, they should go back. It's hard to come by, and most people choose to stay and play here.

  You must know that they rarely come down from the Peacock Mountain, and they have been cultivating on the Peacock Mountain almost all the time.

  It’s natural to be able to come and play in this human city now.

Before disbanding, the Madonna of Peacock repeatedly warned that it is not allowed to take action against ordinary people, and must strictly observe the laws and regulations in this city. The situation of the previous elder is the best example. Since it is on other people’s territory, And if it's not as powerful as being by others, then there is only one way to follow the rules.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan himself is also a strong man. Here, it is naturally out of a kind of respect for the strong.

  When these Peacock girls heard that they could move around freely, they almost fainted with happiness. This is really too happy. At this moment,

  I heard that there is also the first perfume exhibition of the Chiffon Empire in this city, which attracted the interest of these women even more.

   Even if you are a cultivator, you will be impressed by these things. Of course, the premise is that you need to have a certain amount of strength. If the quality of this thing is not enough, it will be difficult to attract the interest of these people.

  (End of this chapter)

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