Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 812: Skeleton Suzerain

   Chapter 812 Bone Sovereign

  North Water City.

"I have a lot of dragon bone and dragon blood in my hand. With the addition of this ancestral dragon tooth, I can use the power of this ancestral dragon tooth to lay out a dragon soul formation, and set up this dragon soul formation. After coming out, a total of ten black dragons of the Nascent Soul Stage can be released for defense."

  Chen Xuan calculated the power in his hand.

This dragon soul formation is actually a name directly taken by Chen Xuan. This formation is also very simple. Store this power in the Ancestral Dragon’s Fang, and use this Ancestral Dragon’s Fang as the basis for this release. It only needs to be gently urged to release the power of the dragon soul.

The   Dragon Soul Array was also created by Chen Xuan based on his own experience.

   "In that case, let's start."

  At the moment, Chen Xuan was trying to lay out the dragon soul formation, the power of the dragon soul released from the immortal cauldron.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan was also paying close attention to the jade pendant of the Star God in his hand.

  Since there is the first time, there will be a second time at any time. Chen Xuan is also quite looking forward to this cultivation world. If he missed it, it would be a shame and a shame.

  In the realm of comprehension at this time.

   Outside the White Bone Sect.

  That Ziqiong has been kneeling here for several hours, but there is still no movement, even this brother and Tan Qing are a little worried.

   "Come on, the real person hasn't appeared at this time. If we continue to stay here, if the Bone Sect makes a comeback, he will definitely kill us all."

"I'm not going, brother, brother, you two go first, I must wait here until the real person comes, if the real person refuses to appear, even if it is dead, I will recognize it!" Zi Qiong's attitude is very good. Resolutely, if you can’t do it,

  The mother was also hopeless, and Zi Qiong, who had lost hope, was unwilling to face such a situation.

  The two are anxious, but they are also quite helpless.

  If he refuses to leave at this time, he will definitely fall under the siege of this White Bone Sect!

   "By the way, brother, do we have more summoning stones?"

   Tan Qing suddenly shouted. Senior brother Qin Tian was also shocked. Yes, the summoning stone, the summoning stone distributed by the Righteous Alliance.

  I did not hold out expectations at the beginning, but he summoned this real person. Now this real person has a high level of cultivation, but I hope not to go too far. If he goes too far, it will be difficult to summon it back.

   "Yes! Yes! That's right, the summoning stone, the summoning stone, you don't need a new one, you just need to pour energy into the summoning stone, and you can use it again!"

   seems to have seen hope.

  At this moment, Zi Qiong also opened her eyes wide, yes, although it was a bit rude to say that she did so.

  But right now they have no other way.

  Only in this way can they have the opportunity to see Chen Xuan again.

Zi Qiong, who had been kneeling for a long time, also got up, and the three people's spirits were released, and they began to constantly look for the direction of the summoning stone around here.

  The material of the summoning stone itself is so special that even three people have been looking for it for a long time.

"found it!"

  A stone appeared in Qin Tian's hand.

   And just when Qin Tian found the stone here, he saw a few figures flying across the sky in the distance.

   is coming quickly.


   Feeling the horrible fluctuations, several people immediately realized that those people are coming!

These White Bone Sect people finally arrived after repeated calculations, and you can see that this time, a large group of black masters rushed over, obviously to destroy them, and even this posture, there is a kind of destruction. Lost this Qingyangzong posture.

   Seeing this, the three of them immediately hid in a place, hiding their figures, and the three of them hid in a cave.

  And Qin Tian handed the summoning stone to Zi Qiong. The previous summoning stone was used by Zi Qiong, so in terms of supplementary power, he only recognized the power of Zi Qiong.

   "Quick, be careful!"

  Qin Tian couldn't help but said.

  However, dozens of figures descended continuously in front of him. After being seen by a few people, the head of the person took a deep breath of cold air.

   "Isn't this the Sect Master White Bone!"

   "This White Bone Sect Master seems to have been subdued by this dark clan!"

   "This Bone Sect Sect Master is already in the realm of the Conjugation Stage. Now that he has been refined by the power of darkness, his strength will definitely be even stronger! The three of us are here, and sooner or later we will be discovered!"

   Qin Tian said in a deep voice, staring at the situation ahead, thinking about the countermeasures in his heart, and what kind of situation would he be able to escape from these people's hands.

   "Junior sister, how long do you need?"

  Qin Tian looked at this Violet. It was not such a simple matter to restore the power of the Summoning Stone. After trying several times in a row, he finally found a way. At this moment, he was already beginning to instill his strength.

  When the power from here quietly injected into the summoning stone, the wave of fluctuations released inadvertently was caught by the Bone Sect Master.


  Bone Sovereign’s finger pointed forward.

   Suddenly, the several disciples under these men rushed in the direction where Qin Tian and others were.

  Several people are holding this sharp bone spur.

  Quickly moving in the direction of Qin Tian and others.

  "They are the four major disciples of the White Bone Sect!"

The reputation of the four major disciples of the White Bone Sect is also very high. It is said that the strengths of these four are all at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, but when they practice together, they can easily kill these distraction stages. Monk.

  This kind of method and cultivation level is also enough to shock some ordinary monks in the distraction stage.

   "Tan Qing, you stay here to protect Zi Qiong! I will go back!"

  Qin Tian let out a low growl. If he doesn't move at this time, then wait for these people to kill all three of them. In that case, it can be said that the three of them are dead in vain, and there is no value in death.

   Tan Qing hadn't reacted yet, Qin Tian rushed out with a scream.

   "You dare to take the initiative to die!"

When the four major disciples saw that Qin Tian dared to rush towards them, they also snorted in their hearts. They only need one easy move to kill this Qin Tian. Just like this, the clown dared to be on their own. Jumping in front of you.

  I really don’t know how many catties I am here.

   "Looking for death!"

  However, Qin Tian didn't go to fight them desperately, but wanted to rush out to delay time. At the moment, Qin Tian changed direction and rushed in the other direction.


   Tan Qing looked at Qin Tian, ​​who had attracted the four great bone sect disciples away, and felt very sad and angry.

But there was no way. The other party had less to say about fifty or sixty cultivators, and the level of cultivation was not clear. If nothing else, the Bone Sect Master was here, enough to easily kill all three of them. kill.

  At this time, Qin Tian rushed out, and he would definitely be brutally killed directly by these four major disciples.

  These people have never had the slightest tenderness.

  Zi Qiong naturally knew that Qin Tian would definitely die if he left, but Qin Tian didn't look back, and rushed out without hesitation. This made Zi Qiong an indescribable touch.

   "Quick, a little later, brother can't hold it!"

   Zi Qiong finally filled the energy of the summoning stone, and at this moment, it also broke out in an instant.

  A force suddenly spread and rushed out.



  (End of this chapter)

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