Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 828: Keep fighting

  Chapter 828 Continue to fight

Ming Tian in front of him had already seen the panic on the face of the third prince of the Nether Clan, as well as a trace of regret. Ming Tian had expected such a situation a long time ago, but this guy was able to realize his mistake so quickly. Mingtian was also very surprised at this point.

  It’s just that it’s useless. Looking at Chen Xuan’s posture, it’s obvious that something annoying has happened and he is eager to vent. Some people like to vent in some sports.

  Some people also like to vent some behaviors, such as this murder.

   "Yes, I still have an ancestral defensive jade pendant. This jade pendant is enough to help me and block the attack on the realm of distraction!"

The realm of the distraction phase is already at the same level as the sleeping old guys in their Nether Clan. If Chen Xuan can reach this amount of money, it is estimated that he has already come to rule the world, where Come and wait to get now.

  When he saw Chen Xuan rushing towards him, his face was full of murderousness, and he knew that Chen Xuan was not here to chat with him.

  Even before Chen Xuan started his hand, he had already released the defensive jade pendant in his hand.


   Suddenly a light group appeared in front of the three princes.

   Seeing this light group, and at the same time feeling the familiar energy in it, it also made the three princes a little relieved, and now they can finally call for help.

   "Smelly boy, wait for me, humble human, when my Nether tribe army arrives, I will definitely want you to cry for seven days and seven nights!"

  The third prince of the Nether clan also said angrily. Obviously, he was very upset with Chen Xuan. He wanted to choke Chen Xuan to death, but the current third prince didn’t think he was Chen Xuan’s opponent

  Chen Xuan looked at the protective shield in front of the three princes.

   directly raised his fist and smashed it down.


  The ancestral defensive cover of these three kings was also shattered instantly!

  A large amount of energy was immediately released violently, and it can be seen that this power is constantly disappearing.

  This ancestral energy shield was directly shattered by Chen Xuan's punch!

  This is too funny!

  The appearance of this scene.

  The three princes were also unexpected.

"what's the situation!"

   Chen Xuan stretched out his hand to grab the Third Prince of the Nether Clan.

   "Today I just want to kill someone, so you will send it to the door. I really appreciate your courage!"

  Chen Xuan, the third prince of the Nether Clan, raised him in front of him and said lightly.

   " you dare to hurt me, I am the prince of the Nether Clan, if you hurt me, the entire Nether Clan will not let go..."


  The three princes hadn't finished speaking, they were thrown directly to the ground by Chen Xuan.


  In the outskirts of Beishui City, a big hole was smashed, and Chen Xuan's figure also suddenly landed, stepping on the three princes.

  The power full of revenge, all vented on these three princes.

  The three princes who were full of unpredictable and strong taste at the beginning, fell into this embarrassing end at this time, and it was quite sympathetic when people saw it.

  The strength of the three princes of the Nether Clan is not weak, but at this time, he met the furious Chen Xuan, so he got such a fate, which is simply embarrassing.

This is known as the third strongest of the Nether Clan, and now he was directly beaten into a pile of rotten meat by Chen Xuan. When Chen Xuan's fist fell, it was as if the 10,000 tons of boulders fell, and the 10,000 tons of boulders fell. Those who came are also concentrated on such a fist, so this power is even more terrifying.

  The three princes of the Nether Clan, now there is only this last breath left.

   "Is that just something?"

Chen Xuan saw the third prince of the Nether tribe in front of him, which had no effect at all, so in the end, Chen Xuan directly stepped on the head of the third prince of the Nether tribe. People feel that this is quite sour.

   "Could it be that there is no one on this Fengyun Continent!"

   Chen Xuan’s divine mind, at this moment, is like the roar of a mountain torrent, sweeping the entire Fengyun Continent.

  Even the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Island, which is far above the sea area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, was included by Chen Xuan, and all were covered by Chen Xuan.

  The three dark earth demons who were enjoying the fun on the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Island were also shocked at this moment. The power of the divine mind just now dared to spy on them, which made these three dark earth demons also angry.

  In the North Water City at this time.

  Chen Xuan has already wiped out all the people of the Nether Race.

  But Chen Xuan's mood didn't get much better at this time.

   "Ming Tian."

   Chen Xuan said lightly.

  Then Mingtian also came from a distance.

   "True Chen Xuan, but what's your order?"

  Mingtian said respectfully.

   "Follow me to Tianlong Sacred Island and destroy those guys!"

   Chen Xuan gave an order, but he was no longer greeting, and his figure whizzed out.


   dragged a long trajectory above the sky, and Chen Xuan's figure was also quickly swept towards the direction of Longsheng Island that day.


   was so fast that it disappeared into the sky in a few blinks.

  Mingtian and the others have not reacted yet, this Chen Xuan has already whizzed out tens of thousands of miles. This speed really makes them, the White Dragon tribe, the race that once dominated the sky feel extremely ashamed.

   "Real Chen Xuan is going to help us get revenge!"

There are many people of the White Dragon tribe who are still being imprisoned in the Tianlong Sacred Island now, so Mingtian also very much wants to go back to rescue these people, but the other three masters in the integration period, so Mingtian is also unsuccessful. Policy, now Chen Xuan shot, although I don't know whether Chen Xuan will be able to win.

   But if even Chen Xuan can't win, then nothing is needed.

  Under this world, it is estimated that no one will be able to compete with these monks in the conjoined stage.

  Unless the ancestors from tens of thousands of years ago are resurrected.

  So the only way to survive now is to follow Chen Xuan.

  No matter what, you have to make a contribution.

   "Let's go too, catch up!"

  Ming Tian shouted, leading many masters directly to follow in Chen Xuan's footsteps.

The Madonna of Peacock in the city glanced at the direction Chen Xuan was leaving. Chen Xuan just now seemed to be possessed by a killing god. Even with this strength, Madonna of Peacock knew deeply after repeated comparisons. , Chen Xuan's strength is extremely powerful, even if it is himself, it may not be Chen Xuan's opponent.

  At this time, Chen Xuan and the people of the White Dragon clan seemed to be going to seek revenge.

   Could it be said that he was going to end the Nether Realm, but after thinking about it, it shouldn’t be.

   is to help Na Mingtian and others get revenge.

  Solved the matter on Longsheng Island that day, Mother Peacock looked at that lying on the ground with sympathy, only one upper body still had some outlines, and for the rest, this head had already been trampled on.

  Such an end makes people deeply sympathetic.

   But it deserves it, and it just wants to provoke this North Water City.

   "This Chen Xuan, absolutely cannot offend..."

  (End of this chapter)

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