Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 840: Law Enforcement Elder

  Chapter 840 Law Enforcement Elder

  This chaotic hammer killing also allowed Tan Qing to grow up quickly, before that.

  Tan Qing never knew that the brothers of the same sect could still kill each other, so you can just bully each other a little bit.

  But being able to see the senior sister’s body received such insults and being defiled by these people also made Tan Qing feel angry.

  It is not a pity for these people to die.

   Then, under the friendly guidance of Chen Xuan, these people were also easily beheaded.

  When you face these people, you don’t have any hesitation.

  It’s just that I hesitated a little when I was the first one, and all the subsequent ones were just a matter of course. Now that I have killed the fourth one, I have already formed a natural psychology.

  Of course, this is also attributed to Chen Xuan's instigation.

  Now these hands are stained with the blood of the same school brothers, and this didn't make Tan Qing feel any discomfort. On the contrary, there seemed to be a feeling of falling to the ground in this heart.

   "I also want to become as powerful as Chen Xuan Chen, otherwise I will not be able to fight back when facing my enemy!"

  Without Chen Xuan, Tan Qing would not be able to stick to this place and kill all these people easily. This would take a long time.

   But now, with the help of Chen Xuan, killing these people is easy.

  In the black fog, Tan Qing continued to hold the hammer in his hand and walked into the darkness. Under the darkness, a road was directly separated, allowing Tan Qing to pass easily.

  The law enforcement elder who was suspended in this mid-air saw his disciple immersed in the black mist.

   turned out to be all missing.

  All lost contact, and suddenly, the law enforcement elder also suddenly saw it.

  There is actually a familiar figure below!

  When he saw this person, the law enforcement elder also gave a thud in his heart.

   "Isn't that Tan Qing? The trash from the trash family?"

  This Tan Qing and the family behind him, this law enforcement elder naturally also knows.

After all, among these families, the monthly payment is also very closely related to the care of this disciple by the law enforcement hall. If you don’t understand the etiquette, then there is no need to take care of you. The disciple, even if he has some talent, he can easily erase you.

   makes you such a useless person.

This Tan Qing is one of them. According to common sense, Tan Qing should be reused, but now it is buried aside, which means that Tan Qing’s family is not in the right way, and there is not much oil and water in it. , Then even if it is talented, it has nothing to do with me, and I can't make any money.

  But at this time, in the eyes of the law enforcement elder, he saw Tan Qing carrying a hammer and walking towards a disciple. This is a good disciple in the law enforcement hall. This is good, which means that the family is good.

  Every month, some spirit stones and the like will be paid.

  So received the key care of the law enforcement elder, when Tan Qing was about to kill this person, the law enforcement elder also exclaimed.

   "Dare the thief!"

  The law enforcement elder desperately swooped down, and in an instant this terrifying fluctuation roared out.


  I quickly saw the law enforcement elder rushing into the black mist,

  If the law enforcement elder refuses to come in, then Chen Xuan really has no choice but to take you in, but now, since you are already rushing in energy, then everything is beyond your control.

This law enforcement elder himself is also a monk in the late stage of the distraction period. Among the many elders, the cultivation level is definitely considered to be a relatively top existence, and even only this last chance is needed to successfully enter this ensemble. At the realm of period, it is not impossible to become the Sect Master of this Qingyang Sect in the future.

  The position of the Sect Master of the Qingyang Sect is also occupied by this capable person.

  So the future of this law enforcement elder is still very significant.

  However, this time he came to the wrong place. When the law enforcement elder rushed into the black fog, he realized that the situation was not good.

  In this black mist.

  His spiritual thoughts are already unable to be displayed, as if the black mist around this is constantly devouring everything.

   "The evil spirits are outside, don't want to suppress my righteous spirit!?"

  At the moment, the body of the law-enforcement executive is also a terrifying sword aura whizzing out.


  In this whole body, a strong wave of air was formed, and the momentum from the rotation of the whole body was also condensed in the whole body in an instant.

   Disperse all the black mist around here.

   To be precise, it is to shred all the black mist within this range.

  This smashing effect also emptied a vacuum zone. Around this environment, the law enforcement elder also used his own cultivation base to force such a safe zone.

  But at the edge of this zone, the law enforcement elder happened to see that Tan Qing smashed the head of the last disciple with a hammer.


   Without resistance, this disciple was directly knocked down by Tan Qing.

  Blood splashed out and got on Tan Qing's body.

   "Tan Qing, you dare to kill your fellow students and fall into the magical way. Today, this deity is going to send you to sacrifice to heaven!"

   Seeing Tan Qing's deeds, the law enforcement elder also roared.

   "Fall into the devil's way? You kill my senior sister, why don't I kill some of your disciples? Who is the devil? It's not you who have the final say, but the hammer in my hand has the final say!"

This Tan Qing is also not angry. What's the situation, you are still here to pretend to be forced, then I won't take action to destroy you, how can I be worthy of the hammer in my hand, and mine? Nowhere to lose temper!

   Suddenly this Tan Qing roared and rushed towards the law enforcement elder.

   "I can't help myself!"

  The law enforcement elder saw this Tan Qing rushing over, and immediately said with disdain, but when he was about to take a shot, he saw a black shadow sweeping from the front. This momentum was like the blue dragon going out to sea.

   Under this momentum, the law enforcement elder did not dare to be ambiguous. At the moment, the long sword in his hand shook and instantly shattered the power that was roaring forward.

   Sword Qi condenses, and a tyrannical force spreads.

   "Green Sun Sword Jue, Lie Yang Sword Qi!"




This strong sun sword aura is like the aura that diffuses from all around, instantly blasting the black fog in all directions, and at the same time, Tan Qing was also shaken out by a bang. After all, Tan Qing's cultivation base is relatively relative. For this law enforcement elder, the cultivation base is much weaker.


  This Tan Qing suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood, and his figure flew upside down to the ground.

   Seeing this Tan Qing landed, the law enforcement elder also snorted coldly.

  This Tan Qing could not pose any threats in front of him. He wanted to attack him at such a level, it was simply overpowering.

   Just when the law-enforcement elder was preparing to kill Tan Qing with one sword. But he saw a figure gradually condensed in front of the black mist, standing opposite him.

   "Huh? It seems that you are secretly making a ghost here."

   "If you have any means today, just show it, and see how I can destroy you!"

  The corner of the law enforcement elder's mouth raised, and the next moment there was an additional halo in his hand, and a murderous aura was revealed in this halo.


   With a whistling, he could see the halo rushing towards that Chen Xuan.

  This is the magic weapon that the law enforcement elder has sacrificed for a long time.

Now in this hand, it is also comparable to this elementary spirit weapon. For a distracted monk, this is already a very good thing. It is so powerful, even if it is a leapfrog killing, the monk in the merged period is not careful. It's not a big problem if it's beheaded.

  After Chen Xuan appeared, he saw this halo flying towards him, and he raised his hand very easily, grabbing the magic weapon, and then squeezing it forcefully in the palm of his hand.


   Relying on the power of one hand, directly squeezed this elementary spirit weapon directly.


   Seeing Chen Xuan squeeze and explode his primary spirit weapon.

  The law enforcement elder also spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

  This is the magic weapon of life, if the magic weapon of life is taken off by someone, then it will also suffer strong damage, and itself will be extremely strong backlash.

  No, this law enforcement elder is a living example.

"that's all?"

Chen Xuan said faintly, in the next second, this figure suddenly appeared in front of the law enforcement elder. The finger suddenly pierced the eye of the law enforcement elder, and directly caught the eye. Two holes were poked in the place. ,

after this.

The law enforcement elder also screamed. Suddenly, with this mouth, Chen Xuan also penetrated into the mouth of the elder and the elder, cutting off the tongue, and immediately bloody, but this cultivator His physique is pretty good, and he has never fallen down.


When the law enforcement elder was breathing here, he absorbed this large amount of black mist into his stomach. This black fog seemed to be highly toxic and unusual, and it directly caused the true essence in the body of the law enforcement elder to be absorbed. It was sealed.

   can even be said to be eating away the true essence of the law enforcement elder, eating away at his body.

   "The black mist thorns chaotically!"

  Chen Xuan immediately waved his hand, and the black mist all over his body suddenly turned into a sharp blade, and instantly pierced into the body of the law enforcement elder.

   Directly nailed the law enforcement elder to the place, unable to move.

  At the same time, the blood on this body is also constantly flowing out, this appearance also looks extremely miserable.

  This last black thorn was also an instant stabbing. The law enforcement elder also raised his head and looked at the sky as if he was suffering from endless pain.

   Chen Xuan stretched out his hand and waved it to disperse the black mist around here.

   deliberately showed this scene to the people above the sky.

  (End of this chapter)

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