Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 853: Singled out

   Chapter 853

  Ma Wei sat down with this leader.

The leader of    also talked about the previous process with Chen Xuan, and he cried without saying a word.

  Cultivators are also glass hearts.

Who stipulates that cultivators cannot cry? Not everyone grew up in blood, and many of them grew up in that greenhouse. The talents of the leaders themselves are good, and the family background is not weak, so they are affected. Unfair treatment is also rare.

   "This **** thing, let me come with me, sister, let the brother come to vent your anger for you!"

This Mawei stood up immediately and slapped his face. Such a good opportunity, if you don’t perform well, wouldn’t it be a waste of your name as a love saint? If you want to capture the heart of a woman, you have to Appear when you need it most.

  "Junior sister, you don’t have to say much, I will let him kneel down and kowtow to you now!"

Although the leader is worried, he also knows the strength of this brother Ma Wei, and his contributions to this sect have been very good recently. If there are a few more months, he may be able to become the deacon of this sect. Among the senior brothers, they are also quite promising.

   "This...Is it not so good..."

  The leader couldn't help asking.

  Namawei also patted his chest.

"Do not worry!"

   Then Ma Wei also went out, and the leader was also worried in his heart, and hurriedly chased after him to see what the brother wanted to do.

  But if you really care about it, the leader is still very worried about Chen Xuan. Deep down in his heart, the leader only hopes that Ma Wei's action will make Chen Xuan notice her.

  Although Chen Xuan's attitude towards her was very bad, in the heart of this leader, he couldn't help but admire Chen Xuan. This thing is also uncertain, and it is coming.

   But if an old Jianghu is here, it can be seen at a glance. First of all, because Chen Xuan is rich, the chances of love at sight are more and greater.

  If Chen Xuan couldn't get the ten thousand high-grade spirit stones at the time, he would have been thrown out directly by the leader even with a tiger.

   Now when Chen Xuan takes out the spirit stone.

  It is only natural to become Prince Charming at that moment.

  It took Chen Xuan half an hour to read the nearly two dozen messy books on this shelf, and he absorbed a lot of knowledge from the realm of cultivation.

  I also saw the name of the Qingyang Sect. This Qingyang Sect seemed to be a sect under the Wuling Sect.

   "This Qingyang Sect turned out to be nothing at all."

   Chen Xuan's eyes were also a little serious, this Qingyang Sect was nothing at all.

  Even in this Wulingzong, they all have an existence that crosses the Tribulation Period.

   Even in the latter part of the Conjugation Period alone, there are many monks at the peak of the Conjugation Phase.

  This is indeed a very dangerous thing.

  Today's Chen Xuan, originally this divine mind had reached the peak of this integration stage, but half of it was split to fuse the giant clone.

   Therefore, Chen Xuan's current spiritual cultivation level is only in the middle of this integration period.

  Chen Xuan also understood something in his heart.

At this moment, there was a series of hurried steps ahead, and he saw a tall man walking towards Chen Xuan quickly. The people around couldn't help but step away from both sides. The man was seeing Chen Xuan. After that, the murderous look in his eyes was also impressive.

   rushed up with a low growl.

   "It's you who bullied my junior sister!"

At the same time Ma Wei asked, he was already flying up and kicking towards Chen Xuan. This speed was powerful and domineering. Under these circumstances, Chen Xuan was surprised. This was a disagreement. Hands-on, but this level of hands-on is nothing to Chen Xuan.

  After all, the speed of this Mawei is too weak.

Chen Xuan directly threw out the scroll in his hand. Coincidentally, it happened to be blocked by Ma Wei’s face. Ma Wei only felt that his eyes were dark. The next moment he saw Chen Xuan make a move. Instantly grabbed the Mawei, and then threw it directly outside the Wuling Pharmacy with a bang!

   patted his palms and sat down again.

  Want to attack me.

  Chen Xuan also snorted coldly. The person who can attack him has not been born yet. It has always been the case of me, Chen Xuan, attacking others.

  When I saw this Chen Xuan shot.

   directly threw this brother Ma Wei away.

The leader who followed up to see this scene also widened his eyes. This step stopped behind and did not dare to pass towards Chen Xuan. Suddenly he thought that the direct brother had been thrown outside. He also exclaimed. .

   "Brother, are you all right!"

   "Good boy, there are still two more children. If Ma Wei doesn't kill you today, I won't have the face to return to the sect, nor the face to be the deacon!"


  This brother Ma Wei, has already become the deacon of this sect?

  If you go back this time, you will directly become the deacon!

  Thinking of this, the leader's eyes flashed with surprise, and he couldn't believe Ma Wei's achievements. After all, this kind of promotion speed was indeed a bit fast, and it really made these juniors amazed.

   "Brother Ma Wei, are you okay!"

   "Brother Ma Wei, who did it!"

   "It turned out to dare to hurt our brother Ma Wei, and touch my Wulingzong disciple. I really can be regarded as my Wulingzong!"

   Suddenly, some of the disciples who were in charge of the Wuling Pharmacy also surrounded him one after another.

If Ma Wei becomes the deacon, he will be a big man who cannot be expected for them. If they can cling to some of them now, things in the future will definitely be very good. If there is such a horse Wei's care, then there must be a great opportunity in the future, and it is not impossible to go to other places and so on.

  There is no need to stay in this Wuling Pharmacy all day long.

   "Go out of the way, I want to single out with him!"

Ma Wei also roared, and Chen Xuan did not hurt him just now. From the point of view of Ma Wei, the other party seemed to be jealous of his identity, so he did not kill him, but Ma Wei is also an extremely face-conscious person. , When he rushed into the Wuling Pharmacy again.

   also pointed directly at Chen Xuan.

   "Boy, don't you want this pill for the transformation of the gods to return to the original pill? Now it is in my hand. If you dare to fight with me, you will win. I will give you this pill for free!"

  Mawei said lightly with a bamboo tube in his hand.

  Chen Xuan took a sip of tea, slowly put down the teacup in his hand, glanced at Ma Wei, and then at this leader.

  I bought this pill by myself. Why is it time to fight again? The most important thing is that Chen Xuan's question is asking the leader if this pill is real.

   "This is Brother Ma Wei, who is responsible for the dispatch of items. The pill of this **** return pill is in the hands of the senior."

  Qiaochu swallowed and said slowly.

   Chen Xuan stood up after hearing this, and took a look at Ma Wei.

  Ma Wei was about to speak, and continued to provoke Chen Xuan, only to see that Chen Xuan's figure had disappeared with a whistle.


  This rushed to Ma Wei again, and Ma Wei only felt that he was empty.

  Chen Xuan's figure actually appeared beside Ma Wei. The contents in this hand were already taken by Chen Xuan, and he opened the scroll in front of Ma Wei.

  Generally the originals of these things will be stored in this jade slip.

   and sold, it will also be carved on this bamboo slip.

  In this way, the integrity of the jade slip can be guaranteed, and it can also be guaranteed that it will not be recycled many times when it is placed on the bamboo slip.

   "It really is a pill for transforming the gods into the origin."

  Chen Xuan glanced roughly, and then nodded. This time, Chen Xuan was quite satisfied with the transaction.

   "I dare to **** it and seek death!"

  Ma Wei saw Chen Xuan who was close at hand. If he didn't make a move at this time, he would wait more. Now he also stretched out his hand and smashed Chen Xuan's head directly with a fist.

  The powerful true essence power converged on this and fist, almost mobilizing all the true essence of the whole body.

   "Red Flame Fight!"

  Chen Xuan looked back at the shot Ma Wei, and then slapped Ma Wei’s head with a slap. The next second he directly pressed Ma Wei’s whole person to the ground.

  Although Chen Xuan made the shot later, he came first.

  Ma Wei banged, his head hit the ground, and the whole person turned a circle here, the Chiyan Fist definitely had no chance to be displayed, and the true essence was directly broken up.

  Ma Wei's head hit the ground, and he passed out in a coma for an instant.

  In the eyes of outsiders, Ma Wei wanted to punch, but he fell to the ground without knowing what was wrong. Without even seeing Chen Xuan's move, Ma Wei had already failed.

  The appearance of such a scene really made these people open their mouths in surprise.

  It really makes people feel a little overwhelmed. Why did this old iron fall to the ground?

   is looking at Chen Xuan.

   was already holding this pill and was preparing to leave here, but was stopped by all the disciples of the Wuling Pill Sect.

  "Stop, the Mawei protector who attacked us, how can you leave so easily!"

  Chen Xuan glanced at the people who were blocking the door.

   There were about seven or eight people who sacrificed their flying swords one after another, hovering on top of their heads, staring at Chen Xuan in front of him.

  If Chen Xuan had any changes, he would directly fly out with a flying sword, smashing Chen Xuan directly in front of him.

  Chen Xuan is already tired of this shot.

   took out a chicken leg from this spatial ring, and threw it directly at these people.

  Chen Xuan's move also made these disciples stunned. What does this mean? It turned out to be throwing this chicken leg over, as if they were dogs.

   Still speaking, in this chicken leg, there is actually a bomb hidden here.

  But no matter what, be careful.

   "Be careful, everyone!"

   exclaimed, and soon they knew why Chen Xuan had thrown the chicken leg out.

  The five-clawed gold-patterned tiger, who had been lying on his stomach, directly rushed over.

  The huge body shape directly pressed these seven or eight people under him, and grabbed the chicken leg in one bite.

   With a flick of their tails, all of these people's flying swords were blasted directly by the five-clawed golden tiger, and all fell to the ground in pieces.


  (End of this chapter)

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