Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 874: Five Great Sanno

  Chapter 874 Five Great Mountain Kings

  A group of people attacked and killed again.

  Chen Xuan slowly raised his head, he had already seen five figures, coming directly through the air.


  The strong breath burst out instantly.

  It seems that there are five pillars to the sky falling on the ground.


  There seemed to be a force spreading out on this ground, and Chen Xuan's body was soon concentrated by this force.


   Chen Xuan felt the changes around him, and the power that had fallen spread out, as if it had formed such an enchantment, and it was precisely such an enchantment that appeared in front of him.

   Trapped Chen Xuan.

  The appearance of these enchantments that had descended made Chen Xuan's heart also extremely surprised.

  Because this enchantment is like piles of mountains, falling on the ground here, the formation of terrifying power really shocked Chen Xuan.

  If the previous Chen Xuan wanted to break through such a formation, it would also seem extremely difficult, but unfortunately, Chen Xuan now is already different from what he used to be.

  You only need to take a few shots, and you can move all the things in front of you.

   Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with light.

   suddenly saw a figure falling from the front.

   fell on the ground with a crash.

  When he saw this person, Chen Xuan's mouth also evoked a sneer.

   "I'm still worried that you won't come."

   Chen Xuandan said with a smile.

  The peak master of Wuyunfeng fell down, and when he saw Chen Xuan, he didn't even raise his eyelids.

   "A mere defeat, even if it is another time."

   "This time I want to see where you can escape!"

   Chen Xuan also smiled slightly.

   "Come here and I will tell you where I can escape."

  Chen Xuan beckoned to the master of Wuyunfeng Peak.

  The peak master of Wuyunfeng was also surprised. How did Chen Xuan in front of him feel a little changed from before, and it looked a little different, but even if it was different, it didn't matter, as long as Chen Xuan was resolved.

  All the problems are gone.

  Other than that, you still have to get the sword in Chen Xuan's hand. If you can't get this sword, then nothing will be futile.

  As for things like revenge.

If the revenge can be avenged easily, then of course the revenge should be avenged first. If it is not possible, then it is not possible to take revenge casually. If there is any loss on the road of revenge, then Isn't it that I can only bear it myself.

  "This person is Chen Xuan? It seems that he is just a young man who is just a fledgling boy?"

   "That is, the hair is not growing up, what else do you want to do."

   "For such goods, where do you need a few peak owners to take action, I will wait for it!"

The five great mountain kings didn’t know why, they were so positive. In an instant, the five great mountain kings had already united their auras. While attacking Chen Xuan, they were also pulling away from behind and controlling them, blocking all the three peak masters. Out of this range.

  Not only does he want to take down Chen Xuan, but he also doesn't want them to take a shot.

  This is obviously trying to forcibly kill Chen Xuan, and then take away the things from Chen Xuan.

  This is to grab the treasure.

   Seeing the movements of these five great mountain kings, the rest of the people were extremely upset, none of these Xiao Jiujiu couldn't see it.

   actually wanted to make such a thing.

   Immediately this Cuiyunfeng Peak Master was ready to take action.

  But it was stopped by Yaofeng Peak Master.

  "Don’t worry, look at these guys, how much can you do?"

  The Yaofeng Peak Master had a scheming plan. He glanced at the Wuyun Peak Peak Master beside him. This Wuyun Peak Peak Master was never anxious. The only one who had fought against this Chen Xuan before was this Wuyun Peak Peak Master.

  So if Wuyunfeng Peak Master is okay.

  That means that these people can't handle it, otherwise, they will certainly not be so indifferent, it is estimated that they have already rushed forward.

   "Okay, let's take a look at how capable this little Chen Xuan can be!"

   Cuiyunfeng Peak Master said slowly.

  Looking at the five mountain kings.

  These five masters from the Five Mountain School, the five-person Fajue is so self-contained, and with such a realm in it, it is natural to be able to achieve a fairly powerful state.

  This ordinary person is in front of them, it can be said that there is no opponent at all.


  One of them, seeming to be pushing a mountain down in his hand, suddenly smashed Chen Xuan's head.

  The other four people also cast spells one after another.

  Infiltrated the mountain peak held by one person in front of him.


  This whole invisible mountain rolled down towards Chen Xuan.

  This threat that is so close at hand is nothing to Chen Xuan.


   Chen Xuan's figure instantly disappeared in place, and the attack of the five great mountain kings had already fallen. A loud bang and the terrifying aura made it difficult for ordinary people to control.

The huge wave that was set off seemed to be spreading towards the surrounding area, and the terrifying dust storm also rose in an instant. When the people outside the battle circle saw it, their eyes widened as they watched this whizzing up. The terrifying power, I was also sighing the power of these five mountain kings in my heart.

  Now this power is on display.

   is also extremely scary.

  It seems that among the five mountain kings, there has been a big breakthrough recently.

  It is already very difficult to achieve such a realm.

  It is a pity that Chen Xuan is not in the coverage of the opponent.

  Even when this figure shook, it disappeared in place.

  When one of the five people saw Chen Xuan, he had already seen Chen Xuan descend from the sky holding a silver-white long sword.

   "Get down here!"

  Chen Xuan directly shot out with a sword.

   Suddenly the terrifying power of this sword directly slashed the head of the person in front of him.

  The height at which the head flies can be hundreds of meters to say nothing.

  It can be said that this head flies very well. After this head left the body, I saw the blood spraying out from the broken neck.

  The blood rushed to the sky.

   Chen Xuan did not hesitate when he saw this, and continued to kill the other four people.


  The other people roared one after another, and when they saw their brother, their heads were directly cut and flew out.

  That shows that Chen Xuan also has the same strength to kill them.

   But for now.

  These people can also have a chance to completely shake Chen Xuan here.

   "Booming Thunder Stone Formation!"

   "Give it to me!"

  Boom! Long!

  Huge power swayed down.

  At this time, the strength between the remaining four people is also condensed to such a peak state.


  Chen Xuan was still a bland sword, and fell down.

  (End of this chapter)

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