Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 886: Tian Tu Bing Thunder Array

  Chapter 886 Tiantu Soldier Thunder Array

  The remaining three strongest divine thunders, Chen Xuan can only resist here.

  Thunder has not fallen yet.

  Within a hundred li, it was already diffused by this power, and the ground was directly roasted intensely.

  This piece of land has already been dried up under this force, and with the burning power, it splits in an instant, and the breath that can be felt here should be after all.

The armor of the Day War God on    was also under the red clouds, showing a quite strong resistance.


  Chen Xuan let out a low voice. At this time, the armor of the God of War seemed to be forced to turn red, showing how high the surrounding temperature is.

  How terrifying is the powerhouse in the realm of the Tribulation Period, at this moment, you should be able to deeply appreciate it.

  The armor on this body has never been retreated.

  If the armor is removed, then Chen Xuan's fate can be imagined, and it will be burned into a pile of **** at this moment.

   "Indestructible Tripod!"

  Chen Xuan summoned the immortal tripod.

After   's figure, he fell into the immortal cauldron, shrank in it, did not move, and then injected this power into it.

  On top of this immortal tripod, a protective film suddenly formed.

   "Han Hai Zhu!"

The   Han Haizhu also gradually condenses, continuously releasing the power of the Hai Hai, and instilling it downward.

  Chen Xuan stared straight ahead.

  This moment.

  The Thunder Tribulation in the sky seemed to be ready, and suddenly a terrifying force crashed down.


   The sturdy crimson thunder fell from the sky like a huge and incomparable python. This terrifying power almost swallowed Chen Xuan, and even this swallowed area was this entire cultivation continent.

"bring it on!"

  Chen Xuan's body runs sword power, Taixu Sword Art.

  At this moment, he summoned the sword to protect himself.


  Thunder landed.

This Immortal Cauldron seemed to be rushed out by a force, and it rolled hundreds of times in the sky, and it fell to the ground with a bang, and Chen Xuan was buckled in the Immortal Cauldron. Among.

  Being in this immortal cauldron, Chen Xuan felt the whole world spin and became muddy.

  Even in the nose and ears, blood was shed involuntarily, and the tingling sensation that I had not experienced in a long time was very deep at this time.

   Such a sense of cracking caused Chen Xuan to kneel on the ground, unable to recover for a long time.

This immortal cauldron was proud, the entire cauldron was burnt red, but at this moment, the immortal cauldron was still refining this terrifying power of thunder. It also absorbed a lot of the power of thunder just now. Under such circumstances, I have never been afraid.

   seems to have the feeling of challenging the might of the sky.

   The red body itself was also under the control of the Immortal King. It gradually recovered and returned to its normal state again. The blow just now was really not light.

  Chen Xuan raised his head slightly, and saw the body of the immortal tripod.

   "Wait, what is this!"

  When Chen Xuan saw the bottom of the Immortal Ding, he suddenly saw a fiery red text.

  This red immortal tripod was also seen for the first time by Chen Xuan under this thunder. You must know how powerful this immortal tripod is, even Chen Xuan has never let this immortal tripod reach its limit.

   Even when the sky thunder fell just now, in Chen Xuan's eyes, he never let the immortal tripod reach that limit state.

   Therefore, Chen Xuan has never seen the text on the bottom of the Immortal Ding.

  Now, on this day, thunder burned the interior of the Immortal Cauldron to red. At this moment, Chen Xuan had seen it for the first time. There was such a big secret hidden in the Immortal Cauldron.

   Immediately, Chen Xuan also remembered all these things in his mind in the blink of an eye.

   "Tiantu soldiers thunder formation!"

  In Chen Xuan's mind, these words seemed to have exploded.

  When these handwritings enter the mind, a large array is also used quickly.

  The so-called soldiers and thunder formations.

   is a soldier's solution to thunder, turning into thunder and fire.

  This immortal tripod needs this Thunder God ring as an energy supply!

  These two are clearly a whole set of things.

In retrospect, Chen Xuan was also surprised at the beginning. When he found the Immortal Cauldron, he also found the Thor Ring. No matter who it is, I would not believe that the Immortal Cauldron and Thor Ring in this hand were actually It will be a set of things that are used together.

   "I have used the Immortal Ding that I have been feeling for so many years!"

  Chen Xuan almost slapped his face.

   is simply stupid.

  This big formation constructed in his mind, Chen Xuan also quickly understood it.

Seeing that the eighth divine thunder was about to fall, Chen Xuan also immediately squeezed the Thunder God ring in his hand into the immortal cauldron. There was a groove at the bottom of the immortal cauldron, which happened to be fine. Tuck this Thor ring in.

  "Tiantu soldiers thunder formation! Kai!"

  When Chen Xuan took advantage of the situation to complete the arrangement.

  Outside the Immortal Cauldron, there was a huge array directly pervading it.

  Although Chen Xuan could not see it, the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger could be seen clearly at this moment.

The indestructible cauldron that had been buckled upside down was the center, and the diffused power radiated toward the surroundings. The power of this realm emerged, and the formation outlined by the surrounding radiance was really surprising. .

  Because of the manifestation of this formation, it turned out to be such a soaring force.

   seems to be doing a hedge against the red thundercloud above the sky, and no one accepts each other.


The five-clawed golden tiger saw this shocking scene, and was completely stunned in his heart. What kind of person it is that he was able to make such a move, and he was able to be the enemy of this tribulation period thunder robbery, light It's this kind of audacity, and it's no longer comparable to the lingering cultivators under these thunder tribulations.

   "Soldier thunder formation, success!"

With the fall of Chen Xuan's last force, the great formation on the Immortal Cauldron also condensed to this extremely peak state. After that, the thunder on the sky seemed to be fully prepared, ready to be in this thunder of thunder. Next, directly destroy Chen Xuan.

  Destroy these people who vainly challenge the dignity and power of this heaven.

  Only becoming ashes is the best destination.

  Weng! !

An extremely strong light appeared at once. Even if the five-clawed golden tiger was in the range of a hundred miles away, it still felt the light stinging on the whole body, the only thing that could resist this force. It was only that Chen Xuan.

  The five-clawed golden tiger buried its body low.

  If Chen Xuan dies, then he will also die. It can be said that he is living and dying together. The five-clawed golden tiger doesn't care. It has already died once, and he is not afraid of dying again.

  A long time passed, listening to the wind and waves and the huge sand swaying from the top of the head, when the momentum stopped, the five-clawed golden tiger also raised his head and looked forward.

  Suddenly saw the ground in front of him.

   was already smashed by the power of thunder.

In the area in front of   , a large pit with a radius of nearly fifty miles appeared,

  The pit is hundreds of meters deep.

  I can see a dark dot lying quietly in this deep pit.

  The five-clawed gold-patterned tiger saw the small black spot, which was the immortal tripod.

  The Immortal Cauldron was hit hard, but the force still resisted stubbornly.


  Chen Xuan got out from under the immortal cauldron, his body trembled and his clothes were stained with blood.

   Just now, this Chen Xuan's body had already been torn once, and under the power of this regenerated stone, Chen Xuan also gradually recovered.

  If it were not for this extremely strong vitality, otherwise Chen Xuan would not be able to support this time.

  When Chen Xuan recovered his body,

   found that he had already withstood the eighth layer of thunder tribulation.

   However, the Immortal Ding has reached its limit at this moment.

  If you do it again, the Immortal Tripod will not have any effect.

   "Is it the limit?"

  At this time, Chen Xuan also put away the immortal tripod.

  Sit directly on the ground cross-legged.


  Chen Xuan exhausted all the strength of his whole body to restore his own strength.

  This ninth layer of thunder.

  The only thing that can be used is the power from this underworld.

  Chen Xuan is not watching the thunder surging above the sky.

  "You have hacked me so many times, and I am not addicted. This last one, I let you have no chance!"

  In Chen Xuan's eyes, there is also an indomitable light. How can this kind of courage allow you to suppress my immortal Dan Zun!

  (End of this chapter)

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