Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 900: Heavenly Slash

   Chapter 900

  This momentum is indeed the pavilion owner of the Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion, Aoyue Jiangshan undoubtedly!

  As the pavilion master of the Jiangshan Pavilion, on this Ao Yuefeng body, the prohibition has also been put down. Once any situation occurs, he Ao Yue Jiangshan will also feel it in an instant, but this time, I didn't want to be late!

  This is the only time such a ban has been triggered, so that the proud moon and mountains have arrived late.

   Now that Ao Yuefeng's body is also cold.

  Chen Xuan saw a sky-shattering sword aura slashing towards him, and this momentum alone made Chen Xuan feel extremely powerful.

  The strength of the opponent far exceeds that of the cultivator who is present!

  Reality Tianya's face changed drastically, never expected that this great figure was actually shocked.

   "Ao Yue...Ao Yue Jiangshan, crossing the catastrophe... In the later stage, the strong!"

  Tianya Real Person’s cultivation base has reached the middle stage of the Tribulation Period.

Originally, the strength of this realm was quite good. Among the many cultivators during the Tribulation Period, it was considered to be medium and upper, but this momentum, in front of the proud moon and mountains, in front of the powerhouses of the late Tribulation Period. , It's not worth mentioning at all.

Facing this powerful sword, Chen Xuan also naturally threw Gu Sulong, who had just woke up, out of his hand.


   Seeing that Gu Sulong was about to hit the opponent's sword energy.

  The five great tribulation monks of the Gusu family panicked.

  However, they are still a step slower.

  Boom! !

  Gu Sulong’s body was instantly torn apart!

  That Aoyue Jiangshan also didn't say a word, showing his figure, with a jet black long sword in his hand, and instantly rushed towards Chen Xuan.

   "Die to this seat!"

   This Aoyue Jiangshan gave a low roar, the sound was like a thunderstorm, directly detonating the breath of thousands of miles.

   "Jiangshan Pavilion Pavilion Master!"

What the Gusu family did to this Aoyue Jiangshan was simply going to explode. The other party obviously had the opportunity to save this Gusulong, but the other party just didn't take action, but wanted this Gusu. The dragon is beheaded, after all, the relationship between the two parties itself is not very friendly.

   Now that people are blown up directly, there is nothing to say.

  "Put the signal and call the Patriarch!"

  This matter cannot be postponed any longer. If it continues, the problem will only become more and more serious.

  Chen Xuan was holding the Slashing Immortal Sword, and also rushed up to meet the opponent.

  "Heavenly Way!"

  Aoyue Jiangshan let out a low roar, the next moment the long sword in this hand fell.

  Chen Xuan Zhanxian Sword blocked it, but the next moment there was a loud bang, and Chen Xuan's whole body was also blown out.

  The opponent did not give up, but continued to chase up.



   "Smash Kendo!"

  A huge whirlwind wrapped Chen Xuan in. Chen Xuan was in it and felt a strong feeling of tearing and crashing.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan also summoned the armor of the day war god.


  In that whirlwind, there should be countless blades hidden, constantly bombarding Chen Xuan's armor of the day war god.

  Human Tianya watched the emergence of this sword cyclone. Even if he was in the cyclone, it would only end up as a pile of fragments. Chen Xuan didn't know if he could resist it.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan's figure flew out from it, instantly smashing the sword cyclones around him.

  This day war **** armor is really domineering in this and defense.

  Also, as Chen Xuan's strength increased, the effect of the Day War God's armor was gradually developed by Chen Xuan.

  "Day War God armor, cross-dress!"

  The next moment, the armor of the day war **** immediately fitted Chen Xuan's body, directly helping Chen Xuan, forming a feeling that the armor fits together, and Chen Xuan also showed his body speed at this moment.


  Speed ​​burst out instantly.

   even actively rushed towards the Aoyue Jiangshan ahead.

   "It broke out? Still dare to come and die!"

Aoyue Jiangshan snorted coldly. He didn't expect that Chen Xuan would be able to get out of his own swordsmanship. That was enough to show Chen Xuan's strength, but this brain didn't seem to work very well. After all, this Don't run away when you come out.

  On the contrary, he took the initiative to come and die!

   Then give you a ride!

  Aoyue Jiangshan’s long sword turned, and a black sword aura suddenly shrouded towards Chen Xuan again. The world and the sky in front seemed to turn into a dark color. Under such circumstances,

  Chen Xuan left his palm with a swish of the sword in his hand.

   And there was another thing in his hands again. The moment this thing was in Chen Xuan's hands, the world seemed to shake because of this.


  "Cracking the sea!"

   Hidden in this Pangu Open Heaven Jue, a mountain axe decision.

  Chen Xuan slashed out with this move, and instantly blocked the surging aura in front of him.

   not only split the sword aura of this Aoyue River and Mountain, but also directly moved towards the Aoyue River and Mountain with a domineering force.

  Aoyue Jiangshan immediately squeezed the finger of the hand, and a thunder palm print split out, instantly smashing the forehead with the power of the axe in front.

  But the next moment, a white light swept out from the front, and instantly swept towards the neck of this Aoyue Jiangshan. Under this fierce aura, even this Aoyue Jiangshan had never thought of it.

   "Swordsmanship in a mere mere attempt to break my true energy defense!?"

  However, this Aoyue Jiangshan is also extremely confident. You must know that this Aoyue Jiangshan itself is a cultivator in the late stage of the Tribulation Period. Once this own aura is released, it will be easy to form this tens of thousands of feet of gas wall.


  Zhanxian Sword instantly blasted through the opponent's defensive gas wall, turning it into a ray of light, and instantly left a trace on the face of this Aoyue Jiangshan, which disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  Zhanxian Sword swept out hundreds of meters, then turned back again, and landed beside Chen Xuan.

  Everyone's eyes widened.

   Staring at Aoyue Jiangshan’s cheek, a bloodstain appeared.

  " is this possible..."

  Reality Tianya saw the appearance of this scene, his eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe it.

  The pavilion owner of this dignified Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion, personally shot it.

  Even all were injured by this mysterious young man. Who is this person and why he has such a powerful combat power to be able to fight against this Jiangshan Pavilion Lord, and also to be injured!

  Being able to break through this late cultivator during the Tribulation Period, this kind of skill is not something ordinary people can do, so Chen Xuan is now considered to be awesome.

  Just this battle, it is enough to be famous all over the world, and it is well spread among these hundreds of grass and thousands of cities.

  This kind of record is enough to be proud of.

  Of course, fame is one thing, but whether Chen Xuan can go back alive today is another matter.

  (End of this chapter)

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