Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 905: Nine-turn Golden Dragon Cover

  Chapter 905 Nine-turn Golden Dragon Cover

  Mountain and sea map.

The mention of Chen Xuan made me angry. It was all this **** thing. I sucked myself in before. This made Chen Xuan very unbearable. Now, you dead old man, you dare to hand over the mountains and seas by yourself. come out.

  This is a bit too confident.

   "Okay, take your head off and let me play, and I will give you a picture of mountains and seas."

   Chen Xuan said.

The corners of Aoyue Xingchen’s mouth rose slightly. This young man was really not afraid of death, just like the legendary one, so Aoyue Xingchen had to act at this moment.

   "I haven't done anything for hundreds of years. I didn't expect that today, Aoyue Xingchen still needs to do it to prove my strength."

   sounds like he is laughing at himself, but in fact he is also secretly complimenting his own strength. Chen Xuan has also seen many people with such a thick-skinned and good sense of himself.

   "Then you can cherish this last shot, maybe this is the last time."

   Chen Xuan said.

   "It's a big tone, I want to see, how can you break my 9th rank golden dragon cover in your mere integration stage!"

Aoyue Xingchen’s voice fell, and suddenly a tyrannical aura spewed out from the sleeves in these hands. This aura circulated in front of him, and soon there was a golden dragon, this golden dragon. Hovering and indulging in the sky, the golden light released in the blink of an eye moved towards Chen Xuan.

  These golden lights contain extremely terrifying power. If they are released, they will definitely form extremely terrifying power. If Chen Xuan is there, he will definitely become a pool of flesh under such power.

  The five-clawed golden tiger sitting down roared when facing the appearance of the golden dragon, but it was useless. The golden dragon was the first to be beaten out and severely injured.


  The five-clawed golden tiger fell from that day.

   And Chen Xuan faced the Jin Guangyao in front of him, and took out the Soulbreaking Axe.

   "Cut the fairy sword, come out!"

Chen Xuan summoned the Immortal Slashing Sword, turned it into a flying sword, and flew away voluntarily toward the front, seemingly to kill the person in front of him, the domineering power contained in the Slashing Immortal Sword, It was enough for this Aoyue star to eat a pot.


  The soul-breaking axe in Chen Xuan's hand slashed out.

  This is just an ordinary move to chop down, but the power of the Soulbreaker seems to be limited, Qiang Qiang!

  The soul-breaking axe also rotated into various postures in Chen Xuan's hands, but the golden light cover that fell in front of him also trapped Chen Xuan in it, unable to find his way.

  "Cracking the sea!"


  The golden air current seemed to form a golden wall, which directly trapped the power of Chen Xuan's soul-breaking axe.

"so smart."

  Even the sea-breaking style failed to defeat this magic weapon.

  And that Aoyue star laughed at this moment.

   "Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the sword of the sword, this turned out to be the sword of the sword!"

  Aoyue Xingchen laughed.

  At this time, the sword of Slashing Immortal seemed to be bursting with light, because the power of the Sword of Slashing Immortal was directly trapped by the spells used by this proud moon star, and it was difficult to break free.

   "God of War!"

   Chen Xuan directly summoned the armor of the day war god, and instantly broke through from this predicament.

  But the Ninth Rank Golden Dragon is still chasing after him.

  Chen Xuan simply took the Nine Rank Golden Dragon and rushed towards the palace of the base camp of the Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion.

   "No, what does Chen Xuan want to do!"

   "That is the ninth rank golden dragon cover of the Supreme Elder. Once locked, it will never die!"

  These elders also became nervous, and at the same time, they prayed in their hearts that Chen Xuan would be trapped by the Ninth Rank Golden Dragon in advance, so that their hall would be kept.

  Facts are always good.

  The next moment Chen Xuan's figure was directly in this hall, and this smoothly grabbed a weaker elder and rushed towards the back door.

  Some elders wanted to take action when they saw it, but found that it was too late.

  The nine-turn golden dragon hovered around his body, but because the body was too large, when it rushed in, it was already doomed to the palace's end.


  The rubble is flying, and the stakes are constantly being broken.

  Some carefully carved jade bibs and the like are all destroyed and clean. The emergence of this kind of situation is really shocking.

   Such a great palace was destroyed directly in this way.


  In the hands of Chen Xuan, the arrested elder is also struggling constantly, but he is helplessly lacking in strength and cannot break free from Chen Xuan’s hands.

   "Asshole, you let me go! You kind of let go of me!"

  The elder roared, and Chen Xuan also naturally accomplished him, loosening his hand.

  (End of this chapter)

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