Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 907: feed

  Chapter 907 Feeding

   "Well, this place seems a bit unusual?"

When Chen Xuan's spiritual thoughts moved, he suddenly locked a place in front of it. This place was heavily guarded. Even in the chaos like Chen Xuan just now, there was no movement here, and Chen Xuan clearly felt it. There should be some people hiding under this stone here,

   "There must be something important here, it seems that the accessories of the sword sword are also here!"

Chen Xuan thought in his heart that this kind of induction was not groundless. As a strong man in this realm, he was extremely sensitive to these powers. Therefore, Chen Xuan also quickly locked it in here, shook his figure, and moved directly towards it. Rushed over here, in this deep valley.

   "No, this kid actually wants to destroy our forbidden area!"

   Seeing Chen Xuan's movements, Aoyue Xingchen was shocked. The direction Chen Xuan rushed towards was the forbidden area of ​​their Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion.

  The reason why Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion has such a powerful breakthrough over the years.

  That's all because of the source in this forbidden area. This is related to the mystery of their Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion, and they have never encountered such a thing.

  The disciples of any family can't get close easily, only knowing that this is an extremely secret place.

   Now seeing Chen Xuan rushing over, he also immediately panicked.

   "Give me anything, stop him!"

   A tyrannical force burst out of the body of the Elder Aoyue Star. With this force bursting out, many elders in front of him also slew out and hurriedly pursued Chen Xuan.

  But I can’t catch up!

   Chen Xuan's speed is too fast.

  Even they dare not chase too close. If not, once they catch up with this Chen Xuan and be killed by this Chen Xuan backhand, then who is such a bad thing to tell.

  The Aoyue Star couldn't catch up, so he gritted his teeth and directly controlled several elders in the air. These elders also suddenly felt that there was a force in their body that was suddenly lifted up.


  In the bodies of these elders, a burst of dark power suddenly burst out. The dark power entangled on them directly chasing Chen Xuan. At this time, their speed exploded tenfold.


  After you got close to Chen Xuan, these elders immediately took a deep breath, and they actually detonated themselves!


  Although these elders were only cultivation bases during the fit period, the power generated at the time of self-detonation was enough to blast Chen Xuan away.


  The strong wave of air swept towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was also under the aftermath of the explosion. His feet trembled, his figure shook, and he flew towards the distance.

   Soon, another figure approached, and the next moment, this power burst out.


  The terrifying power burst out directly, and Chen Xuan, who was about to land, blasted out again.

   "These people are so desperate!"

   Although it is said that Chen Xuan was blasted off, in fact, Chen Xuan did not suffer any harm. Under the protection of the armor of the day war god, Chen Xuan can be said to be unharmed.

   "There must be a secret in it."

  Chen Xuan stood up, but soon discovered that something was wrong with these people.

   "Hey, why are these people's eyes black?"

   Chen Xuan saw the eyes of these people, they were all dark.

   Immediately Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan's heart moved.

   "So, this is your powerful secret?"

  Chen Xuan glanced at the forbidden area, and there seemed to be wisdom light running through everything in his eyes. When the light was released from this eye, he also directly saw this power.

   "You unexpectedly fed a dark demon!"

  A powerful force of darkness was imprisoned in the forbidden ground.

  These things can only be done by talents in the cultivation world!

  (End of this chapter)

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