Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 914: recovery

  Chapter 914 Recovery

Chen Xuan, unable to move, let the strong man at the mercy of the strong man, and followed the footsteps of the two to a small mountain village.

  Because he didn't know Chen Xuan's injury, the brawny man didn't hesitate to move him, so he directly put him on a hard bed.


  As if the whole body was torn apart, Chen Xuan took a breath.

   "Father, he is awake!"

  The young boy on the side saw Chen Xuan's voice, and said to the brawny man with joy.

  The brawny man smiled and nodded, and said, "I saw it for my father."

   then turned his head and asked Chen Xuan softly: "Brother, do you have any relatives around here, I can take you there. Our family conditions are not good, I am afraid that my brother will be wronged."

  Chen Xuan smiled strenuously, trying to speak, but the trembling lips only made a slight inaudible sound.

   "My big brother is so pitiful, my father shouldn't drive him away, okay." The young boy held the brawny man's trousers, begging for affection.

   "My father didn't chase him, it's just our conditions, it can't heal his injury." As he said, the strong man carefully lifted Chen Xuan's clothes.

  Almost no part of the skin under the clothes is intact, and various symptoms such as decay and scorching appeared on Chen Xuan's body.

  The strong man couldn't help but sigh, how much willpower it takes to survive, and smile.

   There was a spontaneous respect in his eyes. The strong man gave Chen Xuan a reassuring smile and walked out with the little boy.

   "Let my brother take a break, let's go pick some herbs for my brother to heal his illness, okay?"

  "Okay! Xiaoyou is going to pick herbs to treat the older brother!"

  Looking at the backs of the two eagerly walking out, Chen Xuan seemed to be touched in his heart. Perhaps for him, such an encounter was already the best condition in the world.

  How could he be wronged?

  Chen Xuan began to investigate his situation with his spiritual sense.

  His body has almost become a glued porcelain doll, which breaks at the touch of a touch. It is a miracle to survive.

  Being able to survive such a huge impact was also thanks to the full support of the Immortal Cauldron. If it were not for this, he would never exist in the world.

   "It's a blessing to be alive, other things outside of the body, if you don't have it, you will be gone."

  Chen Xuan was calm in his heart. At present, he can say that he has nothing except the Immortal Ding. Even the Immortal Ding had some tiny slits, standing very lonely in his dantian, bleak.

After   , Chen Xuan began to use common sense to repair the meridians in the body. Although the effect was minimal, it was enough for Chen Xuan who could not move to pass the time.

  In a blink of an eye, it was night.

  The father and son returned to Chen Xuan's room again, when the young boy turned around shyly and asked the brawny to wipe the medicine for Chen Xuan.

   Repeated this way for three days.

  On the fourth day, Chen Xuan was able to speak miraculously and walk down the ground tremblingly.

   "Xiao Chen, my old Wang has never admired a few people in this life, you are this!" Wang Yingjie gave Chen Xuan a thumbs up, admiring it very much.

  He is not a dexterous person. The medicine for Chen Xuan these few days can be described as scraping his bones and cutting his flesh. Xiao You just watched and cried.

  As for Chen Xuan, he didn't even utter a painful grunt. He gritted his teeth forcibly, holding on tightly with blood stains.

  Wang Yingjie hunted all his life and suffered countless injuries, but he believed that he was unreasonable and couldn't even do half of it.

   "Brother Wang is absurdly praised, I am very touched by the care of such a downhearted person." Chen Xuan thanked him sincerely.

   "Haha, Xiao Chen's style of throwing his hands to the children of a big family can't end up like this, is it really three years ago..."

  Wang Yingjie asked curiously.

What    got was Chen Xuan's slightly nodding expression.

Wang Yingjie felt ashamed. He went to expose the scars of others, patted his chest, and said: "Xiao Chen, you can treat this place as your own home. You can leave whenever you want. With your character, I am willing. !"

  Chen Xuan smiled, accepting Wang Yingjie’s kindness.

  This topic did not last long. Chen Xuan walked outside with difficulty and took a deep breath of the fresh air outside.

  Gradually, Chen Xuan's attention was attracted by the busy Wang Yingjie.

   "Brother Wang wait, show me this!"

   Chen Xuan's eyes lit up, and he pointed to the bundle of dry wood that Wang Yingjie was holding in his hands.

  Wang Yingjie was taken aback, what's so good about this bundle of firewood? But still took it.

  Naturally, dry firewood is not attractive. Chen Xuan's gaze, looking at the dry firewood pile, was attracted by the withered grass in it.

   "Buddha grass?"

  Not sure, Chen Xuan took the withered grass in his hand and looked over and over again, and finally confirmed that this is the Buddha grass that has withered.

  Wang Yingjie felt a cloud of water in his mind and asked, “What is Buddha grass, isn’t it a circle grass? Dr. Li also said that it contains venom. Let us take all of it and deal with it. Don’t let children eat it by mistake.”

"deal with?"

  Chen Xuan had the urge to choke that Doctor Li to death, and he was so violent to send a heavenly creature!

   "Brother Wang, how much this kind of grass is there, and how much do you collect for me, I can surprise Xiaoyou!" Chen Xuan said with a confident smile.

  Wang Yingjie looked surprised and asked, "Xiao Chen, do you still know the way of pill? Dr. Li can train the first grade alchemy master, he knows that it is poisonous, you..."

   "Brother Wang, if you believe me, you will collect it. With my current situation, do I have to spare no effort to poison others?" Chen Xuan said calmly.

  After hesitating for a while, Wang Yingjie nodded, and resolutely said to leave.

  Only Chen Xuan was left at his home. Xiaoyou has not come back because of going to a private school today.

  Speaking of it, Chen Xuanzhen hadn't heard it yet. It was a ten-year-old girl. Until Wang Yingjie told him, she thought it was a little boy.

   Before Wang Yingjie came back, Chen Xuan did not waste time, sitting cross-legged on the bed, constantly repairing his meridians with his spiritual consciousness.

  Don't look at him already being able to move, it is because he has built a very solid body foundation before quickly regaining his ability to move. As for cultivation, it is still indefinite for him now.

  Unless there is a five-grade marrow refining pill, his body can be completely restored.

  This goal is still quite far away for him now.

  As for the Buddha grass, although it contains venom, if the venom can be extracted separately and refined to stimulate cultivation, the value of the second-rank Qi Qi Dan will increase more than a hundred times in an instant!

  Even if it doesn't help him, it can give him some money, give back to the Wang family, and stay with him for the time being.

  When Chen Xuan's consciousness was completely immersed in his body, he suddenly heard the noise outside.

  (End of this chapter)

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