Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 924: Xiaoyou breakthrough

   Chapter 924 Xiaoyou Breakthrough

  The elder of Yun Yizong ate the pill that he picked up from the garbage dump?

  Everyone can't believe their eyes.

  But I have to believe in reality.

  Is that kid really a master of alchemy with a genius?

   "Elder Sun, I have his background, this kid is a country liar, don't be deceived by him." Zheng Wenshan frowned behind him.

  Sun Zhihao's mouth was still chewing, he turned his head and glanced at Zheng Wenshan, wanting to say but didn't know what to say.

   "May I go." Chen Xuan smiled slightly, then turned and walked again.

  Want to go? Zheng Wenshan became angry and rushed forward after bypassing Sun Zhihao.

  This is a banquet organized by the ancient medicine sect. Needless to say, you know how many ancient medicine sects are here.

  It’s impossible to go.

  Li Hongyang was also at this time, and he slipped to the spot where Xiaoyou was while fishing in troubled waters.

   pinched Xiaoyou's neck from behind, making Xiaoyou's face flushed.


   Xiaoyou struggling to slap Li Hongyang behind him, there is no way to release it.

  Liang Yuan stood silly on the spot, at a loss. Seeing the battle at this moment, some appointed people stood in place with their heads pulled back.

  It’s all like this, how can it be possible to leave unscathed.

  Chen Xuan looked as usual, and walked towards Xiaoyou's position step by step.

   "Smash it, if you dare to take another step, this little girl will be dead! Regret what you did to me, haha!" Li Hongyang smiled triumphantly.

  Not irritated, Chen Xuan continued to walk calmly.

   "Let her go, I can let you die quietly."

   "The ignorant thing, where do you think this is!"

  Zheng Wenshan didn't know when, he had already swept behind Chen Xuan, and the palm of his infuriating spirit patted directly at the back of Chen Xuan's head.

   "Stop it!"

  Sun Zhihao seemed to have become Chen Xuan's guard, loyally guarding beside Chen Xuan, and firmly caught Zheng Wenshan's attack.


  The collision of the two blasted a storm in the crowd.

   "Medium Golden Core!"

  Zheng Wenshan stepped back a few steps, retracted his hands, and looked at Sun Zhihao with fear.

   "Elder Sun, did you take the wrong medicine? Why have you been blocking me!" Zheng Wenshan said angrily.

  Sun Zhihao shook his head, standing in place with a complex expression, and said, "Don't move him."

  Zheng Wenshan is going crazy, is this Yun Yizong’s Sun Zhihao deliberately embarrassing him? His disciple was knocked down face-to-face, and let him not do anything?

  Even Cai Ningmeng looked at Sun Zhihao in confusion, wondering what happened to his master today, and he would help someone he never knew.

"do not come!"

  Li Hongyang didn’t know what happened to Zheng Wenshan, and when he saw Chen Xuan dared to come here, he couldn’t help but force the hands holding Xiaoyou’s neck even harder, and even lifted him slightly.

  However, Xiaoyou's painful and struggling expression did not slow down Chen Xuan's pace in the slightest.

  Is this little girl not important to him? This idea suddenly popped into Li Hongyang's mind.

  Yes, this was originally a country liar! Where would you care about who.

   But if he is really a liar, the aura he gave out that day should be fake. How could he knock Pang Mo down instantly? Is it really just three levels of qi training?

  Thinking about it, Li Hongyang couldn't help but sweat a little on his forehead.

  I’m not really in danger, right?

  Li Hongyang held Xiaoyou and slowly backed away, trying to retreat to the hands of the ancient medicine sect.

  However, Chen Xuan can watch Xiaoyou be tortured, but it does not mean that he can accept that Xiaoyou is life-threatening.

  The pace under his feet instantly accelerates, and it bursts out at a speed far exceeding the third level of Qi training.

"How can it be!"

  Chen Xuan’s figure almost turned into a phantom in Li Hongyang’s eyes. Under the previous psychological shadow, he almost ran away.

  Where can I take care of the small tour, I immediately let go.

   "I have never been familiar with ants, but if you want to bite me, I don't mind pinching you to death."

  Chen Xuan didn't need much effort at all. After a few breaths, he chased to Li Hongyang's side.

  Looking at Li Hongyang coldly, under his horrified eyes, a whip kick hit his back waist.

   tumbling a few somersaults in the air, Li Hongyang's body seemed to be tattered, lying on the ground twisted.

   "Don't kill me, I will give you everything, please go around me!"

  Li Hongyang struggled and raised his head, shouting with extreme regret.

  Chen Xuan sneered, and stepped on Li Hongyang's chest with a merciless foot.

  Blood splashed three feet, sprayed all over the ground.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan avoided fast enough to avoid blood stains on his body.

  The guests sitting nearby watching the lively, there was no such reaction, and they were splashed all over.

  The atmosphere instantly frightened.

  Zheng Wenshan's face was gloomy and almost squeezed out of the water. This country swindler who didn't know where he came from, became so arrogant in the ancient medicine sect.

  If he continues to let him do whatever he wants, wouldn’t the ancient medicine sect be ridiculed by the world?

   "Elder Sun, if you stop again, you will be an enemy of my ancient medicine sect!"

  Zheng Wenshan let go of these words, a strong breath erupted from his body.

  Golden Core Power!

  The powerful breath almost made the people around him breathless. The kid was dead and angered the Ancient Medicine Sect. Even if Elder Sun helped him, he would never escape.

  Even if Yun Yizong is stronger than Ancient Medicine Sect, it will never be such an enemy to Ancient Medicine Sect.

  After all, the Ancient Medicine Sect is a sect dominated by the inheritance of pill medicine, and the sects that make good friends with it are not just the Yun Yizong family!

  Sun Zhihao's eyes condensed, and his heart began to shake. The strange feeling in his body still continued. He was uncertain whether he should continue to help Chen Xuan.

  "Master, what shall we do?"

  At this time, Cai Ningmeng, Guo Yifan and others all gathered around. At this moment, the atmosphere was a little subtle, and the people around the Ancient Medicine Sect were cautiously guarding them.

   "The pill just now, is it really okay to eat it?" Cai Ningmeng asked another curious question.

  Sun Zhihao shook his head, "I don't know what's going on, but I always feel that it is of great benefit to me, but it is not good."

"Could it be that this bottle of Qi Devouring Pill was really made by that young man?" Cai Ningmeng said with afterthought, she realized at this time that what Chen Xuan had just mentioned was the bottle of Qi Devouring Pill she bought. Dan.

"It was definitely made by him, that is, the exquisite and rough alchemy technique, which may be able to make such a perfect pill." Sun Zhihao said with emotion, that bottle of Qi Devouring Pill, any one can be used as a work of art. Placed, the round pill shape tightly locks its medicinal power, not afraid of the loss of medicinal power under any circumstances.

  (End of this chapter)

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