Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 938: Zhan Chen Yifan

   Chapter 938 Fighting Chen Yifan

  In the banquet in front of him, Chen Xuan walked out and accepted the challenge. Many people looked forward to it.

After all, Chen Xuan's performance at this banquet was too dazzling, which caused many people to secretly pay attention and interest in him, but most people still couldn't understand his strength, taking advantage of this opportunity Take a good look at the bottom line, this is an opportunity!

  The so-called dancing together is a confrontation, but in name, dancing is actually killing. For the already hostile parties, whoever really thinks that the other party just wants to perform is really a fool.

   "This time, I will make you pay the price." Looking at the young Chen Yifan in front of him, he curled his lips.

  In his opinion, this kid in front of him is nothing more than building a foundation, but he is threefold, and he can do it by eliminating this little bullet.

  Last time there were too many external reasons, which made him suffer a loss this time there will be no more similar situations.

  The palm knife slips gently on the neck. Chen Yifan, really sneered.

   "Haha, it's interesting." Chen Xuan smiled faintly.

  Since you want to play, then I will have fun with you.

  Chen Xuan took a sword. Although it is essentially a cruel battle about victory or defeat. But on the surface, it is still necessary to show it by dancing, although it is not a good thing for a man to dance with long sleeves.

   But in the eyes of the real strong. Possessing a kind of talent is an important part of martial arts achievements. After all, people are not cold training machines. If they don't have some fun, I believe that no matter how great achievements they have made in martial arts, they will not be admired and envied by others.

  Everyone's eyes at the banquet fell on the two young people. They looked at each other for a while, saluted, and accompanied by a faint chime, they stepped forward and first fought against each other.

   Senran sword light surging swiftly, almost only momentarily, this extremely cold sword, tearing the air swiftly and violently, with such an astonishing strength that is irresistible and irresistible.

  Chen Xuan retreated a few steps and went out, but at this time, he could see that there was a faint spirit and pride in his eyes.

   "Although this guy has a strong level, but his confidence is very weak. It is not difficult to defeat him."

  With this confidence, Chen Xuan no matter how he shots, he doesn't have the slightest worry about how to flash.

  In the banquet, the sword and light sword Ying Sensen's touch, not too much time passed, the two sides attacked hundreds of times. Although it seems to be extremely soft and has no meaning of martial arts, but only those with insight will find it.

  That seems to have no destructive tactics. In fact, they are quite deadly. There is no doubt that if the power is poured into the treasure in the hand when the opportunity is found, the moment may bring cruel and irresistible lethality to people.

  Such an astonishing killing is unavoidable, it is very terrifying and amazing.

  They are all curious... It seems that these two young people seem to have some contradictions and hatred. Although on the surface they seem to be cooperation, in fact their fighting is even more brutal and cruel than their enemies.

  I really don’t know which of them is stronger? ......During the battle, Chen Yifan suddenly swept across with a sword, and you could see it instantly, and a deep spirit appeared in the depths of his eyes.

  The light of sharp aura is extremely ferocious, a whole body is surging in his hand, and the bead of the light of terrifying aura is surging with mysterious and powerful waves.

  Chen Yifan sneered and snapped his fingers, but the beads in his hand burst out! The terrible bead arrived.

  The amazing matter surging inside began to expand. There is no doubt that if the total bead surging with strong light in front of you, if you touch people, it will cause death-like impact and injury in a flash.

  In the battlefield, the beads tear through the space and come right in front of you...

  The astonishing martial art killing and attacking swiftly moved forward. It is not difficult to imagine that the battlefield in front of you seems to be only a flash. The powerful means can burst out to crush and kill people.

  The air around the bead is in a state of boiling, and the large space is like cracked and shattered, and its damage and influence are terrifying.

  Beads, here it is!


   Facing the powerful bead in front of him, Chen Xuan smiled faintly, not knowing when, the Immortal Cauldron in his hand emerged. The whole body is thick and full of metal light.

   Its internal vitality is endless, as if there are countless powerful air currents, which rotate swiftly and swiftly. At this time, Chen Xuan met the violently stabbed bead and opened it instantly.

  The thick and black absorption fluctuations quickly absorbed the beads. It was possible to see that it would explode as if touched, and the terrifying blow power was absorbed by the Baoding that was full of strong absorption power in an instant.

  I have to say that this kind of absorption is not weak and strong.

  The mysterious beads that should have been exploded in an instant were balanced strangely, and quickly disappeared.

   "The Immortal Ding is still so strong, haha." Chen Xuan said lightly. Feeling the astonishingly powerful light surging from the incomparable material power in the beads, Chen Xuandao: "Build the foundation and burst the beads. Haha...Even in the later stage, they will be killed under such powerful destructive power... Does the fox's tail show up?"

   "Indestructible Tripod, go!"

   Staring at Chen Yifan in front of him, Chen Xuan smiled faintly. Since that thin layer of mask has now been torn off, of course he can't have the slightest tolerance.

  The Baoding, surging with the light of the strong, moved away in no time. The astonishing intensity tears through the space, and you can see this Baoding with a strong cold wind, and the dreadful Baoding's crushing flavor is very strong.

  Look carefully at the inner treasure light faintly surging with the color of foundation building. It can be seen that these colors have reached the peak and limit.

  There is no doubt that this powerful blow based on the foundation construction, if it is cruelly exploded, it will naturally bring people unbearable and conspicuous blows and killings in a flash.

  A powerful and thick martial arts attack tore the space in front of him extremely powerfully, and it was so swift and violent that Chen Yifan was completely enveloped by the astonishing strike force.

  The black indestructible tower turned slowly. The bursts of air around us can be seen, and now Chen Yifan has really suffered a terrible crushing attack!

"you dare!"

  Chen Yifan roared, shaking his palms to fight back! Just now! The extent of his counterattack is really very limited. I can see that my arms touched momentarily, and my arms were suddenly bends astonishingly and almost shattered my arms by this crush-like force!

  (End of this chapter)

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