Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 962: Chen Feng

  Chapter 962 Chen Feng

   Shocking warnings and dissatisfaction came from behind. Chen Xuan turned around in surprise and saw a young figure walking out slowly.

  You can see from the surface of the young man wearing an armor of animal skins, the not-weak deep aura light is lingering slowly, and it can be seen that under the protection of these aura lights, the defense power of this armor is really powerful.

   "Chen Xuan, you went down the mountain, ha ha, it's really surprising."

  The young man curled his mouth. He looked at Chen Xuan in front of him with an extremely cold attitude. The breath of death surging from the depths of his eyes made people feel cold and creepy.

  "Who are you and why should you intervene in my business?" Chen Xuan said dissatisfied.

  He didn't know the opponent who was able to withstand the Qi Condensation Level 7 in front of him. And from his attitude, it seemed to turn around to look for him.

  Chen Xuan didn't pay attention to the guy in front of him, but if he couldn't figure out where this guy came from, who else was planning the matter behind him, I believe someone would attack him in the future.

  Bright spears are easy to dodge and dark arrows are hard to defend.

   "Hehe, do you want to ask me about my details? I am a scheming kid. But I am not afraid to tell you who I am."

The youth moved for a while. The extremely stubborn expression climbed above his face. At this time, he could see that the extremely arrogant state made him look domineering and staring at Chen Xuan, and his eyes were full of mockery: "Chen Feng, Chen Yifan’s brother. Haha, your kid has offended my brother. Doesn’t you think it’s so simple?"

He curled his lips and said again: "Today, unless you kneel down and admit your mistake and clearly state how you want to compensate for my brother's loss, then I might consider sparing you once. After all, this ancient medicine school is still very strong if it is not necessary. I don't want to offend either. But if you think that you can make me feel jealous just by virtue of being a disciple of the Ancient Medicine Sect, then you are wrong, hehe Yun Yizong is not a vegetarian either!"

  The self-reported goalkeeper said everything, but at this time Chen Xuan nodded. It seemed that this guy was not stupid but too arrogant and self-confident.

  However, if you think about it carefully, the status of Yunyi Sect and Ancient Medicine Sect in this area is almost equal, and there is no conclusion about who is stronger in the martial arts battles over the years.

  But after all, both sides are very strong. They are all colossal existences, so if there is no major event happening, the senior figures on both sides will not easily attack their offspring.

   After all, if it really leads to any major events and battles, this pressure and responsibility horror is not something that an individual can bear. Therefore, today's Chen Xuan's affairs may not really arouse too much high-level attention! ...

  The atmosphere of the battlefield is cold and solemn. However, at this time, I could clearly see that Chen Xuan's face that should have been cautious, at least a little scared and guilty, was covered with indifferent colors.

   Arms up, he faintly looked at the opposite youth, his eyes filled with contempt: "If you kneel and beg for mercy now, I can also achieve the things you promised."

   "What are you talking about?" Chen Feng was stunned and then he clenched his fists. The indescribable ridicule and anger mixed up and said coldly: "I think you little beast is looking for death."

  There is an astonishing surging of killing in his eyes! Striding forward like lightning speed swiftly smashed in front of his eyes. The strong light among the big hands surged swiftly and violently.

  Like a heavy mountain-like strong and thick blow, it came almost instantly, and the astonishing wave of martial arts killing and killing was extremely fierce and suppressed near Chen Xuan's head.

  The amazing pressure makes the air burst. "Get off." Chen Xuan just sneered at this seemingly not weak martial arts attack from the young man in front of him.

  The dull light and material fluctuations surging in his hands. The powerful aura spurred Chen Xuan to an astonishing counterattack in an instant, and the astonishing collision erupted and the ground under Chen Xuan's feet suddenly shattered.

   But at this time Chen Xuan was just sneer and mockery. Chen Feng flew out at a distance of seven or eight meters, and the ground that his heavy body had trampled on was bursting with layers of cracks and cracks. At this time, the space was plunged into a deep agitated state.

   "Good boy!"

  Chen Feng suddenly roared indifferently!

   "Your kid has reached the sixth level of Qi Condensation?!" Chen Feng roared in panic. There was a deep surprise and hatred in his eyes, and what he saw earlier was only a weak person with a condensed energy level.

   "It's just that you are stupid." Chen Xuan pursed his lips and sneered. In normal times, of course, he would not show all the contents of the martial arts level. Only a fool would think that showing powerful martial arts means can successfully achieve his own goals.

  After all, the stronger the strength, the more resistance it will attract, which will cause unnecessary trouble. If you can act in a low-key manner, then many unnecessary things can be avoided.

  This has a considerable and direct effect and significance for the development of martial arts.

   "Huh, but how can you compare with me if you hide your strength. You are still just an ant." The voice of cold ridicule appeared cruelly. The aura that clenched fists tightly gathered together, and there was a flickering cold light of the weird big gun.

  The whole body of the big gun presents a sapphire blue color with a strong metallic texture, making it feel heavy and sharp throughout. The tip of the big gun took on a diamond shape, and the shimmering sharp substance waved with ripples.

  I have to say that such sharp fluctuations are frightening.

   "This guy's big spear faintly killed a trace of natural matter. Terrible!" Chen Xuan was shocked, and the natural force was the most powerful matter between the world and the earth. If anyone can master a little, it can be said that their fighting ability will reach a very high and terrifying level and level in an instant!

  In this way, although the guy in front of him has only seven levels of abilities and abilities to condense Qi, at this time his combat power is obviously stronger by several levels and more.


  Chen Feng sneered and bared his teeth, the cold big gun in his hand surged with amazing sharp fluctuations. Such a terrifying force of violent stabbing makes people a little unable to resist easily.


  The sparkling martial arts spear suddenly tore the air apart, with a piercing power that could not be countered with terror, and exploded in front of Chen Xuan's eyes quickly and incomparably.

   "Broken." Seeing the arrival of the big gun, Chen Xuan roared in a low voice, and then the not weak blow hit the big gun and pressure surged.

  (End of this chapter)

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