Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 964: On the list

  Chapter 964 is on the list

  "Don't be too arrogant, kid!"

  There is a kind of intensity in the heroic voice. It is surging out layer by layer, and there seems to be a mighty force in it, giving people a shocking and practical feeling.

  Chen Xuan was affected by these abruptly surging forces. The level in his hand that should have slammed Chen Feng to death in an instant lost the power to kill, and it was instantly weakened a lot.

  The arm trembled slightly, feeling the impact that he could tolerate, and he gritted his teeth and insisted on taking the shot. Although the strength has been weakened a lot, it can be clearly seen at this time.

  This powerful punch still brought death-like impact and damage to Chen Feng in front of him. In an instant, Chen Feng's chest was torn apart fiercely.

  The blood is mixed with a not weak flesh and blood, and it swiftly rushed towards the four directions.

  Chen Feng's face was extremely pale, he was smashed into the ground and was blasted out of a big pit abruptly. It has to be said that such astonishing martial arts killings and injuries are terrifying to a certain extent.

   "Boy, you are looking for death!"

  The voice of Killing Fa Anran sounded again. The anger contained in the voice at this time was obviously several times higher. It can be seen that he was really angry at this time!

  Although the threat was full, Chen Xuan didn't want to care at all. Turning to see, at the end of the line of sight, there was a young man with an astonishing armor surging all over his body, and he swept over fiercely with an opening sword in his hand.

  This person looks quite robust and violent fluctuations. In particular, he has a terrifying aura like a general, which makes people feel amazing.

  On the battlefield in front of you, you can clearly see the powerful and thick martial arts luster, and the swift surging has to say that this amazing martial arts damage can be called terrifying.


  The sky-opening sword shone with light, the young man came before his eyes fiercely. The sword light and sword shadow surged out, and the terrifying combat power of the seventh layer of the condensed Qi approaching the eighth layer burst out like a terrifying force that turned into flowing water.

  Chen Xuan sneered incomparably, even though the person in front of him was powerful, he was still ready to fight back strongly. The waves of the stars that are not weak in both hands quickly converge into a powerful form.

  Two groups of amazing waves of light shocked people's hearts in this fleeting scene. Chen Xuan looked like a star and fought back fiercely.

   "Star Meteorite Fist."

   "Break it for me."

  The horror scene and spirit of falling stars burst out in Chen Xuan's deep voice. The amazing martial arts scene cannot be easily resisted. It is almost only a momentary moment with powerful physical killing fluctuations.

   slammed into the young man’s sword in front of him. Stars are blown up! Boom... the ripples that actually caused the waves to fluctuate out. The young man's face was pale and he vomited blood.

   Then he glared at Chen Xuan fiercely, knowing that there was no point in fighting again, turning around and disappearing quickly.

   "Ahem." Seeing the figure in front of him disappear quickly, Chen Xuan finally wiped off his sweat and quietly let out a sigh of relief.

  The opponents faced by continuous battles are almost all top powerful existences! These amazing martial arts powerhouses can be called terrifying, and it is obviously impossible to fight against them without paying some price.

Ok? !

  On this battlefield that has been blasted into ruins. Chen Xuan was slightly stunned when he saw that a black token appeared in the land in front of him.

  This token is surging with a deep light that is not weak, which is very precious in general. He immediately stunned Quzhi and grabbed the token in the mud into his hand.

   Feeling the unique token that cannot be easily copied, Chen Xuan was slightly surprised: "The token of the Ministry of War...the son of Guo Ziming?"

  He was stunned immediately! Chen Xuan's five fingers closed and immediately squeezed the black token in his hand and put it aside. He squinted his eyes and said: "That day there was already a Li Gongzi of the Ministry of Justice in Pan'an City. I didn't expect that even the Ministry of War would also intervene. They What are you going to do?"...


  Distant Marriott and Liu Hunian left quickly. Chen Xuan just sneered at these evil pill sects for their evil intentions. The last time they provoked the war, millions of people died and perished. I have to say that this is a terrifying and cruel thing.

  Similar tragedies will never happen again! With his fists clenched, he could clearly see that the extremely cold wave of killing and killing was surging swiftly and violently, and the death-like killing and killing airflow was truly terrifying to a certain extent.

  咻! Two amazing chains exploded and shot away. Bang Bang... This chain was as sharp as a knife, and immediately pierced the bodies of the two young men who were trying to slip away.

   and its whole body is burst into flesh and blood. The bang diverged into the air and disappeared completely.

   "Want to go?"

  After the two youths of the Evil Pill Sect in front of the strong shot were destroyed, out of the corner of his eyes suddenly saw Chen Feng, a gunshot genius by his side, who wanted to escape by swift movement.

  Although he had quietly covered his martial arts aura to the utmost extent, Chen Xuan showed him mercilessly.

  Possessing a mockery, anyone who tries to harm him must pay ten times the price! With a palm of his hand, the icy chain of the chain fluctuated rapidly, gathering together extremely violently. At this time, I can see it very clearly.

  The amazing chain in the palm of the hand pierced and pierced violently. When it was almost instantaneous, you could clearly see that this unusually strong chain of killing aura fell near Chen Feng in front of him.

  咚! The chain and the big gun touched the big gun and burst into debris. But at this time, in the surging waves of this thick spiritual energy, Chen Feng, who had looked embarrassed before, disappeared.

   "I even gave up such a good treasure, hehe, I really don't want to go out." Chen Xuan sneered and squeezed the treasures that were undulating deep light.

  At this time, he can clearly see that he pursed his mouth and turned and disappeared with a smile. But what he didn't notice was that when he left, there was a literati in a corner above this wasteland, and he waved his hand to remove the three names from the roster. He then seriously placed Chen Xuan's name in the position of Chen Feng.

  The literati said in a guest: "The 100th place on the Ning Qi list, Chen Xuan."

  When Chen Xuan returned to the Ancient Medicine Sect, the battle there was also over. Two of the three top beautiful girls were under control, and Zhou Tu slipped away with a heavy wound...It can be said that this time the battle ancient medicine sect won a big victory.

  Several top elders looked at Chen Xuandu with great satisfaction. But when they knew that Chen Xuan had already killed the two Evil Pill Sect disciples Liu Hunian and Wan Hao, they were naturally very pleased and satisfied!

  (End of this chapter)

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