Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 979: Destroy Wu Renjie

   Chapter 979

  Wu Renjie’s eyes were filled with a deep, mocking cold light, and at this time, a terrifying and astonishing spiritual energy fluctuation in his hands slowly spread out.

  The shocking and terrifying edge fluctuations are very shocking and terrifying. It seems that as long as it can touch people, it can bring death-like threats and injuries to people in an instant.

  I have to say that this kind of amazing pressure makes people unable to resist easily.


  The cold and cruel spear in both hands bloomed with the color of death. Wu Renjie immediately manipulated the big gun in his hand and exploded with an astonishing blow quickly.

The astonishing big gun immediately tore the space in front of you. This terrifying wave of killing and felling has to be said to make people feel very domineering and terrifying. In the battlefield in front of you, the unspeakable killing and killing are powerful. The shocking substance from these big guns enveloped Zhang Zifang.

  Zhang Zifang's face was pale and blood came out of the corners of his mouth.

He retreated seven or eight steps in embarrassment, trembling all over, but at this moment he didn't have the thought of retreating, staring at the powerful spear in front of him and clenching his fists tightly, it seemed that he seemed to want to Use the last strength to contend with this blow.

  But at this time, Chen Xuan, who had been cultivating for more than four minutes, suddenly burst into dazzling spiritual light.

  咚! The astonishing light of aura surging swiftly and violently, and the astonishing formidable power makes people feel that they cannot easily resist.

  The next moment Zhang Zifang was sent away by a gentle force.

   "Your opponent is me!"

  Chen Xuan's joking way!

  On the battlefield in front of him, at this time, he could clearly see that thick martial arts killings surged out of Chen Xuan's body. At this time, his martial arts ability had risen several times, which was full of tyranny.

   "Nine layers of condensing Qi?" Wu Renjie's eyes were surging in an incredible depth. The kid in front of him could actually raise his martial arts level by two levels in such a short period of time.

  This really feels incredible.

  Although the pressure from the other party was much heavier and stronger than before, Wu Renjie didn't care at all at this time.

   Shaking the big sparkling gun in his hand, he said faintly: "How about you even if you upgrade two small martial arts levels in a row? Compared to me, you are still just a little ant!"

  The sound of extremely cold taunting broke out. Being able to see him clearly at this time was jokingly cold.

   "Really? Then wait and see!" Chen Xuan grinned coldly...

  It can be seen that at this time, the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes are all cold and murderous. When he had just broken through the martial arts level to the final stage, he was already able to easily feel the changes in the surrounding environment.

  This kid used cruel means to deal with the affairs of many disciples of the Ancient Medicine Sect, which made Chen Xuan feel a deep disgust towards Wu Renjie.

  As long as the opportunity allows, he will naturally inflict heavy losses on it.

   "Boy today is the day you were abolished or died. Die!"

  Wu Renjie mocked the big gun in his hand, tearing the space swiftly and violently, and with a powerful means of attack that could not be easily resisted, it penetrated and torn the space and burst into the eye quickly.

   "Bone Blood Soul Eater."

   An extremely fierce voice came from Wu Renjie's mouth, and he could clearly see the light of huhu blood, with the swallowing power that could not be easily resisted, he huhuhu suppressed it.

  The black and thick blood is very horrible and perverse. As long as it touches people, I believe it will shock people in an instant.

  Just watching the violent stabbing of the strong spear in front of him at this time, he narrowed his eyes and sneered: "This martial art strike is a bit weak."

   "Evil Holy Spirit Cracking Bell, break it for me!"

   Facing the waiting time of this powerful and thick treasure in front of him, Chen Xuan just poked his lips and ridiculed, thinking that although your treasure seems to be powerful, it is not worth mentioning when compared with the treasure in my hand.

  The incomparably cold killing and cutting fluctuations surging out swiftly and violently. Almost just in a blink of an eye, he exploded with powerful martial arts killings and blows.

  There is an astonishing and incomparable killing and killing aura in this black ancient clock. It is huge, black and heavy, and the evil aura surging out from the inside. I have to say that this amazing martial arts killing power feels very domineering and amazing.

  Strong and strong martial arts fluctuations and explosive power, very powerful and terrifying.

  Chen Xuan manipulated the existence of this amazing treasure in front of him. He slammed his hand back and drove away.

   The astonishing martial arts strikes in the blink of an eye were violently colliding with the big gun.

  The **** clock suddenly shattered the **** air in front of him. The shocking wave of fragments diverged swiftly to see that it was really terrifying and overbearing.

  The big clock collided with the big gun. Don’t look at the big gun that looks powerful. But under the violent smash of this extremely black clock, the whole body that was still smashed in a flash showed a cracked posture.

  The huge penetration force makes the big gun in front of you bend strongly and mightily. At this moment, you can clearly see that the big gun is about to break apart in the violent buzzing.

   Stepped forward with an extremely cold killing breath, surging in Chen Xuan's hands, he slapped Wu Renjie's chest with a slap. Boom, the dull and incomparable blow power was sent into his body like countless sharp knives.

  The powerful warriors in the early days of foundation construction who had the advantage in this battle are now blushing. The incomparable heavy smashing force vented the internal material fluctuations into this person's body like a river.

  Wu Renjie's face became abruptly white. It was possible to clearly see that the harsh and thick aura waves surging across his body, mixed with the blood of piping hot and minced meat, and the sudden eruption went away, which made a large area of ​​space at this moment full of blood. Full-bodied.

  Wu Renjie’s face twitched unpretentiously, and he retreated continuously. There was a row of **** footprints on the ground.

  Chen Xuan jumped to his eyes: "Aren't you arrogant?!"

   "Aren't you good at mocking and bullying?"

  "Get up and fight with me now?"

  咚, 咚, 咚. Chen Xuan contained a very heavy and savage fist and fell fiercely. The cold and heavy big fist crushed quickly and swiftly came in front of him. This kind of astonishing killing aura makes people feel terrifying.

  Wu Renjie vomits blood, now he can't even speak. Chen Xuan looked at him indifferently: "It's over."

  Huh, Wu Renjie’s head was blown off as a heavy fist fell like a mountain!

  (End of this chapter)

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