Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 982: Yun Yizong Li Zhan

   Chapter 982 Yun Yizong Li Zhan


  The terrifying roar of wild beasts broke out between heaven and earth, and layers of incomparable mysterious fire waved out like a wave. This incomparably powerful material fluctuation swept across a large battlefield, causing all plants and rocks within a few hundred meters to be destroyed.

  At the core of this hazy breath, the incomparably powerful beast is roaring at this time. It is seven meters tall and is covered with solid and heavy armor. These nails give people the feeling of being thick and thick, and the light is thick and thick when the sun fluctuates.

  I have to say that such astonishing hazy light is really terrifying and incomparably powerful and inexplicable, and it seems to be a deadly deterrent on this battlefield in front of you.

  However, after a closer look, you can discover that beside this beast, Chen Xuan continuously burst out powerful attacks. This made the profound soul beast in front of him, who had been injured before, and whose strength had fallen into the early stage in the middle of the second stage, became a bit exhausted and extremely embarrassed.

  After this attack lasted for dozens of seconds, you can clearly see that the light of the billowing aura is rapidly growing stronger. This kind of terrifying pressure like a mountain makes people feel that they cannot be easily resisted.

  The amazing martial arts murderous intent surging swiftly and violently, these substances were sent into the arms one after another. The moment his punch fell almost instantaneously, he came right in front of him... The punch filled with the light of the strong shattered the head of the profound soul beast.

  The beast with amazing defensive power was smashed by these punches, and its head exploded almost instantly. Blood broke out of his head without money.

  Its skull burst into pieces and suddenly an amazing beast core fell. Chen Xuan was really excited! This is a mighty beast in the middle of the foundation building... it drives out the beast core in its shell, which is of great value!

  The faint attraction of Quzhi suddenly appeared, causing the beast core in front of him to fall into his hand. Huhu's soul power was sent into his body, which made Chen Xuan's Jing Chen appear a little trance.

  Forcibly mobilized the mental and material fluctuations to calm it down, and his state at this time was gradually returning to normal.

  "The beast core of the second-tier mid-stage is really precious. It's just that who caused this beast to be severely damaged. It's really weird. It seems that there are powerful lives around here that shouldn't stay for long."

   licked his lips and cherished this precious beast core. Turning his hands into the shape of a turbine, he suddenly tore off the beast in front of him, and he could see five precious materials: animal skins, animal skins, spirit flesh, animal tendons, and animal bones, which were collected by him in the hazy blood.

  I believe that the medicinal materials of the mysterious soul animal in the middle of the second stage will be able to sell considerable value! Chen Xuan was really happy at this time.

   But it was also at this time that an abnormal change occurred!

  It can be seen that the extremely black and amazing blade light suddenly tore the space, and the terrifying and amazing killing and cutting are surging rapidly. It suddenly turned into a terrifying substance like a black cloud, and it moved fiercely as if to suppress people.

   Chen Xuan felt the blood all over his body solidify, his face was a little pale, and his breathing became short. Unbelievably looking at the powerful suppression above his head, he clenched his fists and his eyes were bright as lights.

   "Wuyun in the early days of foundation building!"

   Chen Xuan was so surprised that these things were constructed with martial arts power. As long as a certain person's acquisition area is shrouded, it can be crushed by the will of the urging person. The horror is incomparable, but Chen Xuan at this time does not have the slightest horror.

  In the core of the black clouds, the terrifying black sword burst into light. At this time, the battle sword and Wu Yun formed an astonishingly powerful combat power, and its slow movement seemed to be able to completely punish people.

   Chen Xuan felt the danger and stared immediately! Get started first!


  The light of the spirit dust under his feet surging wildly and the fierce counter-shock force made his movement speed become extremely fast. In an instant, the incomparably powerful natural combat power exploded out in a swift surging.

  His body reached the depths of the clouds almost in an instant. The incomparable aura light in his hands surged, and the rapidly rotating Immortal Cauldron surged vertically and horizontally at this time.

  The fast-rotating Immortal Cauldron instantly forms a powerful and incomparable combat power. The amazing cutting and destructive power caused the clouds in the sky to be completely split apart. However, at this moment, it is not difficult to see that the clouds in the sky are severely split apart. I have to say that this astonishing and incomparable killing atmosphere feels terrifying.

  The collision between the Immortal Cauldron and the black strange knife suddenly burst into countless fragments. The Immortal Cauldron flew back lifelessly, but at this time the black strange knife was also knocked down and flew out tremblingly.

Chen Xuan waved his hand to control the Immortal Cauldron. At this time, a touch of distress emerged: "This Immortal Cauldron is a very good treasure that can absorb the imperial Qi beads. I really didn't expect it to be broken in this battle. I believe it. I can no longer go into combat in the future."

  Looking at the shattered black Wuyun in front of him, his eyes turned violently and murderously intent to destroy my treasure. It was really looking for death.

  The horror, like heavy ink, spilled out of his body, and the incomparable martial arts murderous intent was amazing. The incomparable black treasure in Chen Xuan's hand was surging with evil light, and he fiercely waved the treasure and slammed it towards the somewhat overbearing figure in the depths.

  The image of a young man who appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes was twenty years old, and there was a cold light flowing in his body. He burst out of the martial arts cloud before, and at this time the black strange knife was in his hand.

   "Evil Holy Spirit Cracking Bell!"

  Chen Xuan roared and immediately smashed the treasure in his hand.

The roaring black clock carries a wave of phagocytic fluctuations. The buzzing sound that it radiates has a narcotic and devastating effect on people's mental power. When it is almost only a moment, this terrifying clock is fierce. 'S collided with that young man.

  Chen Xuan suddenly heard that someone around him seemed to be talking: "Isn’t this Chen Xuan of Ancient Medicine Sect? How did he engage with Yun Yizong’s Li Zhan? That is the strong man in the early stage of Ou Jiji!"

   "Hey...he is on the ninth floor of Qi Condensing?! When he first entered the Wangu Huangzun Building, he was still on the seventh floor. It's incredible!"

  Chen Xuan knew that the person in front of him was Yun Yizong’s Li Zhan! Chen Xuan, the famous young talent in the entire top five regions, naturally heard about it, and the genius of Yun Yizong in front of him was even more thrilling, but he didn't expect this person to be.

  How can even a genius still be crushed and beaten? Chen Xuan was really strong at this time, the big clock in his hand was surging with astonishing suppression and the fluctuations were so swift and violent that he slammed down towards Li Zhan!

  (End of this chapter)

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