Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 988: Devouring Blood Pill

  Chapter 988 Devouring Blood Spirit Pill

  Amazing and terrifying killing is surging with swift and violent waves, like a cold dark cloud-like substance turning in Guo Liang's eyes.

  He waved the terrifying halberd with his big hand, and exploded violently. This amazing combat power was irresistible. At this time, Guo Liang's martial arts aura grew swiftly and violently. He squinted at the opponent and said: "It's your kid who forced me to use my real strength. Haha, let you see and see."

  The Euphorbia in his hand was too bright and dazzling, especially the strong and thick martial arts wave that surging from the inside, which penetrated and tore the void and slammed into the eyes.

   Amazing martial arts damage fluctuations make people unable to resist easily. Guo Liang, who was only moderate in strength, suddenly became sharp.

"Evil Holy Spirit Hunting Bell." Facing the incomparable martial arts blow in front of him, he could clearly see that the treasures surging with a strong evil aura swept swiftly and violently under his strong volatilization. Get out.

   In an instant, the amazing treasure collided with this euphorbia with powerful force. The shocking collision caused the big clock to make a tearing sound.

  The not weak breath surging out made the eyes of Guo Liang in front of him surging with perplexing light. However, at this time, I could see that Chen Xuan was also under the horrible blow in front of him, and the shocking scene and state of being blasted backwards made him look a little uncomfortable.

  Even if there is an opportunity in front of him, he can’t make a blow. The violent ups and downs of his chest showed that he was really blasted under the state of the martial arts attack just now.

  Amazing killing, with its own halo, Euphorbia, surging with astonishing treasures. This terrifying power of killing waves is so terrifying to a certain degree that Guo Liang quickly stabilized on this battlefield in front of him.

  Waving the sparkling euphorbia in his hand, he stepped forward. The astonishing killing spurge fell fiercely and immediately struck Chen Xuan again. Chen Xuan was bombarded three times in a row and flew out and finally vomited blood.

   "Haha, little beast, aren't you very arrogant? Stand up and continue fighting with me!"

  Guo Liang's eyes showed amazing ridicule and fierceness. It's just that there is a little excitement and ferocious emotion surging out at this time. It can be seen that at this time he was really terrifying and cruel to a certain extent.

   After all, the young man in front of him was not weak in the martial arts damage he brought to him in the previous period. What was most annoying was that his several consecutive military strikes and offensives were successfully blocked by this kid. Such a scene made the strong man in the middle of the foundation feel extremely unhappy.

  "Little beast stand up, hahaha!" Guo Liang's mocking voice became louder and louder. Chen Xuan vaguely heard those Yun Yizong disciples who had previously been reprimanded and looked a little dissatisfied. At this time, he followed the trend: "Brother Guo Liang is really tough!"

Someone said: "Yes, there is still a way for those young people like Guo Liang to survive? The opportunistic things want to take away our treasures. Isn't this the one who lifted a rock and hit him in the foot? It's ridiculous. And stupid things!"

Guo Liang was holding the sparkling eucalyptus and he gradually approached the young man in front of him, and he could clearly see that there was a strong killing and killing aura in the depths of his eyes: "The time has come for the little beast to make you pay the price. ."

  The astonishing horror killing light surged from the euphorbia, and the martial arts strength that Guo Liang mastered and possessed at this time was extraordinary!


  The scorching sun instantly tore the space in front of you, and you can clearly see the space in front of you bursting into pieces. At this time, even though Chen Xuan's abilities are strong and profound, but the ninth layer of Qi Condensation's abilities and strengths, it is absolutely impossible to stand up against such amazing martial arts...

  The blow is in front of you!

   Chen Xuan's eyes slowly showed a light of mockery. I don't know when there was a round crimson pill in his hand that radiated a dense light.

  Under careful perception, there seemed to be violent qi and blood substances inside, and along with the emergence of this thing, many plants around it appeared to be growing vigorously.

   Chen Xuan did not hesitate to swallow the scarlet pill in his mouth. In a flash, the billowing medicinal effect volatilized in his body like a river, instantly giving him a considerable degree of medicinal effect supplement.

  Huge qi, blood and medicinal power surged from inside Chen Xuan's body, and these gaseous material armors protected his body.

   "Blood Spirit Pill!"

  "It is really the legendary blood spirit pill! God, this guy has mastered this level of terrifying pill!"

   "However, this thing can only increase the combat power of the basic building at most, and there is still a big gap compared with Senior Brother Guo Liang!"

   Numerous sighs and sighs came out around him. At this moment, you can clearly see that the faces of these substances present are extremely pale.

   But even though Chen Xuan is strong at this time, for many of Yun Yizong's disciples, their confidence in Guo Liang is still greater. After all, this top genius has created countless miracles in Yun Yizong.

  I believe he can still get a certain chance of victory in today’s battle. The halberd that fluctuated with astonishing intensity came in front of the eyes, and the space was suddenly shattered in a shock.

   "Go away." Chen Xuan sneered with a sneer, the dark and thick horror treasure in his hand emerged, seeing the sparkling halberd come to his eyes.

  He vented the power of terror in an instant. The Evil Holy Spirit Cracking Bell surging with black aura violently collided with the halberd, causing the halberd to crack apart.

  Almost only an instant, the halberd in front of him showed infinite fragments. The shocking power made the halberd hum, and the counterattack power like a tide made Guo Liang's hands show a large amount of bruise.

   Backed away embarrassedly, the ground under his feet was shattered, and Guo Liang's hands trembled and he could see that his face was extremely ugly.

  Chen Xuan moved forward with a joking smile and shook the big clock in his hand to hit Guo Liang immediately. Guo Liang's arms flew up to block it, but his flesh and blood were shattered by the powerful suppressing force of the big bell.

  The blood mixed with minced meat flew out randomly. Guo Liang snorted and flew out all his life. The battle did not stop there. Chen Xuan sneered and strode forward. The cold slaying appeared in his actions. The horrible black air current in his palm shook the shimmering horror clock nine times in a row. .

  When the time became more serious and terrifying than the first time, Guo Liang finally showed fear and panic in the depths of Guo Liang's eyes: "Don't kill me!"

  (End of this chapter)

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