Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 995: Saint King Chalcedony

   Chapter 995

  In the quagmire full of stench in front of me. The terrifying and sharp light wave pierced away swiftly and violently, and the astonishing edge fell swiftly and violently.

  Hundreds of meters in depth was pierced almost instantly. After I got the space, I could see clearly, the light gradually dissipated and Chen Xuan's body slowly emerged.

   Waved his hand to dissipate the stench surging around him. After he looked at the place in front of him and waited to discover the mass of substance surging like bone marrow, Chen Xuan was immediately shocked!

  I can clearly see that the thing is as big as a fist. Although the whole body is black and bright, although it looks solid, it is actually flowing at a slow speed.

Only by carefully perceiving the divine light can you discover that there is a faint surging of sacred light inside, but it is pulled away by the black matter, so if you are not close to this place and area, I want to find it and find it. Can't do it.

  Looking at this mysterious substance, Chen Xuan's eyes shrank suddenly: "Holy King Chalcedony!"

  Chen Xuan was really shocked at this moment. In terms of the preciousness of the resources in front of us, I am afraid that only the top resource in the legendary "Holy Emperor Ice Crystal Bone" in the eternal emperor building can be compared!

  It's just that the Saint Emperor Ice Crystal Bone can't be found for so many years. And this saint king chalcedony in front of him is obviously only recently appeared!

   Chen Xuan's mood was really excited at this time. He squinted his eyes and pondered: "It seems that these mysterious substances are beginning to appear one after another. The top treasures in the eternal emperor's building are probably going to be permanently exhausted after this adventure."

  In the previous martial arts adventure, Chen Xuan accidentally obtained two mysterious bones. At this time, he suddenly realized that perhaps this mysterious bone might have something to do with the legendary Saint Emperor Ice Bone!

  The faint light of martial arts slowly emerged with the palms spread out. At this time, it is not difficult to see that the two shimmering bones showed a warm and moist feeling.

  Looking at the normally peaceful bones, there are countless mysterious and detailed lines appearing on the surface at this time. And the material fluctuations in it were incredibly solid and powerful, and Chen Xuan's eyes were a little straight.

"It can't be wrong that these two bones are part of the Saint Emperor Ice Crystal Bone! Otherwise, as the Saint King Chalcedony Marrow directly related to the Saint Emperor Ice Crystal Bone, it is impossible to have such a close influence on these two bones! "

  Chen Xuan's heart beats wildly! A little said that he did have the intention to get this material in this adventure of the Eternal Emperor Tower, but this is just an idea, after all, there are so many martial arts leaders here.

  In the eyes of these people, people like Chen Xuan are almost like children. What martial arts ability and ability can they have?

  Because they are in competition, they will not be considered at all. Chen Xuan was very excited at this time. As long as these parts were collected, I believed that it would be of great benefit to the final Saint Emperor Ice Crystal Bone.

  Secondly, this saint king's Jade Lin Marrow is the direct raw material of the legendary "Pill Essence Bone Biting Pill". As long as it can be refined, this pill will give people instant and powerful combat power.

  This value is probably not comparable to other materials of the same grade.


   To calm down the excitement, Chen Xuan pursed his mouth, and became extremely excited at this time. Knowing that in front of the plant that was pulsing with crystal light, the aura in his palm slowly grew stronger.

  This caused his palm to be sharp like a knife at this time. Waving near that group of resources and slashing it down!

  The substance fluctuating with mysterious flowing light fell into Chen Xuan's hands at this time, and he was really excited at this time.

   Feel the warm feeling from the palm of the hand, and can clearly see a strange wave in Chen Xuan's eyes.

   "What a powerful substance!" Chen Xuan was really surprised at this time. Hurry up and use a powerful aura to control this substance for tens of seconds before suppressing its powerful and cruel power.

  He calmly felt the huge vibration from above his head. Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and smiled. It is not costly for a person to face two powerful and ferocious monsters. I am afraid that it is too much to bear now!

  A burst of light burst into the air from the soil. The bright and dazzling brilliance of martial arts makes the world in front of you appear bright and dazzling.

  At this time, he could clearly see the two fierce monsters fighting frantically in front of them. Their attention was attracted by the light behind them.

  The burst of light diverged suddenly after reaching a height of tens of meters. Chen Xuan walked out of it indifferently. At this time, it was not difficult to see that in this space in front of him, Chen Xuan was surging with astonishingly powerful spiritual power.

  The gentle breeze made his clothes flutter, and his handsome face showed a chic appearance, which made him look like a **** of war.

   "It's really hard work." Chen Xuan looked at the battlefield below his feet and smiled.

  I can clearly see Mo was sweating all over his body at this time. The old hair buns are all fluffy, and his wide robe is now torn into countless lines and fragments. Obviously, even he was a little bit when facing the joint blow of two amazingly powerful monsters. Unable to contend.

   Take advantage of fleeting opportunities. Chen Xuan didn't stop immediately, and the light of the snow-white spiritual energy that thickly gritted his teeth under his feet emerged swiftly.

  The lightning speed pierced and pierced swiftly, and he reached the powerful monster beast in an instant.

  The thick and strong wave in the palm of the hand turned into a knife-like existence, and it fell on the iron lizard's head in an instant.

  Don’t look at the defensive ability of the tin lizard, it is terrifying, but it is a pity that under such an astonishing sweep, he was chopped to death in an instant.

  An astonishing wound broke out. At this time, you can clearly see that the iron lizard in front of you was cut in half from the head to the tail.

  First destroy the small and then the big!

  Chen Xuan succeeded with a blow. He pursed his mouth and smiled, glanced at the old man beside him and said faintly: "Now we can join hands to eliminate the unicorn crocodile!"

  I have to say that the strength of the unicorn is very terrifying. It is not easy to hit it.

  Seems to feel the dangerous unicorn from the opposite side suddenly become angry! On its forehead, there is a large white horn that is more than one meter long, and the sun is surging with the cold light. It can be seen that as long as this thing bursts out, it will bring cruelty to people in an instant. force.

  Mo Hui was extremely weak, but at this time he glanced at Chen Xuan. Satisfaction appeared in his old eyes, and he weakly said, "So let's get rid of this monster together!"

  (End of this chapter)

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