Violent Martial Soul System

Chapter 99: Dark Moon Mountain

At this time, there were already several figures on the back of this roc.

Besides Xiao Han, there were three other people.

"That middle-aged man is an uncle of mine, a martial arts expert, but he won't make a move this time, he just protects our safety."

After Wang Yaozu finished speaking, he pointed to the two people behind the middle-aged man and said: "Those two are masters hired by my royal family, and they are both eight-star peak martial masters."

"Meet General Zhao!"

Seeing Zhao Feng, the two hired warriors hurriedly cupped their fists.

Wang Yaozu's uncle also smiled and said: "Sure enough, he is a young hero. He is not only talented, but also can make medicine. He is really the pillar of our Skyfire Empire."

"Senior has won the award."

Zhao Feng said modestly.

"Don't be arrogant, okay, my name is Wang Yankun, and I will protect your safety this time."

The middle-aged man nodded.

Although that beast is not to be feared, the three of Zhao Feng are the future of the Skyfire Empire, so there can be no mistakes.

As for Xiao Han, he is also convinced by Zhao Feng now, and Wang Yaozu's Feiyuan Pill was also taken by him last time.

At this time, he was already a five-star early stage great martial artist.

"Okay, go early and come back early, come up."

Wang Yankun said.

Both Zhao Feng and Wang Yaozu jumped on the back of the beast roc.

Afterwards, this ferocious beast roc flapped its huge wings and flew up.

Ever since Zhao Feng got the Fire Dragon Battle Body, Zhao Feng had a wonderful feeling about the fierce beasts.

If the dragon god battle body is exchanged, all beasts can be surrendered at that time.

But he is only a fire dragon now, and he is not particularly advanced. At most, he has some senses for some monsters, and the distance can't be too far.

This is the hidden attribute of the battle body.

The ferocious beast roc began to head towards the West River Region, and it didn't take long to arrive.


Two days later, this fierce beast roc appeared in the sky over the Xihe Region.

At this time, he was heading towards a dangerous place "Dark Moon Mountain" in the West River Region.

In less than two hours, the fierce beast Dapeng came to the sky above Dark Moon Mountain.

"Everyone, be careful, the remnants of the Beastmaster Sect can communicate with demons, and there are some special methods to enhance the strength of monsters and beasts, so don't take it lightly."

Wang Yankun said.

Zhao Feng and the others nodded silently.

Zhao Feng and others rode this fierce beast, the roc, and flew inside for a while.

At this time, Wang Tianyan suddenly felt something was wrong, and hastily slapped the fierce beast Dapeng on the head.

In an instant, this ferocious beast roc was blasted to death and began to fall.

"Uncle Kun, what are you doing?"

Wang Yaozu said in surprise.

"It is under control and is flying upwards. If it flies to a high altitude and throws us off, we will all die."

Wang Yankun shouted.

The ferocious roc under his feet was raised by him, so he is very familiar with it.

He did it only when he had to.

"We are not high off the ground, everyone grab it well and jump up when we are about to hit the ground."

Wang Tianyan shouted.

At this time, all of them were falling, so they had to grab the feathers of the fierce beast Dapeng to prevent them from being blown away by the strong wind.

The entire ominous beast roc fell obliquely, and everyone on its back held their breath and concentrated.

When they descended to 30 meters, they just slapped the fierce beast Dapeng forcefully, using Yuanli to slow down the falling time.




The six people blasted their energy towards the ground continuously, and finally landed safely.

Fortunately, this ferocious beast roc was only a hundred meters in the air. If they flew hundreds of meters, even if they used Yuanli, they would probably be seriously injured.

"It's so dangerous. I have to kill the damn beast-controlling remnant. It seems that the beast-controlling remnant already knows we're coming."

Wang Yankun looked angry.

This ferocious beast, Dapeng, was raised by him since he was a child, and he spent a lot of money and energy on it.

However, now he was slapped to death with his own hands, so he wished he could tear away the remnants of the Beast Controlling Sect alive.

"Uncle Kun, what shall we do now?"

Wang Yaozu turned his head and asked.

"I'm just here to protect your safety, you can ask Zhao Feng."

Wang Yankun replied.

Although he hated it, he still remembered the purpose of his trip.

Although the remnants of the Beast Sect are very dangerous, Wang Tianyan wants to experience Zhao Feng and the others, so he had better not intervene.

Immediately, Wang Yaozu and the others all turned their heads to look at Zhao Feng. Only now did they realize that there was no dust on Zhao Feng.

Just now they jumped down from the air, although they slowed down the speed with Yuanli, they still rolled when they landed, so they were all dirty.

But Zhao Feng was still dressed in white, which proved that Zhao Feng landed safely.

Zhao Feng, who has a fire dragon body, naturally wouldn't fall down because of this height. At this moment, he was looking in one direction, frowning.

"Go this way, the remnants should be here."

Zhao Feng pointed to a fork in the road at ten o'clock.

"how do you know?"

Wang Yaozu was a little surprised.


Zhao Feng answered casually.

Zhao Feng possesses the physique of a monster. With a fire dragon body, he is very sensitive to monsters and fierce beasts.

And the direction he was pointing at had an aura that made his heart palpitate, so he concluded that the remnants of the Beast Controlling Sect were here.

"Yes, this road leads to the depths of Dark Moon Mountain. The map in my hand also marks the most likely hiding place for the remnants of the Beastmaster Sect."

Wang Yankun took out a sheepskin map.

Wang Yaozu and the others were a little surprised, but they didn't ask any more questions. They thought it was just Zhao Feng's intuition.

At that moment, they ran towards the direction Zhao Feng pointed at.

Now they have no bird mounts and can only travel on their feet.

Everyone is a great martial artist, and they all have physical martial arts skills, so the speed is not slow.

After Zhao Feng and the others ran for a while, they found a large group of monsters in front of them, and there seemed to be at least forty of them.

However, before anyone else approached, Zhao Feng directly took out the Tyrannical Blade "Blood Burning Bow", and killed these monsters with a few clicks.

"Good archery!"

Wang Yankun couldn't help but praised that the group of monsters he saw was at least 500 meters away from them.

However, Zhao Feng was able to shoot and kill all these monsters at a distance of 500 meters, which is not something ordinary people can do.

"Next, everyone follow me!"

Zhao Feng suddenly yelled, and leaned towards the forest on the left.

"What is he going to do?"

Wang Yankun and the others were a little surprised, but they followed directly without asking further questions.

However, it didn't take long before they discovered something... They actually avoided more than ten waves of monsters directly!

"Excellent, even I don't know how to avoid it, how do you know?"

Wang Yankun finally couldn't help asking.

"The eyesight of a bow and arrow warrior is farther than that of ordinary people, and they can see carefully."

Zhao Feng answered casually.

This time, he really saw it with his eyes.

Wang Yankun understood instantly, but this also saved them a lot of time.

It seems that the remnants of the Beast Controlling Sect are indeed inside.

So they can't delay!

What if the remnant of the Beast Sect escaped?

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