Virtual End

Chapter 112: Wanderer in the wilderness

At the same time, a convoy of 4 off-road vehicles has just set off from the field base of Lishan Technology and headed for the wilderness.

Zeng Hailong was sitting in the driving position, manipulating the off-road vehicle a little nervously, and from time to time he checked whether the route displayed on the screen in the car deviated. He is the leader of this convoy, and the vehicles behind are following him in action.

Of course, this was not the main reason that made Zeng Hailong nervous, but Zhang Sirui was sitting next to him.

"Pay attention to route planning and don't go too far. The time snow in some places is very thick, and once it is pressed in, it will cause some damage to the body."

"Also, we must always pay attention to the surrounding situation. The enemy may lie in ambush on our route and prepare for an attack. Once we encounter the enemy, we need to react as quickly as possible."

"You were turning too tight just now! The stability of the car is not good enough. If the enemy launches an attack at that time, you will have overturned by this time."

Like a primary school student, Zeng Hailong reluctantly accepted all the lessons of Zhang Sirui and corrected his driving habits seriously.

This feeling is a bit like a new driver on the road, being pointed by the old driver sitting in the co-pilot. Quite uncomfortable, but Zeng Hailong did not dare to complain.

Because this is also part of the training.

Since he officially became a member of the Resistance Army this month, his life has changed drastically.

In the past, he had a very happy life. He went to work at the foundry every day, and went to the experience store to play Chaomeng after get off work. The joy of life was relatively simple.

But now he does not have much time to work in the foundry, but frequently conducts various trainings. Whether it is shooting training, driving training, or learning some basic cultural knowledge, he is a little bit miserable.

Under this kind of high-intensity training, it is impossible to make time to play Chaomeng. At most, it is to play the training version of "Desperate War" and "The Embers Will Extinguish" and the training version of Super Dream is basically the ultimate suffering. For Zeng Hailong, it is better to face the real training ground. Terrible time and space creatures.

However, for Zeng Hailong, he persisted smoothly and did better and better.

Because in the process of training, Zeng Hailong discovered that his strength has indeed grown rapidly. His combat ability in reality is constantly improving. After he improves his strength, he will also be replaced with a brand-new mechanical arm and assigned a brand-new genetic medicine. As a result, his strength is also rapidly improving.

Moreover, none of the fighters of the Resistance Army regarded him as an outsider, and adopted him as his brother with a very open and welcoming attitude.

This feeling was something he had never felt before in the gang.

And after some education by Du Guanqi, Zeng Hailong, like other punks and homeless people, has a deep understanding of the tragic current situation of the world. They all seriously considered the root cause of all suffering in this world, and to a certain extent established the same goal as the resistance fighters.

Of course, their goal is definitely not firm enough compared to the resistance fighters. After all, these resistance fighters are all elites who have survived hundreds of battles. Their energy fluctuation levels are not necessarily very high, but the actual combat experience and willpower are definitely the top.

And Zeng Hailong's group of people were just punks and homeless people before, and it is impossible for them to have such a high level of ideological awareness out of thin air.

But even so, they have initially possessed the qualities that a resistance fighter should have. This month's special training has caused them to undergo earth-shaking changes in their minds and bodies.

The high-level rebel army headed by Zhang Sirui also paid great attention to the training and teaching of Zeng Hailong and the new batch of soldiers. So for this mission, Zhang Sirui specially asked Zeng Hailong to lead the team, just to get some experience.

The mission this time was actually very simple. The convoy of Zeng Hailong and Zhang Sirui had to transport some supplies to nearby wild settlements in exchange for space-time particles and other rare materials. At the same time, he sells his own super dream and some basic weapons and equipment to the other side.

These wild settlements are scattered around the satellite city of Liming City. The structure is a bit similar to gangs or families. They are all people who don't want to live in large cities and look at other people's faces, and they yearn for freedom in the wild.

These settlements mainly collect space-time particles in the wild. They will send these space-time particles and some rare materials to Dawn City through various channels or trade with some consortia to obtain materials necessary for life.

After all, space-time particles are quite special. In fact, some crystals of space-time particles can be seen everywhere in the wilderness. It's just that for some large consortia, this crystal is not worth building a field base or a space-time particle refinery. Therefore, these wanderers can maintain the daily operation of the wild settlements by collecting space-time particles in the wilderness.

The scales of these wild settlements are large and small, and some small settlements may have only a dozen vehicles. Usually surrounded by a dozen cars in one place, through some simple means to cover the time snow, it can barely be regarded as a small settlement.

There are also some large settlements, these settlements often have some small energy barriers that can be used to cover time snow, and the scale is even larger than the field bases of some small consortia. Even very few large settlements will have their own base vehicles for daily construction and maintenance.

But in general, the larger the settlement, the more resources it needs to consume, and it is difficult for ordinary people to afford it.

After all, the entire wilderness has limited output, and the areas that actually produce more space-time particles have been occupied by large consortia, and these settlements can only barely survive in the cracks. Many settlements can only survive by relying on large consortia.

For Lishan Technology, these settlements do not actually have too many resources they need. Regardless of the level of combat effectiveness or the level of technology, Lishan Technology has left these settlements several blocks away.

But at this stage, Lishan Technology needs a large number of space-time particles. It is not enough to purchase through regular channels, so at this time, it is necessary to build a good channel with the surrounding field settlements to obtain some supplements from space-time particles.

Soon, Zeng Hailong saw a medium-sized settlement at the end of his vision.

All kinds of off-road vehicles and RVs gathered in the wilderness, and in the conspicuous position in the middle of the settlement, a scattered blue barrier could be seen unfolding in the air to prevent the vehicles and people in the settlement from being harmed by time snow.

Several vehicles left the settlement. These people should have gone nearby to collect space-time crystals and space-time particles.

In addition, several vehicles quickly came to the front of Zeng Hailong's convoy and stopped them on the outskirts of the settlement.

These wanderers are all wary of foreign vehicles, although these settlements are not like those large consortia, they have a lot of valuable equipment and materials. However, after all, being in a wilderness settlement and a settlement often broke out due to land grabbing or other reasons, and they were full of vigilance for strangers and wanderers.

After all, one negligence may lead to the destruction of the entire settlement, and these wanderers are full of distrust of the outside world.

Zhang Sirui poked his head out of the car and greeted him: "We are the team of Lishan Technology. We have agreed with Korhan to exchange supplies."

After a while, several off-road vehicles on the opposite side seemed to be verified. Turning the front of the car, the team that Zeng Hailong and Zhang Sirui belonged to was introduced into the interior of the settlement.

Zeng Hailong drove the car cautiously, his expression full of vigilance, he was very afraid that the other party would disagree and suddenly eat them in black, and then **** all the supplies from the car.

Although the possibility of this situation is very low, it is not uncommon for anything to happen in the wilderness, not to mention these wanderers themselves are true desperadoes.

Although Zeng Hailong used to be a gangster, but gangsters also follow rules and have a bottom line when working in gangs. All the gangs are very tacitly playing under the same rules of the game, but these wanderers in the wilderness are completely unconstrained.

After entering the interior of the settlement, everyone got out of the car one after another. A tall Westerner with a long beard came to Zhang Sirui.

"Zhang, welcome to our settlement! Have I brought all the goods I want?"

This is the Korhan that Zhang Sirui mentioned before, and he is the leader of this settlement. For other people in the settlement, it can be regarded as the role of the eldest brother or father. Basically, everything in this settlement can be determined.

Zeng Hailong noticed that most of these wanderers were the same as Korhan, with some rough edges. The beard is shaggy, and the hair grows very long. However, their faces are a little red, this is because they live in the wasteland all the year round, and they may occasionally get frostbite after being tempered by the wind and snow. So it looks more like the plateau people who grow in the extreme cold.

In addition, there are many disabled people. These people may have been eroded by time snow when collecting time-space crystals in the wild or encountered time-space creatures, so that their entire arms were eroded and aged. However, there is not enough money to replace the robotic arm, so I can only stay in the settlement as a disabled person and do what I can.

These homeless people are very tolerant. They will not abandon them because of their disabilities. Instead, they will continue to stay in the settlement and provide them with daily food and clothing like family members.

From this perspective, the settlements are relatively humane places on the old soil, much better than what many consortia do internally.

Zhang Sirui commanded Zeng Hailong and other rebel fighters to unload all the supplies from the car and count them one by one.

What makes Korhan especially fond of is the batch of ordnance they brought.

"These guns are well maintained. Although they have been around for some years, they can be seen by people who love guns."

"With this batch of firearms, I will have more confidence to go out in the future."

"There are even 5 robotic arms! It looks like a few more brothers can go back to the wilderness again."

These guns are actually the guns eliminated by the rebel fighters. They are all kinds of miscellaneous brands. Some are low-end guns of the Fujitang Group, and some are brand-name high-end guns produced by the Chen's consortium.

As the strength of Lishan Technology became stronger and stronger, a large number of powerful defender sniper rifles were assembled in the hands of the rebel soldiers, and these guns naturally became useless.

Simply sell it to these vagrants in the wild, and you can exchange more supplies, which is considered waste utilization.

Although these wanderers live by gathering time and space crystals in the wilderness, guns and mechanical arms are always their favorite materials.

Because no matter how many time and space crystals are collected, they may be snatched by other settlements. Only by holding the gun in your hand can you protect your own safety. What's more, sometimes these settlements may also rob other settlements, and then it will depend on whose gun caliber is bigger.

As for the robotic arm, because there are many disabled people in these settlements, the robotic arm needs to be reborn. Although there are no very skilled prosthetic doctors in the settlement, for these people, as long as the robotic arm can be used, as long as they can shoot smoothly, it is better than the previous disabled state.

Behind Kelhan, several wanderers were obviously more interested in the physical version of Super Dream brought by Zhang Siri.

"The Embers Will Extinguish, "Desperate War", and "Another Possibility"? Well, these physical versions of Super Dreams are very useful, thank you!"

"It's a pity that there is no Hei Chaomeng, Hei Chaomeng is strong enough."

"Shhh, don't talk nonsense, don't pretend to be black and dreamy, look for beatings."

For these wanderers in the wilderness, Hei Chaomeng is obviously more vigorous. This regular version of Chaomeng has many shortcomings for them.

For example, "Another Possibility", this super dream black super dream is much more popular than the original super dream. When I heard that it was the original Super Dream, many people showed disappointed expressions on their faces.

But the problem is that Lishan Technology is already a serious super dream producer, and it raises the black super dream in front of others. Doesn't this mean that it is talking about piracy in front of regular game manufacturers? People must be furious.

However, these vagrants took a look at Zhang Sirui and found that Zhang Sirui seemed to be more restrained, and did not get angry because of it, so he was relieved.

What they didn't know was that more than half of the black super dreams in Liming City now flowed out of Lishan Technology.

Because Chen She previously proposed a bill to crack down on the black super dream in the parliament, the black super dream industry in Dawn City was hit hard by the DCPD. On the contrary, the Lishan technology side was not affected, and it was still producing black super dreams. Chaomeng, so most of the Black Chaomengs on the market are the official version of Lishan Technology.

Although these black super dreams were indeed produced by Lishan Technology, Zhang Sirui and the others couldn't really hammer this point, so they had to laugh without saying anything in this situation.

At this time, a wanderer wondered: "Huh? This super dream seems to have never been heard before."

""The Ultimate Happiness Is Construction"?"

Zhang Sirui nodded, "Yes, this is a super dream newly developed by our company. It is a super dream that simulates operation and construction. It has just been launched recently. I also brought you a few copies, so you can play and experience it. If you find it fun, you can buy it again."

When I heard that it was a super dream of simulated business and construction, these wanderers were obviously a little dull. After all, for them, direct combat super dreams like "The Embers Will Go Out" and "Desperate War" are more attractive.

But everyone thought about it again, there are already so many super dreams in the combat category, and it's okay to change to another type. What's more, there are only a few copies in total, and it doesn't cost much.

These wanderers spend all the year in the wilderness, except when they go out to collect space-time particles, they spend most of the other time in the camp. Chaomeng is one of their very limited forms of entertainment. Therefore, these physical versions of Chaomeng are also very welcome.

Zhang Sirui looked at Kerhan, "The goods are all here, what about the space-time particles?"

Korhan waved his hand, and someone immediately took a box up and opened it in front of Zhang Sirui. It contained more than a dozen units of space-time particles.

These space-time particles are still packed in special containers for instructions, and these containers seem to be a little worn out, and it seems that they have been used for a long time. Compared with those space-time particles of formal transactions, it looks a little shabby.

Moreover, the spatiotemporal particles in the container do not seem to be particularly pure.

After all, these space-time particles are collected in the field, and the purity of these space-time crystals may be slightly lower, which is a certain gap between the space-time particles produced by the space-time particle refinery.

But Zhang Sirui didn't care, because Chen She had already said that the space-time particles he needed didn't care about purity, as long as they were space-time particles.

As far as Chen She is concerned, he can also refine it by himself anyway, without much effort.

Zhang Sirui simply counted the number, and after confirming that there was no problem, he handed the space-time particles to Zeng Hailong.

Then he looked at Korhan, "Cooperate happily. Afterwards, if there are time-space particles, they can be sold to us first. No matter what materials you want, we can find a way to get them for you."

"If you are willing, UU reading can also have more in-depth cooperation opportunities."

Kerhan smiled, "No problem."

In fact, Zhang Sirui had long thought of bringing the Korhan and the others into the field of Lishan Technology. After all, these vagrants are fighting for life in the wild, and they have a good fighting will, and they also have the spirit of resistance. They can be regarded as suitable candidates for the resistance army.

But for people like Korhan, they have become accustomed to a free life and have never attached themselves to any large consortium. Of course, he would not agree to Zhang Sirui's proposal for no reason.

Zhang Sirui feels that this matter is also in a hurry, so at present he is only planning to have a good relationship with Korhan and others. As for recruiting them to join the resistance army, we can consider the long-term plan.

Several rebels boarded their vehicles and quickly returned to the field base of Lishan Technology with the space-time particles from the trade.

On Korhan's side, the Wanderers transported these materials to the warehouse. Several young Wanderers rushed to the entertainment room with the newly purchased physical version of Chaomeng, wanting to experience whether these super dreams are fun or not.

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