Virtual End

Chapter 126: How is this Chaomeng company like a military fortress?

In the field base of Lishan Technology.

Korhan and the other Rangers have calmed down a lot. Some Rangers even went back to play cards in the RV or used the portable Ultra Dream helmet to play the Black Ultra Dream.

Although the initial space-time storm caused serious shock to these wanderers, it seems that they should be safe now. Although a large-scale beast tide appeared outside the field base of Lishan Technology, these beast tides did not have any impact on the base at all.

The firepower of the Lishan Science and Technology Field Base was unexpectedly fierce, and these time-space creatures were completely wiped out before they even had time to get close to the wall.

There is a saying, "If you don't die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing."

After this time and space activity is over, these wanderers can return to the wilderness again. At that time, there will be a lot of time and space crystals in the wilderness, and the harvest in a few days may be more than in the past few months.

Moreover, time and space storms generally do not occur frequently, which means that these wanderers can live a stable life in the wilderness for several years.

Korhan couldn't help being thankful. If it hadn't been for the sudden rise of Lishan Technology in the past few months, and the establishment of such a base in the wild at an extremely fast speed, these wanderers would have no way to go when they encountered a space-time storm. There is no way to get into the ground.

At this moment, someone said in surprise: "Look, there are drones! It's possible that the coalition army has sent rescue troops!"

Korhan looked up and saw a few miniature drones flying quickly in the sky, hovering over the field base for several weeks.

Each of these drones is expensive to build and mainly plays a role of detection. Although spatio-temporal activities will completely block the communication in the hash space, these drones can still take pictures and store the data as usual.

Sending out drones for reconnaissance and analyzing the data collected by drones can also quickly understand the situation on the spot.

Many vagrants noticed that these drones were models produced by the Icefield Defense Group, so their first reaction was that the corporate coalition might have noticed these people trapped in the base and came to rescue them.

Zhang Sirui, who was standing on the city wall, frowned slightly.

He knows very well that it is absolutely impossible for the Enterprise Coalition to send people to rescue under such circumstances.

The activities of the Temporal Storm are not over yet, and the main force of the Enterprise Alliance is still fighting the Temporal Knights to the death. Dawn City is also being harassed by time and space creatures. How could the enterprise coalition disperse its precious forces to rescue these wanderers in the wilderness?

Even if Congressman Chen She called for help in person, the Enterprise Coalition Army would not necessarily take action, let alone take the initiative to come when no one asked for support.

There is definitely a problem!

Thinking of the previous long night entertainment group, Fujitang Group and other large consortia, Zhang Sirui had a very dangerous consideration for the military actions taken by Lishan Technology.

Thinking of this, he immediately commanded his resistance fighters, "Everyone, enter a state of emergency fighting!"

Several drones returned quickly after circling a few times over the field base.

Zhang Sirui wanted to shoot down all these drones now, but he gave up.

After all, these drones belong to the enterprise coalition army, and Lishan Technology now hides it well. It is difficult to explain after the fact that it takes the initiative to fire.

What's more, the strength of the Lishan Technology Field Base is well hidden. Even if these drones take some pictures, they are not enough to reveal real information, but can paralyze the enemy to a certain extent.

So Zhang Sirui just ordered everyone to enter a state of alert, and immediately notified Chen She of the incident.


Several micro drones quickly turned back and came to the convoy where the commander of the Icefield Defense Group was located.

The information carried by the drone is quickly extracted and displayed on the holographic projection.

The commander quickly glanced at the situation of the holographic projection, and after zooming the holographic projection, he focused on the defense situation of the Lishan Technology Field Base.

"It's almost as expected. Although it's stronger than the average field base, it shouldn't be a problem to eat it quickly."

"It happens that this time and space beast tide can completely destroy the entire field base of Lishan Technology."

"Attention, everyone, the main defensive force of Lishan Technology's field base is the fence. The mysterious artillery in the shooting hole seems to be highly accurate and not weak."

"But compared to heavy artillery, it's still far behind. As long as you're a little careful, you can't be afraid."

This unit is the absolute confidant of Tours, so there is no need to worry about leaking the news, and the fighting will is very tough.

This commander is not the first to perform such a task, and he is very familiar with all aspects. As long as the entire field base is directly uprooted by virtue of superior firepower, and then covered by time and space activities afterwards, it can be guaranteed to be foolproof.

The soldiers of the Icefield Defense Group nodded one after another, and the entire army marched toward the field base in mighty force.

The main force of this unit is on the ground, there are more than 20 infantry fighting vehicles and a dozen heavy fighting vehicles, in addition to six combat floating vehicles.

The soldiers in these chariots are basically all experienced battles. All of them are experienced veterans with energy fluctuations above Level 3, and their weapons and equipment are also the most sophisticated in the Icefield Defense Group.

Although the number is not particularly large, in the eyes of this commander, it is completely enough.

After all, the result of fighting with heavy equipment is completely different.

This heavy tank is covered with rare metals and has extremely strong defensive capabilities. The small artillery that Lishan Technology placed in the city wall could not even fire the armor of these heavy tanks.

For this commander, if it really fought, this unit could directly dispose of the entire Lishan Technology, and as long as it blasted through the walls of Lishan Technology with heavy firepower, it would be able to drive straight in.

As for the wanderers, there is no need to look at them.

If it is in other situations, you may have to consider the problem of escape. But now, the space-time storm outside is getting stronger and stronger, and the wilderness is full of space-time creatures. Even if one or two survivors escape by chance, they will only die in the mouth of the space-time creatures in this case.

Save these people the trouble of cleaning the battlefield.

The commander gave an order, and the army assumed a combat posture and moved towards the field base of Lishan Technology!


There were quite a few vagrants in the field base, all of them squeezed onto the fence because they saw a corporate army marching here.

"What's the situation? Has the Allied Coalition Forces dispatched rescue troops?"

"They actually found out with their conscience, this time the rescue came in such a timely manner?"

"That's not right, it's not like their behavior, and how do I feel that this posture seems to be unkind."

"How do you feel that you are coming to war?"

"Isn't it possible? Isn't Mr. Chen of Lishan Technology a member of Liming City? Lishan Technology is protected by the "Special Enterprise Law. Who is so bold? Dare to fight without a declaration?"

"Yes, even if you want to fight a corporate war, you must strictly follow the rules. What kind of situation is this?"

These wanderers were all stunned, and even until the steel torrent on the opposite side appeared in sight and quickly approached, these people were still unwilling to believe that the corporate army would actually switch their guns to Lishan Technology.

After all, the "Special Enterprise Law has strict regulations in this regard: Enterprise wars between enterprises must be limited to similar sizes, and they must also engage in sneak attacks without declaring war. In short, there are many rules and regulations, and you will be punished if you violate them.

They rarely heard of such undeclared wars.

But obviously they still think too simple, there are actually many similar actions between companies, but there is no way to tell the truth.

Zhang Sirui said loudly: "Come here, take everyone to a safe place to hide."

"War will start here soon, it's very dangerous, don't stay here and make trouble!"

The resistance fighters cheered up instantly, because they could finally fight the corporate army.

These wanderers have not been able to accept this cruel fact, but the rebel fighters have rushed to their posts with excitement and excitement, and according to the previous exercises, the entire base was transformed into a defensive position.

Rebel fighters led these wanderers to the special barracks in the base to conceal them to prevent them from accidentally being injured.

As long as you defend this attack and wait until the time and space activities are over and communication resumes, this attack will become a powerful bargaining chip. The testimony of these wanderers will be very useful, and they must be properly protected.

The entire field base of Lishan Technology instantly entered a state of combat readiness.


With a loud bang, the heavy tank artillery of the Ice Field Defense Group Corps Corps fired at the wall.

This unit did not engage in those twists and turns at all, nor did it have too many tactics, because from the commander's point of view, the difference in strength between the two sides was so great that it was meaningless to engage in those fancy tactics.

As long as you use heavy firepower to directly blast through the wall, and all the heavy tanks drive straight in, you can directly level the entire base!

However, to his surprise, the shooting holes in the city wall did not counterattack.

Obviously, the opponent also knew that these small artillery were not enough to pose too much of a threat to heavy tanks, and it was a waste of bullets if they were shot.

Or it may be that the other party has not yet dared to accept this fact and dared not open fire on the tanks of the Enterprise Coalition Army.

But anyway, this is good news for the commander.

The artillery on the heavy tanks began to fire one after another, blasting towards the wall in front of them, the smoke filled with gunpowder, and the explosion was deafening.

The gunfire smoke gradually dissipated, and the convoy was still advancing. In the commander's expectation, this round of salvo should be able to blast a huge gap in the wall, and the entire convoy would be able to drive straight into the interior of the base and kill.

However, as the vision ahead gradually became clear, the commander was stunned.

Although the wall of the Lishan Technology Field Base was deformed in the violent explosion, it did not collapse or collapse.

The entire wall is still blocking the advancement of this troop!

"What's happening here?"

"Could it be that rare alloys are added to this wall?"

The commander was shocked.

From the outside, the surrounding walls of the Lishan Science and Technology Field Base cannot be said to be so beautiful. Although it looks thick and heavy, it is after all just an ordinary field base, not a military fortress.

Therefore, the commander inferred that these walls should not be mixed with any high-grade rare alloys. After all, the higher the grade, the more expensive the rare alloys. It would be too wasteful to use them to build city walls.

Lishan Technology is just an ordinary Chaomeng R&D company. Building a field base is nothing more than to collect space-time particles more conveniently. Is it necessary to use high-grade rare alloys to build walls? It makes no sense at all!

But the **** reality lies ahead.

The wall that can withstand heavy tank artillery bombardment is still standing, which is clearly the level of a military fortress!

In the blink of an eye, the entire army was close to the periphery of the wall, but there was no gap in the wall.

The commander wanted everyone to change direction to attack the main entrance of the base. But at this moment, there was a sudden rumbling noise on the wall.

An anti-aircraft gun with an extremely large caliber and a long barrel rose from the wall.

They were pointing to the sky when they first rose, but within a short time they began to adjust their cannon holes and turned into a flat-fire state, aiming at this unit.

The commander's expression changed instantly, because inferred from the caliber, the power of these artillery is definitely not comparable to the firepower of the shooting hole!

"Neurotic! How can an ordinary Chaomeng company repair a field base like a military fortress!"

The commander felt like a group of gangsters bullying a thin pupil with full confidence. As a result, the pupils took off their shirts and mused like Schwarzenegger.

The firepower on the city wall began to fight back frantically, and all kinds of shells smashed over like no money!

The commander could only order the convoy to turn quickly and attack the main entrance of the base.

Although the armor of the heavy tanks is very thick, the artillery on these city walls is not enough to easily wipe out these tanks. But wandering under the city wall can only be unilaterally beaten.

It is difficult to find a breakthrough on the city wall, and although the front gate is also made of rare alloys and has a strong defensive ability, it is relatively not as thick as the city wall, and the chance of attacking is greater.

The convoy turned urgently and fired back while moving towards the main entrance.

And those military floating vehicles quickly skimmed through the sky, trying to knock out these artillery from the air and give full play to the advantages of air superiority.

However, just as they approached, they saw the muzzles of the artillery on the wall in the distance rising and shooting frantically.

These artillery can still be used against air and ground!

The drivers of these floating vehicles are all experienced veterans, and most of them are mechanically modified. Maneuvering the floating vehicle, quickly changing directions in the air, avoiding the shells that are shot into the sky.

But even so, these floating vehicles have been miserable.

The serious setback of the offensive made the commander a little confused.

Because the information he obtained said that Lishan Technology is just a super dream company. Even if there is some basic foundry business, what they do are some uninfluenced firearms, which are the lowest-level equipment.

It stands to reason that a Chaomeng company does not need to maintain such a high-level security force. Moreover, even if the security forces are to be maintained, it should be based on weapons and equipment purchased from companies such as the Icefield Defense Group. However, whether it is the city wall or the artillery, it seems that all of them are the products of Lishan Technology. There is no such thing in the Icefield Defense Group. Types of things.

what is happening?

The commander was confused, but now he had no choice but to attack the front gate of the Lishan Technology Field Base.

Although the huge gates of the field base are also made of rare alloys, the city walls are thick and heavy, and the structure is stable. The gates are relatively weak because they usually need to lift vehicles and personnel to enter and exit.

Under the firepower of these heavy tanks, the main entrance soon couldn't stand it.

"Hurry up! Rush in! As long as you rush inside the base, it's easy!"

The commander judged that Lishan Technology must have arranged all the force on the wall. After all, we must beware of the time and space beast tide, and once the outer periphery is breached, it is almost impossible to rely on the facilities inside the base to fight, so the internal defense force must be very weak.

What's more, the power displayed by Lishan Technology at this time has far exceeded the power that a Super Dream company can possess. The external defenses are already so over-spec, shouldn't the internal defenses be more outrageous, right?

Once the convoy rushed into the base, it naturally left the coverage of the artillery on the city wall. The heavy tanks faced ordinary soldiers with only guns, and it was a one-sided slaughter.

This rush caused several tanks to be destroyed, some of them broke down in the wilderness, and some of them caught fire and exploded, and were burned to wreckage.

This loss made the commander very distressed, knowing that each of these heavy tanks is expensive to build. Being used to perform a small task that seemed to be caught in hand, the result was that so many troops were lost, which really made him unacceptable.

The other soldiers obviously had similar ideas to him, and these heavy tanks began to enter the interior of the Lishan Technology Field Base. The experienced soldiers transported by infantry vehicles quickly got off the vehicle and prepared to conduct a deep cleaning of the base without letting go.

After entering the base, those artillery can no longer fire.

At this moment, a soldier said with some confusion: "Why did Lishan Technology build so many power towers in the base? Do they use so much electricity?"

Others have also discovered this problem.

Field bases must be transformed and transmitted. There are also various power supply towers in other bases, but the size of the power supply towers in Lishan Technology is a bit exaggerated, and the number is too much, every few meters. One, covering the entire base.

Just as a soldier leaned in curiously to look at it, the magnetic energy coil suddenly made a sizzling current. A strong light gathered from the top of the magnetic energy coil, and then, like lightning, it struck the car next to the soldier. Chariot!

Just listening to a series of crackling noises, the internal components of this chariot were instantly short-circuited and caught fire under the strong electric current attack. The driver in the chariot didn't even react, he died on the spot!

The rare metal on the exterior of this infantry vehicle is intact, but it's completely nestled.

"This is some kind of offensive weapon, stay away!"

Someone shouted, but it was too late. Various magnetic energy coils nearby began to frantically attack the convoys and personnel of these corporate forces, and they fell into chaos in an instant.

Not only that, soldiers who didn't know where they were lurking around suddenly rushed out, all of them carrying exaggerated firearms, and started shooting at the soldiers of the corporate army.

Only then did the commander understand that those hidden in the shooting port of the city wall were not miniature artillery at all, but a new type of gun that every Lishan Tech soldier could carry with them!

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