Virtual Invasion: I Started To Join Mage Network

Chapter 125: The Angel Entering The Foundation Establishment Realm

In the Kamigawa universe, in the city of Mei Luo Tian.

Keisha could only artificially synthesize the magic energy technology with a look of regret.

Listed as a list of technologies to be used with caution.

Just discovered a power system with explosive potential.

When I was planning to raise my family to fight, I almost didn't let the whole family into it

That really startled Kesha.

If the whole family stops at this point and builds the foundation, then Kaisha will really have a heart breakdown.

But Kesha is divine Kesha after all.

Soon, from the few words, Zhou Yi's implication~ was heard.


She didn't overcorrect and directly classified the technology as taboo.

It is important that the mage's spells can be restored in this way - energy.

This explains, as long as the structure of the mana unit is not involved.

The technology itself is also valuable!

Simply put, the magic energy obtained in this way can be used to launch ammunition.

But it cannot be eaten as a meal.

If you want to return to thinking, you have to ask seriously if you should ask.

Regarding this question, Zhou Yi directly copied Master Lanzhu's rhetoric.

"This kind of non-spiritual magic energy is used for visualization and for the practice of Wanlingjue..."

"No problem for now! But after all, it is not recommended to use too much."

"My suggestion is to continue to use this black magic to practice.

Keisha sighed slightly, that's all she could do.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand, this kind of method can only be used for consumption.

Keisha is more or less psychologically behind.

After all, angels have no shortage of weapons to deter other civilizations.

What the angels really lack is the help for the overall leap of civilization and ethnic groups.

But since there are shortcomings in the method of artificially synthesizing mana, of course we can't continue to go all the way to the dark.

"Queen Keisha, in the near future, the angels can learn more written materials."

"Your situation is equivalent to absorbing unclean things."

"You need your own body to slowly calm down and cleanse these pollutants..."

"As for the magic energy environment that angels need, after a while, I can try to send you a demon sect for your use.

Keisha had nothing to do, Dang even agreed.

The crisis was resolved, and Zhou Yi's promise was received again...

Keisha's originally hanging heart also settled down.

Thinking about it, Keisha asked:

"Listen, you have mastered the ability to transport matter across planes?"

Zhou Yi nodded and said:

"That's not difficult, phase transfer already has this potential."

"Coupled with the positioning of a spiritual communication platform..."

"It's not difficult to carry out this kind of teleportation that doesn't involve life."

Kesha was slightly silent.

Although these words have a bit of Versailles meaning.

But inside and outside the words, Keisha can hear some signs...

This kid's growth is really a bit out of the ordinary.

Even the data model deduced from the knowledge base cannot predict Zhou Yi's growth.

Comparing the calculations of the knowledge treasure house, Zhou Yi's growth has far exceeded expectations!

At the same time, Keisha understood Zhou Yi's subtext.

Life is not involved, which means that Zhou Yi is still unable to go back and forth between the two planes normally.

After hanging up with Keisha.

At first glance, Zhou Yi saw a group of dejected angel ladies.

Each of them looked extremely depressed, and I felt pitiful for the day.

Only Pipixi was an exception.

It seems that it is not too much to describe this guy as an old man.

At this moment, I just have a leisurely time to drink some tea, silently watching the expressions of other angels

Skin to deep natural black?

After being speechless for a while, Zhou Yi started to explain to the group of girls.

"It doesn't have to be so low, a crisis that doesn't cause real damage isn't a crisis."

Xiao Zhixin shook her head slowly, the fear in her heart was not so easy to get rid of.

Not only Xiao Zhixin, but also the carefree Angel Yan......

At this moment, I also have a lot of awe for the mage system.

The system is so strong that there is nothing to say, but there are really many pitfalls in the dark.

Attention to detail abounds.

Zhou Yi said: "I know your feelings, the sense of gap between reality and expectations?"

The angel ladies looked at Zhou Yi with aggrieved expressions in their eyes.

I know you still say, you really don't want to lose face when you are an angel?

Zhou Yi smiled and said:

"Remember, I was also very surprised by your technology."

"Please believe that there are no impurities in this surprise."

"In the mage's world, doing is always more promising than simply thinking."

He pointed to Hexi who had taken his time and was eating melons in silence.

Zhou Yi said:

"Just look at Hexi, she doesn't take this matter seriously."

...asking for flowers......

"You can come up with the technology to artificially synthesize mana, no matter whether it meets your expectations or not.

"The truth is, it's a good technology."

"Thinking from another angle, you have already mastered the method of quick recovery.

Angel Yan snorted lightly, and regained the posture that the left wing guard should have on his face.

But that's just the appearance, look at the expression on Angel Yan who dare not look at Zhou Yi now...

Basically, I know how entangled this guy is in his heart at the moment.

The rest of the angels were also a little embarrassed now.

The age of each angel is comparable to the length of many pre-nuclear civilizations......

Such a group of angels had to be enlightened by a young man like Zhou Yi in the end.

But it's really embarrassing.

But in fact, Zhou Yi never thought that way.

On the contrary, Zhou Yi has always believed that the potential of angels in the mage system is extremely amazing.

This unexpected incident also proved that his point of view was extremely correct.

Angel's executive power is very strong, this incident.

It can be said that the angels have not let go of the compulsion to create a god civilization.

Underestimating the danger behind the majesty of the mage system...

But that doesn't mean anything, everyone makes mistakes.

The question is whether we can learn from our mistakes.

Then keep growing!

That's why Hexi wasn't worried at all.

Because He Xi knew that even if this research almost caused a disaster...

But as long as the disaster doesn't really happen, it's growth!

At the same time, Zhou Yi also knew.

With such a lesson, future angels will be much more cautious in this regard.

Work hard with a humble attitude, and the progress will naturally satisfy Zhou Yi.

The same is true.

After experiencing this incident, the angels and sisters all settled down.

Study hard all day long, follow in the footsteps of predecessors, and move forward steadily.

a month later.

Hexi was the first to succeed in building a foundation!

Immediately afterwards, within two months, the rest of the angels also entered the Foundation Establishment Stage one after another.

Next, the angels have to prepare themselves for baptism.

After several joint simulations by Zhou Yi, Hexi and Kaisha.

In the end, the angel family and the whole family plan to use their own dark matter computer as the base material.

Create a special auxiliary brain defect that belongs to the angel family. .

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