After reversing her thinking, Hong Ji felt much more relaxed.

At this moment, she was curious about another thing:

"Master Yi, your current analysis of the catastrophe spell."

"Which step is it?"

Zhou Yi smiled frankly and said, "It hasn't started yet."

Hong Ji was taken aback.

Not long ago, didn't you say with bright eyes......

Do you want to try to analyze the effect of the catastrophe spell and restore the curse?

She still remembers Zhou Yi's determined and confident tone...

Even she has some inexplicable trust.

But in the end, why is it still in the state of not starting?

Zhou Yi said: "Because what we saw was not a complete catastrophe."

Hong Ji was stunned, unable to react for a long time.

In the past two months, the natural disaster that the two encountered for the first time......

It had already dispersed on the same day.

But everyone knows, because of the existence of the effect of the big curse.

In a certain unknown sea area, this natural disaster will eventually reappear...

Since then, similar natural disasters have occurred frequently.

Some natural disasters are simple tsunamis, or undersea volcanic eruptions.

Some are like a knife-like gust of wind passing through, tearing the sky and the earth.

There is also a waterspout distorted like a demon god, leading everything to destruction.

Tsunamis, hurricanes, rainstorms, volcanoes, thunderstorms, meteorites...

And so on, there are many types of natural disasters.

It is really dizzying to see.

With such a performance, the name of the catastrophe technique is truly well-deserved.

But you told me, isn’t this a complete catastrophe?!

Am I crazy, or are you awake?!

Zhou Yi explained:

"The catastrophe technique is a collection of many disasters."

"It just doesn't take into account natural disasters like space storms and black hole spread.

"Didn't you notice that the effect of the catastrophe spell is missing a crucial link.

Cracking her fingers, Hong Ji recalled.

While comparing the common sense of the past...

She believed that Zhou Yi would not be aimless.

Having known each other for several months, Hongji still has a little trust in Zhou Yi's behavior.

For a moment, even Li was Hong Ji, who was searching for the assistant brain.

Looking at Zhou Yi with a face full of confusion: "Earthquake?!"

That's right, an earthquake.

Zhou Yi has already seen the normal effect of the catastrophe spell.

If it is said that there is no place for earthquakes in conventional disasters, mortals would not recognize it.

But knowing the problem doesn't mean it can be solved.

As everyone knows.

(cbag) The abnormal disasters suffered by this world are due to the effect of the great curse.

How can I know?

Has the effect of the catastrophe spell been resolved?

Hong Ji asked a crucial question:

"So where should we go, looking for earthquakes?"

Yes, that's the point.

Any outsider knows it.

In this world, the island is 100% immune to the effects of the Great Curse.

In fact, this is also the conclusion that the previous mages of this world deliberately made.

Otherwise, it would be based on the specifications of the catastrophe spell and the master's attainments.

Not to mention these islands, even the whole world, will have to be completely destroyed.

This problem is also what troubles Zhou Yi.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhou Yi was at a loss.

Sighing slightly, Zhou Yi said:

"Perhaps, it's time for us to deal with the indigenous civilizations of this world.

Hong Ji's eyes lit up, and Dang even agreed.

The mage regards his own inheritance as very important.

But at the same time, any normal mage also attaches great importance to his hometown.

When longevity becomes no longer a pursuit, strengthen yourself and seek knowledge and truth.

Will become the appeal of most mages.

But at the same time, as the sustenance of the heart.

The mages have a special feeling for their home plane.

In this case, look for mission clues from the local indigenous groups...

Maybe it really pays off.

Soon, the two used magic to locate and found an island inhabited by intelligent life.

The island is not big, just the size of a normal city.

The people on the island are just a group of fishing villages and small towns with a low level of civilization.

Here, life has never changed for thousands of years.

Maintaining the magic effect of phase stealth, the two of them are like ghosts...

Observed silently in the small town for a long time.

Without foreign enemies, the progress of civilization development is extremely slow.

There is no room for development, so that people even think that the world is such a small thing.

There is no pressure to survive, and fish are harvested at regular and fixed points.

It also makes the people here feel no shame for making progress.

A week later, the two left the island.

On the way to the next intelligent life settlement.

Hong Ji complained:

"The residents on that island just now have no light in their eyes."

"It's really strange that a small town like that can survive...

"In my opinion, that civilization deserves to be lost in the long river of history."

Hong Ji's complaints reminded Zhou Yi of the group of strange beasts in Fengxi Continent.

There's a striking similarity between the two...

It is nothing more than that the former is human civilization, while the latter is a strange beast.

But in fact, that is the evil result of civilization stagnation.

Essentially, there is no difference.

The next island was quickly set foot by the two.

The island is much bigger.

It is estimated to be less than half the size of the Australian state.

The strange thing is that there is actually a whole kingdom on this island.

What's even more amazing is that the three kingdoms are extremely harmonious with each other...

After understanding, the two of them knew.

It turned out that the three kingdoms here were originally one country.

Later, the old king died of illness without leaving a will.

As a result, the three sons each received a third of the territory.

Self-Established Kingdom .. . . . . .

Well, it's normal to get here.

In the history of any civilization, similar events will never be rare.

But here comes the question, what kind of thinking makes the kings of these three kingdoms...

Choose to support each other and forge ahead?

This is very abnormal, at least in the normal trajectory of civilization development.

Absolutely not normal!

Hong Ji: "Am I outdated? Why do people here take this for granted?"

Hong Ji: "I'm going crazy, these strange kings dare to go to another kingdom alone..."

Hong Ji: "Just to enjoy a horse racing game live? Are you serious?"

Hong Ji: "Oh, for the unification of the next generation, the kings of the three kingdoms are humble to each other..."

Hong Ji: "Draw lots to decide who has the right to reproduce, and the offspring of other people are not allowed to be born?!"

Hong Ji: "Fuck! I want to blow up this broken island!"

Hong Ji: "A kingdom even has an army of only a hundred people, so it's a kingdom of hammers!"

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