Virtual Invasion: I Started To Join Mage Network

Chapter 137: The Secret Unveiled Gradually

"Think carefully, in this world, what landforms have we not seen.

Zhou Yi's eyes kept chasing the natural disaster that swept past.

Hong Ji followed Zhou Yi's gaze, but it was the usual scene as usual.

For a while, Hong Ji was also a little distressed.

The sky, the island, the deep valley, the sea, and even under the sea

Both of them have watched it before.

There is not much difference in essence from other worlds.

Thinking hard to no avail, Hong Ji didn't bother to continue thinking.

He bluntly said that he couldn't guess, and if he didn't understand, he didn't understand.

Hong Ji never shy away from her shortcomings.

This is why Zhou Yi values ​​this person and is willing to explore the truth with her.

Smiling, Zhou Yi said: "The bottom of the sea, strictly speaking, is the seabed of the bottom of the sea."

Hongji was slightly stunned, but then she was overjoyed.

That's right, the seabed duo under the sea has never been there.

why not.

Even the effect of the catastrophe spell can only affect a depth of 100 meters below the sea surface.

Continue to dive 21, no doubt will appear very dull.

But now that all impossible options are excluded, there is only one answer left.

It's the real sea!

The two jumped directly into the sea, while chasing the natural disaster traveling at the speed of light.

One side is also rushing to the deep sea quickly.

Under the barrier of the deep ocean, the light is getting dimmer and darker, until finally it is pitch black.

But both of them are mages, when does a mage need to consider the feeling of light when seeing things?

As we go deeper and deeper, more and more grotesque deep-sea species also begin to appear.

Continue to sneak downstream, the bottom of the sea is thousands of feet deep.

The two are standing on the seabed...

At this moment, both Zhou Yi and Hong Ji had smiles on their faces.

Because they can feel a very obvious shock!

This is the earthquake they have been chasing before...

"It's really a cryptic layout, and the perspective technique can't see anything wrong with it.

Zhou Yi said:

"The tremor is just a tremor, not an earthquake."

"Because of this, there is no trace of the flow of magic energy in the whole process.

Hong Ji admired the skillful methods of the previous mages.

On the one hand, they were amazed at Zhou Yi's meticulous attention to detail.

Don't other mages pay attention to earthquakes?

how is this possible!

However, as Zhou Yi said.

Accustomed to using spells to solve problems, how can mages live on the seemingly calm seabed...

Explore by yourself, and use your own sense of touch to touch the fluctuations of the submarine continent?

"I can feel the fluctuation of the earth's veins"

"It seems to be showing us the way...  

Zhou Yi nodded, he felt it too.

It is even much deeper than Hong Ji's feelings.

The blessing of perfect physique, plus the introduction of the new system.

All of which made Zhou Yi's five senses different from ordinary people, almost breaking the rules.

In Zhou Yi's eyes, the fluctuations of the earth veins point directly in a certain direction

Be stubborn and constant!

Obviously, the previous generation of mages weakened the power of the catastrophe technique in the field of earthquakes.

Instead, turn it into a road sign to guide the latecomers.

Slightly sighing, Zhou Yi said:

"Thinking about it, the previous generation of mages also expected it."

"Successor mages may come from island survivors"

"The guidance of earthquake fluctuations is the backhand left by it.

No one can change the selection mechanism of

If the previous mages didn't have this consideration, Zhou Yi and Hong Ji wouldn't believe it anyway.

Hong Ji also sighed, this move can be said to be watertight.

I'm afraid that the idiot of skull song is still proud of his layout at the moment.

As everyone knows, all of this was planned by others...

Skull Song thought he had grasped the clue, so he began to collect tickets without any worries.

It seems that he has made a lot of money, but in fact, he has virtually lost the opportunity to inherit the alliance.

Hong Ji complained: "It's strange, there are still people who don't like big curses."

Zhou Yi shook his head and said:

"I'm afraid it's not that he doesn't want the curse, but that he failed in the assessment task."

Thinking about it deeply, it seems that this is really the case.

Even if he hated the ruthlessness of the previous mages for their extreme activities against the evil people.

But with the curse in front, how many people can hold back the greed in their hearts?

The idiot Skull Song must have tried, but failed in the end.

Only then did this world become a money-making machine for skull songs.

As for that, if Zhou Yi and the two hadn't come.

It is impossible to uncover the secrets here...

This kind of assumption, don't say that Zhou Yi will not have it.

Even Hong Ji beside her didn't think in that direction.

How long has it been since Skull Song became a mage?

A guy like him, even after tens of millions of years...

It's just a mage who has transformed into a mortal state.

It is true that the lifespan is infinite, but what about the dullness of the soul and the twilight of thinking?

Furthermore, unless such a mage has been huddled in this world.

Otherwise, those fellow mages who don't like the skull song don't mind at some point...

Drop a knife in its back!

Mages don't even need to show up.

Just spread the news, there are a lot of reverse mages willing to do it for you.

It can be said that as long as the layout of the previous mages exists.

Then the hope of this world is always there...

Along the direction guided by the shock wave.

The two go fast, in

Five days later, when passing through a certain node.

That shock wave encountered the second wave band.

They blend into each other and subsequently point to another target...

At the same time, Zhou Yi could sense that above the sea...

A new disaster is sweeping, that is a tornado.

Three days passed, and another band was inserted into it.

The new shock wave turned again, and at the same time, another disaster was taking shape.

A day passed, and something similar happened again.

Then the time became shorter and shorter, and new disasters continued to occur.

In this way, Zhou Yi and Hong Ji have followed for half a year at the bottom of the sea!

In half a year, Zhou Yi also figured out the law of the formation of natural disasters.

Every time the shock wave gathers, a new shock wave will be born.

Such shock waves spread all over the bottom of the sea.

After half a year, Zhou Yi and Hong Ji witnessed a total of 1296 times!

The intensity, type, coverage, and sweeping speed of each disaster...  

All are different!

Not even a trace of a single repetition.

Until now, half a year later, the first repeated shock wave appeared.

It was also the shock wave that symbolized the first time they encountered.

At this point, the two stopped at the same time.

In each other's minds, the auxiliary brain is combining the past trajectories.

Carrying out the most precise calculations, soon, a coordinate point came into the minds of the two of them.

Qi Qi flew out of the bottom of the sea, and the two of them traveled by phase teleportation all the way.

Early the next morning, we arrived at the coordinates.

Looking at each other and smiling, both of them knew that they had found the right direction this time.

At this coordinate, there is a weak point in space that only mages can perceive!.

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