Virtual Invasion: I Started To Join Mage Network

Chapter 148 Analyzing The Pros And Cons

Sen Han's murderous intent permeated the air, and the temperature of the entire mage's net was approaching freezing point in an instant.

With the scarecrow going crazy, this group of mages of unknown origin.

Very simply ran away without a trace.

Maybe it was for face or something, when this group of people left.

He also left Zhou Yi with a strange look full of meaning...

After poking Zhou Yi's waist, Hong joked:

"Congratulations on your mage certificate, you have advanced by leaps and bounds.

"However, before I had time to be happy, I was targeted..."


Zhou Yi chuckled and said:

"You weren't worried just now, why aren't you worried now?"

Hong Ji shrugged and said:

"It was an unexpected situation just now, and I didn't react for a while."

"Now that I have realized it, they are a group of weak scum, useless but half-watered waste wood.

Well, this is a bit overkill.

In fact, this group of people is in their original plane.

Basically, he is already a top figure in the universe.

Master Zhizhen, on the one hand, is saying that the foundation of the mage has reached perfection.

On the other hand, it is also saying that this person belongs to a single universe plane...

Well-deserved top, tallest, strongest!

However, Hong Ji was right.

This group of people really has no magic power, how much actual combat power is there.

That's a big question mark....

Judging from my own keen perception...

Not much of a threat at all!

Even the current Zhou Yi is indeed invincible to the opponent.

But Zhou Yi is confident that if he wants to leave, those scumbags will definitely not be able to stop him.

Looking back at the Scarecrow, he saw that he had nothing to explain.

Then she pulled Zhou Yi and escaped into Hongji's own private space.

Just after entering, Hong Ji complained:

"At the beginning, I believed in the evil of that profiteer, the Scarecrow."

"Let me waste 10,000 mana, but nothing came out."

Looking around the surrounding space, it was different from Zhou Yi's extremely simple style.

Hongji's private space is surrounded by various crystal pillars, caves, mountains, woodland...

It sets off beautifully, like a dream garden in a fairy tale.

Manipulate the crystal, two seats, and the Japanese side table open from the ground.

After the two sat down, Hong Ji said:

"Yi, I haven't been able to go out for a long time recently~~

Zhou Yi's eyes lit up, and said:

"Same as Iron Pillar? Are you going to break through?"

Hong Ji nodded with a grin, her eyes full of anticipation.

This is a good thing, it can be promoted safely and securely.

For any mage, it is a good thing.

Zhou Yi rolled his eyes and asked:

"So, you brought me here to explain something, right?"

Hong Ji nodded and said:

"This mission, you and I have made a lot of limelight, beyond your imagination."

"Currently, some mages outside the net in neutral lands have heard about this matter."

"The heat is not small, I have received information."

"The group of reverse mages has listed you as a member of the must-kill blacklist."

Rubbing his chin, Zhou Yi was not surprised at all.

The reason for the mage to become famous is to climb higher peaks.

Anti-mages are also mages, and they also need to be famous.

The best way, for them, is nothing more than hunting down those geniuses of the Mage Network.

This is the survival philosophy of the anti-mage group.

Even if there is no such thing as Lingya, what should come will eventually come.

Seeing that Zhou Yi had a plan in mind, Hong Ji moved on to the next topic:

"About Master Niannu, my ethnic group, and even my father."

"We are investigating now, but too much time has passed."

"Even my father didn't get much valuable information."

"Only one point!"

"Back then, because of Master Niannu, many people died on the Master Net!"

Zhou Yi was curious and asked, "Where did he die, and what did he die for?"

Hong Ji spread her hands, expressing that she only knew so much.

After thinking about it, Hong Ji added:

"In fact, it is not the first time that a similar example [] has appeared."

"It seems that there are always some forces that are deliberately targeting the Mage Network."

"Suppress Tianjiao, hunt and ambush...... remember?"

"The mission when our first tactical team assembled."

Turning on the magic net, Zhou Yi began to look through the past records.

To be honest, it's been so long......

Zhou Yi really forgot.

A few seconds later, Zhou Yi suddenly realized:

"It turned out to be the two scumbags of Muhammad, no wonder I didn't remember them."

Hong Ji rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Angrily said: "What are you thinking, who told you to look at those two wastes. 11

"I'm talking about the Gu formation, and the Gu organization behind the Gu formation!"

"Similar organizations are not uncommon in past history...

"Father suspects that Master Niannu's death may be related to this organization."

"You know, an organization lost in history reappears..."

"... gotta come up with some big news!"

Zhou came to his senses in an instant.

Hong Ji said so carefully, the root cause is still reminding herself.

If the Gu organization really kills the carbine.

On the list of targets to be targeted, Zhou Yi's own name was included.

I'm afraid it won't be too far behind!

Zhou Yi can ignore the inverse mages, those extraordinary level inverse mages

He also didn't dare to bully Zhou Yi, a junior, at the risk of being hunted down by hunters collectively.

Just like a group of hunters, the big never bully the small.

This is the unspoken rule in the mage group.

Zhou Yi could also ignore the jealousy of those scum Zhizhen mages.

Because in that group of people, Zhou Yi saw the strength of the Keyboard Man......

In terms of verbal skill, this group of people can pull out all kinds of truths.

But when it comes to actually fighting a fight, I'm afraid that group of people...

Everyone who dares to fight Zhou Yi!

He, Zhou Yi, is not alone either...

However, Zhou Yi couldn't help but care about the power of the Gu Organization!

Because these people are hunting, and they don't talk about martial arts at all.

Once Zhou Yi was exposed to the sight of those people, the next moment...

Zhou Yi is not surprised even if a sorcerer with a higher level of perfection makes the move.

Scratching his head, Zhou Yi smiled wryly:

"Looking at this, I have to hide in the mage's net and practice hard for a while."

Hongji smiled and said:

"You have to thank the mage net, at least, it provides a safe zone for the weak."

"Otherwise, those who want to get rid of your threat..."

"It can be brutal beyond your imagination!"

"Cross-boundary pursuit, or directly destroy the plane where the target is hiding!"

"Please believe that this kind of thing has indeed happened in a few cases in the past."

In this regard, Zhou Yi fully agrees.

The Mage's Net is a safe zone for all mages, because the Scarecrow sits here.

Because the record he left behind is really scary. .

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